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  【目的】  研究了添加秸秆后土壤微生物(包括解磷微生物)丰度、磷有效性的动态变化,以及作物根系的生长发育特征对作物磷吸收的影响。  【方法】  以番茄 (Solanum lycopersicum)为供试作物进行田间试验,设置添加秸秆和不添加秸秆对照两个处理,在番茄移栽后第15、30及45 天,测定了番茄地上部生物量、磷含量和根系形态,同时测定了土壤微生物数量(细菌、真菌、解磷微生物)、微生物生物量磷和速效磷含量,分析了微生物?根系–作物磷吸收的关系。  【结果】  添加秸秆提高了成熟期番茄的地上部生物量,显著提高了叶片和地上部的磷吸收量,地上部(叶+茎+果实)总磷吸收量较不加秸秆番茄增加21.8%。与无秸秆对照处理相比,添加秸秆处理提高了土壤细菌以及具phoD,phoC和pqqC功能基因的解磷微生物丰度,增加了微生物量磷。添加秸秆处理降低了移栽后15 天番茄根系生物量和组织密度,增加了根系比根长,降低了移栽后15到30 天的番茄根系生长。番茄移栽后第30 天到45 天,土壤细菌、真菌丰度下降,微生物量磷降低,丰富的解磷微生物以及微生物量磷降低介导的磷活化,驱动番茄根系生长加快,比根长增加,根系直径降低。根系生长与土壤有效磷(Olsen-P)相关性显著。  【结论】  添加秸秆初期微生物增生导致番茄根系生长缓慢,后期微生物量磷的降低和解磷微生物对磷的活化促进细根的快速伸长。秸秆还田激发微生物量磷活化协同根系高效磷吸收特征,促进成熟期番茄地上部磷吸收的增加。  相似文献   

碳对微生物–根系介导的蔬菜作物磷吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
  【目的】  碳是微生物代谢活动的能量来源,解析碳驱动的微生物磷周转对根系/根际属性以及作物磷吸收的影响,对探索提高磷利用效率的根际调控措施具有重要的指导意义。  【方法】  以绿叶蔬菜上海青(Brassica chinensis L., Xiaqing 3)为供试作物进行盆栽试验,供试碳源为葡萄糖。设置添加葡萄糖(+G)和不添加葡萄糖(?G,对照)两个处理,在添加葡萄糖后第7天和第21天,测定土壤微生物量磷与Olsen-P含量、根际酸性磷酸酶活性以及柠檬酸和苹果酸含量、根系形态(生物量、根冠比、根长、根系直径、比根长和根系组织密度)与根际生理(酸性磷酸酶、柠檬酸和苹果酸)指标和作物磷吸收量。  【结果】  添加葡萄糖后第7天,土壤微生物量磷增加,Olsen-P含量降低;上海青根系生物量和根冠比显著高于对照,另外,与不加葡萄糖处理相比,添加葡萄糖导致上海青总根长降低33%,根系平均直径增加27%,比根长降低46%,根际柠檬酸含量增加106%。从第7天到第21天,添加葡萄糖处理土壤微生物量磷降低,Olsen-P含量增加,上海青根系生长速率显著提高。葡萄糖添加后第21天,添加葡萄糖处理土壤Olsen-P含量高于对照土壤;与不加葡萄糖的处理相比,根际酸性磷酸酶和柠檬酸的分泌降低,上海青根系总根长增加,其相对增加量为31%。添加葡萄糖对第7天和第21天上海青地上部磷吸收没有显著影响。  【结论】  添加葡萄糖提高了前期(添加葡萄糖后第7天)根际微生物量磷,降低了Olsen-P含量,促进根际柠檬酸的分泌满足作物生长对磷的需求。后期(添加葡萄糖后第21天),微生物量磷的降低促进土壤有效磷含量的增加,刺激根系快速伸长。微生物介导磷周转诱导作物调节根系形态和根际分泌物响应土壤磷环境的变化,维持地上部磷营养。  相似文献   

施磷对棉花根系形态及其对磷吸收的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过盆栽试验,研究了不同施磷量和相同磷量及不同磷量施在不同比例的土体中对棉花根系形态及其对磷素吸收的影响。结果表明,磷对棉花根系具有刺激作用,施磷后使棉花根系长度、根表面积和根密度增大,吸磷量增多,从而促进了棉花的生长。当磷肥施入部分土体时,其对棉花根系生长的促进作用可以用Y=X0.72来表示。  相似文献   

磷施用量对烤烟根系生理及叶片光合特性的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
【目的】根系作为吸收水分和养分的重要器官,其生理功能的强弱对烟草地上部分的生长发育有重要的影响。本研究分析磷施用量对烤烟不同生育期根系生理和叶片光合生理的影响,初步阐明磷素对烤烟生长的生理效应,明确烤烟品质形成的生理基础,为生产中合理施磷提供一定的参考。【方法】2014年在河南农业大学采用盆栽土培试验,设置四个处理,各处理P2O5用量分别为0(CK)、 3.5(T1)、 7.0(T2)和10.5 g/plant(T3),N用量为3.5 g/plant,N∶K2O=1∶3。在烤烟不同生育时期测定各处理烟株的根系活力、 根系总吸收表面积和活跃吸收表面积等根系生理指标以及中部叶的叶面积、 叶绿素含量和叶片的光合指标。【结果】在整个生育期内,T2处理烟株的根系活力强、 根系总吸收表面积和根系活跃吸收表面积大。团棵期(移栽后30 d左右)随施磷量的增加,上述根系生理指标及中部叶叶面积、 叶绿素含量不断增加,T3处理显著高于不施磷处理; 成熟期(移栽后90 d左右)T3处理叶片的叶绿素含量较其他处理下降更快。随生育期的推进,各处理叶片的净光合速率、 蒸腾速率、 气孔导度和胞间CO2浓度均呈现先升后降的变化趋势,在移栽后60 d达到最大值。与其它处理相比,T2处理叶片的净光合速率、 蒸腾速率和气孔导度在整个生育期内均最大,且在移栽后60 d时显著高于CK处理。根冠比随生育期的推进呈波动变化,但整体表现出上升的趋势。在整个生育期内,T3处理的根冠比最大,其次为CK,T1、 T2处理的根冠比相对较小。【结论】施用P2O5 10.5 g/plant的烟株在团棵期快速生长及成熟期叶绿素含量迅速下降的现象证明,在一定范围内,充足的磷素供应能促进烟株生育前期根系发育、 叶片扩展,生长后期烟叶适时落黄。磷用量对叶片光合性能和烟株根冠比的作用证明,磷素对叶片光合性能的促进作用建立在烟株根、 冠结构和功能协调一致的基础上,当根、 冠生长的协调性被打破,其叶片的净光合速率也随之降低。施用P2O5 7.0 g/plant 烟株整体表现最优,而施用P2O5 3.5 g/plant在基本满足烟株正常生长的同时能够降低生产成本,这对生产中如何确定磷肥的施用量提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

通过盆栽模拟试验,探讨不同施磷量对玉米 -大豆间作作物生长及磷吸收的影响,并分析根际红壤中各无机磷形态的变化。结果表明:与单作相比,玉米 -大豆间作显著提高了作物地上部生物量及磷素吸收量,并具有明显的产量优势。与常规施磷水平(P100)下的单作相比,玉米 -大豆间作条件下,磷肥减施 1/2(P50)并未降低作物籽粒产量与玉米的磷吸收量。间作种植显著降低了玉米、大豆根际红壤总无机磷含量,并且无机磷减少量主要以O-P、Fe-P和 Ca-P为主。玉米、大豆根际土壤Fe-P、Al-P、Ca-P与 O-P占土壤总无机磷含量的比例主要受磷水平的调控,而种植模式对玉米和大豆根际土壤中各无机磷形态的比例(除 Fe-P外)均没有影响。在本试验条件下,玉米 -大豆间作通过根系交互作用主要促进土壤中 Fe-P、Ca-P和 O-P的活化来增加玉米与大豆的磷吸收,并具有节约磷肥、维持作物产量和磷吸收的潜力。  相似文献   

缺磷对不同作物根系形态及体内养分含量浓度的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用营养液培养方法,以水稻、 小麦、 玉米和大豆为试验材料,研究了短期缺磷(2周)诱导根表沉积铁氧化物是否为水稻特有的性质,以及缺磷对不同作物根系形态及其吸收钾、 钙、 铁、 锰、 铜、 锌营养元素的影响。结果表明,供磷和缺磷处理并没有影响小麦、 玉米和大豆3种作物根系的颜色,而缺磷处理水稻根表沉积了铁氧化物而呈红(黄)棕色,且铁氧化物不均匀地富集在根细胞壁的孔隙中; 缺磷促进了水稻,小麦,玉米和大豆根系的生长,分别比供磷处理伸长了11%、 11%、 20%和11%(P0.05)。此外,缺磷胁迫下水稻根表铁氧化物增强了钙、 铁、 锰、 铜和锌在根表的富集而成为其进入根系的缓冲层。缺磷处理水稻根中铁浓度明显高于供磷处理(P0.05),而地上部铁的浓度仅为磷营养正常水稻植株的18%,这说明缺磷诱导的铁氧化物促进了根系对铁的吸收但抑制了铁由根系向地上部的转运。短期缺磷对其他养分在水稻根中和地上部的浓度没有明显影响。对于其他 3 种作物,短期缺磷没有明显影响钾、 钙、 铁、 锰、 铜和锌在其根表富集及在植物体内的浓度。因此,在供试的4 种作物中,由于磷胁迫诱导根表形成铁氧化物是水稻特有的性质,铁氧化物的沉积可促进铁的吸收但抑制了铁向地上部的转运,而短期缺磷并没有影响其他3种作物对钾、 钙、 铁、 锰、 铜和锌养分的吸收和转运。  相似文献   

为探究不同供磷水平对间作体系玉米根系形态特征的影响,并分析这些根形态参数变化与玉米植株磷素吸收的相应关系,研究通过盆栽试验,设置玉米单作、玉米与大豆间作2种种植模式及不施磷(0 mg/kg)、低磷(50 mg/kg)、中磷(100 mg/kg)、高磷(150 mg/kg)4个施磷水平.结果表明,与玉米单作相比,玉米与大...  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜不同磷效率品种苗期根系生长及磷营养的差异   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
对甘蓝型油菜磷高效品种 970 81和磷低效品种 97029苗期根系生长状况和体内无机磷含量及酸性磷酸酯酶活性进行了比较。结果表明 ,磷高效品种的主根长 ,根体积、根 /冠比及根系活力受缺磷影响均比低效品种降低9 3、2 1.9、10 .9、7.8个百分点 ,表现出根系良好的适应性。在缺磷条件下 ,2个品种各部位无机磷含量都有所降低 ,而酸性磷酸酯酶活性则增加。其中磷低效品种 970 2 9各部位无机磷含量降低幅度较大 ,酶活性增长较快 ,表明其根系吸收能力较差 ,体内有机磷分解的程度高 ,苗期即需通过再利用来维持其基本生长 ,使后期的生长失去保障。磷高效品种 970 81各部位无机磷所受影响较小 ,酶活性增长较少 ,根系衰老较慢 ,再利用程度小 ,后期生长潜力大。  相似文献   

不同磷供应水平下小麦根系形态及根际过程的变化特征   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
以石麦15和衡观35两个品种小麦为试验材料,应用根袋栽培方式,研究了不同施磷量对小麦根系形态和根际特征的影响。结果表明,与施磷量P2O5 0.1 g/kg相比,高量供磷(P2O5 0.3 g/kg)条件下石麦15地上部生物量和磷累积量增加幅度大于衡观35;但不施磷处理衡观35地上部生物量降低幅度小于石麦15,磷含量和累积量高于石麦15,衡观35耐低磷能力较强。土壤供磷不足时,衡观35总根长中直径0.16 mm细根所占比例高于石麦15,根系平均直径较小;而高磷供应下,石麦15根系中直径0.16 mm细根长度较长,在总根长中所占比例较高。总根长和直径0.16 mm的细根长度与植株地上部磷累积量之间呈显著正相关关系。总根长越长尤其是细根越多,有利于促进植株对磷的吸收。与非根际土壤相比,高磷供应下根际土壤有机磷含量增加,微生物量磷含量降低;而供磷不足时根际土壤碱性磷酸酶活性较高,有机磷含量较低。与施磷量P2O5 0.1 g/kg相比,高量供磷下根际土壤pH值升高、碱性磷酸酶活性下降,不施磷处理根际土壤pH值降低。本研究表明,供磷不足时,小麦根系形态和根际过程均发生适应性变化,而高量供磷条件下,小麦植株根系形态的改变因品种而异。  相似文献   

不同磷营养油菜品种根系形态及生理特性差异研究   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37  
研究不同磷营养油菜对磷素的反应及其根系形态特征、生理特性等方面的差异,结果表明:磷高效油菜需磷量较小,而在缺磷时吸磷量较大;缺磷时两种油菜品种根冠比增加,且磷高效品种增加幅度大于磷低效品种;缺磷时,磷高效品种具有较长的根系,较大的根体积、根表面积与根活跃吸收表面积,而加磷时,两品种差异不大。油菜缺磷时,磷高效品种磷外渗率小于磷低效品种,加磷时两品种磷外渗率差异不大。缺磷时磷高效品种对磷的亲和力大于磷低效品种,加磷时磷高效品种中磷进入根系的最大净流量小于磷低效品种。  相似文献   

Root proliferation and greater uptake per unit of root in the nutrient‐rich zones are often considered to be compensatory responses. This study aimed to examine the influence of plant phosphorus (P) status and P distribution in the root zone on root P acquisition and root and shoot growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in a split‐root soil culture. One compartment (A) was supplied with either 4 or 14 mg P (kg soil)–1, whereas the adjoining compartment (B) had 4 mg P kg–1 with a vertical high‐P strip (44 mg kg–1) at 90–110 mm from the plant. Three weeks after growing in the split‐root system, plants with 4 mg P kg–1 (low‐P plants) started to show stimulatory root growth in the high‐P strip. Two weeks later, root dry weight and length density in the high‐P strip were significantly greater for the low‐P plants than for the plants with 14 mg P (kg soil)–1. However, after 8 weeks of growth in the split‐root system, the two P treatments of compartment A had similar root growth in the high‐P strip of compartment B. The study also showed that shoot P concentrations in the low‐P plants were 0.6–0.8 mg g–1 compared with 1.7–1.9 mg g–1 in the 14 mg P kg–1 plants after 3 and 5 weeks of growth, but were similar (1.1–1.4 mg g–1) between the two plants by week 8. The low‐P plants had lower root P concentration in both compartments than those with 14 mg P kg–1 throughout the three harvests. The findings may indicate that root proliferation and P acquisition under heterogeneous conditions are influenced by shoot P status (internal) and soil P distribution (external). There were no differences in the total root and shoot dry weight between the two P treatments at weeks 3 and 5 because enhanced root growth and P uptake in the high‐P strip by the low‐P plants were compensated by reduced root growth elsewhere. In contrast, total plant growth and total root and shoot P contents were greater in the 14 mg P kg1 soil than in the low‐P soil at week 8. The two P treatments did not affect the ratio of root to shoot dry weight with time. The results suggest that root proliferation and greater P uptake in the P‐enriched zone may meet the demand for P by P‐deficient plants only for a limited period of time.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the effects of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on tomato leaves at the microscale in order to propose new methods to detect N and P conditions of plants. N and P solutions composed of three N levels (N0.25, 1.75; N1, 7; and N1.5, 10.5 mmol L?1) and three P levels (P0.25, 0.17; P1, 0.67; and P1.5, 1.01 mmol L?1) with ten replications. Results showed a significant decrease in the leaf thickness among plants treated with N0.25, N1.5N and P0.25, whereas showed an increase among plants treated with P1.5 (p < 0.05). Stomatal density was reduced in P0.25- and N0.25-treated plants, whereas increased in N1.5- and P1.5-treated plants (p < 0.05). Moreover, N0.25-treated plants showed reduced trichome density, whereas N1.5-treated plants exhibited the highestamount of trichome density (p < 0.05). The densest veins occurred in the leaves of P1.5P-treated plants, then density reduced in plants with N1.5, N1P1, N0.25, P0.25 treatments, in a decreasing order (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

Field and pot experiments showed that the P demand of wheat is highest in early stages of growth (up to 1.67 μg P per cm2 root surface and day). The needed orthophosphate ions H2PO4? and HPO42-move from soil to the root by diffusion. This process is controlled by the concentration gradient of the diffusible phosphate and the effective diffusion coefficient according to Pick's first law. Root excretions (rhizodeposition) are able to affect both characteristics. The water soluble portion of rhizodeposition contains more than 50% of up to 8 different sugars, 10–40% carboxylic acids and 10–15 amino acids and amides. The composition varies in dependence on the age of the root parts and on nutrition (Zea mays L., Brassica napus L., Pisum sativum L.). Diffusion experiments using small soil blocks showed that 50–75% of the root exudates were decomposed by respiration within 3 days. The rest was largely chemically converted. Originally present sugars disappeared. Due to the biosynthesis of different organic acids from the individual sugars the mobilisation of Ca3(PO4)2 by Pantoea agglomerans increased when the sugar mixture was derived from the rhizodeposition of P deficient plants with more pentoses instead of glucose and fructose (mainly effect of anions). In the rhizosphere therefore a mixture of rhizodeposition and its conversion products exists which affects the binding of phosphorus in soil and the P transport to the root. This should be considered both for the development of new soil extractants and for modelling the P supply to plants.  相似文献   

通过土柱试验模拟局部供磷,定量评价了磷局部供应对野生大豆根系形态参数的影响以及这些根形态参数对植株磷吸收的贡献.磷局部供应明显改变了野生大豆的根形态,使总根长增加了80.5%,比根长增加了32.6%,根表面积扩大了70.7%,根直径减小了27.6%,植株对磷的吸收增加了43.2%,地上干重增加了72.0%;在所有的根形态参数中,总根长、根表面积和比根长对野生大豆植株磷吸收具有较大贡献,其中尤以比根长对植株磷吸收贡献最大,即在根长增加的同时,根直径减小能够明显提高野大豆根系对磷的吸收.结果表明,野生大豆对局部磷供应表现出高度的根系形态可塑性,通过局部养分供应优化根系空间分布和定向调控根系生长能显著提高植物对异质性土壤磷资源的获取能力.  相似文献   

黄土高原旱地长期轮作与施肥土壤微生物量磷的变化   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
土壤微生物量是土壤中植物有效养分的储备库,在土壤肥力和植物营养中具有重要作用[1].我国北方石灰性土壤微生物量磷为P 12.4~15.5μg/g[2],南方红壤的微生物量磷为P 12.2~31.5μg/g[3].Brookes[4]根据土壤微生物量的周转速率计算英国土壤年周转通量,发现微生物量磷周转足以提供草地所需要的磷素,即使在含量比较低的耕地土壤,微生物量磷也能够提供70%左右作物生长发育所需要的磷.可见,微生物量磷是植物非常重要的磷素营养来源.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) availability to plants is a major constraint in acid soils. A study was conducted to determine the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) under varying inorganic P and irrigation regimes on P availability and P-use efficiency in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) in a Himalayan acid Alfisol. The experiment comprised of 14 treatments replicated thrice in a randomized block design. The results revealed that integrated use of AM fungi and inorganic P at either of the two irrigation regimes (IW/CPE0.6 or IW/CPE1.0) enhanced the green pea pod weight, green pod productivity and agronomic efficiency of applied P to the extent of 8.4%, 7.2% and 30.7%, respectively, over non-AMF counterparts as well as “generalized recommended NPK dose and irrigations (GRD).” AMF inoculation also led to enhanced nitrogen (N), P and potassium (K) acquisition (uptake) by 16.3%, 18.2% and 6% over non-AMF counterpart treatments. Further, AMF inoculation at varying P and irrigation regimes sharply enhanced the rooting depth (21.4%), root volume (23.5%), root dry weight (14.9%), root weight density (13.7%) as well as N concentration in root nodules (3.4%) over non-AMF counterparts and GRD practice. AMF also enhanced the mycorrhizal root colonization by 3.2 folds at flowering stage in AMF inoculated pea plants. AMF-imbedded treatments did not alter the available soil nutrient status (macronutrients and micronutrients) significantly in comparison to non-AMF counterparts in pea, available P status, however, increased to the extent of 6.5% over initial status. Further, AMF imbedded plots showed a slight build-up in soil organic carbon with nominal decrease in soil bulk density. AMF inoculation in pea also led to fertilizer P economy by about 25% soil-test-based P dose. Overall, AMF holds great potential in enhancing nutrient acquisition especially P besides influencing root morphology in order to harness better crop yields vis-à-vis fertilizer P economy by about 25% soil-test-based P dose in Himalayan acid Alfisol.  相似文献   

A 2-year greenhouse and laboratory study was conducted to investigate the competition and allelopathy between Cyperus rotundus L. and Solanum lycopersicum L., S. melongena L. and Capsicum annuum L. All crops showed low ability to withstand competition of C. rotundus and this was the reason for the reduction of their total fruit number and fruit yield by 81%–94% and 86%–96%, respectively. The aqueous extracts from C. rotundus plant parts decreased the seed germination and root length of all vegetable cultivars, indicating supplementary allelopathic activity of C. rotundus on all vegetables. The low correlation coefficient between the total fruit yield of the cultivars grown under weed-free conditions and total fruit-yield reduction due to C. rotundus interference indicates clearly that the yielding ability of the cultivars is not related with their tolerance to C. rotundus interference.  相似文献   

Crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochist.) is an oilseed crop high in euricic acid with industrial applications in production of nylon, plasticizers, and lubricants. Little information is available on crambe response to phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) fertilization. This glasshouse study was conducted to evaluate the response of crambe to four rates of P and five rates of Zn fertilizer application to a soil with 10 mg/kg NaHCO3‐extractable P and 0.6 mg/kg DTPA‐extractable Zn. Phosphorus fertilizer, but not Zn fertilizer, increased the dry matter yield of plant tops. Phosphorus response was consistent in both 35‐ and 62‐day‐old plants. Zinc response was most consistent in 35 day‐old plants. Significant interactions were observed between P and Zn for dry matter weight, P:Zn ratio, and Zn uptake at 35 days. No significant interactions were observed at 62 days. Analysis of the data showed a negative correlation coefficient between P or Zn treatment and tissue concentration or uptake for the opposite element.  相似文献   

Long-term excessive application of mineral fertilizer has led to soil acidification and phosphorus(P) accumulation, increasing the risk of P loss and environmental pollution, and cessation of fertilization is widely considered as a cost-effective management strategy to relieve this situation; however, how such cessation influences P speciation and concentrations in a bulk soil and colloidal fractions and whether decreasing P concentration might maintain soil fertility remain unclear. In this stu...  相似文献   

番茄SlMAPK9-2基因分离及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王洁  王燕  潘长田  何艳军  刘雪  卢钢 《核农学报》2016,(8):1480-1490
促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)信号途径在植物生长发育以及多种逆境胁迫响应和激素调控过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。为了研究MAPK基因的结构和功能,利用生物信息学分析以及PCR扩增方法从番茄中分离了1个新的MAPK基因,克隆其c DNA全长序列,命名为Sl MAPK9-2;利用NCBI数据库Blast P工具和在线软件MEME分析发现其具有MAPK保守的结构域和保守基序。系统进化树分析显示Sl MAPK9-2属于D组MAPK,与茄科植物马铃薯和烟草MAPK9位于同一进化树分支。利用数据库PGDD分析发现,Sl MAPK9-2与Sl MAPK16以及Pm MAPK9之间发生了大片段复制事件,且2个基因对的Ka/Ks均小于1,说明经历了达尔文纯化选择。实时荧光定量PCR分析发现,Sl MAPK9-2在不同组织器官中均有表达,在开放花中表达量最高。非生物逆境(高温和盐胁迫)和外源激素(脱落酸和水杨酸)处理可以显著改变Sl MAPK9-2的表达水平。启动子预测分析也发现,Sl MAPK9-2启动子区含有大量响应病原菌、激素、高温及脱水的顺式作用元件。综上,Sl MAPK9-2可能在番茄逆境胁迫应答中发挥重要调控作用。本研究为进一步探索Sl MAPK9-2的生物学功能及作用机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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