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This paper examines the degree to which creative industries stimulate regional productivity growth in a developing country, Indonesia. The Indonesian government promotes long‐established “traditional” craft businesses as creative industries, but they pay less attention to new knowledge creation and focus on highlighting heritage values as selling points. Our findings show that the “real” creative industries are still scarce and found mostly in fairly advanced urban regions. These industries are more likely to be an indicator than a driver of regional economic development. Meanwhile, those traditional businesses are much larger than creative industries and potentially contribute to regional productivity through consumption activities, thereby requiring different policy strategies.  相似文献   

We investigate the impacts of urban concentration (share of the population living in large cities) on poverty in developing countries. We use instrumental variables to estimate a system linking urban concentration, growth and urban and rural poverty. The results show that the importance of the population living in (small) cities (less than 0.5 million inhabitants) or very large cities (beyond 5 million inhabitants) has no impact on poverty. The importance of cities of 1 to 5 million inhabitants is poverty reducing. We conclude that developing countries with a large share of the population living in very big cities could reduce poverty by deconcentrating their urbanization toward cities of between 1 and 5 million inhabitants.  相似文献   

In this paper we estimate alternative models of the growth rate of real housing investment for Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the U.S. Pure time series models generally provide superior fit to these growth rate data both within and out of the sample period. These time series models are then used to forecast investment growth rates in other countries. The results indicate that such time series models can be used to provide reasonable accurate forecasts for other countries.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of selected policies on economic efficiency in 81 developing countries by pooling cross-country data over various subperids between 1961–90. An incremental output-capital ratio is the measure of economic efficiency, while the policy variables include: export orientation, size of the public sector, directed credit program through development bank lendings, financial depth (computed as the ratio of the flow of real value of monetary liabilities to real GDP), inflation rate, real interest rate, and real exchange rate distortion. The export-orientation, financial depth, and real interest rate are found to promote economic efficiency, while other policy variables are found to hinder it.  相似文献   

Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - The global climate changes and insufficient drainage system could cause the flooding with significant yield losses in crop production. Despite the...  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explain changes in regional attractiveness as measured by the competitive component of the shift-share model. This is done by applying the shift-share model to the manufacturing sector in the province of Quebec and using time series data for twenty two-digit industries as the basis of analysis. The study concludes that shift-share is useful for analyzing historical employment patterns and identifying their causes through regression analysis. However, the inherent structural instability limits the predictive potential of the model.  相似文献   

全国农村工作会议提出,要认真贯彻落实党的十六大精神,加快农村教育发展,深化农村教育改革,促进农村经济社会和城乡协调发展。农民收入增长缓慢是当前我国农业和农村经济中最突出的问题,而农民增收必须以提高农民素质为前提,因此,针对当前我国农村基础教育薄弱、中等职业教育发展滞后的现状,必须调整当前农村教育的培养方向、完善农村教育体系、加大对农村科技和教育的投入和支持、增强农民的发展能力。  相似文献   

李国庆  张俊杰  闫宏  李霞 《种子》2007,26(12):130-132
在分析宁夏种植业存在问题的基础上,阐述了宁夏农业结构调整的原则和发展青贮饲用玉米的优势;对青贮玉米发展的环境建设、种植类型和种植利用方式提出了建议,按照宁夏的人文地理形成地域特色,为解决农村富余劳动力、提高农民收入、做好农业产业结构调整服务。  相似文献   

This paper uses local labour market area (LLMA) data to investigate the dynamics of employment in the information technology (IT) sector in Italy between 2001 and 2005. The aim is to test if agglomeration forces might significantly affect local IT employment growth. The OLS results are broadly consistent with those of earlier studies. In particular, IT employment growth is enhanced by industrial diversity (Jacobs externalities) and by plant size (economies of scale). At the same time, LLMAs with higher IT concentrations are associated with lower employment growth rates. As a robustness check, quantile regression analysis is performed. This additional set of results reveals that the role of agglomeration forces is different across IT growth levels.  相似文献   

Facilitating entrepreneurship to address regional income disparity continues to be a major concern of policy makers across the globe. This study explores the temporal pattern of income disparity for Canadian provinces in two estimation steps. First, an econometric growth regression model is applied to identify the impact of entrepreneurship on regional economic growth. The estimation results suggest that entrepreneurship, measured in terms of the self‐employment rate, plays a pivotal role in determining regional development in Canada. Second, a dynamic vector autoregression model is employed to simulate long‐run regional growth effects that result from policy shocks affecting entrepreneurship. Compared to other growth drivers, entrepreneurship is found to have more pronounced and long‐term stimulative effects on regional development for the period of 1987–2007.  相似文献   

Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) cvs DL 153-2 and HD 2285 (relatively tolerant), HD 2329 and WH 542 (relatively susceptible), were grown under normal (27 November) and late (28 December) sown conditions. In another experiment, these cultivars were grown under normal sowing and at anthesis stage, they were transferred to control (C) and heated (H) open top chambers (OTCs). Under late sowing, wheat cultivars were exposed to a mean maximum temperature of up to 3.6 °C higher than normal sowing and in H-OTCs, mean maximum temperature was 3.2 °C higher than C-OTCs during grain growth period. Heat susceptibility index (S) for grain growth and grain yield was determined at maturity in both the experiments. The level of heat shock protein (HSP 18) in the developing grains was determined in C- and H-OTC grown plants and in normal and late sown plants by Western blot analysis. The moderately high temperature exposure increased the accumulation of HSP 18 in the developing grains. The relatively tolerant cultivars, as also revealed from S , showed a greater increase in HSP 18 compared with susceptible types in response to moderate heat stress. An association of HSP 18 with thermotolerance for grain growth in wheat was indicated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The surge in U.S. wage inequality over the past several decades is now commonly attributed to an increase in the returns paid to skill. Although theories differ with respect to why, specifically, this increase has come about, many agree that it is strongly tied to the increase in the relative supply of skilled (i.e., highly educated) workers in the U.S. labor market. A greater supply of skilled labor, for example, may have induced skill‐biased technological change or generated greater stratification of workers by skill across firms or jobs. Given that metropolitan areas in the U.S. have long possessed more educated populations than non‐metropolitan areas, these theories suggest that the rise in both the returns to skill and wage inequality should have been particularly pronounced in cities. Evidence from the U.S. Census over the period of 1950 to 1990 supports both implications.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of multiple jobholding, there is relatively little research into its causes. Existing research has tested the predictions of standard labor models with micro data. Yet, there has been virtually no research into the relationship between moonlighting and structural differences in regional labor markets such as wages and employment growth. In this manner, this study examines the large differences in multiple jobholding rates across U.S. states. The findings indicate that multiple jobholding acts as a short‐term shock absorber to cyclical changes. However, in the long‐term, these effects dissipate, indicating that moonlighting plays a similar role as do changes in unemployment and labor‐force participation to regional labor market shocks. Conversely, multiple jobholding rates are inversely related to average weekly earnings. Thus, job growth accompanied by real wage (and productivity) growth may result in a decline in multiple jobholding, further exacerbating potential labor shortages. Other key factors found to influence multiple jobholding include occupational structure and education.  相似文献   

中国居民收入差距的成因、演进与分解   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
夏龙  何伟 《中国农学通报》2013,29(17):151-155
基于1978-2009年以来的省级面板数据,本文首先利用泰尔指数估计了中国居民收入差距演进趋势,然后按地区结构和城乡结构进行了分解。结果显示,城乡收入差距占据了整体收入差距的70%以上,三大地区间的收入差距虽较为明显,但并没有地区内的收入差距显著。究其原因,中国收入差距的演进除了内在的经济规律使然外,经济政策也有较为明显的影响。因此,加快经济发展、强化农村偏向型的经济政策是缩小收入差距的必然途径。  相似文献   

为促进国外种质资源在我国的有效利用,将14个国家的100份代表性小麦品种在国内的8个代表性地点种植,调查抽穗期、成熟期和株高,并以4个春化基因(Vrn-A1、Vrn-B1、Vrn-D1和Vrn-B3)、1个光周期基因(Ppd-D1a)及2个矮秆基因(Rht-B1b和Rht-D1b)的分子标记检测所有品种的基因型。春化基因Vrn-A1a、Vrn-B1、Vrn-D1和vrn-A1+vrn-B1+ vrn-D1的分布频率分别为8.0%、21.0%、21.0%和64.0%;显性等位变异Vrn-A1a、Vrn-B1和Vrn-D1主要存在于来自中国春麦区及意大利、印度、加拿大、墨西哥和澳大利亚的品种中,这些品种一般为春性类型;春化位点均为隐性等位变异或vrn-A1+vrn-D1+Vrn-B1的品种主要分布在中国冬麦区、美国冬麦区、俄罗斯冬麦区,以及英国、法国、德国、罗马尼亚、土耳其和匈牙利,这些地区的小麦均为冬性类型。秋播时,供试品种均能正常抽穗,且携带春化显性变异的材料较隐性类型抽穗早,显性等位变异表现加性效应,4个春化位点均为隐性变异的一些欧美材料因抽穗太晚在杨凌和成都不能正常成熟;而春播时,显性等位变异基因型抽穗的频率高,隐性等位变异基因型基本不能抽穗。光周期不敏感基因Ppd-D1a的分布频率为68.0%,主要分布在中国、法国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯、墨西哥、澳大利亚和印度,而光周期敏感等位变异Ppd-D1b主要分布在英国、德国、匈牙利和加拿大等中高纬度地区;携带Ppd-D1a的品种较携带Ppd-D1b的品种抽穗早,大多数Ppd-D1a品种在长日照和短日照条件下均能成熟,大部分Ppd-D1b品种在短日照条件下不能成熟。Rht-B1b和Rht-D1b基因的分布频率分别为43.0%和35.0%,其中Rht-B1b主要分布于美国、罗马尼亚、土耳其、意大利、墨西哥和澳大利亚,Rht-D1b主要分布于中国、德国、英国、意大利和印度。一般来说,一个国家的品种携带Rht-B1b或Rht-D1b之一,而这2个基因在高纬度地区分布频率较低。Rht-B1b、Rht-D1b和Ppd-D1a的降秆作用均达显著水平,Rht-B1b和Rht-D1b的加性效应突出。  相似文献   

Along with the increase in the number of large-scale construction projects, a series of negative effects concerning various interest-related parts have emerged,which urges a comprehensive and objective evaluation of construction project so as to evaluate its overall satisfaction. In this paper,an evaluation indexes system of construction project satisfaction was advanced,which consists of 19 values coming from all main interest concerning parties, including users, investors, owners, suppliers, government and organizations nearby. A BP neural network evaluation model was built which was self-adaptive, self-organizing and self-study. And this evaluation model was applied to specific project ease. The result showed that this approach can improve the reliability and effectiveness of satisfaction evaluation of the construction project.  相似文献   

National preferences for the development of regional and environmental policy are dependent on the competitive resolution of priorities emanating from four national centers of preference formation, namely: (a) national opinion leaders, (b) society at large, (c) state political institutions, and (d) the private business sector. The viability of national policies for regional development and environmental protection is assumed to be a function of the degree of systemic concordance among these four competing loci of preference formation. The paper explores differences between developed and developing countries in the formation of national preferences and analyzes the process by which competing preferences for regional development and environmental protection are ultimately resolved. It demonstrates that MDCs enjoy a high degree of harmony among their more autonomous centers of preference formation to achieve regional development goals, whereas LDCs are constrained by the dominant and coercive role of the state apparatus.  相似文献   

Ghana is one of a few African countries where more people now reside in cities than in the countryside. What is not as well‐known are the changes that have taken place in the economic base of Ghanaian cities. This paper tells that story. It focuses particularly on jobs, incomes, inequality, and poverty, and their characteristics in an era when neoliberal policies have been implemented. It draws on census reports, national surveys, and published reports in order to overcome the dearth of information about the urban and national economies. The paper shows that, on the one hand, the increasing prominence of the private sector in the urban economy has impacted positively on capital formation and job creation. On the other hand, urban and national inequality levels have dramatically increased. Whether these changes are favourable to the majority of urban citizens is contestable.  相似文献   

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