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石泉县中部地区土壤硒分布特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
石泉县是我国富硒(Se)的重点地区,研究其土壤Se元素的分布特征及影响因素,对特色农业资源的开发利用具有重要意义。为开发富硒土地,以1个·km-2的采样密度对石泉县研究区土壤的Se分布特征及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明:石泉县研究区表层土壤中Se含量为0.06~12.8 mg·kg-1,平均值为0.678 mg·kg-1,以足Se(0.175~0.40 mg·kg-1)或富Se(0.40~3 mg·kg-1)为主,其分布面积达到80.28%,Se中毒(>3mg·kg-1)区域仅为3.83%,缺Se(<0.175 mg·kg-1)面积仅为15.88%。成土母质是影响石泉县Se含量的主要因素,高Se土壤主要分布在以页岩、板岩为母质的古生代地层区;Se含量与主要重金属As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Zn、Pb等元素存在着较强的伴生关系;海拔、坡度等地形地貌因素对Se的含量无明显影响;另外,Se含量与p H存在一定正相关关系,...  相似文献   

土壤硒富集空间分布特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以揭阳市土壤为对象,系统采集了表层土壤样(0~20 cm)1 330个和深层土壤样(150~200 cm)331个,并利用相关性分析、回归分析、方差分析及GIS空间分析技术等方法对土壤硒的含量分布、富集特征及影响因素进行了系统的分析。结果表明,揭阳市表层土壤Se含量处于0.02~2.01 mg/kg之间,几何平均值为0.48 mg/kg,是中国土壤Se平均含量的1.66倍。揭阳市土壤总体呈足硒及富硒特征,不存在硒过剩,极少区域土壤呈硒缺乏特征,表层与深层土壤表现基本一致,富硒土壤主要分布于普宁市、惠来县及北部边缘。表层土壤中Se富集面积达到52.03%,但在空间上分布零散,这可能与母质、土壤类型等因素有关。强富集区域集中分布于花岗岩与粉砂岩为母质的土壤区,而大部分由第四纪冲积物形成的土壤无富集。方差分析表明:不同母质、土壤类型及土地利用方式对土壤Se的含量及富集水平均造成不同程度的影响,其中影响揭阳市表层土壤Se含量的主要因素为成土母质。除此之外,土壤理化性质及海拔也是影响揭阳市表层土壤Se富集的重要因素。回归分析表明表层土壤Se与pH值呈极显著的负相关,并且分别与有机碳、Fe_2O_3及Al_2O_3呈极显著线性正相关。  相似文献   

广东省揭西县土壤硒的分布特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以揭西县土壤为研究对象,系统采集了332个表层土壤样品(0~20 cm)和86个深层土壤样品( 150 cm)。运用Pearson相关分析、回归分析、地统计分析和GIS技术相结合的方法研究了揭西县土壤中全硒的分布特征和影响因素。结果表明,揭西县土壤全硒含量变幅为0.16~1.61 mg/kg,平均值为0.53 mg/kg,总体上以富硒土壤为主,不存在硒不足和硒过剩土壤。不同成土母质中,凝灰岩、花岗岩和页岩发育的土壤全硒含量较高,砂岩发育的土壤全硒含量较低。不同土地利用方式中,未利用地土壤全硒含量最高,其次是农用耕地,建设用地土壤全硒含量最低。Pearson相关分析和回归分析表明,土壤全硒含量与pH呈极显著负相关关系,与铁铝氧化物含量、有机碳含量及海拔高度呈极显著正相关关系。影响揭西县土壤全硒含量的主要因素是成土母质、土壤pH、有机碳、铁铝含量、海拔以及土地利用方式。  相似文献   

弄清宜章县耕地土壤硒含量及其空间分布和影响因素,对掌握区域内耕地富硒程度、开发特色富硒农产品和保障人体健康具有重大意义。采用网格布点、野外调查采样、分析测定、GS+半方差函数模型、克里金插值研究了宜章县耕地土壤硒含量及其空间分布特征;结合SPSS软件进行相关性分析和方差分析,揭示了土壤硒含量的影响因素。研究结果表明,(1)宜章县耕层土壤硒含量平均值0.64mg/kg,变幅为0.13~2.80mg/kg,变异系数为44.57%,属中等变异程度,耕地土壤富硒面积占比达到97.8%,;(2)土壤硒含量呈聚集性分布,中部有一条自东北向南从玉溪镇经梅田镇、浆水镇、长村乡、一六镇、笆篱镇、天塘乡的中高富硒带,块金效应值为0.505,说明宜章县土壤硒空间自相关性程度为中等,土壤硒含量受空间结构因素(自然因素)和随机因素(人为因素)共同影响;(3)不同成土母质发育的土壤硒含量差异较大,板页岩发育的耕地土壤硒含量最高,平均硒含量达到0.76mg/kg;(4)不同土壤类型对硒含量有明显影响,潮土和黑色石灰土的土壤硒平均含量最高,均达到了0.68mg/kg,紫色土和黄壤硒含量较低,平均硒含量分别只有0.54mg/kg和0.53mg/kg;(5)相关分析表明:土壤硒含量与pH呈显著负相关,与有机质、锰、铜、锌和CEC显著正相关;在富硒农产品开发时,需考虑土壤硒含量分布特征,并结合相应土壤管理、科学施肥、农艺措施等进行。  相似文献   

张建东  王丽  雒昆利  张溪  陈柯旭  刘利民 《土壤》2022,54(4):847-855
为了查明安康市南部大巴山区硒过剩土壤分布特征和来源,为安康富硒土壤安全、合理开发和规划打下基础,采集了研究区岩石、土壤样品,测定了硒含量,分析了岩石、土壤硒含量分布特征及其相互关系。结果表明:研究区土壤硒含量在0.000 07 ~ 36.69 mg/kg,均值0.84 mg/kg,变幅大,呈现两条NW—SE向高硒区,高硒土壤面积占73.09%,硒过剩土壤以斑块、斑点状分布,面积占0.91%;岩石硒含量范围0.005 ~ 68.75 mg/kg,均值5.83 mg/kg,变幅大,处于深水沉积环境下的震旦系上统灯影组和两期大规模海侵阶段的寒武系下统鲁家坪组和志留系下统斑鸠关组岩石硒含量均值明显高于其他岩组,板岩、硅质岩、白云岩、正长斑岩硒含量较高,尤其黄铁矿和石煤硒含量更高;岩石、土壤硒含量表现出强烈的正相关性。硒过剩土壤以斑块、斑点状分布于紫阳县双安镇、汉王镇、焕古镇、洞河镇、蒿坪镇、瓦庙镇、麻柳镇、毛坝镇、高滩镇、界岭镇,岚皋县佐龙镇、城关镇,镇坪县城关镇。土壤硒主要来源于岩石,震旦系上统灯影组含硒量高的碳质板岩,寒武系下统鲁家坪组含硒量高的黄铁矿、含碳板岩、碳质板岩、硅质板岩、含碳硅质岩、硅质岩和志留系下统斑鸠关组硒量高的石煤、含碳板岩、含碳硅质板岩是硒过剩土壤的主要来源。  相似文献   

三峡库区(重庆段)土壤硒分布特征及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
重庆是我国缺硒(Se)的重点区域,多目标地球化学调查采用现代分析测试手段进行土壤Se元素的分布及富集的研究,对特色农业资源的开发利用具有重要意义。以每4 km2 1个表层和每16 km2 1个深层土壤数据对三峡库区重庆段土壤Se分布特征及其影响因素进行了分析探讨。结果表明:三峡库区(重庆段)表层土壤Se含量在0.006~5.79 mg/kg之间,平均值为0.16 mg/kg,以缺Se或潜在缺Se为主,其分布面积达到73.19%,足Se面积为25.77%,富Se或Se中毒区域仅为0.16%;深层土壤Se含量在0.03~0.62 mg/kg之间,平均值为0.12 mg/kg,缺Se面积占到67.36%,潜在缺Se面积也占到20.68%。不同类型间以黄壤表层土壤Se含量最高,其次是石灰土,且与水稻土和紫色土存在着显著性差异。不同土地利用方式间以林地与建筑用地表层土壤中Se含量相对较高,但各土地利用方式间不存在显著性差异。表层土壤Se含量相对于深层土壤表现出明显的富集特征,富集面积达到76.97%,但以弱富集区域为主,占到总面积的56.93%。土壤有机质、总氮含量与表层土壤Se含量存在较好相关性;与主要重金属以及S的相关性分析表明,其存在着较强的伴生关系,以Cd的伴生关系最为密切。表层土壤Se含量随着海拔和坡度的增加而增加,随着pH的增加而减少。此外,Fe、Al也是影响表层土壤Se含量的重要因素。  相似文献   

【目的】土壤硒资源的利用和开发越来越受到人们重视,探明富硒土壤的分布状况,系统掌握土壤硒资源数量分布特征则是合理开发和利用土壤硒资源的前提条件。【方法】本研究以鄂中丘陵区湖北省钟祥市为研究区,以1∶5万土地质量地球化学调查评价工作为基础,用多目标区域地球化学调查规范中的双层网格化采样模式,采集分析2479件表层土壤样、60件深层土壤样、148件有效态元素土壤样,分析土壤硒含量分布特征及其与土壤类型关系,并用硒含量-土层深度直线关系式估算土壤硒资源量。【结果】研究区内深层土壤的硒含量普遍小于表层土壤硒含量;土壤硒赋存形态以惰性态为主,惰性态占73.05%,中等利用态占17.69%,交换态占8.31%,易利用态仅占1.40%;区内表层(0~0.2 m)和深层(1.2~1.8 m)土壤硒资源量分别为29.22 t和168.44 t;储硒量最大的两类土壤是潮土和水稻土。【结论】研究区土壤硒资源量较丰富,深层硒资源量大于表层;土壤中含硒物质主要来自于成土母质和生物化学活动的积累;土壤硒含量与有机质含量呈正相关,为此可通过加大秸秆还田力度、增施农家肥等措施提高土壤有机质含量,继而增加土壤硒资源数量...  相似文献   

宋晓珂  李宗仁  王金贵 《土壤》2018,50(4):755-761
植物中硒被认为是人体摄入硒的主要来源,而且大多数植物是从土壤中吸收硒。因此,不同地区土壤硒含量的高低直接影响到该地区食物中的硒含量。本研究以青海省平安地区农田土壤为研究对象,用原子荧光光谱法进行了土壤全硒含量和形态及价态的测定,对平安地区农田土壤全硒含量分布特征及其与成土母质、土壤类型的关系进行了研究。结果表明,平安地区土壤全硒含量变化范围为0.089~0.782 mg/kg,平均值为0.418 mg/kg,其中58%的土壤属于富硒土壤范畴。研究区域耕种淡栗钙土全硒含量最高,平均值为0.574 mg/kg;而灌淤黄土全硒含量最低,平均值为0.293 mg/kg。成土母质中,古近–新近系西宁群红色泥岩中硒含量最高,平均值为0.82 mg/kg。平安地区富硒土壤中硒的富集主要来源于古近–新近系西宁群红色泥岩风化。土壤中硒的赋存形态主要以有机结合态为主,铁锰氧化物结合态硒含量最少。可溶态硒和可交换态及碳酸盐结合态硒均以六价硒为主要赋存价态。平安地区富硒土壤中硒含量适宜,供硒潜力较大,且该地区受外界环境污染较少,具有良好的开发利用前景。  相似文献   

龙山县富硒土壤资源调查初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈建国  向军  徐春寒 《土壤》2002,34(5):283-285
通过对该县寒武系、奥陶系、志留系、二叠系地层上发育的土壤的取样化验分析, 发现以上地层中土壤都富硒(Se),且同一地层中相同母岩及母岩上发育的土壤含Se量相近,生长在这些土壤上的植物都是富Se植物。  相似文献   

对天水果园表层(0~20 cm)219件土壤样品进行研究,测定5种重金属(Zn、Cu、Pb、Cr和Cd)及有机质含量,以天水小陇山土壤为对照,运用相关分析和主成分分析方法区分土壤中重金属的来源。结果表明,①Zn、Cu、Pb、Cr和Cd含量分别为77.39、23.03、23.62、61.49 mg.kg-1和0.07 mg.kg-1,其中Cd极显著(P〈0.01)高于小陇山土壤,其余4种重金属虽高于小陇山土壤但无显著差异性(P〉0.05);②研究区土壤Cu、Pb、Cr三者间在0.01或0.001水平上具有显著正相关性,且这3种重金属与土壤有机质具有显著正相关性,其余重金属间不存在显著相关性;③主成分分析显示Cu、Pb和Cr来源相似,主要来自于成土母质,Cd来源于人为施肥因素,Zn的富集受多种因素影响。研究评价结果显示,天水地区果园土壤Cd受人为施肥影响较大,具有一定程度的富集。  相似文献   


A modified selenium (Se) fractionation procedure was used to study Se distribution in three soils (two silt loams and one silty clay). This sequential procedure consisted of: i) 0.2 M potassium sulfate (K2SO4)‐soluble fraction, ii) 0.1 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4)‐exchangeable fraction, iii) 0.5 M ammonium hydroxide (NH3H2O)‐soluble fraction, iv) 6 M hydrochloric acid (HCl)‐extractable fraction, and v) residual fraction digested with perchloric (HClO4) and sulfuric (H2SO4) acids. The fractionation procedure had high recovery rates (92.5 to 106%). The Se distribution in soil was controlled by soil properties, such as pH, oxide, clay, and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) contents. In the untreated soil samples, residual Se fraction was dominant. In the Se‐enriched soils, the silty clay had significantly more Se in the NH3H2O and residual fractions while in the two silt loams the largest were KH2PO4 and residual fractions. The Se availability in the two silt loams was higher than in the silty clay. The Se availability pattern in the untreated soils was: unavailable (HCl + residual fractions) >> potentially available (KH2PO4 + NH3H2O fractions) > available (K2SO4 fraction), while in the Se‐enriched soils it was potentially available > unavailable > available.  相似文献   

上海中心城区公园土壤的肥力特征分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
采集上海中心城区主要公园绿地土壤表层(0~30 cm)以及剖面(0~90 cm)样品,研究了土壤pH、电导率(EC)、有机质、氮、磷、钾等肥力特性,并采用内梅罗指数法综合评价了公园土壤的肥力特征.结果表明,上海中心城区公园土壤pH以弱碱性(pH 7.5~8.5)和碱性(pH>8.5)为主,98.47%土壤pH值高于7....  相似文献   

四川和重庆地区的植茶土壤与茶叶品质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of triphenyltetrazolum chloride(TTC) on soil microorganisms and the availability of pH characterization medium in BIOLOG plates.Application of TTC decreased the color development sharply and resulted in a great biocidal effect on the growth and reproduction of soil microorganisms,indicating that TTC can affect the discrimination on soil microbial community.The microtitration plates with 21 cabon sources and two different pH levels(4.7 and 7.0) were used to determine microbial community structure of eight red soils.The average utilization(average well colour development) of the carbon sources in the paltes with different pH levels generally followed the same sigmoidal pattern as that in the traditional BIOLOG plates,but the pH 4.7 plates increased the discrimination of this technique,compared with the pH 7.0 plates.Since most tested soils are acid,it seemed that it‘s better to use a suitable pH characterization medium for a specific spil in the sole carbon source test.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2010,46(3):144-151
Soil microbial activity plays a crucial role in soil microbiological processes, which can be used as a useful indicator to determine the ecological effects of heavy metal pollution on soils. The objective was to determine the effects of heavy metal pollution on mining soils at the Lawu mine of central Tibet, China on soil enzyme activities (sucrase, urease and acid phosphatase), microbial biomass C, N and P (MBC, MBN, and MBP), basal respiration, metabolic quotients, and N mineralization. Sixteen soil samples around the mine were sampled, and one soil sample, 2 km from the mine center, was taken as the control. Compared to the control, mining soils were polluted by heavy metals, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd, resulting in decreases of sucrase activities, urease activities, acid phosphatase activities, MBC, MBN, MBP, and N mineralization, and increases of basal respiration and qCO2. Multivariate analysis (cluster analysis [CA], principle component analysis [PCA] and canonical correlation analysis [CCA]) indicated nine microbial variables were only reduced to one principal component explaining 72% of the original variances, and MBC (R2 = 0.93) had the highest positive loadings on the principal component. Mining soils polluted by heavy metals were perfectly clustered into four groups, which were highly distinguished by MBC. There were significant canonical correlations between soil heavy metals and microbial indexes on two canonical variates (R1 = 0.99, p < 0.001; R2 = 0.97, p < 0.01), which further demonstrated significant correlations between soil heavy metal contents and microbial characteristics. Hence, our results suggested that MBC may be used a sensitive indicator for assessing changes in soil environmental quality in metal mine of central Tibet.  相似文献   

湘中下寒武统黑色页岩土壤的地球化学特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以湘中发育于下寒武统黑色页岩之上的土壤为研究对象,选择安化东坪、烟溪,桃江,宁乡等地的典型土壤及相应成土母岩,利用等离子质谱(ICP-MS)、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)等分析技术,对土壤、成土母岩(黑色页岩)的主量元素和微量元素(包括重金属元素、稀土元素等)进行了较系统的分析测定。结果表明,湘中下寒武统黑色页岩土壤风化作用强烈,风化指数CIA均在73以上。强烈的风化使得土壤具有明显贫CaO、Na2O,而富Al2O3、Fe2O3的化学组成特征。土壤因继承成土母岩(黑色页岩)的特征而富集Mo、Cd、Sn、Sb、U、V、Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Tl、Pb、Th等多种重金属元素,其综合富集指数(EI值)平均在3以上,最高达17。地质累计指数(Igeo)评价结果显示,土壤重金属的富集已达到污染程度,土壤存在Cd、Mo、Sb、U、Sn、V、Cu、Tl、Ba等重金属的污染,并以Cd、Mo、Sb等重金属污染最强,达中度至极强污染程度。重金属与主量元素的相关性分析显示,土壤中的重金属主要赋存于黏土矿物和铁氧化物(针铁矿)等矿物相中,其中Ba、Sn、Th、Cu、Sc等主要赋存黏土矿物中;Zn、Ni、Mn、Co、Cd、Tl、Pb等则主要赋存于铁氧化物矿物(针铁矿)中;而Cr、V、Mo、Sb、U等则不受黏土矿物和铁氧化物矿物的控制。此外,不同地区土壤的Zr/Hf、Ta/Nb、Nd/Sm等元素比值相对稳定,依次为36.20、0.085、5.30(n=73),并与相应的成土母岩(黑色页岩)相应值基本一致。土壤与成土母岩具有相同的稀土配分型式,且成土过程中稀土元素不发生明显的分异。微量元素比值和稀土元素特征指示土壤中的重金属来自成土母岩(黑色页岩)本身,为自然污染源。  相似文献   

硒对大蒜生理特性、含硒量及品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
以金蒜3号为试材,采用盆栽试验,通过叶面喷施不同浓度、不同次数的亚硒酸钠研究了硒对大蒜生理特性、含硒量和品质的影响。结果表明:在生长期4月5日、15日和25日累计喷施1次、2次、3次3个浓度(5、10、15 mg/L)的亚硒酸钠溶液,均不同程度影响大蒜生理特性、含硒量和品质。与对照相比,叶面喷施2次10 mg/L的亚硒酸钠溶液,可显著提高叶片中光合色素含量和光合性能;能显著改善蒜薹和鳞茎品质,单薹鲜质量和单头鲜质量分别提高68.25%和29.00%,可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C含量分别提高73.05%、104.66%、18.95%和82.01%、51.27%、69.82%;并可有效提高鳞茎中游离氨基酸含量(38.91%),降低蒜薹中游离氨基酸含量(36.95%);同时可降低蒜薹和鳞茎中大蒜素含量,但差异不显著。蒜薹和鳞茎硒含量随硒浓度和喷施次数的增加而显著提高,最高可达19.81和23.96 mg/kg,为对照的3.85和4.41倍。综合各因素指标,大蒜以叶面喷施2次10 mg/L的亚硒酸钠为宜。  相似文献   

A selective method for the determination of elemental selenium in soil was developed and was applied to the study of elemental selenium in soil. (1) Elemental selenium extracted with carbon disulfide from soil was selectively transformed into selenocyanate ion by reacting with potassium cyanide in carbon disulfide. The selenocyanate ion formed was recovered into an aqueous solution and the amount of selenium in the aqueous solution was determined. This method was specific to elemental selenium and did not interfere with the other selenium compounds and soil components. The method was also highly sensitive and enable to determine more than 0.1 μg kg-1 of elemental selenium in soil. (2) The formation of elemental selenium was confirmed, when a soil was submerged and the redox potential of the soil decreased. The amount of elemental selenium formed was proportional to the selenite content of the soil, indicating that elemental selenium is transformed from selenite upon its reduction.  相似文献   

To evaluate the selenium (Se) level in agricultural soils in Japan and to investigate its determining factors, 180 soil samples were collected from the surface layer of paddy or upland fields in Japan and their total Se contents were determined. Finely ground soil (50 mg) was wet-digested with HNO3 and HClO4 solution and the released Se was reduced to Se(IV). The concentration of Se(IV) was then determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with a fluorescence detector after treatment with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene and extraction with cyclohexane. The total Se content ranged from 0.05 to 2.80 mg kg−1 with geometric and arithmetic means of 0.43 and 0.51 mg kg−1, respectively. The overall data showed a log-normal distribution. In terms of soil type, volcanic soils and peat soils had relatively high Se content and regosols and gray lowland soils had relatively low Se content. In terms of land use, upland soils had significantly higher Se content than paddy soils. Among regions, soils in the Kanto, Tohoku, Hokkaido and Kyushu regions had relatively high content. The total Se content had a significant positive correlation with the organic carbon content ( P  < 0.01) and the equation for the estimation of total Se content with organic carbon suggested that on average approximately 48% (0.24 mg kg−1) of the total Se was in inorganic forms and approximately 52% (0.25 mg kg−1) was in organic forms. Soil pH, on the contrary, did not show a significant relationship with the total Se content. In conclusion, the organic matter content, in combination with volcanic materials, was the main determining factor of the total Se content of agricultural soils in Japan.  相似文献   

Soil-solid phase associations of Se in seleniferous soils of Punjab were investigated by following sequential extraction procedures involving multiple extractions with 0.2 M K2SO4 (2 times), 0.1 M Na2SeO3 (4 times), 0.05 M NH4OH (4 times), 6 M HCl (2 times) and 9 M HNO3 (2 times) vis-a-vis single extractions with 0.25 M KCl, 0.1 M KH2PO4, 4 M HCl and concentrated HCl. Soil samples were equilibrated with 75Se (as Na2SSeO3) @ 9.25 kBq g - 1 soil by incubating at field capacity moisture regime and subjecting to alternate wetting and drying cycles. Following multiple extraction procedure, out of total 75Se added, 8.8 - 26.1% was present in readily available form (0.2 M K2SO4 extractable); 27.6 - 49.0% as isotopically exchangeable (0.1M Na2SeO3 extractable) and 5.3 - 12.0% as organic Se (0.05 M NH4OH extractable). Selenium extractable in K2SO4 was significantly correlated with free iron (r = - 0.774, p < 0.05) and CaCO3 (r = 0.670, p <0.10) content of the soils. Negative relationship was observed between Se uptake by maize (Zea mays L.) and ammonium hydroxide extractable (r = - 0.752, p <0.05) as well as residual Se (r = - 0.726, p <0.05) in soils. Highly positive coefficients of correlation between isotopically exchangeable Se and Se content (r = 0.851, p <0.01) as well as its uptake by maize (r = 0.841, p <0.01) indicated that the isotopically exchangeable form of Se may be considered as an index of bioavailable Se in seleniferous soils of Punjab. None of the fractions defined by following single extraction procedure was correlated with either the soil characteristics or Se uptake by maize plants. Multiple extraction procedure could, thus, better explain the distribution of Se in different fractions and uptake by plants.  相似文献   

Rye-grass was grown in six different soils with four additions of 75Se-labelled selenite through six cutting in a pot experiment. Following the last cutting, the soils were extracted with a series of solvents to fractionate the residual soil selenium. The plant content of added and total selenium was determined. The results showed that equilibrium between added and native selenium was obtained before the third cutting, giving a nearly constant LSe-value for the last four cuttings. The LSe-values differed between the soils, and there was a positive correlation between the LSe-values and the plant uptake of native selenium. In accordance with this, the best correlation with the total selenium concentration in the plants was obtained with the isotopically exchangeable selenium in the soil after the last cutting. It is concluded that isotopically exchangeable selenium approximates the fraction of soil selenium from which plant uptake of selenium occurs.  相似文献   

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