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Control of regulatory T cell development by the transcription factor Foxp3   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Initiation of translation at the correct position on messenger RNA is essential for accurate protein synthesis. In prokaryotes, this process requires three initiation factors: IF1, IF2, and IF3. Here we report the crystal structure of a complex of IF1 and the 30S ribosomal subunit. Binding of IF1 occludes the ribosomal A site and flips out the functionally important bases A1492 and A1493 from helix 44 of 16S RNA, burying them in pockets in IF1. The binding of IF1 causes long-range changes in the conformation of H44 and leads to movement of the domains of 30S with respect to each other. The structure explains how localized changes at the ribosomal A site lead to global alterations in the conformation of the 30S subunit.  相似文献   

Activation of Hageman factor by L-homocystine   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
L-Homocystine activates Hageman factor, as demonstrated by its capacity to initiate clotting and to induce the evolution of plasma kinins. Perhaps, strategically located deposits of this amino acid are responsible for the unusual frequency of thrombosis in patients with homocystinuria.  相似文献   

Many biological processes are regulated through the selective dephosphorylation of proteins. Protein serine-threonine phosphatases are assembled from catalytic subunits bound to diverse regulatory subunits that provide substrate specificity and subcellular localization. We describe a small molecule, guanabenz, that bound to a regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1, PPP1R15A/GADD34, selectively disrupting the stress-induced dephosphorylation of the α subunit of translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α). Without affecting the related PPP1R15B-phosphatase complex and constitutive protein synthesis, guanabenz prolonged eIF2α phosphorylation in human stressed cells, adjusting the protein production rates to levels manageable by available chaperones. This favored protein folding and thereby rescued cells from protein misfolding stress. Thus, regulatory subunits of phosphatases are drug targets, a property used here to restore proteostasis in stressed cells.  相似文献   

Persistent activation of p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p42 MAPK) during mitosis induces a "cytostatic factor" arrest, the arrest responsible for preventing the parthenogenetic activation of unfertilized eggs. The protein kinase p90 Rsk is a substrate of p42 MAPK; thus, the role of p90 Rsk in p42 MAPK-induced mitotic arrest was examined. Xenopus laevis egg extracts immunodepleted of Rsk lost their capacity to undergo mitotic arrest in response to activation of the Mos-MEK-1-p42 MAPK cascade of protein kinases. Replenishing Rsk-depleted extracts with catalytically competent Rsk protein restored the ability of the extracts to undergo mitotic arrest. Rsk appears to be essential for cytostatic factor arrest.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase complexed with a 20-amino acid substrate analog inhibitor has been solved and partially refined at 2.7 A resolution to an R factor of 0.212. The magnesium adenosine triphosphate (MgATP) binding site was located by difference Fourier synthesis. The enzyme structure is bilobal with a deep cleft between the lobes. The cleft is filled by MgATP and a portion of the inhibitor peptide. The smaller lobe, consisting mostly of amino-terminal sequence, is associated with nucleotide binding, and its largely antiparallel beta sheet architecture constitutes an unusual nucleotide binding motif. The larger lobe is dominated by helical structure with a single beta sheet at the domain interface. This lobe is primarily involved in peptide binding and catalysis. Residues 40 through 280 constitute a conserved catalytic core that is shared by more than 100 protein kinases. Most of the invariant amino acids in this conserved catalytic core are clustered at the sites of nucleotide binding and catalysis.  相似文献   

Expression and activity of the POU transcription factor SCIP   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  

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