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Relationships between abundance of post‐larval and juvenile carangid (jacks) fishes and physical oceanographic conditions were examined in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) in 2011 with high freshwater input from the Mississippi River. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to explore complex relationships between carangid abundance and physical oceanographic data of sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) and salinity. The five most abundant carangid species collected were: Selene setapinnis (34%); Caranx crysos (30%); Caranx hippos (10%); Chloroscombrus chrysurus (9%) and Trachurus lathami (8%). Post‐larval carangids (median standard length [SL] = 10 mm) were less abundant during the spring and early summer, but more abundant during the late summer and fall, suggesting summer to fall spawning for most species. Juvenile carangid (median SL = 23 mm) abundance also increased between the mid‐summer and early fall. Most species showed increased abundance at lower salinities and higher temperatures, suggesting entrainment of post‐larval fishes or feeding aggregations of juveniles at frontal convergence zones between the expansive river plume and dynamic mesoscale eddy water masses. However, responses were species‐ and life‐stage specific, which may indicate fine‐scale habitat partitioning between species. Ordination methods also revealed higher carangid abundances at lower salinities for both post‐larval and juvenile life stages, with species‐ and life‐stage specific responses to SST and SSHA, further suggesting habitat separation between species. Results indicate strong links between physical oceanographic features and carangid distributions in the dynamic northern GoM.  相似文献   

Winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, from southern New England and the Gulf of Maine were historically considered to be obligate estuarine spawners. However, recent experiments and observations document that winter flounder in the Gulf of Maine also utilize coastal waters for spawning. An individual‐based modeling approach was used to investigate the transport of winter flounder larvae from three hypothesized coastal spawning grounds in the Gulf of Maine. Transport success rates were greatest for larvae released from Ipswich Bay, intermediate for Stellwagen Bank and least successful for those released from Jeffreys Ledge. There was substantial interannual variability in larval transport and geographic patterns of potential connectivity. Furthermore, the date of spawning had an important influence on transport success. Model results suggest that certain coastal spawning grounds used by winter flounder may serve as an important source of larvae to estuaries and nearshore nursery areas. The potential influx of coastal spawned larvae could have implications for the resilience, productivity and gene flow in local populations. Model results provide further support for the conclusion that winter flounder in the Gulf of Maine may not be solely dependent upon estuaries for spawning. Results also suggest that coastal spawning groups should be considered explicitly in the management of winter flounder, and protected under Essential Fish Habitat regulations.  相似文献   

Although bluefin tuna are found throughout the Atlantic Ocean, spawning in the western Atlantic has been recorded predominantly in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) in spring. Larval bluefin tuna abundances from the northern GOM are formulated into an index used to tune the adult stock assessment, and the variability of this index is currently high. This study investigated whether some of the variability in larval bluefin tuna abundances was related to environmental conditions, by defining associations between larval bluefin tuna catch locations, and a suite of environmental variables. We hypothesized that certain habitat types, as defined by environmental variables, would be more likely to contain bluefin tuna larvae. Favorable habitat for bluefin tuna larvae was defined using a classification tree approach. Habitat within the Loop Current was generally less favorable, as were warm‐core rings, and cooler waters on the continental shelf. The location and size of favorable habitat was highly variable among years, which was reflected in the locations of larval bluefin tuna catches. The model successfully placed bluefin tuna larvae in favorable habitat with nearly 90% accuracy, but many negative stations were also located within theoretically favorable habitat. The probability of collecting larval bluefin tuna in favorable habitat was nearly twice the probability of collecting bluefin tuna larvae across all habitats (35.5 versus 21.0%). This model is a useful addition to knowledge of larval bluefin tuna distributions; however, the incorporation of variables describing finer‐scale features, such as thermal fronts, may significantly improve the model’s predictive power.  相似文献   

根据2012年在北部湾西北部广西近海冬、春、夏和秋4个季节的调查资料,探讨了该海域浮游动物总丰度的平面分布、季节变化及鱼卵仔稚鱼的丰度的季节变化,结果表明,调查水域浮游动物的丰度在春夏、秋冬季变化较大,而在冬春与夏秋季变化较小,浮游动物在冬、春、夏、秋四季的平均丰度分别为337.35 ind/m3、280.01 ind/m3、4.32ind/m3和14.78 ind/m3,冬春季明显高于夏秋季,浮游动物数量高峰季比东海提前了一个季节。冬春两季,浮游动物的数量分布特征相近,在湾内和沿岸水域数量高于近海水域。相反,在夏秋季,丰度在近海水域明显高于沿岸及湾内水域。浮游动物在各季节不同的分布特征与该海域沿岸水、外海水和混合水的季节性变化有关,优势种经历了由春季的沿岸暖温种到夏季和秋季的外海暖水种到冬季的沿岸暖水种更替的过程。该海域的主要优势种,冬季为鸟喙尖头溞(Penilia avirostris),春季为中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus),夏季和秋季同为肥胖软箭虫(Flaccisagitta enflata),主要优势种类的生态适应性决定了浮游动物总数量的分布特征。鱼卵、仔稚鱼在冬、春、夏、秋季的丰度为6.83 ind/m3、3.09 ind/m3、0.05 ind/m3、0.20 ind/m3,季节变化趋势与浮游动物一致,由高到低依次为冬季、春季、秋季、夏季,两者较强的正相关关系表明,食物饵料充足对鱼卵仔鱼的发育具有促进作用。  相似文献   

We evaluated recruitment of larvae of catarina scallop, Argopecten ventricosus, in the area of Puerto Peñasco, NE Gulf of California. We moored artificial collectors in six sites from June 2007 to August 2008 and replaced them every 2 months. We used monthly (July 2002–September 2011) sea surface temperature (SST, °C) and surface chlorophyll‐a concentration (SSChl, mg m?3) Aqua/MODIS satellite data to describe seasonal environmental behaviour study area. Also, we recorded bottom temperature at each site every 4 h, and every 2 months measured sea surface salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen. We used a repeated measures anova to evaluate differences in the number of recruited spat between main factors, and analysed the presence of multimodal spat shell size frequency distributions. Overall, spat recruitment was negatively correlated with seawater temperature and showed higher spat recruitment abundances throughout winter, which is the season with the highest surface chlorophyll a concentration. We estimated multimodal shell size frequency distributions characterized by more than one modal size. The natural collection of A. ventricosus spat on artificial collectors in the area can be successfully performed over a protracted period (November–December to May–June). Our results extend the area where collection of A. ventricosus spat can be successful.  相似文献   

We combined research‐vessel cruises of opportunity with DNA barcoding to survey planktonic, percomorph fish eggs at 40 stations distributed across and around the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). The objectives were (a) to determine whether eggs of fishes that are potential candidates for the daily egg production method (DEPM) can be readily barcoded, (b) to identify taxa that are spawning in the GoM, (c) to determine encounter rates for eggs of economically valuable taxa, and (d) to characterize individual egg taxa as being primarily neritic, primarily oceanic, or primarily mixed (i.e., both neritic and oceanic). Of the 1,144 eggs that were individually barcoded, 709 (62%) were definitively identified to species (62 species from 42 families), with an additional 20 taxa identified to genus or subfamily level. The eggs of 15 economically important species were identified, most of which had intermediate encounter rates and moderately dispersed spatial distributions, as indicated by an index of aggregation. SIMPROF analysis of stationwise cluster analysis identified eight significant groups within the 35 stations that yielded percomorph eggs; a corresponding specieswise analysis identified six groups of stations as having a neritic egg community and two groups as having an oceanic community, with a community transition located at the shelf break. Although the neritic and oceanic stations did not share important species, it remains possible that coastal pelagic species have mixed neritic–oceanic distributions. Together, these results indicate DEPM fish‐egg surveys based on DNA barcoding are feasible at the large marine ecosystem scale.  相似文献   

Multiyear periods of relatively cold temperatures (2007–2013) and warm temperatures (2001–2005 and 2014–2018) altered the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem, affecting ocean currents and wind patterns, plankton community, and spatial distribution of fishes. Yellowfin sole Limanda aspera larvae were collected from the inner domain (≤50 m depth) of the eastern Bering Sea among four warm years (2002, 2004, 2005, 2016), an average year (2006), and three cold years (2007, 2010, 2012). Spatial distribution and density of larvae among those years was analyzed using generalized additive models that included timing of sea-ice retreat, areal coverage of water ≤0°C, and water temperature as covariates. Analyses indicated a combination of temperature effects on the location and timing of spawning, and on egg and larval survival, may explain the variation in larval density and distribution among years. During warm years, higher density and wider spatial distribution of larvae may be due to earlier spawning, an expansion of the spawning area, and higher egg and larvae survival due to favorable temperatures. Larval distribution contracted shoreward, and density was lower during cold conditions and was likely due to fish spawning closer to shore to remain in preferred temperatures, later spawning, and increased mortality. Predicted drift trajectories from spawning areas showed that larvae would reach nursery grounds in most years. Years when the drift period was longer than the pelagic phase of the larvae occurred during both warm and cold conditions indicating that settlement outside of nursery areas could happen during either temperature condition.  相似文献   

Identification of fish larval behavioural traits permitting capture of specific live prey sizes is an important part of optimizing production of marine larvae. We investigated the capture success of turbot larvae (Scophthalmus maximus) at two development stages, 8 and 10 days post‐hatch (DPH), when offered small nauplii (129–202 μm), large nauplii (222–278 μm) and copepodites (342–542 μm), of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa. At 8 DPH, turbot larvae had the highest capture success (67%) when offered small nauplii, with a lower capture success of large nauplii (27%) but totally lacked the capabilities to capture copepodites. At DPH 10, the larvae increased the capture success of large nauplii (47%) and achieved a few successful attacks on copepodites. Energetically, large nauplii were the most beneficial at both larval development stages. The swimming kinematics of the period prior to a strike by the larva on the copepod was examined, and the approach pattern of the larva was identified as a controlling mechanism for their strike distance, with the initial approach speed of larva at DPH 10 being significantly less than at DPH 8. In all successful attacks, the strike distance was less than 1.17 mm and was significantly lower than unsuccessful attacks. Since the approach pattern of the larva is linked to its capture success, it could be used as the basis for a feeding scheme based on the swimming performance of individual batches of turbot larvae.  相似文献   

This study reports a year‐round recruitment of spat of four commercial bivalve species; Pteria sterna, Euvola vogdesi, Pinctada mazatlanica and Pinna rugosa collected in the region of Puerto Peñasco, north‐eastern coast of the Gulf of California. Bimonthly recruitment of commercial bivalve spat on netlon® collectors was evaluated for six sites from June 2007 to August 2008. To describe spat recruitment abundances with environmental parameters, sea surface temperature (°C) and surface chlorophyll a concentration (mg m?3) were characterized by means of monthly Aqua/MODIS satellite data. For each species a repeated measures anova was used to evaluate differences in the number of spat between months, sites and depths. Maximum sea surface temperature was recorded in August–September (~31.5°C) and the minimum in January–February (~15°C), while the minimum surface chlorophyll a was observed in June–September (mean range = 1.5–2 mg m?3) and the maximum in January–March (mean range = 2–5 mg m?3). Spat recruitment showed distinct patterns; P. sterna can be characterized as having a Winter–Spring pattern, E. vogdesi a winter pattern, while P. mazatlanica and P. rugosa a summer spat recruitment pattern. This information constitutes part of the fundamental data needed for the development of aquaculture and conservation initiatives in the region based on wild spat supply.  相似文献   

This study aimed to find a way for increasing the water content after rehydration of microdiet particles for fish larvae and to assess whether such increase contributes to a better disaggregation and digestion of particles within the gut of gilthead seabream larvae (4–15 days after hatching, dph). Four microdiets were prepared with increasing amounts of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC): 0, 20, 40 and 80 g kg?1. The inclusion of CMC resulted in an effective increase of the hydration capacity of particles. Water content after immersion ranged from 800 g kg?1 in the microdiet without CMC to 900 g kg?1 with 80 g kg?1 CMC. Larvae of different ages were fed during 10 h with these microdiets. The microparticles containing 80 g kg?1 CMC were more degraded in the gut of the younger larvae. No clear differences were observed from 10 dph onwards. Differences in enzymatic activities were not evident except for α‐amylase in 6 dph larvae. Gene expression of the enzyme precursors did not show any relation to the water content of microdiets. Overall, the results indicate that increasing the water content up to 900 g kg?1 may enhance the disintegration of food particles within the gut of younger larvae and to a lesser extent affect the response of digestive enzyme activities.  相似文献   

The estuarine‐dependent brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus aztecus, is a significant commercial fishery and important species in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) ecosystem as well as being a key component in energy transfer between benthic and pelagic food web systems. Because of the economical and ecological importance of brown shrimp, we developed a spatial population model to identify places of high shrimp density under a set of spatial, environmental and temporal variables in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM). We used fisheries‐independent data collected by the Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) from 1992 to 2007 (summer and fall seasons). The relationship between the predictor variables and shrimp density was modeled using Boosted Regression Trees (BRT). Within the environmental variables included in the model, bottom type and depth of the water column were the most important predictors of shrimp density in the NGOM. Spatial predictions performed using the trained BRT model for summer and fall seasons showed a spatial segregation of shrimp density. During the summer, higher densities were predicted near the Texas and Louisiana coast and during the fall, higher densities were predicted further offshore. The model performed well and allowed successful prediction of brown shrimp hot spots in the NGOM. Model results allow fisheries managers to evaluate the potential impact from fisheries on the resource and to develop future fisheries management strategies, understand the biology of brown shrimp as well as assess the potential impacts of oil spills or climate change.  相似文献   

European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) comprise two‐thirds of total landings of small pelagic fishes in the Canary Current Eastern Boundary Ecosystem (CCEBE). Their spawning habitat is the continental shelf where upwelling is responsible for high productivity. While upwelling intensity is predicted to change through ocean warming, the effects of upwelling intensity on larval fish habitat expansion is not well understood. Larval habitat characteristics of both species were investigated during different upwelling intensity regimes. Three surveys were carried out to sample fish larvae during cold (permanent upwelling) and warm (low upwelling) seasons along the southern coastal upwelling area of the CCEBE (13°–22.5°N). Sardina pilchardus larvae were observed in areas of strong upwelling during both seasons. Larval habitat expansion was restricted from 22.5°N to 17.5°N during cold seasons and to 22.5°N during the warm season. Sardinella aurita larvae were observed from 13°N to 15°N during cold seasons and 16–21°N in the warm season under low upwelling conditions. Generalized additive models predicted upwelling intensity driven larval fish abundance patterns. Observations and modeling revealed species‐specific spawning times and locations, that resulted in a niche partitioning allowing species' co‐existence. Alterations in upwelling intensity may have drastic effects on the spawning behavior, larval survival, and probably recruitment success of a species. The results enable insights into the spawning behavior of major small pelagic fish species in the CCEBE. Understanding biological responses to physical variability are essential in managing marine resources under changing climate conditions.  相似文献   

The transmission of lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV) to gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata L., larvae was investigated using fertilized eggs from a farm with previous reports of lymphocystis disease. LCDV genome was detected by PCR‐hybridization in blood samples from 17.5% of the asymptomatic gilthead seabream broodstock analysed. Using the same methodology, eggs spawned from these animals were LCDV positive, as well as larvae hatched from them. The presence of infective viral particles was confirmed by cytopathic effects development on SAF‐1 cells. Whole‐mount in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) showed the presence of LCDV in the epidermis of larvae hatched from LCDV‐positive eggs. When fertilized eggs were disinfected with iodine, no viral DNA was detected either in eggs (analysed by PCR‐hybridization) or in larvae (PCR‐hybridization and ISH). These results suggest the vertical transmission of LCDV, the virus being transmitted on the egg surface. Larvae hatched from disinfected eggs remain LCDV negative during the endotrophic phase, as showed by PCR‐hybridization, ISH and IHC. After feeding on LCDV‐positive rotifers, viral antigens were observed in the digestive tract, which suggests that viral entry could be achieved via the alimentary canal, and that rotifers can act as a vector in LCDV transmission to gilthead seabream larvae.  相似文献   

This study on histological and mucous histochemistry characteristics of the digestive system of loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) was carried out from hatching (0 day after hatching, DAH) until 45 DAH. The peculiar development of both digestion processes and air‐breathing functions of the intestine was revealed. At 3 DAH, both the mouth and anus opened along with the first feed. At 4 DAH, lipid vacuoles appeared in the anterior part of the intestine and at 5 DAH the acidophilic supranuclear vacuoles appeared in the posterior part of the intestine. Mucous cells occurred in the buccopharynx and oesophagus after mouth opening and grew both in number and size as larvae grew. At 15 DAH, blood capillaries were found in the posterior part of the intestine. At 20 DAH, as a valve appeared in the intestine, the whole intestine could be divided into anterior, mid and posterior parts. With large numbers of blood capillaries and a very thin wall, a gas–blood barrier formed in the posterior intestine, which indicated that the dual roles of intestine were formed. These results suggested that the air‐breathing function of the digestive tract formed from 15 to 20 DAH, which is a critical period for loach larvae.  相似文献   

Growth overfishing in the brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus aztecus, fishery in inshore (estuarine) and offshore (Gulf of Mexico) territorial waters of Texas and Louisiana, and adjoining waters of the United States’ (U.S.) Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and its potentially detrimental economic consequences to the harvesting sector, have not been among major concerns of Federal and State shrimp management agencies. Three possible reasons include (1) environmentally influenced variations in recruitment that cause wide fluctuations in annual landings, which tend to obscure effects of fishing, (2) competition between inshore and offshore components of the harvesting sector, and (3) partitioning of management jurisdiction among a Federal council and two State agencies. Wide variations in landings led to beliefs that high levels of fishing mortality were tolerable and recruitment overfishing was of no major concern. This encouraged somewhat laissez-faire management approaches that allowed fishing effort to increase over the years.Our objectives were to determine whether growth overfishing occurred in this fishery during 1960–2006, and whether and how decreases in size of shrimp within the landings, in response to increases in fishing effort, affected inflation-adjusted annual (calendar year) ex-vessel value of the landings, i.e., their value to the harvesting sector. Growth overfishing occurred in the early 1990s, and then abated as fishing effort declined due to rising fuel costs and competition from imported shrimp. However, inflation-adjusted annual ex-vessel value of the landings peaked in 1985, prior to growth overfishing.Management actions implemented in 2001 for Texas’ territorial waters, and in the EEZ off Texas and Louisiana in 2006, should limit future fleet expansion and increases in fishing effort, thereby reducing the chances of growth overfishing and its potentially detrimental economic impacts on the harvesting sector. Growth overfishing should be included among the guidelines for future management of this brown shrimp fishery.  相似文献   

Development and design of adequate feeding protocols on sea cucumber larvae are necessary for improvements on larvae growth, survival and production of competent juveniles. This work assessed the Holothuria arguinensis larvae growth and survival, fed with three different single microalgae diets of Chaetoceros calcitrans, Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis chui, and two microalgae diets based on a combination of C. calcitrans and T. chuii (C:T; 1:1) and C. calcitrans, T. chuii and I. galbana (C:T:I; 1:1:1) during 2 months. Holothuria arguinensis larvae fed with T:C:I, showed higher survival and larger larval and stomach sizes than the ones fed with the other diets. Comparing the results obtained from the single diets, H. arguinensis larvae fed with I. galbana grew and survived better during the first 5 days. However, higher growth was obtained on the larvae fed with C. calcitrans from day 5 to day 12; since this day, larvae fed with T. chuii showed the largest size. These results could be related to the different microalgae size and morphology, in addition to the nutritional value of the different microalgae used. However, no competent larvae that metamorphosed into doliolaria were obtained during this experiment. The tanks used were transparent, which could be causing light stress to the larvae, since competent larvae were obtained in opaque production tanks in our aquaculture installations during the same time period. The combined diet of C. calcitrans, T. chuii and I. galbana (C:T:I) could improve the growth and larvae competency of H. arguinensis.  相似文献   

We used a coupled physical–biological model to examine potential distances between hatching and settlement locations for lobsters in the Gulf of Maine. The physical model is based on a finite-element mesh and climatological averages of the seasonally evolving temperature and density fields. Larval trajectories from coastal and offshore hatching sites (21–224 m deep) were calculated for early, middle and late-season hatching by coupling temperature-dependent development rates and depth (the biological model) to the circulation. Model results showed large spatial differences in larval development times (from 18 to 38 days) and distances transported (19–280 km) for the early hatch. Development time and transport decreased markedly by mid-season at most sites, but strong spatial differences persisted. The eastern Maine coast appears to experience stronger removal and less resupply of larvae than other regions, consistent with observed lower recruitment. Inverse solutions of the model for larvae arriving in mid-coastal Maine indicate that they originate from a broad section of the eastern coast 'upstream', with those nearest the shoreline generally travelling the shortest distances. The postlarval stage is neustonic (living near the surface), and a simple inverse model demonstrates that a diurnal coastal sea breeze can contribute substantially to inshore movement during this final planktonic stage. Thus, offshore reproduction may be linked to inshore recruitment.  相似文献   

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