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ABSTRACT By reducing the cost of performing isolated economic activities in remote areas, information technology might serve as a substitute for urban agglomeration. The paper assesses this hypothesis using data on Italian households' usage of the Internet, e‐commerce, and e‐banking. The results do not support the argument that the Internet reduces the role of distance. Internet usage is much more frequent among urban consumers than among their non‐urban counterparts. The use of e‐commerce is basically unaffected by the size of the city where the household lives. Geographically remote consumers are discouraged from purchasing goods by the fact that they cannot inspect them beforehand. Leisure activities and cultural items (i.e., books, CDs, and tickets for museums and theaters) are the only goods and services for which e‐commerce is used more in isolated areas. Finally, e‐banking bears no relationship to city size. In choosing a bank, non‐urban customers give more importance to personal acquaintance than do urban clients, partly because bank account holders in remote areas are more likely to have taken out a loan from their bank.  相似文献   

Internal migration has been recognized as the major influence in terms of population redistribution across urban systems, but it is not a homogeneous phenomenon. Within the context of internal rural‐urban migration decline and the negative changes in migratory balances in the metropolitan area of Mexico City, the core of enquiry in this paper is the approach to growth and consolidation of an internal urban–urban migration system in the early twenty‐first century (2000–2015). This process has taken place through two main networks, among metropolitan areas not corresponding to the principal city and among intermediate cities. Internal migration is a complex process that involves both individual and spatial characteristics and which leads to spatially uneven development in the long term. Data from three censuses of the population of Mexico (2000, 2010, and 2015) show a transition to a more urban–urban migration pattern, with skilled migrants tending to have metropolitan and urban destinations, whereas less‐skilled migrants prefer rural and small urban destinations.  相似文献   

This article expands the study of smart growth from urban space to urban–rural regions based on land use. It analyses smart land use in urban–rural regions. The study sets up an integrated measure indicator system of smart land use in urban–rural regions, which consisted of three subsystems: land amount controls, land form compactness, and land use efficiency. As a case study, the system was used to measure the smart land use in the Pukou District of Nanjing City, an area with intensive urbanization in the Yangtze River Delta of China. The results show that smart land use in the investigated area is increasing year by year, but it remains to be further improved. The integrated measure indicator system of smart land use in urban–rural regions is effective for measuring the level and status of regional smart land use.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how internal migration redistributes earned income across U.S. states between 1995 and 2010. We examine interregional income flows by first describing the movement of earned income between U.S. states. Second, we examine the effect of income migration on spatial patterns of income inequality. The question we ask is, “does migration increase or decrease convergence income across U.S. States?” A primary contribution of this paper is that instead of using only 1 year of income migration data to explore these issues, we use yearly data from the first year the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data started including income (1995/1996) up to the most current data available (2009/2010). Results indicate that income convergence/divergence across states varies by whether or not there is general economic expansion or contraction. Nevertheless, some high‐amenity states continually attract high‐income households.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new way of decomposing regional inequality. It divides the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei metropolitan region into three sets of districts in terms of the urban–rural resource flows: urban, peri‐urban, and peripheral areas. Unlike the administrative divisions, these three sets of districts show how resource flows and agglomerates at the regional level. The paper decomposes regional inequality according to the three sets of districts. The paper's findings show that regional inequality decreased between 1990 and 1994, after which it remained steady. The study, for the first time, brings peri‐urban areas into a regional decomposition analysis, and contributes to the understanding of urban–rural resource flows and inequality changes at the regional level.  相似文献   

为了有效评估农村居民点整理潜力,指导农村居民点整理顺利进行,以伊通县农村居民点整理潜力为研究对象,围绕农村居民点整理的影响因素,从影响农村居民点整理的自然、社会和经济条件等方面,选取14个影响指标,采用层次分析法确定各影响指标的权重,得出综合评价体系的评价系数。运用评价系数计算出农村居民点可实现潜力。结果表明:(1)截止2015年,伊通县农村居民点整理可实现潜力为3031.10 hm2,整理后可新增耕地系数25.02%;(2)各乡镇评价系数介于0.19~0.61之间,营城子镇评价系数最大,为0.61,新兴乡最小,为0.19;(3)在整理时序上,将可实现潜力与新增耕地系数综合考虑,应优先重点安排潜力大,新增耕地系数大的乡镇。  相似文献   

《Asia Pacific viewpoint》2004,45(3):433-433

为了研究流通组织对农村居民消费水平的影响,通过采用实地调研、数据收集等方式,结合福建省实际情况,分析了城乡居民消费结构的差异情况,指出了现阶段福建省农村流通组织存在的主要问题及其对农村居民消费水平提升的影响,并提出了培育农村流通组织、提高农村居民消费水平的建议。  相似文献   

Abstract: Tropes of borderlessness are pervasive both in discourses concerning the spread of HIV/AIDS and the Growth Triangle, a transnational economic zone that ideally binds together the Indonesian island of Batam, the Malaysian province of Johor and Singapore. This paper considers how the emergence of HIV as a problem in the Growth Triangle, and on Batam in particular, has been framed as a problem to be addressed in context of the nation‐state rather than as a transnational problem that demands cooperation across borders. In conjunction with this, it focuses on further attempts to create boundaries around HIV, through the identification of risk groups, the localisation of prostitutes and the distribution of condoms. The paper focuses particular attention on the relationship between Batam and Singapore, and how non‐governmental organisations and governments have dealt with HIV/AIDS issues in both places. Furthermore, it problematises these activities by paying ethnographic attention to other forms of cultural and economic logics that often are odds with prevention models. This raises important questions concerning, most specifically, the problems of HIV prevention and cross‐border cooperation, and, more generally, the regulation and formation of new kinds of borders in a ‘borderless world’.  相似文献   

基于中国社会经济快速剧烈转型大背景,力求较准确地研究农地流转.经文献梳理,采用实地调研、经验总结等方法对农地流转进行综合性深入分析.结果表明:河南省农地流转规模较小、发展缓慢、收益偏低、多处于自发无序状态.进而分析可得,农地流转是乡村社会经济转型一部分,诸如农地流转渠道、现代农业技术应用、农村家庭生活方式变革、城市化下城乡互动、农村市场深化程度等,皆为社会经济转型组成部分,乡村转型整体缓慢导致农地流转缓慢.应从整体视角系统性促进农地流转,不应强推、不必迟滞、可积极有序引导随社会经济转型顺势而为.  相似文献   

高芸  李贺 《中国农学通报》2011,27(17):151-157
本文运用Tobit模型和调查数据,考察了农村经济社会发展状况对农村劳动力流动行为决策的影响。结果发现:农村经济发展状况整体上对农村劳动力流动产生显著的负向作用;农村基础设施对农村劳动力流动也产生负向影响。在中国城乡二元结构长期作用下,即便在惠农、强农的政策体系和促进城乡经济社会一体化发展的制度框架已初步建立,县域经济和乡镇企业发展迅速的大环境下,农村经济和生活环境的改善,并不能从根本上阻挡农村劳动力向城市流动的趋势。建议政府切实贯彻“一号文件”,以社会主义新农村建设为契机,将有限的资源重点投入到既能促进农民外出打工又能增加劳动力在本地转移的公共事业和基础设施建设上。  相似文献   

Most scientific attention on port studies centers on deep sea ports, especially container ports. In this paper, in contrast, attention is focused on the spatial–temporal development of inland waterway ports on the Midstream Yangtze River from 2001 to 2013. The aim of this study is to assess two relevant and complementary questions of the hinterland evolution: its geographical extent and the coordination relationship with the inland port. To conduct the study, it was necessary to first identify the boundaries of the ports' hinterlands within the given timeframe. Then, the coupling coordination degree model was introduced to explore the underlying relationship between the port service and hinterland economy. Furthermore, to better depict the intricate economic characteristics of the hinterland, the development stage theory was applied in the models. The results highlight the emergence of a discontinuous hinterland at Wuhan Port and its reinforcement of primacy with respect to fierce hinterland rivalry. It also demonstrates that an interplay between major ports and their corresponding hinterlands evolves from the transitional stage, characterized by lagging port service, to the multi‐stage, wherein the supply of ports partly outstrips hinterland demand.  相似文献   

为研究层次分析法在兜兰的综合评价中的应用,以12个兜兰种作为供试材料,采用层次分析法对其进行综合评价,兜兰的层次分析模型分为目标层(综合评价)、约束层(株形、花、叶)、标准层(分株数、株高、冠幅、花色、花径、花期、花葶、叶色、叶长、叶宽、叶量)。在约束层中,花所占的权重最大,其次是叶。在花的标准层中,花径所占的权重值最大,其次是花色和花期。在叶的标准层中,叶量所占的权重值最大,其次是叶色。12个兜兰种的综合评价结果表明,试材可分为3个等级,其中菲律宾兜兰、虎斑兜兰、带叶兜兰、紫纹兜兰、长瓣兜兰、亨利兜兰、麻栗坡兜兰综合评价得分较高,在实际生产中可将其作为首选种。  相似文献   

农村土地流转中的农民问题探究 ——以郑州市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡钰 《中国农学通报》2011,27(14):142-145
内容摘要:目前各地的土地流转工作进行的如火如荼,很多文献都是关于土地流转可以带来集约化经营的农业和更高的土地利用效率等,关于农民问题的研究大都停留在土地流转之后的一些补救措施上,而没有去深入探究土地流转中的存在的农民问题。课题组通过对郑州市农村调研后发现土地流转问题背后是农民问题,只有农民问题解决了,土地流转的问题也就迎刃而解了。  相似文献   

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