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Grey mullet ponds situated in Arcachon Bay on the western Atlantic coast of France, display contrasting mixohaline habitats.The pattern of osmoregulation of Chelon labrosus and Liza ramada exhibiting differential penetration of fish ponds has been investigated. Key variables of salinity and temperature have been considered. The tolerances to low salinities and to fresh water have been determined. The dynamics of variation in plasma osmotic pressure and major plasma electrolytes (Na+, Cl?, K+) were studied in terms of: (1) gradual adaptation to a decreasing salinity gradient; (2) effects of a long-term adaptation in fresh water; (3) effects of low temperatures on sea water adapted fish.Both species can adapt to a wide range of salinities; however, while L. ramada show a good hypoosmotic regulation, with no alteration in plasma concentration over a wide range of salinity and after a long stay (5 months) in fresh water, C. labrosus cannot live for long periods of time in a wholly fresh water habitat. Both field samples obtained from thick-lipped grey mullets forced to stay in a freshwater pond and experimentally adapted fish showed, after 3 months, an unequivoqual decrease in plasma sodium and chloride, and plasma osmolality decreased to the same extent; this pattern of no compensation is bound, sooner or later, to end in death. The inability of C. labrosus to develop a long-term hypoosmoregulation in fresh water is referred to salinity preferences which probably limit the upstream penetration of this species.Plasma osmolality and major electrolytes (sodium and chloride) increased in cold (4 °C) sea water. This response might be due to a reduced ability of grey mullets to osmoregulate in cold waters. In the poly-mesohaline ponds, Winter drop in temperature (4–6 °C) causes grey mullets to migrate to the meso-oligohaline ponds where the mean temperature is more elevated (8 °C) and temperature changes less rapid (6–9 °C).  相似文献   

The uptake and elimination profile of oxytetracycline (OTC) following a prolong bath treatment in gilthhead sea bream (Sparus aurata) were investigated in this study. The bath experiment was carried out using a OTC concentration of 50 μg/ml for 24 h at 17-18 °C water temperature. Plasma and muscle fish samples were analysed at 1, 3, 6 and 24 h during and at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 d following the bath. Detectable OTC levels were revealed only at the end of bath treatment (24 h) in examined tissues of gilthead sea bream, where drug concentration was measured to be as low as 0.096 and 0.047 μg/g or ml in muscle plus skin and plasma, respectively. The findings of the present study indicate that OTC bath treatment under this dosage schedule is unlikely to confront systemic bacterial infections.  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod and water exchange rate on the larvae of gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, from hatching to metamorphosis, 60–70 days later, were tested. Survival, growth rate and condition factor were determined with photoperiods of 12 and 24 h, and water exchange rates of 0 and 25%/day.Continuous light supported the highest mean survival (3.25%), with a maximum of 7.8% from hatching to metamorphosis. Growth rate in dry weight was best under continuous light in a water system with no exchange, up to 20 days post-hatching. Highest growth rates of larvae 40–60 days old were obtained in tanks with 25% of their water exchanged daily, along with a 12-h photoperiod. Condition factor was directly correlated with larval age. For the first 30 days after hatching, condition factor was affected by photoperiod and was highest for larvae exposed to continuous light.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary starch source and level on growth performance, feed utilization, apparent digestibility coefficients and liver enzyme activities involved in intermediary metabolism of gilthead sea bream juveniles was studied. Five isonitrogenous (47% crude protein) and isolipidic (15% crude lipids) diets were formulated to contain 10% native (diet NS10) or waxy (diet WS10) maize starch; 20% native (diet NS20) or waxy (diet WS20) maize starch or no starch (control). Diets were adjusted with α-cellulose. Another diet was formulated without carbohydrates, and contained 70% crude protein and 15% crude lipids (diet HP). Each diet was fed to triplicate groups of 30 fish (initial weight: 20 g) for 12 weeks. The HP group was fed to near satiation and the other 5 groups were fed on a pair-feeding scheme according to the group that ingested less feed (control diet group). The reduction of dietary protein level from 70% to 47% by the incorporation of 20% starch did not significantly affect gilthead sea bream growth performance or feed efficiency. Compared to the control diet, neither the level nor the nature of starch had any measurable effect on growth performance and feed efficiency. Digestibility of starch was unaffected by source or dietary inclusion level. Diet had no effect on plasma glucose levels, but liver glycogen was higher in diet groups NS20, WS20 and HP. Dietary carbohydrates increased GK and G6PD enzyme activities and decreased ALAT and GDH enzyme activities while had only a minor effect on FBPase activity. The nature of dietary starch tested (native or waxy) had little influence on performance criteria.  相似文献   

The growth and feeding habits of the grey mullet Liza aurata, raised together with Sparus auratus and Trachinotus ovatus in experimental saltwater ponds were studied. The results show that L. aurata can be stocked in saltwater ponds, and though their growth rate does not compare favourably with those of the other fishes further studies are recommended.  相似文献   

Growth is arrested in male and female Sparus aurata during gonadal recrudescence and spawning. Growth and feeding rates of fish exposed to a constant long photoperiod (16L8D) were significantly higher than those of fish under a natural photoperiod. When the experimental photoperiod was shortened, fish underwent gonadal recrudescence and reduced feeding, and their growth was arrested. Fish under the long photoperiod regime reached the commercial weight of 350 g six months earlier than the controls.  相似文献   

The Mugilidae family is an important fish group representing a major source for fisheries and aquaculture. In the south Mediterranean bank, no data are available on this fauna, except for some morphological studies on Tunisian samples. In this study, 16 allozymic loci were used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships within Tunisian mugilids. The results obtained from Hergla lagoon samples highlight five operational taxonomic unit corresponding to the well‐known species (Liza aurata, Liza ramada, Liza saliens, Chelon labrosus, Mugil cephalus). Several loci appeared to be diagnostic of these species, but in contrast to Greek mugilid samples, we did not find any diagnostic locus fixed differently for the five species. These results can help aquaculture units to identify accurately the mullet species they subsequently use for stocking aquaculture ponds and inland waters. However, species identity represents very important information, as each species has a different growth rate and salinity tolerance. On the other hand, when compared with North Mediterranean Mugilidae analysed until now, Tunisian samples show a genetic differentiation that could be related to different physicochemical conditions between the North and South banks, similar to those recorded in the eastern and western two Mediterranean basins separated by the Siculo‐Tunisian strait. In addition, this study confirms the morphological taxonomy, except for the subdivision of the Liza genus into two sub‐genera. The phylogenetic tree is in agreement with that on Languedoc Mugilidae samples (France), indicating that the subdivision of the Liza genus into two sub‐genera appears to be without any genetic base.  相似文献   

The effect of in vitro and in vivo treatments against Sparicotyle chrysophrii, a microcotylid parasite of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.), was studied. In vitro chemical treatments were targeted to eggs, oncomiracidia and adults, and were tested both as disinfectants and therapeutics for infected animals. The compounds were: distilled water, formalin, limoseptic ®, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, and praziquantel (PZQ). Larvae were sensitive to all the treatments, but adults were more resistant, as chlorine (60 ppm - 1 h), hydrogen peroxide (100 ppm - 30 min) and PZQ (50 ppm - 30 min) produced only 10% mortality. All adults were killed only with distilled water, limoseptic (0.1% - 5 min), formalin (300 ppm - 30 min), or hydrogen peroxide (200 ppm - 30 min). Eggs were the most resistant stage, as only 30 min in limoseptic (0.1% in distilled water) or in formalin (300 ppm) prevented hatching. PZQ was used in vivo either as a curative or preventive treatment. The highest dose tested (400 mg kg− 1 BW; effective dose 116.3 mg kg− 1 BW due to palatability problems leading to 45% reduction in host food intake) did not significantly decrease prevalence of infection when given for 6 consecutive days. A lower dose (200 mg kg− 1 BW) (effective dose 158.1 mg kg− 1 BW) was rejected to a lower degree and decreased the prevalence of infection from 90% to 40%. When a lower dose (40 mg kg− 1 BW) was administered for longer periods (20 days), food intake was reduced slightly, but the infection did not decrease significantly. The oral intubation with PZQ (200 mg kg− 1 BW) once a week for 4 weeks did not prevent the infection of fish by cohabitation. However, a significant reduction in the abundance of the parasite was registered. In view of the results, recommendations for fish treatment and disinfection of aquaculture facilities are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of soybean meal inclusion and treatment on the performance of two sizes of gilthead sea bream (small, 9 g and large 50 g mean initial weight). Seven diets were fed containing soybean meal, before (SBM) and after (SBMex) its extrusion, at increasing levels (0% as control and about 20, 30, and 40% for both soy forms used). For large fish effects on digestibility, as well as on trypsin activity levels and moisture at upper (UI), mid (MI) and lower (LI) intestine were also evaluated, following the growth trial. All experiments were conducted at 22 ± 2 °C. Specific growth rate and whole body composition were not affected by soy inclusion, however an adverse effect of inclusion level on feed conversion ratio and protein productive value was apparent for both soy products and fish sizes. Extrusion of soy affected differently large and small fish improving both protein productive value and feed conversion ratio of large fish, but only protein productive value of small fish. Plasma cholesterol decreased with inclusion level of both types of soy, the effect being significant only at the higher level. Liver lipid and glycogen deposition in large fish appeared to be mostly affected by digestible starch intake, increasing with increased intakes, the same being apparent for hepatosomatic index. Soy inclusion did not appear to have any effect on nutrient digestibilities. Trypsin activity (TA) was decreased from UI to LI for all diets and was significantly higher in C diet compared to all other diets at all segments. Extrusion of SBM increased significantly TA levels. Hydration of digesta in LI increased for low soy levels and decreased for high soy levels compared to the control diet.  相似文献   

The growth rates of Liza aurata in saltwater ponds were measured during 1972, 1973 and 1974. The growth rate of L. aurata young of the year was 0.6–0.95 g per fish per day and that of fish in their second year of life was 0.85–1.0 g per fish per day.Body composition analyses were conducted on L. aurata in both the first and second years of life.A significant difference in length and weight was found between males and females of L. aurata in their second year of life.The results show that L. aurata can be stocked in saltwater ponds but that they will not be the main crop of fish.  相似文献   

This study represents the first large-scale population genetic analysis of the marine fish gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata), one of the most significant species in the South European aquaculture. Six wild and five cultivated sample sets covering the South Atlantic and Mediterranean European area have been screened for allozyme, microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation. Microsatellites showed higher levels of polymorphism than allozymes. The low variability of mtDNA offered no basis for population differentiation.

The results reveal levels of variability for S. aurata above those from other sparids. Cultivated populations show a slight decrease of variability related to the wild ones, but not sufficient to document inbreeding depression effects, thus suggesting a fairly proper management. Wild populations reveal a slight degree of differentiation more pronounced with microsatellites than with allozymes, but not apparently associated with geographic or oceanographic factors. The cultivated populations seem to be highly divergent as a result of genetic drift caused by different factors pertaining to their respective histories. With both markers, the two cultivated Spanish sample sets are the most divergent. The high differentiation between cultivated and wild populations from the same area might indicate no evidence for significant genetic flow between them.

This study provides an insight into the population structure of S. aurata, although more questions have arisen that need to be solved. This can be achieved by further screening of small-scaled targeted sample sets in the studied area.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of fish embryos requires an optimal distribution of cryoprotectants inside all embryo compartments. Traditional techniques for the incorporation of cryoprotectants (CPAs) have failed to protect all fish compartments, especially the yolk sac which has been considered the principal point of embryo chilling sensitivity. In the present study, microinjection was used to incorporate cryoprotectants into the yolk sac of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) embryos at tail bud stage. The effect of microinjection viability, cryoprotectant toxicity and chilling resistance was evaluated through the hatching rate. Larval survival at first feeding was also determined in microinjection viability and cryoprotectant toxicity studies. Permeabilized seabream embryos were microinjected with 2.35 nl dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO), methanol (MeOH), ethylene glycol (EG) (5 M, 10 M and pure) or sucrose (10% and 15%). In a second experiment, 29.5 nl and 154.0 nl of the highest concentration of each cryoprotectant were used in the same embryo stage. To test the effect of microinjected cryoprotectants on embryo chilling resistance, 29.5 nl of pure Me2SO or 15% sucrose was microinjected into the yolk sac of tail bud stage embryos and then at a later stage, (tail-bud-free), were exposed to 3 M Me2SO solution at − 10 °C for 30 min. Our results showed that microinjection technique did not affect the viability of tail bud stage embryos as is shown by the high hatching and survival rates. Hatching and larval survival rate at first feeding were not affected with any of the CPAs tested, showing percentages higher than 75% and 90%, respectively, when embryos were microinjected with a smaller quantity of cryoprotectant. Sucrose was the cryoprotectant better tolerated at higher concentration and volume. Cryoprotectant concentration inside the yolk higher than 1.18 M for Me2SO, 1.5 M for EG and 2 M for methanol decreased the hatching rate. Microinjection allowed the delivery of high concentrations of CPAs into the yolk sac without deleterious effects on the embryo, but did not provide a significant level of protection for the whole embryo against chilling injury.  相似文献   

Eggs of raised gilthead bream, Sparus aurata (L.), were incubated to hatching at various temperatures ranging from 7.7°C to 26.3°C. For four stages of development, the relationship between temperature and incubation time is given. Time from fertilization to hatching varies from 135 h at 11°C to 40 h at 21.3°C. In our experiments no egg hatched below 11°C or above 22°C. The highest hatching rate and the lowest rate of larval abnormalities were both observed at 14.5°C which is also the spawning temperature.  相似文献   

Body composition (protein, fat, ash and moisture) and energy content of four mullet species Mugil cephalus, Liza dumerili, Liza richardsoni and Liza tricuspidens were determined monthly for 13 months in specimens taken from the Swartkops Estuary. Six size classes (<2.5, 2.6–6.0, 6.1–10.0, 10.1–15.0, 15.1–23.0 and > 23 cm SL) were analysed separately. Statistical analyses of results could only be performed on three size classes of M. cephalus, L. dumerili and L. richardsoni due to inavailability of fish during certain months. Regression equations were calculated for those body components that were significantly correlated, viz.: energy and moisture, fat and moisture, protein and moisture and energy and fat. The influence of species, size as well as seasonal effects and reproductive cycle on body composition were investigated. It was found that in general Liza dumerili had the lowest mean body energy and fat values and Liza tricuspidens the highest. Smaller size fish were lower in energy and fat and larger size fish lower in moisture. Overall mean values showed that body energy reserves were the highest during the winter. Sexually mature specimens of Liza dumerili showed a build-up of energy before the commencement of the spawning season.  相似文献   

The authors studied a population of 582 gilthead sea breams (Sparus aurata), aged 25–600 days, in order to describe the abnormalities of the opercular complex.

Particular attention was paid to: (1) the different degrees of abnormality of the opercular complex as a whole and of the individual dermal bones (preopercle, interopercle, subopercle and opercle) that compose it; (2) the ways in which the operculum folds into the gill cavity and the relevant histological characteristics. This study discusses the origin and nature of the abnormalities.

Though these abnormalities have a major impact on market value and product image, and are often linked to other disorders in fish, they are still difficult to eliminate. Gaining a basic understanding of these abnormalities will be a first step towards reducing their occurrence.  相似文献   

The first attempt to rear the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, in brackish water ponds in Egypt was conducted from April 1976 to February 1977. Experimental ponds were stocked with Sparus aurata fry of about 32 mm and 1.5 g average length and weight respectively at a rate of 3000 fry per one feddan of pond water (i.e. 0.42 ha). The growth rate was recorded monthly. An average length and weight of 190 mm and 78 g respectively was attained after 8 months without supplementary feeding or fertilization of pond water. mathematical equations expressing length-weight relationship and condition factor were derived for both wild and reared fish. The higher values of condition factor obtained for the reared fish in comparison to the wild fish signify their improved condition and hence their suitability for farming in Egypt.  相似文献   

Cage-cultured and wild sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus, sampled from a location in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, were assessed by taste panels. Of the five sensory variables investigated (appearance, odor, texture, flavor and overall acceptability), only appearance (P ≤ 0.01) and overall acceptability (P ≤ 0.05) showed significant differences between the two groups. However, no preference was indicated. The adductor muscles were analyzed for total carbohydrate, crude fat, crude protein, moisture and ash. The range for each component was similar (P > 0.05) in both the cultured and wild populations.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to monitor feeding activity of gilthead sea bream (Sa) and red porgy (Pp) and to investigate the hereditary effects on feeding in their hybrids (female Sa×male Pp, female Pp×male Sa), obtained after artificial crosses. All fish groups were held in 500-l tanks under ambient temperature (15–25°C) and light conditions (daylength from 9 h 30 min to 14 h 48 min). Fish (initial body weight 100–165 g) were fed by means of self-feeders, which were connected to a computer, recording fish feeding activity for a year. Results showed that there was a 24-h periodicity in all fish types over the experiment. In their daily feeding patterns, both parental species were diurnal: red porgies had a stable daily pattern over the experiment, while gilthead sea bream shifted their activity from a general daylight fluctuation in warm periods to an afternoon peak in cold periods. The Sa×Pp hybrids showed intermediate feeding patterns compared to their parents in warm periods and a pattern that was similar to the red porgy in cold periods, while the Pp×Sa hybrids had rather unchangeable daily feeding patterns, which were not related to the parental ones. The proportion of night feed demands increased in cold periods independent of fish group. The relationship between temperature and feed intake was species-dependent. Finally, this study indicated that feeding expression in hybrids was related to the combination of the parental genome, supporting our hypothesis for a hereditary influence on feeding activity in fish.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean area, wild fish have often been suggested as either the reservoirs of the causative agents or at least the carriers of the pathogens responsible for disease outbreaks in cultured fish. However, no epidemiological investigations on actual pathogen/disease interactions between farmed and wild fish have been conducted even for the most important fish pathogens. Only sporadic isolations and identifications of various pathogens in wild fish have been done and real associations with the pathological conditions that exist within the farm environment and vice versa have not been established. Monogenean ectoparasite Sparicotyle chrysophrii and isopod Ceratothoa oestroides are commonly found in the Mediterranean cage-reared sea bream and sea bass and in the surrounding wild fish population. Both species were recognized as pathogens that seasonally inflict serious losses in fingerlings and juveniles of sea bream and sea bass, being potentially propagated and exchanged during wild and caged fish interaction. In order to evaluate the degree of pathogens transfer between wild and farmed fish, we investigated genetic population structures of these two important parasitic pathogens inferred by mtDNA cytochrome oxidase I locus. Parasites isolated from wild and farmed fish on the two most productive Adriatic fish farms showed genetic heterogeneity, contradicting widely accepted hypothesis of cross-contamination, at least in case of S. chrysophrii and C. oestroides. As far as we know, this is the first report that in a study of pathogen transfer molecular evidence was employed to asses the genetic population structure of shared parasites.  相似文献   

Epitheliocystis infection affecting the gill and the pseudobranch of the cultured amberjack, Seriola dumerili Risso, is described. In hyperinfected fish, proliferative cell response around the epitheliocystis capsule resulted in gill and pseudobranch lamellar fusion, which led to mass mortalities in the 0+age class. Histopathological and scanning electron microscope observations showed that the target cell was the chloride cell since (1) epitheliocystis organisms were first found within the chloride cell; (2) chloride cells underwent degeneration in the filament epithelium, proliferated along the lamellae, and hypertrophied; and (3) cysts were found only in the trailing edge of the gill filament and in the interlamellar spaces where, in healthy fish, chloride cells are mainly located. In some cases, the pseudobranch of infected fish was much more severely affected than the gill. It is therefore suggested that, for diagnostic purposes, the pseudobranch should also be sampled when epitheliocystis disease is suspected.  相似文献   

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