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Reduction of aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxin B2 with sodium borohydride quantitatively yielded new fluorescent derivatives, designated as aflatoxin RB1 and aflatoxin RB2. Mass spectrometric data showed that RB1 and RB2 were trihydroxy derivatives of B1 and B2, respectively. Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis revealed that new chemical shifts were present in aflatoxins RB1 and RB2 in addition to those of the parent aflatoxins. The new compounds had lower melting points and different ultraviolet and infrared spectra compared to aflatoxins B1 and B2 and the monohydroxy derivative aflatoxicol. They were lses toxic to chick embryos than the parent toxins. Since the reduction yields were quantitative and since the reduction products could be detected at low levels comparable to those for B1 and B2, the reduction reaction could be used as a confirmatory test for both aflatoxins B1 and B2. Preliminary results obtained from gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) analysis of the trimethylsilyl derivatives of aflatoxins RB1 and RB2 indicated that these compounds could furnish the basis for developing an analytical GLC method for aflatoxins B1 and B2.  相似文献   

Ilaria Negri 《Pedobiologia》2004,48(5-6):585-588
Many Collembola species are characterised by an aggregative behaviour, which is closely related to communication and co-ordination between individuals. In spite of a general heavy predation pressure, a large number of Collembola is found in soil suggesting that they have developed defence strategies against predators.

This study investigates changes in spatial structure of gregarious Collembola species in presence of a predator. It is analysed if the gregarious lifestyle of Collembola populations functions as a defence strategy against predation. In presence of a predator distances between individuals in the Collembola species Folsomia candida and Heteromurus tetrophthalmus became closer, reducing the risk of individuals to be captured by predators. On the contrary, Onychiurus sinensis specimens, which were never caught probably because of the extrusion of repelling fluids by means of their pseudocelli, moved away from each another. Besides being a successful chemical defence against predation, repelling fluid secretion may effectively repel conspecifics, thereby keeping individuals at greater distance.  相似文献   


The effect of bacterial inoculation of Rhizobium fredii HN01 on the immobilization and speciation of Cu, Zn, and Cd was studied in Red and Cinnamon soil which are typical Chinese soils. The soil was mixed with bacterial suspension for one week followed by an immobilization of each heavy metal for another week. The total binding and fractionation of heavy metals in soils were analyzed. As compared with the control, the retention of total Cu, Zn, and Cd in Red soil increased by 28, 16, and 28%, respectively, in the presence of rhizobia. The amount of exchangeable, NH4OAc-extractable, Mn oxides-bound and organic matter-bound Cu increased by 23–123%. There were significant decrease of exchangeable Cu and marked increases of NH4OAc-extractable and Mn oxide-bound Cu in Cinnamon soil with the presence of rhizobial cells, although no changes for the total retention of Cu were observed. The amount of exchangeable Zn in Red soil-rhizobia composite was 20% greater than that of the no-rhizobia soil. Addition of rhizobia also increased exchangeable Cd and specifically-adsorbed Cd by 25 and 93%, respectively, in Red soil. No considerable differences were found for the total immobilization of Zn and Cd as well as their distribution in various solid fractions of Cinnamon soil in the absence and presence of rhizobial cells. In terms of soil components, it is assumed that bacterial biomass had a relatively less impact on the species of heavy metals bound with Fe oxides. Results suggested that the retention and speciation of heavy metals in soil are governed largely by the interactions of bacteria with various inorganic and organic soil constituents. The data are useful in understanding the impact of microorganisms on the behavior, mobility and transformation of heavy metals in soil environments.  相似文献   

Myxobacter strain 8 is one component of a sequence of three predatory bacteria that develop in soil when Micrococcus luteus host cells are added to the soil. The survival of strain 8 in the presence and absence of added host cells in natural soil not allowed to dry out was examined. Strain 8 vegetative cells died relatively rapidly in unamended soil. Death was faster and occurred to a greater extent in acidic than in neutral pH soil. However, in both cases death was accompanied by formation of sonication-resistant myxospores so that they comprised the ultimate population. These myxospores survived for prolonged periods in both acidic and neutral pH soils.Vegetative cells added in high numbers to soil did not multiply under any of the conditions tested. They did multiply, however, when they were added in low numbers to soil (including acidic soil) receiving sequential (additive) amendments of heart infusion broth or living M. luteus cells. This multiplication produced strain 8 cell numbers approximating those in the above experiments receiving high strain 8 cell number inoculations. Possibly, this represents a maximum vegetative cell number for soil.Germination of the myxospores in soil, followed by growth, seemed to require an approximately neutral pH and the presence of a proper host organism. Germination occurred with M. luteus as host, but not with Escherichia coli. A delayed germination occurred when sequential amendments of heart infusion broth, instead of M. luteus host cells, were made, but this could reflect a growth response by some indigenous components of the soil microflora that then served as host cells for germination.  相似文献   

The growth of microorganisms on gelatin, bovine serum albumin and lysozyme in the presence of the clay minerals, montmorillonite and kaolinite was studied. The growth of microorganisms was diauxic, protein hydrolysis taking place in the second phase of growth. Depending on the protein-to-clay ratio, the second phase of growth could be divided into one of three types. At high protein-to-clay ratios, growth was not affected by the clay; at intermediate protein-to-clay ratios, growth rate but not final yield was reduced; and at low protein-to-clay ratios, the protein was unavailable for hydrolysis. The protein-to-clay ratios differentiating the three growth types were not well correlated with change in the affinity of adsorption of the protein to the clay and were different for different organisms.A model that explains the results is proposed. The main assumption of this model is that protein can bind strongly to clay and is either available or unavailable to proteases. The quantities of protein bound in these two modes are defined by the clay mineral, the protein and the protease.  相似文献   

Food proteins were phosphorylated by heating in a dry state in the presence of phosphate. When casein, whey protein isolate (WPI), and egg white proteins (EWP), which were lyophilized from their solutions in a phosphate buffer, were dry-heated at various temperatures and pH levels for 1-5 days, EWP was more highly phosphorylated than casein and WPI. Phosphorylation of EWP was promoted with a decrease of pH from 7.0 to 3.0 when the incubation temperature was raised from 55 to 100 degrees C. The phosphorus content of EWP increased from 0.08 to 0.64% by dry-heating at pH 3.0 and 85 degrees C for 5 days in the presence of phosphate. The electrophoretic mobility of EWP increased with an increase in the phosphorylation level. The heat-induced polymerization of EWP by dry-heating was not affected by the presence of phosphate. Although the solubility of EWP decreased by dry-heating at pH 3.0-5.5, the phosphorylation depressed the insolubilization at low pH. The phosphate bonds in phosphorylated EWP (P-EWP) were stable at pH 2.0-10.0 and were more acid-labile and base-stable than phosphoesters of egg riboflavin-binding protein (RfBP). (31)P NMR spectral data suggested that besides phosphoesters, phosphodiester and polyphosphate bonds were introduced in P-EWP. Heat stability of EWP was improved, and calcium phosphate-solubilizing ability of EWP was enhanced by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The irreplaceability index is used for determining the priority of sites for conservation. We propose three new and simple algorithms for calculating it from presence/absence data without any statistical assumptions when the representative combination size is the minimum. The rare species algorithm gives accurate results but takes the longest calculation time. The species richness algorithm gives approximated results and takes the shortest calculation time. The combined algorithm is intermediate in accuracy and calculation time. We applied the combined algorithm to real data of butterflies in the Kanto district, central Japan, and derived irreplaceability values.  相似文献   

This study showed that gluten proteins were extracted with distilled water from dough prepared in the presence of NaCl. To elucidate the interrelationship of NaCl and gluten proteins in dough, the extracted proteins were characterized. These proteins were primarily found to be soluble gliadin monomers by N-terminal amino acid sequencing and analytical ultracentrifugation. Extracted proteins were aggregated by the addition of NaCl at concentrations of >10 mM. A decrease in beta-turn structures, which expose tryptophan residues to an aqueous environment in the presence of NaCl, was revealed by Fourier transform infrared analysis and scanning of fluorescence spectra. In addition, cross-linking experiments with disuccinimidyl tartrate showed that a large amount of protein was cross-linked in the dough only in the presence of NaCl. These results suggest that both interactions and distances between proteins were altered by the addition of NaCl.  相似文献   

In animals, melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) has several physiological roles, mostly related with circadian and seasonal rhythms. In 1995, it was detected in a variety of edible plants, and it is known that melatonin from plant foods is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and incorporated in the blood stream. This indoleamine also crosses the blood-brain barrier and the placenta, being incorporated at the subcellular level. The possibility of modulating blood melatonin levels in mammals and avians through the ingestion of plant foodstuffs seems to be an interesting prospect. However, data concerning the melatonin content of edible plants are scarce and have not been contrasted. Obtained with very different analytical techniques, in some cases inappropriate, the quantitative data show a high degree of variation. Possibly for the first time in plants, we have used liquid chromatography with time-of-flight/mass spectrometry to identify melatonin. This sophisticated technique, combined with the more commonly used liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection for melatonin quantification, has permitted us to describe the distribution of this compound in different organs and zones in plants. Also, changes in melatonin levels with age and the possible influence of a light/dark photoperiod or constant darkness on its levels are studied. The proposal, applied here to lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), may also serve as a model for application to other plant foodstuffs.  相似文献   

(+)-catechin was separately incubated with furfural or with 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural, and the formation of new oligomeric bridged compounds having flavanol units linked by furfuryl or 5-hydroxymethylfurfuryl groups was observed. LC/ESI-MS analyses detected four dimeric adducts along with intermediate adducts in each solution, and reaction was faster with furfural than with hydroxymethylfurfural. In addition, new compounds exhibiting the same UV--visible spectra as xanthylium salts with absorption maxima around 440 nm were also detected. When malvidin 3-O-glucoside or cyanidin 3-O-glucoside was added to the mixtures, new oligomeric colorless and colored pigments involving both (+)-catechin and anthocyanin moieties were detected, showing thus that the two polyphenols competed in the condensation process. Among the obtained colored pigment adducts, two dimeric compounds in which the flavanol was bridged to the anthocyanin were observed. Their UV-visible spectra were similar to the spectrum of malvidin 3-O-glucoside, but their maximum in the visible region was bathochromically shifted.  相似文献   

The role earthworms play in soil fertility is under increasing scientific scrutiny, especially in light of the fact that farmers are seeking to reduce soil tillage. However, there are many discrepancies in earthworm sampling methods. The aim of this study is to compare the efficiency of three chemical expellants (formaldehyde, commercial ‘hot’ mustard and allyl isothiocyanate, abbreviated AITC), with two sampling methods: (i) a simple method that consisted in spreading an expellant solution on the soil and retrieving earthworms that emerged at the soil surface, and (ii) a combined method that consisted in applying a chemical to expel earthworms and then hand-sorting the remaining earthworms from the block of soil. Sampling efficiency was measured in terms of earthworm density and biomass, for endogeic and anecic earthworms.With the simple method, a higher density of earthworms was sampled using formaldehyde and AITC than with mustard. Formaldehyde, AITC and mustard expelled not significantly different biomasses of 47.7, 31.9 and 20.5 g m?2, respectively, on average over the three plots. The combined method did not yield a significantly different density or biomass with the different chemicals.Formaldehyde is toxic and commercial ‘hot’ mustard is difficult to standardise and inefficient when used without hand-sorting. Accounting for the accuracy of the sampling methods as well as the toxicity of the chemicals to users and soil organisms, AITC appears to be a reliable and promising chemical expellant whether or not in combination with hand-sorting. Its use would be a step towards standardizing earthworm sampling methods.  相似文献   

Aqueous solutions of gellan gum with comparable molecular masses but with different acyl contents were investigated by atomic force microscopy and rheological measurements in the presence or absence of various cations. For a high-acyl sample, no continuous network structures were identified microscopically, except in the presence of Ca (2+), where structural inhomogeneity was the highest in terms of the height distribution of molecular assemblies. Rheological thermal hysteresis between sol-gel transitions was detected in the presence of K (+) and Ca (2+), particularly Ca (2+). The storage modulus at 20 degrees C was larger in the order Na (+) < Ca (2+) < K (+). For a low-acyl sample, continuous network structures were identified in the presence of each cation, involving greater thermal hysteresis than the corresponding data for the high-acyl sample. Structural homogeneity was the highest in the presence of K (+). Thermal hysteresis and elasticity of the system were discussed in terms of continuousness and homogeneity of network structures.  相似文献   

The antioxidant activity of the phenolic fraction of extra virgin olive oil was assessed in samples that had a decreasing content of antioxidants in the presence and absence of copper ions as a catalyst of autoxidation. The oxidation process was evaluated by measuring primary and secondary oxidation products. Changes in phenols and tocopherols were investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Both the total phenol content and their antioxidant activity were monitored by spectrophotometric assays (with Folin-Ciocalteu and ABTS*+ reagents). The important role of phenolic compounds (particularly the o-diphenols) in protection from autoxidation was confirmed. However, the tocopherols were more quickly consumed in oils that had the lowest content of o-diphenols, which also showed evidence of an ability to chelate copper. In particular, a dramatic decrease was observed in the isomeric form of decarboxymethyl-oleuropein aglycone after addition of the metal, despite its significant increase in samples stored in the absence of copper.  相似文献   

 Organic N constitutes more than 90% of total N in surface soil horizons. Amino acids, peptides and proteins represent the most abundant N species. There are indications that clay minerals influence the degradation of proteins, but little is known about the effect of oxides and hydroxides on protein decay. We therefore conducted an incubation experiment with mixtures of beech leaf litter and Fe oxide, Al hydroxide, Mn oxide or quartz sand. The protein amounts (quantified as α-NH2–N) during the 498-day experiment were recorded. During the first 90–239 days, plant-derived proteins were decomposed, resulting in a decline of protein amounts to about 60% of the initial value. Later in the experiment, the protein amounts increased again to between 70% and 90% of the initial amount, because microbial resynthesis of proteins outweighed decomposition. The change from dominating decomposition to prevailing microbial resynthesis occurred when the microorganisms had to adapt to less favourable conditions and therefore built new, protein-rich biomass. Although the mineral phases did not influence protein decomposition initially, Fe oxide and Al hydroxide stabilized plant-derived proteins. Al hydroxide reduced protein resynthesis in the second phase of the experiment, probably due to a reduction of microbial activity. Mn oxide increased protein decomposition and lowered microbial resynthesis due to its oxidative properties. The mineral phases therefore resulted in a shift of the relative intensities of protein decomposition and microbial resynthesis. Received: 26 August 1998  相似文献   



The purposes of this research were to: (1) establish new analytical kinetic equation for describing the effect of strong electrostatic force on adsorption; (2) experimentally determine if it is a strong or weak electrostatic force adsorption process; and (3) evaluate the adsorption energies of the strong and weak force adsorptions based on the proposed new theory of cation adsorption kinetics.  相似文献   

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