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中国复合农林业发展机遇与研究展望*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
概述了复合农林业的基本内涵及其发展机遇,论述了复合农林业在林业和农业可持续发展中的地位和作用,并结合复合农林业及其相关学科的发展趋势,从研究的尺度、对象及地域、手段及方法、内容等角度,对我国复合农林业的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

通过概述复合农林业基本内涵、中国林业可持续发展战略及六大林业工程建设与复合农林业的关系.说明复合农林业发展机遇.并结合复合农林业及其相关学科的发展趋势,从研究尺度、研究手段、研究方式、研究地域和热点研究内容等方面,提出我国未来复合农林业研究展望.  相似文献   

通过 5年的攻关研究 ,建立了音河和兴久 2个模式区 ,提出了复合农林业持续稳定高效经营技术 ,复合农林业综合配套技术、水土保持林配置技术和护堤护岸林营造技术 ,并利用GIS对甘南县复合农林业系统进行了分类和分区。  相似文献   

通过对吉林省西部平原沙丘区地貌类型进行分类,提出了“容器覆土越冬法”等沙丘改造综合配套措施和5种复合农林业经营模式;筛选出适宜本省西部半干旱风沙区耐干旱耐瘠薄树种长白松、欧洲白榆、甘肃沙枣等6个品种,开展了生长发育、形态、生物量对干旱循环胁迫等适应性研究;应用地理信息系统解决了以县为单位的复合农林业系统分类、分区及调控技术,指出了前郭县复合农林业经营方向。  相似文献   

沿海湿地生物多样性保护及复合农林业利用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在分析沿海湿地生物多样性保护所面临的机遇和挑战的基础上,论述了沿海湿地生物多样性保护与利用的哲学观点、主要威胁和制约因素,提出了沿海湿地生物多样性保护的运行路径、通道驿站和微观方法等,以及在建立防护林体系中进行复合农林业经营的构想,简述了沿海湿地生物多样性保护及利用所做的工作和今后重点开展的内容,为沿海湿地生物多样性保护及复合农林业利用提供依据。  相似文献   

<正> 河南省林业科学研究所农用林室,是以复合农林业综合技术、平原绿化、经济林培育等多学科为主要研究内容的研究室,也是河南林业厅批复成立的重点实验室。成立以来,经过几代人的共同努力,取得许多令国内外同行关注的成绩,现已发展成为退耕还林与植被恢复、复合农林业配套技术、城乡绿化、果树设施栽培、经济林高效生态培育,科研、开发、规划设计、高级咨询等业务为一体  相似文献   

概述了复合农林业崛起的历史背景及概念的演绎过程,概要介绍了混农林业在世界范围的应用情况和研究的热点问题。  相似文献   

江南初夏。五月的杭城,花木葱茏,生机荡漾。自1999年浙江省委省政府确立省级五大种子种苗工程以来,浙江的农林业正以勃勃英姿,在高科技和产业化道路上阔步前进。新世纪的第二年,浙江省省长柴松岳来到了浙江省骨干农业龙头企业、浙江种业史上第一家规范化的股份制企业、承担着省级花卉和林木种苗工程具体实施任务的浙江森禾种业股份有限公司考察。在浙江农林业产业化建设的关键时期,柴省长的到来,是对浙江森禾种业公司最大的关怀和支持,也是对浙江农林业最大的鼓舞和鞭策。5月22日,浙江森禾种业公司杭州分公司一派喜庆的景象…  相似文献   

混农林业及其研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对混农林业概念的解释,阐述了混农林业的特征和作用,介绍了混农林业在国际国内研究现状及其类型。并浅述了混农林业生态效益、社会效益和经济效益的关系,综合了复合生态系统的社会、生态、经济效益的预测方法。  相似文献   

林业生物质能源产业化发展模式调查分析与构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结了国内外农林业产业化发展模式和经验,分析了目前我国农林业产业化过程中出现的主要发展模式及其特点,结合林业生物质能源产业化发展的特点,提出了未来我国林业生物质能源产业化发展可采取的模式,并就模式运行所涉及的资源基地建设、市场体系和龙头企业选择等进行了探讨。  相似文献   


Agroforestry is a sustainable land management system recognized worldwide but not implemented in a extensive form in temperate and developed countries. Agroforestry has been promoted in the last decades at global level as it provides more efficient and sustainable farming systems. This review aims at summarizing the main research findings explaining why agroforestry is a sustainable land management that fulfils and is affected by different Global, Pan-European and European policies as well as how innovation is currently fostered in Europe, therefore linking research, policy and innovation. This review specially targets researchers and policy makers working in integrated land systems. There is a global and European recognition of the role that agroforestry can play to provide products but also to deliver highly important ecosystem services. However, the promotion of agroforestry practices at European level is still not well addressed by the Common Agricultural Policy. The clear identification of agroforestry practices, the link of management plans to establish agroforestry pursuing a final eligible tree density for the Pillar I payments should be addressed as initial steps to foster agroforestry in Europe. There is a lack of knowledge transfer that promotes agroforestry at field level, which should be approached by using stakeholder integration within the policy development as it is currently done by the EIP-Agri.


农林复合经营系统研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了当代农林复合经营系统的概念、内涵、产生的背景以及发展历史。分析了国内外农林复合经营系统在分类、组分间的相互作用、模式建立及优化、系统功能和作用、系统的整体效益评价以及技术推广等各方面的研究现状,并对当代农林复合经营系统的研究前景进行展望。  相似文献   

The potentialities of agroforestry are generally investigated through their biophysiological phenomena, cost–benefit analysis, and possible impact upon poverty reduction. There have been inadequate studies on the actual impacts of agroforestry intervention on small landholders and of farmers' attitudes toward these agroforestry programs. Drawing upon the findings of an empirical study, this article explores the effects of small-scale agroforestry on upland community development in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh. More specifically, the study clarifies the merits and demerits of different agroforestry systems as perceived by farmers, their impacts on the rural economy and the environment, farmers' attitudes toward the adoption of agroforestry, and impacts of various government policies. Field data were collected by administering questions to 90 randomly selected smallholders of the Upland Settlement Project (USP), as well as from project staff. The research tools employed were semistructured interviews, group discussions, and uncontrolled observations. The results indicated that the agroforestry interventions have in fact increased farmers' income through employment and the selling of farm products, as well as by improving the ecological conditions of these areas through reduction of soil erosion, increasing tree coverage, and maintaining soil fertility. The adoption of different agroforestry systems was governed mainly by the farmers' interests in following these techniques, their ability to cultivate the land in the prescribed manner, and the market demand for their products. The major obstacles that prevented increased agroforestry improvements included lack of confidence in new land-use systems, inappropriate project design (e.g., top-down innovation approach), and policy issues regarding land tenure. Recommendations are proposed to strengthen social capital in local organizations to enhance the livelihoods of the upland communities.  相似文献   

Most of the existing agroforestry courses have arisen opportunistically and tend to be based on the form that agroforestry takes, rather than on the way agroforestry practices function. Yet agroforestry research is beginning to supply ideas and information about the core issues (e.g., how woody and non-woody intercrops behave in terms of environmental resource capture, and how this can be influenced by the biology of the plant components and management). Similarly, recent socioeconomic research on agroforestry issues reveals dynamic systems of resource access, use, and control at various levels of human organization over time. It is true also that, because they were undertaken with different objectives in mind, the concepts derived from many decades of research in ecology, agriculture, and forestry still need to be reshaped for agroforestry situations. Likewise, socioeconomic content needs to move towards teaching the dynamics of decision-making, innovation, and change rather than describing static situations. This reshaping process itself offers exciting possibilities for educators who, thereby, could influence the course of research.These issues are briefly discussed in relation to the integration and development of research and teaching, and the needs of students and agroforestry professionals for educational and training courses. A draft proposal for the future of agroforestry at Cornell University is also outlined as a model for implementing such an approach.  相似文献   

Agroforestry has been given a broad and hopeful mandate to assist in devising productive and sustainable systems of land management to meet the demographic and ecological challenges of mankind's somewhat uncertain future. As a new and explicity interdisciplinary field of applied scientific research and technological synthesis, agroforestry is in a unique position to benefit from recent advances in our understanding of the rural development process which, if properly integrated into the emerging paradigm for agroforestry research and development, will greatly enhance its chances of fulfilling its potential as a source of solutions to many interrelated problems of tropical land use. Drawing on lessons from the literature on the adoption and diffusion of innovations, a number of research strategies and design tactics are proposed by which agroforestry R & D teams may improve on their ability to generate relevant and adoptable technologies and, thus, stand a better chance of having the kind of practical impact on landuse systems which is expected of agroforestry.  相似文献   

Efforts to improve the performance of agroforestry systems, and to expand the land area and number of people able to benefit from this integrative approach to agriculture and natural resource management, are constrained throughout the world by non-supportive land use policies. A growing sense of urgency that policy change is needed to enable agroforestry to flourish has contributed during the past two years to an unprecedented level of agroforestry policy assessment and planning activity.In the US, agroforestry has emerged from academia, where it has incubated since the mid-1980s, into the professional resource management arena. A multi-organizational agroforestry evaluation process has driven national policy and program formation to the forefront of the agenda of the agroforestry community, as it seeks to influence the 1995 Farm Bill. Internationally, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research and collaborators fostered a sequence of policy issue identification activities as a basis for setting strategic research priorities for forestry and agroforestry.Following a brief review of forces driving agroforestry development in industrialized and less developed countries, the paper highlights recent policy assessment initiatives in each sphere. Observations on the issues driving and the priorities emerging from these processes are offered, to lend perspective to the critical challenges facing the agroforestry policy research community. An explanation for pervasive constraints and inconsistencies in policy effectiveness is then explored, from which a promising approach to research intervention is forwarded.It is argued that social scientists might influence agroforestry policy most favorably at this critical juncture, as perceptions of inter-dependence increase among different stakeholders in the policy system, by employing interventionist, actor-oriented perspectives and participatory methods to facilitate policy innovation and evaluation. The approach is consistent with participatory technology design processes that earlier helped to establish agroforestry as a prototype for sustainable development.  相似文献   

从分析湖南省林业科学院科技创新能力的现状入手,提出湖南林业和林区建设必须依靠科技创新,依赖农业科技的跨越发展。并从增加科技投入,加强重点顶级人才培养,提高科研原创力;重视重点学科与区域特色培植,增加科技创新能力储备;建立科研示范基地,搭建科技创新的平台等方面论述了提高自主创新能力,构筑创新体系,加快科技飞跃发展的设想与措施。  相似文献   

The USDA Agricultural Research Service, headquartered at the South Central Family Farm Research Center, Booneville, Arkansas, recently initiated an agroforestry research program for the interior highlands and the southeastern United States. The purpose of the agroforestry program is to develop a research and technology transfer program in agroforestry that will provide additional alternative income opportunities for family farms of this region. The objectives of the program are: 1) to develop new information on the establishment, maintenance, and utilization of conifer and hardwood tree stands in open pastures, 2) to develop new knowledge in multiple-use management and their environmental impacts, and 3) to facilitate multidisciplinary networks and partnerships of farmers, technical specialists, scientists, and managers for accomplishing agroforestry research and technology transfer.  相似文献   

Technologies in forest molecular biology and tissue culture could play an increasing role in the choice of genotypes for successful establishment of agroforestry practices. Research areas such as micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, genetic engineering, marker-aided selection, and molecular diagnostics are merging with traditional forest biological studies to help identify and produce better-suited trees for agroforestry plantings. A combination of classical and molecular biological research could be used to improve pest and stress resistance of selected genotypes, modify structure and function, and monitor pests of trees. This merger of approaches, as well as continued technological development, could accelerate the production and selection of suitable tree genotypes for agroforestry plantings.The US Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copy-right is acknowledged.  相似文献   

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