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<正>近年来,鲸豚类海兽搁浅事件时有发生,人们对鲸豚搁浅的救助也展现出热情和好奇心。随着人们保护意识的提高,市民希望能亲手把"失足"的鲸豚护送回大海,但很多时候不正确的救助反而会伤害它们。我国厦门海域和广东珠江口海域是国家I级重点保护动物中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)的主要栖息地,鲸豚搁浅案例也较为常见,  相似文献   

正以前,生活在珠江口海边的人们常常可以看到独特的美景:可爱的中华白海豚在遨游,三五成群地跳跃、追逐、嬉戏、觅食……但是,美好景象的背后,却有一组令人心痛的数字。珠江口现有中华白海豚约2000多头。由于人类活动的威胁,生活在那里的中华白海豚种群数量正在减少。有研究人员推算,50年后珠江口中华白海豚将仅剩四分之一。因此,广东珠江口中华白海豚国家级自然保护区管理局组建了一支鲸豚救护小组,担负起鲸豚救护、学术研究、开展科普宣传等保育工作。  相似文献   

珠江口是中华白海豚的重要栖息地之一,是唯一一个国家级中华白海豚保护区。近年来,由于水环境的恶化和其它因素,死亡、受伤的白海豚经常出现于珠海海域。本记录分析了2001年以来死亡、受伤于珠海海域及港澳的鲸豚类情况,提出了加强保护白海豚的建议。  相似文献   

人民日报2月25日、3月2日分别发表"长江生态发展与保护须并举(深阅读·关注长江鱼类保护(上))、长江鱼类保护难在哪?(深阅读·关注长江鱼类保护(下))"两篇报道,回应《2013长江上游联合科考报告》所引发的关于长江渔业资源"崩溃"的舆论担忧,就长江鱼类资源现状、渔业资源衰退原因、保护与发展等问题进行了剖析。本刊现予以转载,供读者参阅。  相似文献   

人民日报2月25日、3月2日分别发表“长江生态发展与保护须并举(深阅读·关注长江鱼类保护(上))、长江鱼类保护难在哪?(深阅读-关注长江鱼类保护(下))”两篇报道,回应((2013长江上游联合科考报告》所引发的关于长江渔业资源“崩溃”的舆论担忧,就长江鱼类资源现状、渔业资源衰退原因、保护与发展等问题进行了剖析。本刊现予以转载,供读者参阅。  相似文献   

鲸豚类是中西部太平洋生态系统的顶级捕食者,近年来,金枪鱼围网渔业对鲸豚类的误捕是海洋哺乳动物保护中最令人关注的热点之一。为探讨自由鱼群和人工集鱼装置作业对鲸豚类误捕的影响,提出对鲸豚类保护的建议,笔者根据2016—2019年我国金枪鱼围网渔业在中西部太平洋海域(N 10°~S 13°, E 144°~W 149°)的生产数据,探讨自由鱼群和人工集鱼装置2种作业方式在不同区域、时间段、月份和年份下对鲸豚类误捕的影响。结果显示:中西部太平洋鲸豚类的误捕主要发生在基里巴斯专属经济区;不同时间段下,自由鱼群作业下误捕鲸豚类分布较平均,且差异不显著(P>0.05),人工集鱼装置作业下误捕鲸豚类主要集中在16:00—19:00,差异显著(P<0.05);1、7月和11月的鲸豚类误捕量较高,且自由鱼群和人工集鱼装置作业下不同月份鲸豚类误捕均差异不显著(P>0.05);自由鱼群和人工集鱼装置作业造成的鲸豚类平均死亡率分别为43.04%和33.33%,2种作业方式对鲸豚类死亡率的差异不显著(P>0.05),不同物种误捕死亡率受2种作业方式的影响存在差异性。本研究结果可为中西部太平...  相似文献   

加大渔港保护管理力度关注渔民权益维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十六届六中全会做出了加速构建和谐社会的决定,国务院出台关于解决"三农"问题的相关政策。支农、惠农的各项政策深得民心,体现了党在农村基本政策。以人为本,关注民生的精神,维护农民的根本利益,对于构建和谐社会具有重要意义。"三渔"问题与"三农"问题是密切相关的,我国是一个渔业大国,渔业水域面积,渔业产量、渔船数量、渔港数量、渔业人口都居世界前列。渔业是农业发展大局的重要组成,渔民群体是农民人口的构成部  相似文献   

正中华白海豚(Sousa Chinensis)在动物分类学上隶属鲸目、海豚科、白海豚属,俗称白忌、白牛、白海豚。中华白海豚不是鱼类,而是水生哺乳动物,与陆地上的哺乳动物一样是用肺进行呼吸,呼吸孔在头顶端,呼吸时露出水面,常发出"Chi-chi-"的喷气声。自2003年以来,广东珠江口中华白海豚国家级自然保护区管理局赴湛江、佛山、汕头等地,处理各类珍稀海洋动物搁浅案例236起,其中中华白海豚192起,其它动物包括江豚、灰海豚、小须鲸和海龟。经过多年的积累,保护区管理局建立了一套完善的鲸豚搁浅档案,收集了100多头中华白海豚的样品,拥有50余个剥制、骨骼和浸泡标本,300多个海豚的组织器官样品,建立了我国最大的中华白海豚样品组织库。  相似文献   

小露 《海鲜世界》2008,(1):59-62
北京海洋馆,是当今世界内陆最大的现代化海洋馆,它集观赏、娱乐、科普科研、休憩为一体,已经成为北京旅游行业、中国水族馆行业中一颗璀璨的明珠。北京海洋馆拥有世界先进的维生系统,馆内以“陶情大众,教益学1生,维系生态“为宗旨,为游客巧妙安排了“雨林奇观”、“触摸池”、“海底环游”、“鲨鱼码头”,  相似文献   

The application of genetics for the management of natural resources is expanding, and within this field, DNA registers will play an increasing role. The Norwegian minke whale DNA register, established in 1996, was designed primarily as a control system to detect any attempts at illegal trade of products derived from other stocks of minke whale, or other whale species, under cover of the legal Norwegian harvest originating from the Northeast Atlantic. The register contains genetic data for 7644 of 7751 whales landed in the period 1997–2010. Profiles are established from sequencing part of the mtDNA control region, analysis of 10 STRs and a sex‐determining marker. Probabilities of genotypes matching between two randomly selected whales are 6.0?04 and 3.0?08 for five and eight of the STR loci, respectively. This permits verification of traded whale products via match to the register. The register has also been used in a number of ad hoc scientific studies resulting through the accumulation of genetic, demographic and biological data. Here, we review the register’s logistics, specifications and evaluate the potential to apply similar registers to control the exploitation of other marine species.  相似文献   

就目前中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)的研究概况作了综述分析。重点讨论了其保护工作和有关形态学、重金属、分子生物学、声学和生态学等方面的研究,并提出了保护建议。  相似文献   

育苗用水要彻底消毒;亲蟹的选择与培育;Z1期及时加投活饵;M期要及时倒池;在C1期要加大换水量;疾病要适时预防。  相似文献   

  1. The short-beaked common dolphin is a highly vocal species, with a wide distribution in all oceans, including the Mediterranean and the Black Seas. In the Mediterranean Sea, the short-beaked common dolphin inhabits both pelagic and neritic waters.
  2. Osteological collections and the literature show that short-beaked common dolphins were widespread and abundant in much of the Mediterranean Sea until the late 1960s. During recent decades the species has declined in the whole basin, and, in 2003, it was listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List.
  3. Genetic studies strongly suggest that the Mediterranean and the Eastern North Atlantic populations are isolated from each other. Genetic differentiation within the Mediterranean Sea, between the Eastern Mediterranean (Ionian Sea) and Western Mediterranean populations, is also reported.
  4. The aim of this study was to investigate the geographical variation in the characteristics of whistles of free-ranging short-beaked common dolphins living in the Mediterranean Sea, and to evaluate if whistle acoustic structure is the result of adaptation to local environment characteristics or of a possible genetic diversification.
  5. Recordings were collected from 1994 to 2012 throughout the basin, employing multiple platforms. Twenty-six independent acoustic detections were made, and 704 whistles were extracted and considered for statistical analysis.
  6. Whistle analysis enabled the identification of distinct geographical units of short-beaked common dolphin within the Mediterranean Sea. Genetic isolation is probably the major cause of the geographic variance of the Mediterranean short-beaked common dolphin whistle structure, which may reflect some evolutionary adaptations to particular ecological conditions or may be the by-product of morphological evolution.
  7. The results of the present study show that intra-Mediterranean variability of whistle structure reflects the path of genetic studies, highlighting the possible use of acoustic data in combination with other sources of data (genetic, morphological, etc.) to identify geographic areas where discrete management units occur.

1 我省河鲀鱼养殖和销售概况 我省的河鲀鱼养殖事业始于20世纪90年代初,经过十几年的发展,到目前为止,年间总产量已达到1 500t,占全国的50%以上.  相似文献   

李晓霞 《河北渔业》2004,(6):30-30,32
大菱鲆是菱鲆科的一种海洋底栖肉食性鱼类,广泛分布于欧洲,栖息在20~70m深的海底,砂砾底质或混合底质。它的外形较圆,生长比牙鲆快,抗病力强,适应24℃以下的水温。属冷温性鱼类,比较适合北方定居,这几年我们在大连拉树屯的双渔公司进行育苗和养殖,积累了一些经验,现总结如下。  相似文献   

  • 1. The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a popular focal species within the global marine tourism industry. Although this has contributed to increased protection being granted to the species in several countries, tourism itself can be detrimental to the sharks in the absence of appropriate management. Potential impacts can be mitigated, at least in the short term, by adherence to well‐designed interaction guidelines.
  • 2. A burgeoning marine tourism industry based on swimming with whale sharks has developed at Tofo Beach in Mozambique. However, no formal management is currently in place at this site.
  • 3. The behaviour of whale sharks during interactions with boats and swimmers were recorded during 137 commercial snorkelling trips run from Tofo Beach over a 20 month period. Whale sharks were encountered on 87% of trips, which operated year‐round.
  • 4. Boat proximity and shark size were significant predictors of avoidance behaviour. No avoidance responses were recorded at >20 m boat distance.
  • 5. The mean in‐water interaction time between sharks and swimmers was 8 min 48 s overall. There was a significant decrease in interaction times during encounters where sharks expressed avoidance behaviours, and also in cases where sharks had expressed boat avoidance behaviour before swimmers entered the water.
  • 6. It is suggested that mean encounter times can be extended through adherence to a basic Code of Conduct for operators and swimmers that enforces minimum distances between the sharks, boats and swimmers. Using encounter time as a measure of the ‘success’ of interactions holds promise, as longer encounters appear to be indicative of lower impacts on sharks while also providing higher customer satisfaction for swimmers. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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