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夏玉米光合特性对氮素用量的反应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随氮素用量增加,植株下位叶、穗位叶和上位叶的光合速率(Pn)、叶绿素含量(Chl)、可溶蛋白含量(Pro)、Hill反应活性、Ca2+-ATPase活性、Mg2+-ATPase活性和PEPCase活性均不断增大。植株不同叶位Pn和Pro随生长进程均不断下降;不同叶位Chl的变化动态表现为下位叶在各测定时期之间差异较小、穗位叶和上位叶为单峰曲线。Hill反应活力、Ca2+-ATPase活性和Mg2+-ATPase活性的变化规律不同,随生长进程表现不断下降、单峰曲线和双峰曲线等不同形式。各叶位PEPCase活性均表现单峰曲线型变化。随氮素用量增加,叶源量、生物产量和籽粒产量不断增加。适量施氮具有全面改善玉米光合效率和内在生理、生化过程的作用。Ca2+-ATPase活性是影响光反应活力的重要因素;在叶片生长前中期,Pn受到PEPCase的影响较小,主要受到光反应活力和暗反应效率的调控。可采用叶源量作为玉米单株生产力的参考诊断指标。  相似文献   

利用cDNA—AFLP技术研究玉米基因的差异表达   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
利用cDNA-AFLP技术,对玉米强优势组合和弱优势组合及其双亲自交系在苗期和雄穗生长锥伸长期的基因表达进行了分析。结果表明,玉米强优势组合和弱优势组合的基因表达有明显差异,基因表达有多种类型,表现出质和量的差异,不仅有增强,也有双亲沉默,弱优势组合双亲沉默的数量在苗期和雄穗生长锥伸长期均高于强优势组合,杂  相似文献   

Resin extraction of soil permits evaluation of ratios of readily extracted elements and correlation of concentrations obtained with crop yield. This information provides guidance on potential genotype selection and fertility management. Two hybrids of maize ( Zea mays L.), designated 2292 and 3895, were grown annually in rotational succession on a 3.2-ha site with soybean ( Glycine max L.) and wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). Soil samples (0–15 cm) were extracted with ion-exchange resins and extracts were analysed with inductively coupled plasma. Data were regressed against crop yield using stepwise multiple correlation methods. Each hybrid was sensitive to unique combinations of extracted chemistries. Both hybrids of maize were sensitive to the resin-extractable V : (V + P) molar ratio and potential losses of ≥ 20 % were indicated as the ratio approached 0.2. A positive response to the Mg : (Mg + Ca) resin-extractable ratio was noted for maize hybrid 2292 in each of three successive years. Changes of yield potentials associated with the Mg : (Mg + Ca) ratio for hybrid 2292 ranged from none to ≥ 20 % as the ratio ranged from 0.2 to about 0.8. The results indicate that, in the presence of large extractable concentrations of competing or inhibitory ions, different approaches to nutrient management in the form of fertilizer nutrient analysis, application, and genotype selection are needed to overcome effects of competing ions.  相似文献   

Drought spells are unpredictable under tropical conditions and can occur at every growth stage of the maize plants. Little is known about the reactions of tropical maize cultivars to water shortage. A set of Thai cultivars was examined in the field during the dry season. Three stress situations were imposed: prolonged stress throughout the growing season, pre- and post-anthesis stress. Pre-anthesis water stress delayed flowering and especially the data of silking. Thus, the anthesis-silking interval was wider. Prolonged water stress decreased grain yield mainly due to a low number of kernels and/or thousand kernel weight (TKW). Post-anthesis stress mainly reduced TKW grain set per ear. Relief from pre-anthesis stress increased grain yield by a grater number of kernels and higher TKW as compared to prolonged stress. Genotypic differences were high for the anthesis-silking interval following pre-anthesis stress. Low yielding, early but generally drought-stable cultivars existed as well as cultivars which were generally high yielding even under water stress because of a good residual yield. Some cultivars were resistant to pre-anthesis stress but not to post-anthesis stress and vice versa. It can be concluded that ample genotypic variability exists for adaptation to varying situations of pre-and post-anthesis stress within tropical maize cultivars.  相似文献   

高温对玉米籽粒淀粉合成及产量的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以农大108和山农3号为试材,采用田间生长箱增温的方法,研究了不同生育时期高温对玉米淀粉合成及产量的影响。结果表明,第1期(出苗后0~28 d)高温处理对玉米的产量没有显著影响,第2期(出苗后29~57 d)和第3期(出苗后58~86 d)高温处理显著降低玉米产量,以第2期对产量的影响最大;同时高温降低1,6-二磷酸酯酶(FBPase)、磷酸蔗糖合成酶(SPS)、蔗糖合成酶(SS)和腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(ADPGPPase)的活性,且以第2期降低的幅度最大;籽粒淀粉含量,以第1期高温处理高于对照,其他2个处理显著低于对照。  相似文献   

生长素响应因子(auxin response factor,ARF)是一类重要的转录因子,通过特异性地结合生长素响应元件调节下游靶基因的转录,参与诸多植物生长发育过程的调控。玉米中有许多ARF家族基因,但其表达模式有待深入研究。本研究分析了玉米ARF家族基因在不同组织器官中的表达,发现除ARF10、ARF16和ARF34组成型表达外,其余32个ARF基因的表达水平在生殖器官中要明显高于营养器官。对ARF基因启动子区的顺式作用元件分析显示,28个ARF基因的启动子区含有逆境胁迫相关顺式元件,实时定量PCR分析结果显示,多个ARF基因分别响应冷、热、盐和渗透胁迫。研究结果不仅暗示了ARF家族基因在玉米生殖生长和非生物逆境胁迫响应中的重要性,也为全面解析ARF基因在玉米中的生物学功能提供有用信息。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in two consecutive years to investigate the response of two corn (Zea mays, L.) cultivars, Eperon and Challenger, to timing of N fertilizer in a desert climate. Fertilizer was applied three times (at planting, 6 weeks after sowing (6WAS) and at 9WAS) to give a seasonal total of 180 kg N ha-1 The N treatments were Nooo (control), NLOH (60 kg N ha-1 at planting, none at 6WAS and 120 kg N ha-1 at 9WAS), NLLL (60 kg N ha-1 at sowing, 6WAS and at 9WAS) and NLOH, (60 kgN ha-1 at planting, 120 kg N ha-1 at 6WAS and none at 9WAS). Generally, N ha-1 was associated with the highest grain and dry matter yields. Plants in N treated plots had significantly larger number of leaves and ear leaf N contents than the control at mid-silk. High ear leaf N was associated with high leaf area index and dry matter yield. Based on these results, it would appear that the application of 60 kg N ha-1 at planting, followed by 120 kg N ha at 6WAS (NLHO) is the most suitable for enhancing corn yields in the desert climate.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted at Samaru, Nigeria to study the influence of nitrogen fertilization and plant density on the agronomic performance and nutrient concentration of maize ( Zea mays L.). The treatments were factorial combinations of five nitrogen fertilization rates (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N/ha) and three plant density levels (25000, 50000 and 75000 plants/ha).
Nitrogen fertilization up to 150 kg N/ha enhanced grain and stover yields and increased kernel number and weight up to 100 kg N/ha. Nitrogen supply also increased maize ear length. Increased N fertilization rates increased concentrations of N, K and Mg but had no effect on P and Ca concentrations. Higher grain yield was closely associated with higher N concentration in ear leaf; with 0.1 % change in N concentration causing 177 kg/ha change in grain yield. Increased plant density increased stover yield up to 50 or 75 thousand plants/ha but depressed kernel number and weight and ear length.  相似文献   

缺苗断垄对机播夏玉米产量及产量构成因素的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨缺苗断垄对机械化播种夏玉米的影响,在大田状态下设置2个品种不同缺苗断垄程度进行试验,并对缺苗级别、断垄级别、籽粒产量及其产量构成因素进行统计分析。结果表明,缺苗断垄引起产量降低的主要原因是株数和穗数减少,随着缺苗断垄级别的增加,株数穗数逐渐减少,产量逐渐降低。产量降低幅度小于缺苗断垄级别的增加幅度,在缺苗断垄率为10.00%~40.00%的情况下,产量降低幅度为3.60%~28.51%;在缺苗断垄率相同的情况下,鲁单981比郑单958的减产幅度大些。  相似文献   

玉米籽粒发育性状的遗传及与产量性状关系的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
秦泰质  增禄 《作物学报》1991,17(3):185-191
在含有 BA(6-苄基腺嘌呤)2.5毫克/升、NAA(萘乙酸)0.1毫克/升的 MS 培养基上诱导苎麻(Boehmeria niveaL.)试管苗未离体叶面生芽。比较了不同激素的效果,在诱导芽形成中 BA 优于 ZT(玉米素)和 KT(激动素)。在叶脉处,特别是在中脉维管束的薄壁细胞容易分裂和脱分化,且具有较强的分化能力。芽在叶面上发生有一定的规律,并对叶面  相似文献   

渍涝胁迫对玉米生理生化的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渍涝胁迫是玉米生产中重要的非生物逆境之一,对玉米的生长发育造成危害,严重制约了玉米产量的提升。因此回顾了人们针对渍涝胁迫对玉米生理生化的影响及其适应机制的研究,介绍了人们从栽培耕作和遗传育种两个角度提高玉米抗渍涝能力的研究现状,并展望了未来玉米抗渍涝胁迫的重点研究方向。  相似文献   

苗期水分胁迫对玉米根系生长杂种优势的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以玉米杂交种高油115及其亲本(母本220、父本1145) 为材料, 研究了玉米苗期根系生长的杂种优势及水分胁迫的影响。试验设水分充足、轻度干旱和严重干旱3个处理, 田间持水量分别为75%、55%和35%。结果表明, 在水分充足条件下, 根长(RL)、根表面积(SA)和根干重(RDW)均表现出不同程度的中亲优势和超亲优势, 轻度干旱显著降低了各指标的杂种优势, 而严重干旱则完全抑制了根系生长的杂种优势。根系各性状中, RL的杂种优势最强。在水分充足条件下, 与中等根(根直径0.25~0.45 mm)和粗根(根直径>0.45 mm)相比, 细根(根直径0.05~0.20 mm)的RL、SA及其占总根系比例的杂种优势最高。轻度干旱胁迫虽然降低了根系的杂种优势, 但RL、SA仍表现出显著的超亲优势和中亲优势(粗根的超亲优势除外)。此外, 只有细根RL和SA占总根系的比例在轻度干旱胁迫下具有显著的中亲优势, 说明杂交种可以通过生成较亲本更高比例的细根来抵抗轻度干旱胁迫。  相似文献   

花期性状是玉米的重要性状,与熟期、散粉结实率和产量关系密切,对玉米品种选育至关重要。为探究玉米花期性状的遗传基础,本研究以248份遗传多样性丰富的玉米自交系作为关联群体,通过2017年和2018年在河北保定和辛集的田间试验调查抽雄期、散粉期、吐丝期和散粉吐丝间隔期4个花期相关性状,利用分布于全基因组的83057个SNP标记进行关联分析。结果表明,4个花期相关性状的基因型、年份、地点、基因型与地点的互作、基因型与年份的互作均达到极显著水平;抽雄期、散粉期、吐丝期的遗传率分别为71.77%、71.27%、73.93%,并且两两性状间呈极显著正相关,散粉吐丝间隔期遗传率为62.50%,仅与吐丝期呈极显著正相关;4个花期性状共检测到18个SNPs-性状关联(共涉及16个SNP位点),单个位点的表型贡献率范围为5.46%~28.36%,仅1个位点在不同性状中检测到;筛选到81个候选基因,其中36个在GO分析中具有功能注释。潜在候选基因GRMZM5G877647编码early flowering 4蛋白,参与光周期的调节;GRMZM2G173630编码类赤霉素受体蛋白参与植物激素信号转导;GRMZM2G001139、GRMZM2G375707编码与花器官建成的MADS转录因子。这些潜在候选基因为解析玉米花期性状遗传基础和分子辅助选择育种提供参考。  相似文献   

应用同位素示踪技术,测定了34个不同基因型玉米水培幼苗根系对硫素的吸收动力学参数,大田试验调查了参试基因型在不同硫肥处理后的籽粒产量表现,测定了植株硫素吸收总量.结果发现不同基因型玉米对硫肥的反应存在很大的差异,而苗期根系的硫素吸收动力学参数与该品种施用硫肥后硫素吸收总量和籽粒产量的变化有密切联系,可以作为  相似文献   

四川地方玉米种质的SSR聚类分析   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
利用SSR分子标记方法研究28个玉米自交系的遗传变异。分析四川地方玉米种质的遗传基础,并进行SSR聚类分析,探讨四川地方玉米种质与国内主要杂种优势群的关系。结果表明:大部分四川地方玉米种质均可被划分到常见的几大杂种优势群中去,少数地方玉米自交系可形成单独的类群,四川地方玉米种质具有广泛的遗传基础;SSRs能较真  相似文献   

Chloride is a micronutrient required for photosynthesis but when applied in the concentration of a macronutrient, it may also promote growth by regulating turgor. However, if chloride accumulates excessively, it can induce toxicity. The aim of this study was to identify physiological dysfunctions in maize (Zea mays L.) that arise in response to excessive chloride ion accumulation. For this, a novel water sensor was employed for the first time allowing the in vivo measurement of water content in the plant by using two near IR‐wavelengths with different absorption of water. This enabled to analyse whether water imbalances occurred. Chloride was given together with calcium as companying counter cation. Results show that most of the tested maize genotypes were able to maintain growth, photosynthesis and normal water content when stressed with concentrations as high as 757.1 mg chloride/kg soil dry matter. Leaf blades accumulated only 8.5 mg chloride/g dry matter, with the most genotypes not even showing salt stress necrosis at the leaves. A comparison between more tolerant and more sensitive genotypes revealed that restriction of chloride root‐to‐shoot translocation is a trait of chloride tolerance.  相似文献   

株型对玉米群体光合速率和产量的影响   总被引:44,自引:4,他引:44  
王庆成  牛玉贞 《作物学报》1996,22(2):223-227
在大田条件下,采用人工改变株型的方法,比较了原型(平展型)与改型(紧凑型)玉米不同密度的群体光合速率,结果表明,改型群体光合速率比原型平均提高17.2%,籽粒产量增加5.3% ̄8.6%。抽丝期群体光合速率和籽粒产量之间呈极显著的正相关(r=0.8692)。改型玉米群体内光合有效辐射、CO2浓度分布比原型相对的“均匀”,是群体光合速率较高的重要原因,认为玉米作物的优化群体结构为紧凑型玉米个体所组成的  相似文献   

以10个普通玉米自交系及其90个杂交组合在北京和山西2个地点的试验数据,分析了蛋白质、淀粉和油分含量的配合力效应。结果表明:(1) 各性状的一般配合力(GCA和特殊配合力(SCA) 均方极显著,且GCA均方大于SCA均方,说明它们在遗传上主要受加性基因效应的影响。(2) 杂交种的3个品质性状与亲本GCA平均值和SCA极显著正相关,但与亲本GCA均值间的相关性相对较强,其相关系数(r)分别为0.708**(蛋白质)、0.756**(淀粉)和0.772**(油分),表明提高亲本GCA对改良杂交种品质具有更大的作用。(3) 自交系BT1和E28的蛋白质含量GCA较高,掖478、昌7-2、掖107和48-2的淀粉含量GCA较高,E28、黄C和P138的油分含量GCA较高。  相似文献   

黑龙港流域玉米不同生育阶段气象因子对产量性状的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
明确玉米生长发育不同阶段气象因子与产量的关系,有助于确定区域最适播期。通过调整播期来改变玉米生育期内气候条件,对于抵御阶段性不良气象因子的胁迫并最终实现高产目标有重要意义。本研究以郑单958为试验材料,于2009年至2010年在黑龙港地区中国农业大学吴桥试验站进行分期播种试验,分析产量及产量构成因素与不同阶段气象因子的关系。结果显示: (1)由于年际间气象条件的差异,产量及其构成因素并非简单地随播期变化而变化。(2)在试验设定的高密度条件下,产量提升主要受千粒重的制约,穗粒数次之。(3)产量性状与不同生育阶段的多个气象因子显著相关。穗期、抽雄吐丝阶段的光照条件对穗粒数以及产量有影响;苗期、营养生长阶段气温日较差与产量显著正相关;抽雄吐丝前后的温度条件影响穗粒数;生育期总降水量影响穗粒数和千粒重的提升。该地区在调整播种时间、改进栽培措施时,上述关系应是考虑的重点。生产中可适当早播晚收,选用适宜的中晚熟品种,既可避开生育前期及籽粒形成阶段不利气象因子的影响,又可延长籽粒灌浆时间,充分利用该地区生育后期丰富的光热资源。  相似文献   

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