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Mitral valvular insufficiency associated with ruptured chordae tendineae was diagnosed in 3 foals with signs of congestive heart failure, which were believed to be secondary to the development of pulmonary hypertension associated with the valvular insufficiency. The septal leaflet of the mitral valve was affected in all 3 foals, and foal 2 also had ruptured chordae tendineae associated with the caudal mitral valve leaflet. Bacterial endocarditis and myocardial necrosis were associated with the ruptured chordae tendineae in foals 3 and 2, respectively. Idiopathic rupture was considered in foal 1. Two-dimensional echocardiography demonstrated a flail mitral valve leaflet in foals 2 and 3 and a ruptured chorda tendineae in foal 3. The ruptured chorda tendineae in foal 1 was not visualized with M-mode echocardiography.  相似文献   

There are several differences in treatment of neonatal foals with antimicrobials, compared to mature horses. Firstly, the dose of many antimicrobials is different in the foal. For orally administered drugs, this may also affect their efficacy, due to different enteral absorption. Secondly, neonatal foals are not yet hindgut fermentors and this allows antimicrobials with a high propensity to cause colitis in mature horses to be used. Thirdly, toxicities are different and some antimicrobials used in mature horses, such as enrofloxacin, are not suitable for use in foals. Foal-specific information is therefore needed for their safe and effective treatment with antimicrobials.  相似文献   

Newborn Shetland foals died of acute hepatic failure following oral administration of approximately 16 mg/kg body weight ferrous fumarate. Lesions in these foals were indistinguishable from lesions in foals given an oral digestive inoculant containing ferrous fumarate and were also similar to the syndrome characterised as 'toxic hepatopathy' in foals in the United States in 1983. We conclude that foals are susceptible to toxicity from low doses of iron compounds in the first few days of life. Vitamin E and selenium deficiency may contribute to this susceptibility.  相似文献   

Angular limb deformities are not uncommon in foals. Mild angular deviation due to laxity of supporting soft tissues often resolves spontaneously. However, external splinting or casting may be needed in severe cases or in those that do not resolve. When incomplete ossification of carpal or tarsal bones is the cause of the limb deformity, external support is mandatory to prevent further deformation and abnormal development of the bones. When epiphyseal and metaphyseal abnormalities cause axial deviation, surgical intervention is usually necessary. Circumferential periosteal transection and/or transphyseal bridging are methods used. The choice is dictated by the type and severity of the deformity. Flexor contractures of the forelimb vary greatly in degree and joints affected. Physical therapy combined with intermittent splint application is often successful, but surgical intervention may be necessary in unresponsive cases. Flexor tendon laxity is usually self-correcting but physical therapy, restricted exercise, and splinting may be needed. Rotational abnormalities are easier to correct in the forelimbs than in the hind limbs. Correction is usually accomplished by frequent corrective hoof trimming. Miscellaneous anomalies of the musculoskeletal system may sometimes be amenable to surgical correction, although the potential disadvantages must be carefully considered. Septic arthritis is a frequent sequela to neonatal septicemia and must be treated aggressively and early in its development. Appropriate systemic antibiotics, joint lavage, and rest are indicated. Neonatal osteomyelitis has a poor prognosis and requires prompt, vigorous therapy; even then, growth anomalies of the limb or contiguous septic arthritis may develop and further worsen the prognosis. Early accurate diagnosis and prompt appropriate therapy are vital in treating musculoskeletal disorders in foals, especially when a successful outcome is judged by the animal becoming a functional athlete.  相似文献   

A brief discussion of those aspects of neonatal physiology that pertain to anesthetic risk and selection of anesthetic techniques is followed by discussion of suggested techniques for anesthetic management in healthy foals. Preoperative preparation and management of foals with selected serious surgical conditions are also considered.  相似文献   

A survey of 169 neonatal thoroughbred foals revealed that 8.3 per cent had subconjunctival haemorrhages, but there was no indication of a relationship between retinal and subconjunctival haemorrhages. The haemorrhages were not related to any abnormality of the foals and there was no sex or eye predisposition. In most cases the haemorrhages were fresh and red, occurred mainly dorsally or dorsonasally and extended up to the limbus; they resolved completely within four to 10 days, depending on their initial severity and extent. They had no effect on the foals' vision in the short or long term. The incidence of subconjunctival haemorrhages was associated with foaling category, multiparity and country of birth.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular or pulmonary system failure in neonatal foals requires rapid recognition and initiation of cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation (CPCR). Foals may require resuscitation immediately after birth or after arrest from progression of a disease process such as severe sepsis or septic shock. Initial treatment is aimed at establishing an airway and providing ventilation. Circulation is provided by closed-chest compressions. Circulatory access is important to provide intravenous fluid and pharmacologic therapy for cardiovascular support. Ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia are arrhythmias not commonly recognized with arrest in foals, whereas asystole and cardiovascular collapse are frequently encountered. Training of personnel, preparation of supplies, and organization during CPCR is essential to a successful outcome.Most of the information used for CPCR in neonatal foals is derived from human medical research and clinical medicine. As new advances are made in human neonatal and pediatric CPCR, many of these treatments and techniques can be applied to foals. This article reviews currently available CPCR guidelines in foals and highlights new perspectives in human medicine that may be applicable to foals.  相似文献   

Background: Neonatal foals with isoerythrolysis (NI) often die, but the risk factors for death have not been identified.
Objectives: To identify factors associated with outcome in foals with NI and to identify factors associated with death from liver failure or kernicterus in the same population.
Animals: Seventy-two foals with NI examined at referral institutions.
Methods: Retrospective case series. Information on signalment, clinical examination findings, laboratory testing, treatment, complications, outcome, and necropsy results were obtained.
Results: The overall survival rate was 75% (54 of 72). Liver failure (n = 7), kernicterus (n = 6), and complications related to bacterial sepsis (n = 3) were the 3 most common reasons for death or euthanasia. The number of transfusions with blood products was the factor most strongly associated with nonsurvival in a multivariate logistic regression model. The odds of liver failure developing in foals receiving a total volume of blood products ≥ 4.0 L were 19.5 (95% confidence intervals [CI]: 2.13–178) times higher than that of foals receiving a lower volume ( P = .009). The odds of kernicterus developing in foals with a total bilirubin ≥ 27.0 mg/dL were 17.0 (95% CI: 1.77–165) times higher than that of foals with a lower total bilirubin ( P = .014).
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Development of liver failure, kernicterus, and complications related to bacterial sepsis are the most common causes of death in foals with NI. Foals administered a large volume of blood products are at greater risk for developing liver failure.  相似文献   

Abdominal surgery in foals under 30 days old has become more common with improved neonatal care. Early recognition of a foal at risk and better nursing care have increased the survival rates of foals that require neonatal care. The success of improved neonatal care also has increased the need for accurate diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal, umbilical, and bladder disorders in these foals. This chapter focuses on the early and accurate diagnosis of specific disorders that require abdominal exploratory surgery and the specific treatment considerations and prognosis for these disorders.  相似文献   

Foals live in an environment heavily populated by bacteria, many of which are capable of causing disease. Development of infection,however, is the exception rather than the rule. The ability of the foal to prevent infection by most pathogens is the result of a sophisticated set of defense mechanisms. These defense mechanisms can be divided into adaptive and innate immunity. Innate immunity encompasses defense mechanisms that pre-exist or are rapidly induced within hours of exposure to a pathogen. Conversely, adaptive or acquired immunity represents host defenses mediated by T and B lymphocytes, each expressing a highly specific antigen receptor and exhibiting memory during a second encounter with a given antigen. Immunologic disorders are relatively common in foals compared with their occurrence in adult horses. This article summarizes the current understanding of the equine fetal and neonatal immune system and reviews common immunodeficiency disorders as well as disorders resulting from allogenic incompatibilities.  相似文献   

The first month of life is a vulnerable time for foals. They must adjust to their environment while they are still compromised immunologically, and their musculoskeletal system is rapidly growing and adjusting to stresses from an increasing amount of exercise. Therefore, if a foal is born with or acquires an abnormality or disease related to the musculoskeletal system, rapid adjustments must be made to allow the foal to grow and respond so that future athletic performance will not be compromised. Problems must be identified early, which requires thorough examinations. This article summarizes treatment options for orthopedic disorders that present or become clinically evident within the first month of life.  相似文献   

Three foals aged between 21 and 44 days were presented for evaluation of pyrexia and lameness. Each had subcutaneous abscessation associated with osteomyelitis of a rib at the costochondral junction and pathological fracture of the affected rib; one foal had more than one rib affected. Other localised sites of infection included other sites of osteomyelitis, omphalophlebitis, uveitis, enterocolitis, and calcaneal bursitis. The subcutaneous abscessation and rib osteomyelitis was treated surgically in two foals. Salmonella typhimurium was isolated from the subcutaneous abscess in one foal and from the faeces of another. Two of the three foals were euthanased. Ultrasonography was a more useful modality than radiography for establishing the diagnosis of costal osteomyelitis.  相似文献   

Neonatal foals may require prolonged sedation to permit ventilatory support in the first few days of life. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the cardiopulmonary effects and clinical recovery characteristics of 2 sedative/analgesia protocols in healthy foals receiving assisted ventilation. Foals were randomized to receive dexmedetomidine, butorphanol, and propofol (DBP) or midazolam, butorphanol, and propofol (MBP) during a 24-hour period. Infusion rates of dexmedetomidine, midazolam, and propofol were adjusted and propofol boluses administered according to set protocols to maintain optimal sedation and muscle relaxation. Ventilatory support variables were adjusted to preset targets. Physiologic variables were recorded, cardiac output (CO) measured (thermodilution), and arterial and mixed venous blood collected for gas analysis at intervals up to 24 hours. Foals in group DBP received dexmedetomidine [2.4 ± 0.5 μg/kg body weight (BW) per hour], butorphanol (13 μg/kg BW per hour), and propofol (6.97 ± 0.86 mg/kg BW per hour), whereas foals in group MBP received midazolam (0.14 ± 0.04 mg/kg BW per hour), butorphanol (13 μg/kg BW per hour), and propofol (5.98 ± 1.33 mg/kg BW per hour). Foals in the DBP group received significantly more propofol boluses (9.0 ± 3.0) than those in the MBP group (4.0 ± 2.0). Although physiologic variables remained within acceptable limits, heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and cardiac index (CI) were lower in foals in the DBP group than in the MBP group. Times to sternal recumbency, standing, and nursing were significantly shorter in the DBP than MBP group. We found that MBP and DBP protocols are suitable to assist ventilatory support in neonatal foals, although MBP results in a prolonged recovery compared to DBP.  相似文献   

Diarrhea associated with enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis in foals   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis (ETBF) was isolated from the feces of 10 of 40 Thoroughbred foals with naturally acquired diarrhea. Of the 10 foals positive for ETBF, 6 were less than or equal to 7 days old. Fecal specimens from 4 of the 10 foals also were positive for rotavirus, and one fecal specimen was positive for Salmonella enteritidis. Clinical or hematologic differences were not evident between foals infected with ETBF only and those infected with ETBF and another recognized enteric pathogen. Only 1 of 10 foals infected with ETBF died. Of 25 adult rabbits with ligated ceca, 23 developed mucoid, often hemorrhagic, diarrhea after inoculation of 5 X 10(9) viable ETBF cells into the ileum. Nine of 13 (69%) rabbits inoculated with 1 of 3 isolates of ETBF died, but none of 12 inoculated with 1 of 6 other isolates of ETBF died. Enteric disease did not develop in 15 rabbits inoculated with nonenterotoxigenic B fragilis.  相似文献   

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