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笔者通过对鲤鱼人工繁殖的实践观察,认为在鲤鱼人工繁殖中,外部环境的作用大于催产剂的效果,主要有以下四个方面:1、水温近几年,为提高效益,缩短养殖周期,早繁早育成为重要途径.有时为早出苗,不待水温稳定仓促催产.我市有两座水库曾发生水温刚到16℃就抢催鲤鱼,结果傍晚突降大雨,造成水温骤降至13℃左右,使该批亲鱼全部滞产死亡。因此我们认为批量生产时水温应用定在;ifs'C左右,着低于16C则不宜健产.二、水流水流是鲤、田等自然产卵鱼¥类的重要影响因于。如果水温适宜(16'C¥以上),在雌雄混养条件下,一旦突然冲人穷… 相似文献
人工繁殖鲤鱼与“四大家鱼”相比,其难处首先是由于鲤鱼属多次性产卵鱼类,卵子发育不同步,易导致零星产卵,其次是鲤鱼对激素反应不如家鱼敏感,由于亲鱼成熟度不一,效发时间差异性较大,常常发生雌鱼排卵与雄鱼排精不协调,致使“白卵”多,受精率低。给生产造成损失,再者,鲤鱼卵易感染水霉,孵化率低,鉴于以上各种情况,我们认为,应做好以下工作。首先要加强亲鱼培育,实行人控产卵。鲤亲鱼培育池,以面积1~3亩,水深1.5米左右较好,一般宜专池培育。秋季是鲤鱼性腺发育的重要阶段,要大量投以富含蛋白质的饲料,让其吃饱吃好。冬 相似文献
湖北省枝江县姚家港镇渔业开发公司技术员姚永贵,通过在实践中不断摸索,研究成功了鲤鱼二次人工繁殖技术。最近,被省科协命名为科技示范户。姚永贵今年48岁,一九八四年承包镇渔业开发公司精养水面15亩。从事鱼种繁殖,长期以来他采用的是一年一次人工繁殖的老办法,鱼池问歇时间长,经济效益差。一九八八年,他决定利用自己多年来养鱼的经验,探索一条立体经营的路子。改一 相似文献
一、3、4月出池时,把发育较好的亲鱼挑出(尽可能挑选第一网捕上来的,因为第一网的基本都是性腺最先发育成熟的,因性腺发育成熟程度好,身体臃肿,活动较迟钝而被捕捞上来,其性腺发育好,催产率高),放进已调好水质的池塘中。当水温保持在14℃以上时, 相似文献
鳜鱼人工繁殖的几个问题鳜鱼是一种深受欢迎的名特优品种,目前虽然已能成功地进行人工繁殖,但催产率、孵化率、出苗率及苗种成活率还比较低,苗种远不能满足生产所需。如何提高鳜鱼苗的产量,本人认为应注意以下五个问题。一、亲鱼培育是关健鳜亲鱼来源于冬季捕捞的体重... 相似文献
This study summarizes optimization of techniques for common carp artificial propagation including improvements of activation solution (AS), the process of insemination, and elimination of egg stickiness. The optimum gamete ratio for good fertilization and hatching rate ranged from 8490 to 23 672 spermatozoa per egg, when dechlorinated tap water was used. Optimal ratio between eggs (weight in g) and AS (in ml) was defined as 1:1 to 1:2. Different concentrations of AS such as NaCl from 0 to 34 mM (0–68 mOsmol kg–1) did not change fertilization and hatching rates. An AS adopted for carp spermatozoa (45 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 30 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8) was compared with other saline AS; only the 51 mM (102 mOsmol kg–1) NaCl solution decreased fertilization and hatching rate. The AS containing 20 mM Tris–HCl at pH 9 increased fertilization and hatching rates compared to dechlorinated tap water of pH 7 or to AS of pH 6 and 7. Adhesiveness from the eggs was successfully removed by incubation in Alcalase DX (PLN 04715) using two successive steps with different enzyme concentrations. The first step with an enzyme concentration of 2 ml l–1 was applied from 8 to 20 min after fertilization. Later in a second step, the best time for application of alcalase enzyme at a concentration of 20 ml l–1 was for 45 and 60 s at 20 min after fertilization leading to fertilization and hatching rates of 80–87%. The α-Chymotrypsin (EC Merck) was also found effective for elimination of stickiness. Results with α-Chymotrypsin enzyme indicate that the response to success in elimination of stickiness is highly variable mainly due to differences in the environment, quality of water and carp strains. 相似文献
为找出最适合的人工鱼巢材料,形成产黏性卵鱼类产卵场修复技术,该研究于2019年3—5月在西江肇庆江段利用芦竹(Arundo donax)、芒草(Miscanthus sp.)、象草(Pennisetum purpureum)、蒲葵(Livistona chinensis)、仿真水草、尼龙网布共6种材料制作人工鱼巢,分析了材料及环境因素对鱼巢实施效果的影响。结果表明,鲤(Cyprinus carpio)鱼卵对黏附介质具有较强的偏好性,芦竹制作的鱼巢有卵黏附的比例和单件鱼巢黏附鱼卵数量均显著高于其他材料制作的鱼巢(P<0.05),可知芦竹是制作鱼巢的最佳材料。有卵黏附的比例和鱼卵数量均随着入水天数的延长而下降,主成分分析表明鱼巢入水天数是影响实施效果的最主要因素,径流量和水位的上涨可促使鲤到鱼巢产卵,而天气状况对鱼巢效果影响不大。此外,还讨论了鱼巢投放时间、地点对实施效果的影响。 相似文献
Environmental factors influencing the reproduction of an estuarine penaeid population and implications for management 下载免费PDF全文
J. A. Crisp N. R. Loneragan J. R. Tweedley F. M. L. D’Souza B. Poh 《Fisheries Management and Ecology》2018,25(3):203-219
This study determined environmental factors influencing the reproductive dynamics of a recreationally fished penaeid Metapenaeus dalli Racek in the Swan–Canning Estuary, south‐western Australia, during a restocking programme. Prawns were collected from nearshore (<2 m deep) and offshore waters (>2 m deep) every lunar month from October 2013 to March 2016. Reproduction occurred between November and March, when water temperature was >17°C, salinity >25 and stratification (bottom–surface salinity) <3. Densities of gravid M. dalli were highest in November of each year when 0+ females matured (19 mm; ~56% asymptotic length) and were highest in the Lower Canning Estuary. Individual fecundity ranged from 34,000 (18.1 mm carapace length [CL]) to 132,000 ova (27.1 mm CL). Egg production peaked in December/January and differed among years, being greatest in 2015/2016. These results suggest that closing fishing between November and December would protect breeding aggregations of M. dalli in inshore waters. 相似文献
湘云鲫是湖南师范大学生物所应用细胞工程和有性杂交相结合的高新技术培育出来的三倍体新型鱼类,具有生长速度快、食性广、抗病力强、耐低温和低溶解氧、起捕率高、自身不育且肉质细嫩、体型好等特点,是淡水养运输以及地区间的气候差异,水温差异较大,因此,放苗时需将装有水花的尼龙袋放入池塘中浸泡20分钟~30分钟,待尼龙袋内外水温基本一致时方可放苗。放养密度以20万尾/亩为宜,放苗时水深0.6m~0.7m即可。另外,放湘云鲫夏花人工培育技术潘庭双 胡贤江 侯冠军 蒋业林安徽省农科院水产研究所 230031殖的优良品种,现将湘云鲫夏花培育技术… 相似文献
鲤鱼养殖技术之一 禾花鲤人工繁殖技术的关键 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,市场对禾花鲤商品鱼的需求有所增加,禾花鲤稻田养殖在农村也有所复苏,对禾花鲤种苗的需求随之增大.虽然禾花鲤在流水或静水条件下可以自然繁殖,但因受环境条件的影响,多为零星产卵,且鱼卵和鱼苗往往被鱼类或其它敌害生物所吞食,成活率很低.人工繁殖可以使禾花鲤集中产卵,提高鱼卵受精率、孵化率和鱼苗成活率,做到有计划地生产.要搞好禾花鲤的人工繁殖,必须抓好包括亲鱼选择、亲鱼培育、产卵、孵化和出苗五个关键环节. 相似文献
Some key reproductive characters of invasive common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., were studied in an irrigation system of south‐eastern Australia. Spawning occurred on a variety of natural (i.e. submerged vegetation, plant debris and stones) and artificial substrates, and the presence of 0+ individuals was an indicator of spawning success. Compared with other C. carpio stocks worldwide, the lower minimum length at maturity reflected the higher water temperatures of the region, whereas the relatively lower mean pseudo‐gonadosomatic indices were attributed to less diverse food resources than those available in floodplain areas. The successful reproduction of feral C. carpio in irrigation waterways confirms its high adaptability and plasticity of traits and its classification into the phytolithophil guild, as opposed to the phytophil wild form. The findings of the present study should be given careful consideration in view of preventative measures for further spread of invasive C. carpio in similar waterways worldwide, but also for the enhancement of the species' fisheries in some man‐made reservoirs. 相似文献
哲罗鱼人工繁育技术的初步研究 总被引:39,自引:9,他引:39
1997年于乌苏里江段采捕17尾2^ -4^ 龄(体重0.5-2kg)野生哲罗鱼(Hucho taimen),在池塘环境下人工培育。2001年3月挑选3尾7^ 龄以上、体重超过5kg的雌性个体,用虹鳟脑垂体对其进行催熟。当水温在8℃以上时,胸腔注射人工合成催产药物进行繁殖试验。结果表明,在人工池塘养殖条件下,哲罗鱼性腺可发育至性成熟;催产药物HCG、S-GnRH-A和DOM的合剂可促使成熟的亲鱼排卵,效应时间11d,产卵量约在1100粒/kg,体重8.7kg和7.4kg雌鱼受精卵分别为56.3%和70.3%,孵化率分别为47.1%和66.7%。从卵受精到仔鱼孵出积温需要281.12TU,到仔鱼全部上浮摄食外源营养需要588.61TU;鱼苗生长到第29天时,开始摄食人工开口饲料。通过驯化养殖,86.7%的鱼苗可摄食人工饲料;鱼苗在水温8-17℃,溶氧7-10mg/L时能快速生长,低于这一温度生长开始减慢,4℃以下生长停滞。 相似文献
香鱼全人工育苗中的几点体会 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
香鱼的人工育苗1965年始于日本。我国于1979-1980年人工繁殖获得成功,同时对其繁殖习性作了调查研究。1993年又获全海水工厂化育苗成功。1998年上海市水产研究所对香鱼的胚胎发育作了研究。1999年宁波大学于白仔鳗池中培育苗种22.3万尾。笔者于1998-2000年进行了香鱼全人工育苗试验,获得成功。2000-2001年,笔者经过技术改进,于9口池子,共360m3水体,培育出平均规格3.6cm的苗种330万尾,现将育苗过程中的几点体会总结如下: 一、亲鱼促熟 近年来,香鱼养殖突破了苗种和技… 相似文献