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曹胜  周卫军  刘沛  谭洁  宋彪 《土壤》2021,53(1):97-104
对湖南省74个冰糖橙果园土壤矿质养分和果实品质含量进行测定分析,运用R和LINGO软件多元统计分析筛选了影响果实品质因子的主要土壤养分因子,探明了果实品质最佳时的土壤养分优化方案。研究结果表明,调查果园中超过86.20%的样点果园土壤pH处于酸性至强酸性环境,65.52%的果园土壤缺钙,75.86%的果园缺镁,82.76%的果园缺硼。冰糖橙果实品质是多个土壤养分因子综合作用的结果,偏最小二乘回归分析表明对冰糖橙单果质量影响较大的因子为土壤碱解氮、交换性钙;果形指数主要受土壤有效磷、有效铜、有效锌和pH影响;可溶性固形物含量主要受有机质、有效铜、有效锌和pH影响;可滴定酸含量主要受土壤速效钾、有效硼和pH的影响;Vc含量主要受土壤有机质、有效磷、速效钾、交换性镁和pH的影响。线性规划求解出pH为5.50~6.50、有机质含量大于39.68 g/kg、碱解氮为169.17~170.41 mg/kg、有效磷34.50 mg/kg、速效钾158.95~160.88 mg/kg、交换性钙1954.69 mg/kg、交换性镁123.81 mg/kg、有效铁468.31 mg/kg、有效锰96.09 mg/kg、有效铜1.73 mg/kg、有效锌10.93 mg/kg、有效硼0.33~0.85 mg/kg时,冰糖橙果实品质最佳。调节土壤酸碱度,增施有机肥,及时补充钙、镁和硼肥是今后果实品质管理的关键。  相似文献   

北京典型耕作土壤养分的近红外光谱分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
为研究土壤养分含量分布信息,以从北京郊区一块试验田采集的72个土壤样品为试验材料,应用傅里叶变换近红外光谱技术分析了土样的全氮、全钾、有机质养分含量和pH值。采用偏最小二乘法(PLS)对光谱数据与土壤养分实测值进行回归分析,建立预测模型,以模型决定系数(R2)、校正标准差(RMSECV)、预测标准差(RMSEP)和相对分析误差(RPD)作为模型精度的评价指标。结果表明,利用该模型与光谱数据对土壤全氮、全钾、有机质养分含量和pH值进行预测,结果与实测数据具有较好的一致性,最高决定系数R2达到0.9544。偏最小二乘回归方法建立的养分预测模型能准确地对北京地区褐土土质全氮、有机质、全钾和pH值4种养分进行预测。  相似文献   

对土壤养分的快速和准确测定有助于适时指导施肥。为进一步研究可见-近红外(350~2500 nm)与中红外光谱(4000~650 cm-1)对土壤养分的预测能力,以贵州省500个土样为例,对光谱进行Savitzky-Golay(SG)平滑去噪处理,再用标准正态化(SNV)方法进行基线校正,然后分别应用偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)和支持向量机(SVM)两种方法进行建模,探讨了可见-近红外和中红外光谱对土壤全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)、全钾(TK)和碱解氮(AN)、有效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)共六种土壤养分的预测效果。结果表明:(1)无论基于可见-近红外光谱还是中红外光谱,PLSR模型的预测精度整体均优于SVM模型。(2)中红外光谱对TN、TK和AN的预测精度均显著高于可见-近红外光谱,可见-近红外和中红外光谱均可以可靠地预测TN和TK(性能与四分位间隔距离的比率(RPIQ)大于2.10),中红外光谱可相对较可靠地预测AN(RPIQ=1.87);但两类光谱对TP、AP和AK的预测效果均较差(RPIQ<1.34)。(3)当变量投影重要性得分(VIP)大于1.5时,PLSR模型在中红外光谱区域预测TN和TK的重要波段多于可见-近红外光谱区域,TN的重要波段主要集中于可见-近红外光谱区域的1910和2207 nm附近,中红外光谱区域的1 120、1 000、960、910、770和668 cm-1附近;TK的重要波段主要集中于可见-近红外光谱区域的540、2176、2225和2268 nm附近,中红外光谱区域的1 040、960、910、776、720和668 cm-1附近。因此,中红外光谱技术结合PLSR模型对土壤养分预测效果较好,可快速准确预测土壤TN和TK,可为指导适时施肥提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

基于连续3年对覆沙20年苹果园土壤温湿度的定点监测,研究分析了长期覆沙条件下土壤温湿度和矿质养分的变化特征。结果表明:(1)在苹果年生育周期,覆沙提高了苹果园土壤温度、降低了冻土深度、缩短了0℃以下低温持续时间。覆沙园0~80 cm土壤年平均温度比清耕园增高0.8℃,20和40 cm土壤0℃以下温度持续日数分别比清耕园缩短14.5和9.5 d。覆沙园苹果花期日平均土壤温度比清耕园高1.6℃,有利于苹果根系的生长发育,提高早春抗寒能力。覆沙园不同土层全年土壤温度峰值均出现在7月,其40 cm土壤增温效果最明显,比清耕园高1.2℃。果园覆沙降低了土壤温度振幅和日变幅,其变异系数也随土壤深度增加而降低。(2)苹果园土壤含水量变化总体呈缓慢升高再降低的趋势。覆沙明显提高了果园土壤含水量,特别是休眠期含水量,全年比清耕园高3.0%,其中休眠期高5.0%。覆沙果园土壤含水量峰值比清耕园提前,至6月份达到最高,有利于缓解北方地区果园初夏旱情。覆沙明显保持和改善了深层土壤水分的稳定供给,降低了土壤含水量变幅,全年60 cm土壤平均含水量稳定保持在20.4%~22.4%、80 cm在19.5%~22.1%之间,分别比清耕园高5.0%和6.1%,但覆沙园40 cm土壤平均含水量最低,为16.8%,比清耕园低0.5%。(3)长期覆沙苹果园土壤养分含量随土壤深度增加呈降低趋势。覆沙园60~80 cm土壤全氮、0~20 cm土壤铵态氮和有效磷含量显著高于清耕园,而0~20 cm土壤速效钾低于清耕园。覆沙苹果园土壤硝态氮呈显著的深层积累特性,而铵态氮含量随土壤深度增加显著降低,其0~80 cm硝态氮平均含量低于清耕园。长期覆沙增加了表层土壤容重,降低了土壤孔隙度。旱塬区苹果园覆沙明显改善了果树根域土壤环境,有利于提高果园水肥利用效率、改善果实品质、增加收益。  相似文献   

沙田柚主产区土壤养分状况与果实品质关系初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2005年在广东省梅州市沙田柚主产区进行了采样调查,测定了梅州市松口镇大黄、小黄、蓬下、蓬上4个村沙田柚果园0~60 cm土层土壤养分含量,分析了相应果园沙田柚果实的主要品质.结果表明:供试土壤养分状况差异较大,小黄和大黄的氮磷钾有效态营养状况均处于适宜等级,而蓬上和蓬下的碱解氮处于缺乏等级.沙田柚果实品质也存在一定差异,小黄和大黄的沙田柚果实中还原糖和维生素含量较高,较蓬上和蓬下的沙田柚味甜多汁.相关分析表明,沙田柚果实中还原糖与土壤碱解氮呈显著正相关,维生素C与土壤碱解氮呈极显著正相关,而与速效钾呈极显著负相关,总酸与土壤全氮、全磷,有效磷、缓效钾呈极显著正相关.说明沙田柚果实品质受土壤氮磷钾营养状况的影响,特别是与土壤氮素含量密切相关.  相似文献   

土壤含水量对反射光谱法预测红壤土壤有机质的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
研究土壤含水量对有机质预测的影响,可为野外红壤有机质快速测定提供理论依据。本文在实验室条件下测量了不同含水量红壤的可见光-近红外光谱反射率,运用偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)建立不同含水量的土壤有机质预测模型。结果显示,随土壤含水量的增加,有机质与一阶微分光谱的相关性先增加后下降,含水量为100~150 g/kg时相关系数最大。分380~2 400、380~1 300、1 300~2 400 nm三个波段建立不同含水量的有机质预测模型,模型预测精度均随土壤含水量增加而呈现先增加后下降的趋势。利用1 300~2 400 nm建立有机质预测模型可以有效避开氧化铁影响,建立的模型预测精度最高。本研究认为,当土壤含水量小于200 g/kg时,可以利用在室内控制条件下测定的土壤反射率,建立1 300~2 400 nm波段的PLSR模型,进行红壤土壤有机质含量预测。  相似文献   

以新疆阿克苏地区10龄骏枣树为研究对象,采用田间施肥试验法,测定有机肥与化肥不同配比下土壤主要营养成分的变化趋势及其对骏枣的光合特性、叶绿素含量和叶果比的影响。结果表明:随着复混肥施入量的增加,土壤中碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量均逐渐增高,且土壤上层(0~30 cm)中的碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量均明显高于下层(30~60 cm);与果实膨大期相比,果实成熟期的土壤主要营养成分含量明显减少,其中碱解氮和速效磷含量的减少量明显大于速效钾含量的减少量。骏枣叶片的光合速率(Pn)和叶绿素含量均随着复混肥施入量的增加而上升,所有施肥处理的Pn均比对照(CK)高,其中T11处理的Pn达(24.53±2.40)μmol m-2 s-1,其水分利用效率和总叶绿素含量也均较高。骏枣叶果比随着复混肥施用量的增加呈现逐渐上升趋势,各处理中T3与T5和T6,T4与T7,T8与T9和T10处理之间均无显著差异。  相似文献   

试验研究了果-草人工生态系统中土壤生物因子与土壤养分的关系。结果表明:除全P与纤维分解菌、纤维分解酶、多酚氧化酶为负相关外,其余养分与生物因子间均呈正相关,且多数养分与生物因子呈显著或极显著相关;经通径分析发现,脲酶、硅酸盐细菌、纤维分解酶是促进有机质积存的主要生物因素,蔗糖酶是影响N、P、K速效养分的最主要因子,过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶、纤维分解菌只是选择性地对有机质的积存和N、P、K速效养分的形成起作用。  相似文献   

宁南宽谷丘陵区土壤矿质元素与氧化铁的特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以宁夏固原县上黄村和云雾山自然保护区为研究对象,通过大量的室内分析,研究其土壤中矿质元素的剖面分布状况及其氧化铁的分布特征.结果表明供试土壤土体中矿质元素的含量顺序依次为SiO2>Al2O3>CaO>Fe2O3>K2O≈MgO>TiO2>MnO2.其中硅、铝、铁的在剖面上分布较均匀,钙、镁、钾变异较大,空间分布不均;钛、锰空间变化较小,说明供试土壤处于物理风化阶段,土壤的化学风化程度较弱.氧化铁全量含量变化不大,其剖面各层的游离铁、活性铁和络合铁含量均不高,且空间变化幅度小,表明供试土壤的铁的淋溶状况不明显,土壤风化发育不好,释放出的氧化铁少.  相似文献   

不同农田土壤酶活性与土壤养分相关关系研究   总被引:70,自引:9,他引:70  
刘建新 《土壤通报》2004,35(4):523-525
通过对不同农田土壤养分和酶活性相关关系的研究,探讨了土壤酶活性作为土壤肥力质量指标的可能性。研究结果表明,不同农田土壤养分含量和酶活性存在显著差异,土壤脲酶、磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性与有机质和大多数土壤养分呈显著线性相关,可以作为敏感的土壤生物学指标。但土壤转化酶和纤维素酶活性与土壤养分的变化没有明显的相关性。  相似文献   


The feasibility of using near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was investigated for the analysis of pH, electrical conductivity (EC), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) in 28 Canadian soil samples from three boreholes down to 10 m in depth. Field moist soil samples were scanned for pH and EC, and air‐dry samples were scanned for the analysis of the elements. Calibrations were developed between the near‐infrared spectral data and results obtained by conventional analyses. The NIR‐predicted values were highly correlated to the measured values obtained by the conventional methods (r2>0.9) for P, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn, and almost as highly correlated (r2>0.8) for S and Na Results for pH were somewhat less successful (r2>0.6), and appeared to be useful only for screening purposes, whereas EC was not successfully predicted by NIRS in this study. It appeared that NIRS could be a useful method for the rapid, non‐destructive, simultaneous analysis of elemental concentrations in dry soils, useful in routine analysis.  相似文献   

两种枣树矿质营养元素累积特性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为探明枣树矿质营养元素的累积分配特征,以3年生骏枣树和灰枣树为试材,采用彻底刨根、分解取样的方法,研究了生物量的构成特点、各器官矿质元素含量和累积分配特性。结果表明,骏枣树总干质量为2694.3 g/plant,其中营养器官占68.0%,分别比灰枣高27.6%和21.9%。其N、P、K、Ca、Mg总累积量为33.91、3.43、22.20、31.25和5.53 g/plant,分别比灰枣树高50.1%、22.5%、24.7%、51.0%和88.7%。其中,N主要分配到叶片和果实,P、K主要分配到果实和叶片,Ca、Mg主要分配到叶片和主干;新生营养器官N、P、K的吸收比例为1: 0.063~0.083: 0.41~0.46,果实N、P、K的吸收比例为1: 0.19~0.20: 1.34~1.48。每生产1000 kg干质量骏枣需吸收N 32.83、P 3.41、K 23.14、Ca 29.06、Mg 5.32 kg;灰枣需吸收N 20.53、P 2.66、K 17.71、Ca 18.01、Mg 2.49 kg。骏枣生产单位干质量果实需吸收的养分比灰枣多,养分利用效率比灰枣低。骏枣树养分在叶片中的分配率显著高于灰枣树,在果实中的分配率则显著低于灰枣树。  相似文献   

X射线荧光(XRF)光谱分析法有快速、无污染、分析成本低且可多元素同时分析和原位检测等优点,已经成为土壤、植物矿质养分测定的重要手段。文章介绍了应用X射线荧光光谱仪测定土壤植物矿质养分的基本原理与工作原理,重点综述了X射线荧光光谱仪在土壤及植物体矿质元素测定方面的研究进展及影响因素,并对X射线荧光分析方法在农业方面的应用前景进行了展望。X射线荧光光谱仪测定的元素范围是元素周期表中从钠到铀。该仪器广泛应用于艺术品鉴定、考古学、食品安全、能源、矿产勘探、电子材料和土壤重金属的研究。使用XRF仪器定量测定土壤、植物矿质元素时,其测定结果受到仪器本身、样品含水量、样品颗粒大小以及土壤有机质含量等因素的影响。有研究证明,通过使用大量的校准样本集对光谱仪进行校准,XRF可用作土壤中元素总浓度的快速测定,还可以实现便携式X射线荧光(p XRF)光谱仪在实验室、田间原位条件下,对植物体矿质元素进行定量分析。  相似文献   

对比研究冬枣果实发育期内结果枝叶和营养枝叶片矿质元素动态变化的差异性,可为制定冬枣不同类型叶片的营养诊断标准提供理论依据。以沾化冬枣为试验材料,比较研究了沾化冬枣不同果实发育阶段(始花期、盛花期、末花期、硬核期、完熟期)结果枝叶和营养枝叶中矿质元素N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Na的含量动态变化及其差异性。结果表明,冬枣果实发育过程中,自始花期至完熟期叶片N、P含量呈下降趋势,K含量呈逐渐增高趋势,而Ca及Mg含量则呈先增高后降低的变化趋势,叶片Na含量在果实发育过程中变化较小,只有在完熟期呈现突然增高现象。在上述各生长发育阶段内,结果枝叶K含量多大于营养枝叶,而N、P、Ca、Mg、Na含量则呈相反的变化规律。方差分析表明,在盛花期至末花期内,两种类型叶片Ca、Mg含量的差异均达到显著水平(P<0.05),N含量只有在盛花期存在显著差异,而两种类型叶片K和Na含量在各果实发育阶段内均无显著差异。叶片元素含量比值分析表明,冬枣叶片N/P在盛花期至完熟期逐渐增高,其值均大于16,可知该阶段冬枣叶片生长主要受P元素限制;K/Na、Ca/Na、Mg/Na在果实发育期内的变化规律与K、Ca、Mg元素变化规律基本类似,在完熟期这3个比值均较前期明显降低。相关分析结果表明,冬枣叶片中N/P主要由P含量决定,Ca/Na、Mg/Na分别由Ca与Na、Mg与Na共同决定,而在营养枝叶中K/Na主要由Na含量决定。综上,盛花期至末花期(6—7月)是冬枣矿质元素相对稳定时期,可作为冬枣结果枝叶和营养枝叶营养诊断的适宜时期,同时冬枣结果枝叶该时期可适当施加适量Ca、Mg肥料,从而保证冬枣的果实品质和产量。  相似文献   

A sand culture experiment was conducted to study the effect of saline water on the growth and fruit quality of processing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Seedlings of five tomato cultivars were transplanted in quartz‐sand pots in a greenhouse at the Agricultural Experiment Station of Sultan Qaboos University. There were four saline nutrient solutions and a control consisting of half‐strength Hoagland solution. Salinity treatments were: 50 raM NaCl + 3 mM K2SO4 (EC 6.75), 50 mM NaCl + 1.5 mM orthophosphoric acid (EC = 7.18), 50 mM NaCl + 1.5 mM orthophosphoric acid + 3 mM R2SO4 (EC 7.29), and 50 mM NaCL (EC = 5.6). Treatments were applied daily commencing two weeks after transplanting. Data were collected on growth, and fruit yield and quality. Partitioning of mineral elements was determined in the vegetative tissue. The results obtained clearly show that concentrations of total soluble solids were increased in fruits treated with saline nutrients. Dry matter content of fruits exposed to salinity were higher than those from the control plants. Fruit acidity was increased with salinity, possibly due to a lower water content and increased organic acid accumulation. In the saline treatments, sodium (Na) content was decreased when potassium (K) was applied with NaCl but Na was higher in stems followed by root and leaf tissues. The partitioning of K followed a trend opposite to that for Na but with higher content in leaves. A similar situation was observed for calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Accumulation of phosphorus (P) was the lowest among all the ions. These results indicated that survival under saline conditions was accompanied by high ion accumulation. The study confirmed that saline nutrients are important for improving fruit quality of processing tomatoes.  相似文献   

云南保山市植烟土壤养分状况与烤烟化学成分相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用描述统计和典型相关分析方法研究了保山烤烟化学成分与土壤养分状况之间的关系,结果表明:①保山土壤养分含量总体处于富足状态,但土壤养分不均匀,微量元素硼和氯含量较低,烟叶的总糖和还原糖含量较高,烟碱和总氮含量适中,钾、氯含量偏低;②在一定范围内土壤中碱解氮和有效硼含量与烟碱、总氮含量存在显著或极显著正相关,有效磷和有效镁含量与烟叶还原糖、钾氯比、糖碱比和氮碱比呈显著或极显著正相关;③控施氮肥,增施磷肥,提高烟株对土壤中钾的利用率,适当增施微肥,有利于提高保山烟叶的质量。  相似文献   

A symptom called leaf‐oranging, indicating a deficiency of many nutrients, occurs in paddy rice (Oryzasativa L.) when production expands into some upland soils. Rice (Gui Chou cv.) was grown in culture pots in a flooded, weathered, upland soil (Nacogdoches) and compared to rice growth in a flooded soil currently used for paddy rice production (Dacosta) in Texas to understand the soil and plant factors involved in leaf‐oranging. Fertilizer rates of 0, 10, and 100 mg N/kg as (NH4)2SO4 were applied to each soil along with phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer. The orange Leaf Index (OLI), a measure of leaf‐oranging, was determined weekly and increased to 60–70% for plants grown in the upland soil but its progression was delayed by higher N treatments. No leaf‐oranging was observed in the paddy soil. The soil evoking leaf‐oranging was low in silicon (Si) and high in iron (Fe). In addition, analysis of leaves from these plants showed 19–25% higher leaf ammonium‐nitrogen (NH4‐N), 9–137% higher manganese (Mn) levels and lower total N:NH4 concentration compared to normal rice leaves four weeks after transplanting. This inferred that leaf‐oranging probably was associated with some degree of NH4‐N toxicity and antagonism with K. Leaf‐oranging was also associated with low calcium (Ca) assimilation or Ca uptake inhibition because of the heavy Fe‐oxide coating of the roots of the affected rice plants. In this experiment, leaf‐oranging was not associated with toxic levels of Fe or Mn.  相似文献   

基于对应分析的土壤盐渍化现状特征及其与光谱关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤盐渍化是目前世界农业面临的主要环境问题之一。全球盐渍化土壤大约9.55×10~8hm~2,次生盐渍化土壤约0.77×10~8hm~2,而且还在不断增加。这就需要认真、及时地监测土壤盐渍化的现状及其变化趋势以阻止土壤次生盐渍化的不断发展,确保土地利用和管理的可持续发展。Metternicht  相似文献   


Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are toxic trace elements which are not essential for plants but can be easily taken up by roots and accumulated in various organs, and cause irreversible damages to plants. A pot experiment was carried out to investigate the individual and combined effects of Cd (0, 10, 20 mg kg?1) and Pb (0, 500, 1000 mg kg?1) level in a calcareous soil on the status of mineral nutrients, including K, P, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn, in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants. Soil Pb level considerably (P ≤ 0.05) affected the concentrations of more elements in plants than soil Cd level did, and there were combined effects of soil Cd level and Pb level on the concentrations of some nutrients (Ca, Mg, and Cu) in plants. The effects of soil Cd level and Pb level on plant nutrient concentrations varied among plant parts. Cd and Pb contamination did not considerably affect the exudation of carboxylates in the rhizosphere. An increase in rhizosphere pH and exudation of significant amounts of carboxylates (especially oxalate) in the rhizosphere might contribute to the exclusion and detoxification of Cd and Pb. Neither shoot dry mass nor root dry mass was significantly influenced by soil Cd level, but both of them were considerably reduced (by up to 25% and 45% on average for shoot dry mass and root dry mass, respectively) by increasing soil Pb level. The interaction between soil Cd level and Pb level was significant for root dry mass, but not significant for shoot dry mass. The results indicate that alfalfa is tolerant to Cd and Pb stress, and it is promising to grow alfalfa for phytostabilization of Cd and Pb on calcareous soils contaminated with Cd and Pb.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effects of soil salinity on dry matter production, grain yield, and the uptake, distribution and redistribution of mineral nutrients in irrigated grain sorghum. Soil salinity (EC, 3.6 mS/cm) reduced seedling establishment by 77%, and dry matter and grain yields per plant by 32%; grain yield/ha was reduced by 84%. Salinity reduced grain number per head, but not individual grain size. The accumulation of dry matter and most nutrients was reduced by salinity, but the distribution and redistribution of nutrients within the plant were largely unaffected. Redistributed dry matter provided 52 and 31% of the grain dry matter for control and salt‐affected plants, respectively. Salt‐affected plants had a greater proportion of their sulfur (S), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), and chloride (Cl) in stems and leaves than control plants at maturity. Grain had 50–90% of the nitrogen <N), phosphorus (P), S, and Mg, 20–50% of the potassium (K), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu), but < 20% of the calcium (Ca), Na, Cl, and iron (Fe) contents of the whole plant. Over 65% of the N and P, and from 20 to 30% of the K, S, Mg, Cu, and Zn was redistributed from the stem and leaves to grain. There was no redistribution of Ca, Na, Cl, Fe, and Mn. Leaves were more important than the stem as a source of redistributed N, but the leaves and stem were equally important as sources of redistributed P, K, S, Mg, and Cu. Redistribution from the stem and leaves provided 80% of the K and 20–50% of the N, P, S, Mg, Zn, and Cu accumulated by grain. Concentrations of Na, and especially Cl, were high in vegetative organs of salt‐affected plants, but not in grain. It was concluded that although moderate salinity was detrimental to the establishment and yield of grain sorghum, it had little effect on patterns of distribution and extents of redistribution of mineral nutrients.  相似文献   

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