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This report describes the identification and removal of 2 glass balls, both of which had fragmented, from the uterus of a mare. The glass balls had been placed into the uterine lumen to prolong function of the corpus luteum for suppression of oestrous behaviour. This report adds to a growing body of evidence that severe complications can result from the use of intrauterine glass balls for oestrus suppression in mares, particularly if they are retained for a prolonged time.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of the uterine flush fluid proteome of mares in oestrus and dioestrus has been previously reported. The objectives of this study were to: a) evaluate qualitative differences in the uterine flush fluid proteome between mares in oestrus and mares in dioestrus and b) perform a functional classification of proteins either unique to each stage or common between the two stages. Uterine flush fluid samples were collected from 8 light breed mares in either oestrus (n = 5) or dioestrus (n = 3). Proteomic analysis of the samples was conducted using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Proteins exclusively detected in oestrus or dioestrus and those common to both stages were identified using the Scaffold software (version 4.4.8, Proteome Software Inc., Portland, OR). The identified proteins were classified into gene ontology (GO) categories (cellular component [CC], molecular function [MF] and biological process [BP]) using the PANTHER ( www.pantherdb.org ) classification system version 14.0. Of 172 proteins identified, 51 and 28 were exclusively detected in mares in oestrus and dioestrus, respectively, and 93 proteins were common to both stages. The most represented terms in various GO categories were similar among the three subsets of proteins. The most represented CC terms were extracellular region and cell, the most represented MF terms were catalytic activity and binding, and the most represented BP terms were metabolic process and cellular process. In conclusion, proteomic analysis of the uterine flush fluid enabled the identification of subsets of proteins unique to oestrus or dioestrus, or common to both stages. The results of this study can serve as a baseline for future research focused on finding stage-specific protein markers or evaluating differences in the uterine flush fluid proteome between normal mares and those with uterine disease.  相似文献   

Many fillies and mares are accused of behaving badly by their owners or trainers, and their reproductive hormones and ovaries are commonly blamed for this. Overt oestrus behaviour, however natural, is undesirable when a horse is being ridden, trained and competed. More subtle behaviours may be attributed to the reproductive cycle and presented as the cause of poor performance in the elite competition mare. Sometimes behaviours are complex, perhaps at odds with what one expects for normal reproductive behaviour and in many cases may not be associated with the reproductive cycle at all, rather associated with pain of musculoskeletal or soft tissue origin. The situation represents a diagnostic dilemma to positively associate undesirable behaviours with the ovarian hormones or ovarian pain, before an attempt can be made to modify the behaviour through the suppression of oestrus. This article will review the reasons for presentation, the behavioural patterns of the reproductive cycle and the diagnosis of reproductive behavioural problems. The range of techniques for oestrus suppression will be reviewed along with their clinical application and any known current regulatory issues associated with their use.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Active immunisation against gonadotrophin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) provides a reversible method for control of oestrous behaviour and fertility in mares. Previous reports failed to demonstrate the interval to resumption of cyclic ovarian activity after GnRH‐vaccination. Hypothesis: Administration of the GnRH‐vaccine Improvac in a large group of mares of various ages will result in effective, reliably reversible suppression of ovarian activity within a 2 year period. Methods: The mares, subdivided into 3 age categories, were vaccinated twice (with a 35 day interval) using 400 µg Improvac and monitored via blood samples until Day 720 after initial vaccination for serum progesterone concentration determination by radioimmune assay and anti‐GnRH antibody titre by enzyme immunoassay. Samples were collected until individuals resumed cyclic ovarian activity. Results: All mares showed suppression of cyclic ovarian activity by clinical examination and serum progesterone concentration (SPC) ≤1 nmol/l by Day 70 and 92.2% resumed cyclic activity by SPC at Day 720 with a mean interval = 417.8 days (s.d. ± 23.9; range 232–488 days, median 344 days). A significant age effect (P = 0.028) on the interval, but not on GnRH‐antibody titre response, was observed between the youngest (≤4 years) and oldest (≥11 years) categories. Conclusions: Immunising adult mares of all ages with Improvac resulted in a reversible suppression of cyclic ovarian activity in most mares. An age effect, with the youngest mares showing a longer interval to reversibility, was observed.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of mare uterine flush fluid provides a minimally invasive technique for studying protein changes associated with the oestrous cycle. The aim of this study was to identify differentially abundant proteins in the uterine flush fluid of mares in oestrus and dioestrus. In this study, uterine flush fluid samples were collected from eight reproductively healthy mares in either oestrus (n = 5) or dioestrus (n = 3). Proteomic analysis was performed using liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry. Of 172 proteins identified, six proteins (immunoglobulin lambda‐like polypeptide 1, haemoglobin subunit alpha, alpha‐1B‐glycoprotein, serotransferrin, apolipoprotein A‐1, and haemoglobin subunit beta) were significantly more abundant in oestrus. These proteins may contribute to the endometrial defence system through roles in inflammation, immunity or antimicrobial activity. In other species, some of these proteins have been described as immunoglobulins, negative acute phase proteins or defence agents against micro‐organisms. During dioestrus, immunoglobulin alpha‐1 chain C region‐related, complement factor I, CD 109 antigen and uterocalin, were significantly more abundant. Research in other species suggests that these four proteins contribute to the immune response through proposed immunoregulatory characteristics, complement system involvement or roles in B cell–T cell interactions. In conclusion, ten differentially abundant proteins were identified in the uterine flush fluid of mares in oestrus and dioestrus. Targeted studies on these proteins could elucidate their role in uterine defence mechanisms during the oestrous cycle in the mare.  相似文献   

From 6 mares with chronic uterine infection, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) were obtained from the uterus. In order to recover an adequate number of viable PMNs, 0.1% oyster glycogen was infused into the uterus as a mild irritant 12 h prior to the uterine flushing. Phagocytosis and chemotaxis of the uterine derived PMNs were determined. The supernatant from the uterine flushing was compared with autologous serum for its capacity as an opsonin and chemoattractant. There was a significant increase of both phagocytosis and chemotaxis when autologous serum was used compared with the supernatant from the uterine flushing. This study indicates that autologous serum has a greater opsonizing capacity than uterine secretion from mares with chronic uterine infection. Since all mares conceived following this study, the use of oyster glycogen was not considered to have deleterious effect on the uterine mucosa.  相似文献   

The environment the equine conceptus finds itself in when it arrives in the uterus some 6 days after ovulation will determine if it will thrive or die. The uterus will be its home for approximately the next 11 months and as such it needs to both coordinate the growth of the placenta and ensure there is enough nourishment passing to this organ for the fetus to develop normally. The trophoblast, endometrium, maternal ovaries and, later in pregnancy, the fetal gonads, all play roles in the hormonal changes that orchestrate these events. Although failures of these processes later in pregnancy can have catastrophic effects for the fetus, it is in early gestation that the foundations for a successful pregnancy are laid. This paper therefore concentrates on some of the noninfectious influences the uterus may have on survival of the young conceptus.  相似文献   

Reason for performing study: To improve efficiency at the farm level, a better understanding of how farm management factors impact reproductive performance is important. Objective: To assess reproductive efficiency and effectiveness among Thoroughbred mares in central Kentucky. Methods: A cohort of 1011 mares on 13 farms in central Kentucky was followed during the 2004 mating and 2005 foaling season. Information on farm level practices was collected via interviews with farm managers. Reproductive records were collected for each mare mated to obtain information on mare characteristics. The influence of mare age and status (maiden, foaling, barren) on Days 15 and 40 post mating pregnancy rates, foaling rates and total effective length of the mating season were assessed. The influence of stallion book size on reproductive performance measures was also examined. Results: Per season pregnancy rates on Days 15 and 40 post mating and live foal rate were 92.1, 89.3 and 78.3%, respectively. Per cycle rates for the same time periods were 64.0, 58.3 and 50.8%. There were no significant associations between stallion book size and reproductive performance outcomes. The mean s.d. interval from the beginning of the mating season to the last mating of the mare was 36.5 ± 26.1 days. Conclusions: Mare age had a significant impact on efficiency of becoming pregnant, maintaining pregnancy and producing a live foal. Overall, fertility did not decrease among stallions with the largest book sizes. Total interval length of the mating season can be reduced if managers ensure maiden and barren mares are mated at the beginning of the season and foaling mares are mated at the earliest oestrus after acceptable uterine involution has been achieved. Potential relevance: Measures identified in the study can be used by owners, farm managers and veterinarians to improve mare reproductive performance and identify parameters to assist with the implementation of effective culling practices.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old ex-polo pony maiden mare with an extensively damaged endometrium was initially used as an embryo donor in a research herd. Embryos recovered from the mare were of normal morphology and size. Subsequently, the mare was inseminated and left pregnant. Early conceptus development was normal and she foaled a small (22 kg) but healthy filly after a gestation of 360 days. Examination of the placenta showed that development of the microcotyledons accurately reflected the damage to the uterus. Plasma progestagen profiles throughout gestation also provided evidence for placental pathology and fetal stress.  相似文献   


AIM: To compare the efficacy of oxytocin given once daily, either I/V or I/M, on Days 7–14 post-ovulation, on the expression of oestrus in mares through to 65 days post-ovulation.

METHODS: Eighteen mares of various breeds that were displaying normal oestrous cycles were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups on the day of ovulation (Day 0), detected using transrectal ultrasonography. Mares in the control group (n = 6) were given 1 mL saline I/V; mares in the I/V and I/M groups (n = 6 per group) were injected with 10 IU oxytocin I/V and I/M, respectively. All treatments were given once daily on Days 7–14. Mares were teased by a stallion three times per week, up to 65 days post-ovulation, to detect oestrous or dioestrous behaviour. Ovarian follicular and luteal activity were monitored using transrectal ultrasonography three times weekly, and daily when a follicle >30 mm diameter was present until ovulation. Blood samples were collected weekly for analysis of concentrations of progesterone in serum. Prolonged dioestrus was defined as a period of >30 days of dioestrous behaviour after Day 0, confirmed by detection of corpora lutea and concentrations of progesterone in serum >4 nmol/L.

RESULTS: Overall, 8/18 (44%) mares showed prolonged dioestrus. These included 2/6 (33%) mares in the control group, compared with 5/6 (83%) and 1/6 (16%) mares in the I/V and I/M groups, respectively (p = 0.11). The median duration of the first dioestrus was longer for the I/V group (64 (min 16, max 66) days) compared with the control group (18 (min 12, max 64) days) (p = 0.05), but was not different between the control group and the I/M group (16 (min 13, max 65) days) (p = 0.57). For all mares there was strong agreement between teasing behaviours, ultrasonographic assessment of ovarian activity, and concentration of progesterone in serum.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study found that low doses of oxytocin did not increase the proportion of mares with prolonged dioestrus, compared with controls, although I/V oxytocin did increase the median duration of dioestrus. The results must be interpreted with some caution as group numbers were small, and a variety of breeds were used. Further investigation of oxytocin given I/V may be warranted as a potential method of oestrus suppression in mares exhibiting oestrous cycles that is low cost, safe and well-tolerated, and potentially reversible with prostaglandin.  相似文献   

Reason for performing study: There have been no studies reporting the impact of reproductive efficiency and mare financial value on economic returns. Objective: To explore the economic consequences of differences in reproductive efficiency over time in the Thoroughbred mare. Methods: Complete production records for 1176 mares were obtained. Production history and drift in foaling date were calculated. Multiple logistic regression was used to identify factors influencing the probability of producing a registered foal in 2005. The ‘net present value’ and ‘internal rate of return’ were calculated for economic scenarios involving different initial mare financial values, levels of reproductive efficiency, and durations of investment. Results: Among mares that did not produce a foal every year (63%), the mean time before failing to produce a registered foal was 3.4 years. The majority of mares drifted later in their foaling dates in subsequent foaling seasons. Increasing mare age, foaling after 1st April, needing to be mated multiple times during the season, and producing a lower number of foals in continuous sequence during previous years decreased the probability of producing a registered foal. Over a 7 year investment period, live foals must be produced in all but one year to yield a positive financial return. Profitability was highest among mares of greatest financial value. Conclusions: Mares are long‐term investments due to the extended period before there is a return on the investment. Improving our understanding of mare, stallion and management factors that affect the likelihood of producing a live foal are critical to ensuring a positive financial return. Additional work is needed to test the robustness of the study's conclusions when the cost and revenue assumptions are varied. Potential relevance: This information can assist in assessing mare profitability and developing management strategies to maximise profitability.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is a need for study of a method for restoring a ventrally positioned uterus to a horizontal position involving fertility of mares with delayed uterine clearance. Hypothesis: A ventrally‐angled uterus can be elevated to a horizontal position using a laparoscopic technique. Objective: To develop a laparoscopic technique of imbricating the mesometria to elevate the uterus to a horizontal position. Methods: The right and left mesometria of 5 pluriparous mares, all barren for 1–8 years (mean 3.8 years), with a pendulous, ventrally‐angled uterus were shortened laparoscopically, by imbrication, with the mares standing, to raise the uterine body and horns to a horizontal position. Sutures were placed through the dorsal aspect of the uterine body and uterine horn and the adjacent region of the mesometrium using a simple continuous suture pattern. Results: The uterus of all 5 mares was elevated successfully to a horizontal position. Three of the mares became pregnant the same year, without other treatment, after the procedure. Conclusions: A pendulous, ventrally‐angled uterus can be returned to a normal, horizontal position by imbricating the mesometria, using a laparoscopic technique. Potential relevance: Elevating a ventrally‐angled uterus to a horizontal position may improve egress of uterine debris, thereby improving fertility.  相似文献   

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