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以云南省和四川省交界的泸沽湖生长的波叶海菜花为研究对象,于2012年9月至2013年3月分别利用等级法结合杭州万深LA-S叶面积指数分析系统和等级法结合量测法,对不同居群的波叶海菜花的叶面积进行了测定,并计算出叶面积指数,用SPSS 13.0分析和处理试验数据,研究了不同海菜花居群叶面积指数的标准误差、标准差、方差和变异系数等。结果表明:所测叶面积指数(LAI)具有中等变异性,不同居群的波叶海菜花的叶面积指数不同,分别为落水村(2.66)三家村(2.42)山垮村(2.12)木垮村(1.83)里格村(1.17)。该研究有助于对水生植物测量叶面积指数的方法选择提供参考。  相似文献   

AIM:To study the effect of mobilization of stem cells by exogenous recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) on the repairing process of reendothelialization and neointima hyperplasy on ballon injured rat carotid arteries.METHODS:Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into rhG-CSF group and NS+injury group.The animals were injected daily with 30 μg/kg rhG-CSF or 0.9% NaCl for 7 days,then underwent balloon angioplasty of the common carotid arteries which were harvested and processed for scanning electron microscopy (SEM),Evans blue staining,morphometric analysis of endothelialization and neointimal formation at 1 h,3 d,5 d,7 d,14 d after injury.Immunohistochemistry for proliferation cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and RT-PCR for eNOS mRNA were also conducted for evaluating the proliferation of cells of the vessel wall and the possible mechanism of the repairing.RESULTS:SEM and Evan’s blue staining showed increased reendothelialization of the denuded vessels in rhG-CSF-treated animals compared with that NS+injury animals [(60.6±7.3)% vs (41.6±3.3)%,P<0.01].Neointima thickness was reduced by 37.3% in rhG-CSF group compared with NS+injury group 2 weeks after injury.Immunohistochemical staining for PCNA positive cells was less in rhG-CSF group compared with that in NS+injury group (42.6% vs 72.8%,P<0.01).CONCLUSION:rhG-CSF has beneficial effects on the reendothelialization and neointima thickness of the ballon-injured arteries.Mobilization of EPCs by exogenous granulocyte colony stimulating factor may be a potential therapeutic strategy for prevention of restenosis after percutenous coronary artery intervention.  相似文献   

AIM:To study the correlation of serum uric acid (UA) level with carotid plaques and arterial stiffness in the patients with essential hypertension (EH), and to explore the predictive value of serum UA for evaluating EH preclinically. METHODS:A total of 92 patients with EH and 30 healthy individuals were enrolled. The value of UA and other indicators were detected. B-mode ultrasound examination was performed to measure the common carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) and the sites of plaque in the internal carotid-artery, external carotid artery and carotid bifurcations. Carotid-femoral arterial pulse wave velocity (CFPWV) was assessed by Complior atherosclerosis measurement instrument. RESULTS:The serum level of UA in the patients with EH was higher than that in control group [(361.51±83.81) μmol/L vs (317.03±62.22) μmol/L, P<0.05]. The mean value and abnormal rate of IMT between hypertension group and control group were significant difference [(0.69±0.14) mm vs (0.60±0.12) mm, 42.39% vs 10.00%, P<0.05]. In 92 EH patients, 45 cases had carotid plaques. These 45 cases were divided into 3 groups according to the plaque severity, among which the serum UA level had statistically significant differences [(285.25±78.41) μmol/L, (341.19±63.99) μmol/L and (401.33±88.49) μmol/L, P< 0.05]. Compared with rigid plaque group (n=34), the serum UA level in soft plaque group (n=11) was significantly higher [(389.00±69.45) μmol/L vs (323.03±72.71) μmol/L, P<0.05]. A stepwise multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that age (r=0.414), systolic blood pressure (r=0.224), pulse pressure (r=0.270) and uric acid (r=0.219) were predisposed factors for higher CFPWV (P<0.05). CONCLUSION:UA is one of the risk factors causing hypertension. Serum UA level may reflect the severity and stability of carotid plaques. The increased arterial stiffness is closely related to the increased serum UA level in EH.  相似文献   

王淑贞  张静 《落叶果树》1993,25(3):5-12
对新红星、金冠等5个品种果实生物学指标在果实成熟和贮藏期变化规律进行了研究,并对其各自在判断果实成熟和确定采收适期中的作用和意义进行了评价。认为果实糖和酸含量、糖酸比例、可溶性固形物、维生素C等项指标只能指示果实品质的优劣;果肉硬度在果实成熟衰老过程中变化激烈,但进入成熟期有一缓慢变化时间,也降低了其判断成熟的精确性,只可作为参考指标;果实淀粉的消长规律直接反映果实的成熟状态,是果实成熟的重要标志。果实剖面淀粉磺-碘化钾染色面积大小,在一定程度上指示了果实成熟度,不同品种有其特定染色图谱。  相似文献   

A new contagion index to quantify spatial patterns of landscapes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A contagion index was proposed by O'Neill et al. (1988) to quantify spatial patterns of landscapes. However, this index is insensitive to changes in spatial pattern. We present a new contagion index that corrects an error in the mathematical formulation of the original contagion index. The error is identified mathematically. The contagion indices (both original and new) are then evaluated against simulated landscapes.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the expression of extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN/CD147), matrix metalloproteinase2 (MMP-2) and P53 proteins in human lung cancer tissues and to explore the relationship between EMMPRIN protein and malignant biological behaviour of lung cancer.METHODS: Fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals were applied, which were nanometer-sized light-emitting particles and were emerging as a new class of fluorescent probes for cancer detection due to the unique optical and electronic properties. The technique of QDs immunofluorescence histochemistry (QDs-IHC) was used to detect the protein expression of EMMPRIN, P53 and MMP-2 in the human lung cancer microarray, and co-expression of EMMPRIN/P53 proteins was also simultaneously detected by double-labeling immunofluorescence.RESULTS: Compared with non-cancerous lung tissues, the positive rates of EMMPRIN, P53 and MMP-2 proteins in the lung cancer tissues were 70.00%, 77.14% and 72.86%, respectively, and the differences were all significant (P<0.05). The positive rates of EMMPRIN, P53 and MMP-2 proteins were all significantly related with tumor staging(TNM stage) and lymph node metastasis (P<0.05). The positive correlation between EMMPRIN expression and protein levels of MMP-2 and P53 was observed (P<0.01).CONCLUSION: The protein expression of EMMPRIN, P53 and MMP-2 is correlated with the development of lung cancer. Malignant progression of lung cancer promoted by EMMPRIN may be closely related with the expression of MMP-2 and P53.  相似文献   

An aggregation index (AI) to quantify spatial patterns of landscapes   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
There is often need to measure aggregation levels of spatial patterns within a single map class in landscape ecological studies. The contagion index (CI), shape index (SI), and probability of adjacency of the same class (Qi), all have certain limits when measuring aggregation of spatial patterns. We have developed an aggregation index (AI) that is class specific and independent of landscape composition. AI assumes that a class with the highest level of aggregation (AI =1) is comprised of pixels sharing the most possible edges. A class whose pixels share no edges (completely disaggregated) has the lowest level of aggregation (AI =0). AI is similar to SI and Qi, but it calculates aggregation more precisely than the latter two. We have evaluated the performance of AI under varied levels of (1) aggregation, (2) number of patches, (3) spatial resolutions, and (4) real species distribution maps at various spatial scales. AI was able to produce reasonable results under all these circumstances. Since it is class specific, it is more precise than CI, which measures overall landscape aggregation. Thus, AI provides a quantitative basis to correlate the spatial pattern of a class with a specific process. Since AI is a ratio variable, map units do not affect the calculation. It can be compared between classes from the same or different landscapes, or even the same classes from the same landscape under different resolutions.  相似文献   

为构建科学评价西瓜幼苗质量的壮苗指数,本试验以4叶1心西瓜穴盘苗为研究对象,通过加权模糊综合评判法构建出西瓜幼苗的综合评价指数;通过主成分分析法将14项指标进行成分归类以及指标组合;最后利用西瓜幼苗综合评价指数与壮苗指数的相关性分析筛选出最适宜的壮苗指数,并对其进行验证.结果表明,660株幼苗的综合评价指数范围为0.1...  相似文献   

杧果野生居群遗传多样性ISSR分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
余贤美  艾呈祥 《果树学报》2007,24(3):329-333
采用ISSR标记技术对海南、云南、广西3省的12个杧果野生居群共265个个体的遗传多样性水平及居群遗传结构进行研究。9个引物共检测到102个位点,其中89个位点为多态位点,占87.25%。POPGENE分析结果表明:杧果具有丰富的遗传变异(在物种水平上,He=0.2541,H0=0.3940;在居群水平上,PPL=66.81,He=0.1968,H0=0.3099)。Nei’s遗传多样性分析和AMOVA分析表明,各居群间产生了一定程度的遗传分化(GST=0.2337,FST=0.2192),可能是由于生境破坏和基因流的障碍(Nm=0.8905)引起。UPGMA聚类分析表明,广西的3个居群(那坡、邕宁、平南)优先与云南的文山居群聚为一支;而云南的永德和版纳居群各自聚为一支。  相似文献   

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