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Nasopharyngeal polyps are non-neoplastic, inflammatory growths that arise from the middle ear or the eustachian tube and extend into the pharynx. The exact etiology of nasopharyngeal polyps is unclear; proposed etiologies include a response to chronic upper respiratory tract infection, chronic otitis media, ascending infection from the nasopharynx, or a congenital origin. Clinical signs usually relate to obstruction of the nasopharynx, with Horner's syndrome and head tilt being consistent with otitis media and otitis interna, respectively. Diagnostic tools include digital or visual examination above the soft palate, flexible fiberoptic caudal rhinoscopy, radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Ventral bulla osteotomy combined with traction removal of the polyp is the recommended treatment, although traction only followed by prednisolone therapy can be considered in some cases, especially when there is no evidence of otitis media.  相似文献   


This paper describes four cats with hyperadrenocorticism. Cat 1 showed polydipsia and polyphagia. Diabetes mellitus was initially diagnosed As the animal appeared to be insulin resistant, pituitary and adrenocortical function tests were performed and the diagnosis of hyperadrenocoricism was made. Resistance to the high‐dose dexamethasone suppression test was noticed in this cat. Pathological examination revealed a pituitary chromophobe adenoma.

Cat 2 presented with diabetes mellitus, which was treated with insulin. The animal had a pendulous abdomen and its coat was in a poor condition. The low‐dose dexamenthasone suppression test demonstrated hyperadrenocorticism. Necropsy findings of pituitary tumour and hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex confirmed the diagnosis.

Cat 3 showed clinical abnormalities indicative of hyperadrenocorticism, for instance, muscle weakness, alopecia, multiple abcesses. The diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was confirmed by the results of the lowe‐dose dexamethasone suppression test. Pathological examination revealed an adrenocortical carcinoma.

Cat 4 presented with polydipsia. The cause of this symptom was not found initially. One and a half years later additional symptoms, such as nephritis and polyphagia developed Hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed because of a palpable mass cranial to the left kidney. The diagnosis was confirmed by the results of the lowe‐dose dexamethasone suppression test and the necropsy findings  相似文献   

This retrospective study reports the presence and incidence of nasal turbinates in the nasopharynx (nasopharyngeal turbinates) in a population of brachycephalic dogs and cats exhibiting signs of upper respiratory disease. Medical records were reviewed for 53 brachycephalic dogs and 10 brachycephalic cats undergoing upper airway endoscopy. Nasopharyngeal turbinates were identified in 21% of brachycephalic animals, including 21% of dogs and 20% of cats. Pugs accounted for 32% of all dogs in the study population and 82% of dogs with nasopharyngeal turbinates. The presence of nasopharyngeal turbinates may play a role in upper airway obstruction in the brachycephalic airway syndrome.  相似文献   

The clinical, radiographic and echocardiographic features of two cases of pulmonic stenosis in cats are presented. A rarely reported combination of pulmonic stenosis and tricuspid valve dysplasia is described.  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective study was to describe the clinical characteristics and treatment of four cats with dermatophytic pseudomycetoma. Four Persian cats, one female and three males, with age ranging from 1.4 to 5 years, were diagnosed with dermatophytic pseudomycetoma by histological examination and fungal culture. Wood's lamp examination revealed positive fluorescence of hairs in all four cats. Characteristic skin lesions consisted of multifocal, raised, firm and nodular to dome-shaped lesions varying in size from 1 to 8 cm in diameter, with ulcers or fistulas in some of the lesions. One cat was treated and cured with 3 months of oral itraconazole; lesions completely regressed, and at the time of writing there has been no recurrence. One cat was treated with surgical excision alone, and recurrence of lesions occurred after a disease-free interval of 15 months. Two cats were treated with surgical excision and systemic itraconazole therapy. Itraconazole therapy was started 1-2 months before surgery and continued for 3 months after surgery. Surgical margins were wide in both cats, and underlying adipose tissue and/or deeper fascia was removed. One cat relapsed, but had a disease-free interval of 18 months. The other cat has been disease free for 32 months. This case series suggests that aggressive, wide surgical excision and concurrent oral itraconazole are highly beneficial in treating dermatophytic pseudomycetoma in cats.  相似文献   

This paper describes four cats with hyperadrenocorticism. Cat 1 showed polydipsia and polyphagia. Diabetes mellitus was initially diagnosed. As the animal appeared to be insulin resistant, pituitary and adrenocortical function tests were performed and the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was made. Resistance to the high-dose dexamethasone suppression test was noticed in this cat. Pathological examination revealed a pituitary chromophobe adenoma. Cat 2 presented with diabetes mellitus, which was treated with insulin. The animal had a pendulous abdomen and its coat was in a poor condition. The low-dose dexamethasone suppression test demonstrated hyperadrenocorticism. Necropsy findings of pituitary tumour and hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex confirmed the diagnosis. Cat 3 showed clinical abnormalities indicative of hyperadrenocorticism, for instance, muscle weakness, alopecia, multiple abscesses. The diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was confirmed by the results of the lowe-dose dexamethasone suppression test. Pathological examination revealed an adrenocortical carcinoma. Cat 4 presented with polydipsia. The cause of this symptom was not found initially. One and a half years later additional symptoms, such as nephritis and polyphagia developed. Hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed because of a palpable mass cranial to the left kidney. The diagnosis was confirmed by the results of the lowe-dose dexamethasone suppression test and the necropsy findings.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography were used to diagnose mitral stenosis in two cats with heart failure. This appeared to be related to mitral valve complex malformation. Ultrasound findings included thickened mitral valve leaflets with inhibited mobility, reduced mitral valve orifice size, abnormal upward (cranial) motion of the caudal mitral leaflet during diastole and severe left atrial enlargement. Colour-flow and spectral Doppler imaging helped characterise this condition. Colour-flow Doppler mapping showed turbulence and increased mitral filling velocity (aliasing) at the site of stenosis and related jets of mitral regurgitation. Spectral Doppler recordings showed increased diastolic mitral filling velocities with spectral broadening and prolonged pressure half-time. Mitral stenosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of cats with severe left atrial enlargement when congenital or acquired mitral valve disease is detected; it may represent an advanced form of mitral valve complex malformation in some cases.  相似文献   

PRACTICAL RELEVANCE: Nasal discharge, sneezing and upper respiratory noise are frequent presenting signs in feline practice. CLINICAL CHALLENGES: The small nasal cavity of the cat can make visualisation of lesions challenging. In addition, investigations may identify only secondary complications of a disease process, rather than the initial aetiological agent. GLOBAL IMPORTANCE: Nasopharyngeal disease is a worldwide problem. However, fungal disease shows regional variations in prevalence. AUDIENCE: This review, aimed at general practitioners as well as those undertaking more specialist investigations in feline respiratory disease, aims to provide practical guidance on the approach necessary to obtain a diagnosis in cats with nasopharyngeal disease. It should also help to explain why a specific diagnosis may not always be possible. EQUIPMENT: While access to endoscopy and computed tomography is advantageous, extensive information can be gained from equipment readily available in all practices. EVIDENCE BASE: The information presented in this article is based on peer-reviewed publications and the clinical experience of the authors.  相似文献   

Four cats presented with clinical signs suggestive of respiratory disease, including dyspnea, wheezing, cyanosis, inspiratory stridor, coughing, and gagging. Radiographs revealed intratracheal masses. Bronchoscopy allowed for lesion localization and collection of samples for cytopathological and histopathological evaluation, which confirmed a diagnosis of lymphosarcoma. Cats treated with systemic chemotherapy or radiation were able to achieve complete remission and long-term resolution of clinical signs.  相似文献   

Preparturient hypocalcemia was identified in 4 cats in a specific pathogen-free colony between 1995 and 1996. All cats had an acute onset of clinical signs, 3 to 17 days prior to parturition. Signs of depression, weakness, tachypnea, and mild muscle tremors were the most common clinical signs, following by vomiting and anorexia. Additional abnormalities included hypothermia, third eyelid prolapse, dehydration, pallor, lethargy, flaccid paralysis, and hyperexcitability. Hematologic abnormalities included leukocytosis with neutrophilia and lymphopenia. Hypocalcemia was documented in each queen. Common serum biochemical abnormalities included high aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase activities. All cats responded to IV or SC administration of 10% calcium gluconate. Queens were then given calcium orally prior to and following parturition. The queens did not have additional complications for the duration of the gestational or lactational periods.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo describe the clinical features of congenital supravalvular mitral stenosis (SVMS) in cats.BackgroundSupravalvular mitral stenosis is an uncommon congenital cardiac defect that has not been previously reported in a series of cats.Animals14 cats with SVMS.MethodsMedical records, relevant diagnostic studies and preserved pathology specimens were reviewed.ResultsCats were presented over a wide age range (5 months–10 years; median 3 years); males (n = 9) and the Siamese breed were over-represented. Presenting complaints included respiratory distress (n = 6), hindlimb paralysis due to aortic thromboembolism (n = 5) and asymptomatic heart murmur (n = 3). Echocardiographic examination often identified pulmonary hypertension (PHT) (n = 7) and concurrent cardiac abnormalities (n = 7), especially partial atrioventricular septal defect (PAVSD) (n = 4). Status 12 months following diagnosis was known for 9 cats; 8 of these had died or were euthanized.ConclusionsCats with SVMS are usually presented as young adults for respiratory signs attributable to congestive heart failure, aortic thromboembolism or incidental murmur identification. Congestive heart failure, PHT and concurrent congenital cardiac abnormalities (specifically PAVSD) are common. Long-term prognosis for symptomatic cats is poor.  相似文献   

Case 1 involved a 4-month-old intact male Somali cat in which peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis (PPS) was recognized after a cardiac murmur remained following patent ductus arteriosus ligation. Case 2, which involved a 1-year-old neutered male Norwegian Forest cat, and Case 3, which involved a 6-month-old intact female American Curl cat, were referred, because of cardiac murmurs. Grades III to IV/VI systolic heart murmurs were auscultated at the left heart base in all 3 cats. All cases showed bilateral pulmonary artery stenosis, although there were no associated clinical signs. In Cases 1 and 2, the pressure gradient through the stenosis decreased after treatment with atenolol.  相似文献   

Feline primary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (pIMT) is a rare hematological disorder. Platelet-bound antibody assays for cats have variable specificity and sensitivity and are not widely available. Diagnosis of pIMT is made on the basis of exclusion of other identifiable causes of thrombocytopenia and the response to immunosuppressive therapy. This report describes four cats with severe thrombocytopenia and no detectable underlying disease. One cat was euthanased because of pulmonary hemorrhage, while the other cats had frequent relapses, two of these cats developed diabetes mellitus due to long-term corticosteroid therapy. In these cats IMT had a chronic course and responded poorly to therapy with prednisolone. Alternative immunomodulatory drugs may be considered in the treatment of feline IMT.  相似文献   

Congenital aortic stenosis was diagnosed in six cats. Clinical findings included dyspnoea, systolic murmurs with maximal intensity at the left apex or right sternal border, and cardiomegaly with congestive heart failure. Some clinical features of feline aortic stenosis were similar to those observed in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Definitive diagnosis was obtained by angiographic imaging of a discrete, consistent subvalvular obstruction, Doppler-echocardio-graphy, or by necropsy. Although, two of the cats were diagnosed at ages older than usually reported, the overall prognosis for cats with aortic stenosis was poor. Four of the six cats died or were euthanased within one year of the onset of clinical signs.  相似文献   

Proliferative and necrotizing feline otitis externa is a rare disorder of unknown aetiology. This condition was diagnosed by skin biopsy in three adult domestic shorthair cats (3-5 years old) and one kitten (6 months old). The affected cats had large tan to dark brown-black coalescing plaques covering the concave surface of the pinnae and external ear canals. Friable material from the plaques and a thick exudate occluded the ear canals. The cats had a secondary bacterial and/or yeast otitis. Prior to the histopathological diagnosis, all cats received numerous otic preparations as well as oral antibiotics and corticosteroids without resolution. Histologically, all cases had strikingly similar changes; acanthosis with pronounced hair follicle outer root sheath hyperplasia and neutrophilic luminal folliculitis, follicular keratosis and individually necrotic keratinocytes in the outer root sheath of hair follicles. One case was documented via skin biopsy to have persisted for 4 years. The adult cats were treated with topical 0.1% tacrolimus and all showed marked improvement although one cat was lost to follow up. The lesions completely resolved with topical tacrolimus alone in one cat and topical tacrolimus in addition to oral prednisolone in another cat.  相似文献   

Pancreatic trauma and rupture are rare after feline high-rise syndrome; however, should it happen, pancreatic enzymes will leak into the abdominal cavity and may cause pancreatic autodigestion and fatty tissue saponification. If not diagnosed and treated, it can ultimately lead to multiorgan failure and death. In this case series, 700 records of high-rise syndrome cats that presented between April 2001 and May 2006 were analysed, and four cats with pancreatic rupture were identified. Clinical signs, diagnosis using ultrasonography and lipase activity in blood and abdominal effusion, and treatment modalities are reported. Three cats underwent surgical abdominal exploration, one cat was euthanased. Rupture of the left pancreatic limb was confirmed in all cases. Two of the operated cats survived to date. High-rise syndrome can lead to abdominal trauma, including pancreatic rupture. A prompt diagnosis and surgical treatment should be considered.  相似文献   

Four cats developed fibrosis within the retroperitoneal space following renal transplantation. In human transplant patients, retroperitoneal fibrosis is an uncommon complication following surgery and may be secondary to operative trauma, infection, deposition of foreign material in the operative field, urinary extravasation, and perirenal hemorrhage caused by trauma to the allograft. Possible causes of fibrosis in the cats of this report include abdominal inflammation associated with allograft rejection, pyelonephritis, and septic peritoneal effusion. All of the cats of this report were readmitted to the veterinary teaching hospital following renal transplantation because of recurrence of azotemia 1 to 5 months after transplantation. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a 2- to 4-mm-thick capsule surrounding the allograft in 2 of 4 cats, hydronephrosis in 4 cats, and hydroureter proximally in 2 cats. An exploratory laparotomy was performed in all cats to remove the fibrotic tissue causing the ureteral obstruction. Normal renal function was restored in all cats following surgery. Histologic evaluation of biopsy specimens revealed smooth muscle (3 cats) and fibrous connective tissue (4). All 4 cats, regardless of the cause, responded well to surgical resection of the scar tissue that was causing a ureteral obstruction. None of the cats had recurrence of obstruction following surgery.  相似文献   

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