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Despite management practices to achieve sustainability, commercial landings for Florida spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) have experienced a drastic decline (57%) since 2000. This is cause for concern not only for economic reasons, but for issues of sustainability. An annual index of P. argus post‐larval (puerulus) abundance, estimated with a generalized linear model with significant mean sea‐level effects, shows a 36% decrease in annual puerulus supply since 1988. In addition, local Florida spawning stock biomass estimated from an age‐structured sequential population analysis decreased 57% since 1988. Puerulus abundance follows a highly correlated (R = 0.76) trend with a 12‐month delayed spawning stock abundance, which supports the contention that the Florida spawning population is a significant contributing factor to post‐larval recruitment in Florida. Residuals about the puerulus on spawning stock abundance function follow closely an interannual North Atlantic Oscillation Index signal. This residual effect is thought of as a secondary regional population effect on Florida puerulus recruitment. The Florida spiny lobster stock is exploited with no fishing mortality controls due to the Pan Caribbean recruitment concept adopted in Florida spiny lobster management. Therefore, the potential of recruitment overfishing exists if fishing mortality controls to protect local spawning stock abundance, such as catch quotas, are not introduced.  相似文献   

Harvesting practices of the clam Chionista fluctifraga show a decline in commercial size and densities, but no strategies have been developed to maintain clam beds. Aquaculture represents an alternative for preserving this resource. Adult clams from commercial grounds were used as broodstock. Conditioning, induction of spawning, cultivation of larvae, settlement of eyed larvae and nursing of postlarvae were performed in the hatchery for producing spat. Larvae and postlarvae were used to measure increase in shell height and data were fitted to exponential growth models. Spat were placed in floating trays and maintained in off‐bottom cultivation for 9 months. Samples of clams and tissues were collected monthly to measure absolute growth, shell height increase and a condition index. Larvae, postlarvae and juveniles showed exponential growth patterns. Mean shell height increased about 0.030 mm day?1 during larval and post‐larval stages and 0.049 mm day?1 during field cultivation. Pediveligers (height 215 ± 83 μm) entered metamorphosis at days 9–13 after fertilization, and postlarvae reached 3011.7 ± 325.5 μm (height) at day 60. After field cultivation, survival was about 95%; juvenile shell height was 20.6 ± 2.2 mm, and total weight was 5.3 ± 0.7 g. Growth rates were superior to natural conditions and the condition index was high throughout the study. Our results show that spat of C. fluctifraga can be produced in the hatchery, and that field production can be maintained in off‐bottom trays until reaching commercial size. Aquaculture activities for this species need to be established and evaluated.  相似文献   

Comprehensive knowledge of osteological development of fish not only provides means for understanding its functional development, but also allows early detection of skeletal anomalies. The present study was conducted to determine osteological development and occurrence of anomalies from the first to the 40th day after hatching (DAH) for yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, a commercially important species in China. Vertebral ontogeny started with formation of anterior neural arches at 3 DAH, and completed at 6 DAH. Vertebral centra started to develop at 4 DAH and ossification in all centra was visible at 15 DAH. Caudal fin appeared at 2 DAH and ossification was visible at 26 DAH. The onset of dorsal and anal fins appeared at 4 DAH and their ossifications were visible at 20 DAH. Pectoral fins were present before first feeding and formed entirely at 9 DAH, and their ossifications were visible at 21 DAH. Pelvic fins appeared at 9 DAH, and formed completely at 21 DAH. The ossification of pelvic fins was not finished until the end of the experiment (40 DAH). 24 types of skeletal anomalies were observed. About 20% of individuals showed at least one anomaly. Haemal vertebrae anomalies occurred at the highest frequency, followed by pre‐haemal, caudal vertebrae and anal fin anomalies, and caudal fin had the lowest anomalies frequency. For the first time, our study determined osteological development and anomalies incidence in larval yellow catfish, which help further investigations into rearing conditions leading to appearance of these anomalies to prevent their incidence.  相似文献   

This work describes for the first time the embryonic development of the tropical scallop Nodipecten nodosus. Larval and post‐larval growth parameters and some characteristics of larvae shell morphology were also ascertained. The larvae were obtained from the induced spawning of a group of broodstocks under controlled laboratory conditions. After fertilization, larval cultivation was carried out in conical tanks at a temperature of 26–27 °C. Larval density was controlled as a function of larval growth to give 10, 5 and 3 larvae mL?1 from days 1, 3 and 8 respectively. The larvae were nourished with a 1:1 mix of Isochrysis galbana (clone T‐ISO) and Chaetoceros gracilis in portions varying between 30 000 and 70 000 cells mL?1. Expulsion of polar groups was observed 5 and 15 min after fertilization, whereas the first cellular division occurred after 30 min. The first gastrule ciliates and trocophore larvae were noted after 8 and 18 h had elapsed, respectively, whereas prodissoconch I, or D‐larvae, were discerned after 26 h. Subsequently, larvae with prodissoconch II or veliger‐conch appeared at 30 h. Larval development continued for 10–12 days, followed by metamorphosis, at an approximate length of 208–230 µm. The growth of the post‐larvae was evaluated for 9 days. Larval and post‐larval growth corresponded to the linear equations L = 71.85 + 10.85t, r2 = 0.99, and L = 44.09 + 17.81t, r2 = 0.94 respectively. Accordingly, larval morphology and size disparities are discussed with respect to other tropical pectinids.  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish feeding strategies covering the whole larval period of the forktail blenny, Meiacanthus atrodorsalis, based on the standard hatchery feeds of rotifers and Artemia. Three purposely designed experiments were conducted to determine the appropriate times and techniques to transition larvae from rotifers onto Artemia nauplii of a Great Salt Lake (GSL) strain, and a specialty AF strain, as well as subsequent transition onto enriched metanauplii of GSL Artemia. With a 3‐day co‐feeding period, larvae adapted well to a transition from rotifers to newly hatched GSL Artemia nauplii as early as 5 days posthatching (DPH), and as early as 3 DPH when fed the smaller AF Artemia nauplii. However, prolonging the rotifer‐feeding period up to 11 DPH did not negatively affect survival. Larvae fed Artemia nauplii of the AF strain showed 17–21% higher survival, 24–33% greater standard length and body depth, and 91–200% greater dry weight, after 20 days relative to those fed nauplii of the GSL strain. Meanwhile, enriched Artemia metanauplii of the GSL strain were shown to be an acceptable alternative to AF Artemia nauplii for later larvae, producing similar survival and growth when introduced from 8 DPH. Based on our findings, we recommend feeding M. atrodorsalis larvae rotifers as a first food between 0 and 2 DPH, introducing AF Artemia nauplii from 3 DPH, followed by enriched GSL Artemia metanauplii from 8 DPH onward, with a 3‐day co‐feeding period between each prey change.  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss some of the shortcomings of today's marine science in response to a recently published paper by Ann Gargett (1997). Three problem areas have been identified in the field linking climate forcing and fish production: First, the yet-to-be established observational proof for a relationship between the two; Second, the strongly neglected biology of organisms at evolutionary and ecological time scales; and thrird, the disregard for spatial and temporal scales in the discussion of mechanisms and supporting data.  相似文献   

Assumptions about the future productivity of a stock are necessary to calculate sustainable catches in fisheries management. Fisheries scientists often assume the number of young fish entering a population (recruitment) is related to the biomass of spawning adults and that recruitment dynamics do not change over time. Thus, managers often use a target biomass based on spawning biomass as the basis for calculating sustainable catches. However, we show recruitment and spawning biomass are not positively related over the observed range of stock sizes for 61% of 224 stocks in the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database. Furthermore, 85% of stocks for which spawning biomass may not drive recruitment dynamics over the observed ranges exhibit shifts in average recruitment, which is often used in proxies for target biomasses. Our results suggest that the environment more strongly influences recruitment than spawning biomass over the observed stock sizes for many stocks. Management often endeavours to maintain stock sizes within the observed ranges, so methods for setting management targets that include changes within an ecosystem may better define the status of some stocks, particularly as climate changes.  相似文献   

New Zealand has led the world in restoration of marine fisheries since the introduction of the Quota Management System in 1986, but challenges remain in minimizing the ecosystem‐level effects of industrialized fishing. We analysed existing long‐term fisheries data sets from 1931 to 2015 in New Zealand to resolve trends in important ecological properties of major exploited fish communities. Increases in community dissimilarities of catch composition in 1931 and 1972, followed by increasing total landings, highlight major expansions of fishing grounds and exploited species during these periods. Mirroring global patterns, the remarkable rise in fishing power, demand and generation of new markets in New Zealand have all contributed to this expansion. Marine Trophic Indices (MTIs) of landings have decreased together with total catch after the year 2000, reflecting smaller catches with a higher composition of lower trophic‐level species in recent years. Differences in relative abundance of species estimated between fisheries‐dependent and fisheries‐independent data were observed, where high‐value species displayed better agreement in relative abundance between data sets. Despite being under a Quota Management System, temporal development of MTI values relative to the timing of industrial expansion of fisheries was remarkably similar to those observed in the North Sea and Brazil, with a single expansion and decline. MTI values presented better long‐term stability in the US fisheries analysed. Analysis of long‐term data and the development of well‐resolved ecological baselines will be the first step towards applying EBM to New Zealand fisheries, in keeping with global trends in fisheries management.  相似文献   

Marine ecology seeks to understand the factors that shape biological communities. Progress towards this goal has been hampered by habitat‐centric approaches that ignore the influence of the wider seascape. Coral reef fishes may use non‐reef habitats (e.g. mangrove and seagrass) extensively, yet most studies have focused on within‐reef attributes or connectivity between reefs to explain trends in their distribution and abundance. We systematically review the evidence for multihabitat use by coral reef fishes across life stages, feeding guilds and conservation status. At least 670 species of “coral reef fish” have been observed in non‐reef habitats, with almost half (293 species) being recorded in two or more non‐reef habitats. Of the 170 fish species for which both adult and juvenile data were available, almost 76% were recorded in non‐reef habitats in both life stages. Importantly, over half of the coral reef fish species recorded in non‐reef habitats (397 spp.) were potential fisheries targets. The use of non‐reef habitats by “coral reef” fishes appears to be widespread, suggesting in turn that attempts to manage anthropogenic impacts on fisheries and coral reefs may need to consider broader scales and different forms of connectivity than traditional approaches recommend. Faced with the deteriorating condition of many coastal habitats, there is a pressing need to better understand how the wider seascape can influence reef fish populations, community dynamics, food‐webs and other key ecological processes on reefs.  相似文献   

Evaluating historical changes in the exploitation of marine organisms is a key challenge in fisheries ecology and marine conservation. In the Eastern Pacific, marine turtles were exploited for millennia before systematic monitoring began <50 years ago. Using ethnographic and historical data, we generated a detailed reconstruction of the East Pacific green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) fishery in Mexico's Baja California peninsula from 1700 to 1990. Sea turtles from the region's important feeding areas were a staple food source from the earliest phases of human occupation, dating back at least 12,000 years. In contrast with regions such as the Caribbean, small human populations and limited market access resulted in apparently sustainable turtle harvests until the second half of the 20th century. We found that the estimated annual catches between 1960 and 1980 exceeded the estimated annual catches of the previous 250 years by an order of magnitude, leading to the collapse of the fishery and the depletion of the green turtle population. A total ban on sea turtle captures in 1990, comprehensive nesting beach protection, and significant conservation efforts resulted in increases in breeding females on nesting beaches and catch rates in scientific monitoring on main feeding grounds since the early 2000s. This provides a positive outlook for this once‐depleted population segment. Although further research is needed to evaluate current conservation status, we have identified a date, between 1950 and 1960, which can serve as a reliable temporal reference for future evaluations of historical baseline abundance in this region.  相似文献   

Rheophilic cyprinid populations are in decline in many European rivers and have become target species of conservation and river restoration. This is especially true for the European nase (Chondrostoma nasus), a lithophilic species for which the early life stages pose the first bottlenecks in successful population development. In this study, egg dispersal at the substrate surface as well as within the stream interstitial was evaluated and the development of nase eggs was tested at three spawning grounds in the German Alpine Foreland. New incubation systems for cyprinid eggs as well as reference incubation boxes were developed. A significantly higher number of nase eggs (95.5%) were deposited within the stream interstitial compared to eggs sticking to the substrate surface (4.5%). Most eggs successfully developed within the stream interstitial, and hatched larvae moved deeper into the stream substrate. Higher fine sediment accumulation rates in incubation systems had a negative impact on hatching rates. Our results suggest that a permeable, well‐oxygenated stream interstitial at spawning grounds can greatly enhance hatching rates and successful development of nase, as previously found for other taxa such as salmonids. Furthermore, movements of hatched larvae into deeper layers of the stream interstitial underline its importance not only for egg development, but also as shelter for early life stages. Future conservation and restoration efforts should thus consider more intensively stream interstitial conditions on spawning grounds, including evaluating physical characteristics, fine sediment accumulation as well as bioindication with suitable incubation systems for cyprinids.  相似文献   

Annual landings of chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii), an important fishing resource for South Africa, fluctuate greatly, and are believed to be related to recruitment success. The ‘Westward Transport Hypothesis’ (WTH) attributes recruitment strength to variability in transport of newly hatched paralarvae from spawning grounds to the ‘cold ridge’ nursery region some 100–200 km to the west, where oceanographic conditions sustain high productivity. We used an individual‐based model (IBM) coupled with a 3‐D hydrodynamic model (ROMS) to test the WTH and assessed four factors that might influence successful transport – Release Area, Month, Specific Gravity (body density) and Diel Vertical Migration (DVM) – in numerical experiments that estimated successful transport of squid paralarvae to the cold ridge. A multifactor ANOVA was used to identify the primary determinants of transport success in the various experimental simulations. Among these, release area was found to be the most important, implying that adult spawning behaviour (i.e., birth site fidelity) may be more important than paralarval behaviour in determining paralarval transport variability. However, specific gravity and DVM were found to play a role by retaining paralarvae on the shelf and optimizing early transport, respectively. Upwelling events seem to facilitate transport by moving paralarvae higher in the water column and thus exposing them to faster surface currents.  相似文献   

  1. River fish diversity is threatened by anthropogenic environmental alteration to landscapes. The early life-history stages of fish play an important role in maintaining diversity and population recruitment and can be heavily influenced by landscape patterns. Information on temporal and spatial distribution patterns of fish eggs and larvae is also important for biodiversity conservation and management of fish resources.
  2. The Yangtze River possesses a high diversity of fishes, including many commercially important species. The economy along the lower reach of the river is well developed, and most of the area is experiencing high pressure from human impacts. This section of the Yangtze River connects with the largest freshwater lake in China at the upstream end and flows into the estuary at the downstream end. These two landscape features are likely to have a significant impact upon the spatial distributions of fish egg and larval assemblages.
  3. Environmental variables, fish eggs, and larval assemblages were sampled in three locations, at Hukou, Anqing, and Jingjiang, in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. The results suggest that the higher number of species and greater abundance in upstream sites reflect the critical function of connectivity of Poyang Lake with the river for fish recruitment in the lower Yangtze. The delayed bloom of larval fish, occurrence of estuarine species, and a lower species number and abundance of freshwater fish downstream reflect the influence of tidal intrusion from the estuary.
  4. This study highlights the value of maintaining natural river–lakes connectivity in the Yangtze River as a conservation measure. The connected river–lake system should be designated as a priority area for fish resource protection in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. We recommend further measures to break down barriers between the river and other lakes and to restore the natural lateral connectivity of the floodplain ecosystem.

In this study the spatial distribution of eggs, larvae and juveniles of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) was followed in 2004 and 2005 during three consecutive cruises each year in spring–summer to test what the limits of retention are in a non‐upwelling area. Eggs, small larvae and large juveniles were mainly distributed over the shelf, whereas large larvae and small juveniles were found mainly off the shelf. Although overall distributions were similar, the 2 yr differed in that there was more of a coastal distribution of individuals in 2004, whereas in 2005 more individuals were found off the shelf. There were no significant differences in the length–weight relationships for individuals found on and off the shelf or between years. The correspondence in circulation patterns and the lack of difference in the length–weight relationships suggest that a single population is present, larvae drifting off the shelf due to currents and returning as mobile juveniles. Quantile regression analysis of the long‐term recruitment index suggests that transport off the shelf may favour good recruitments. This would suggest that in non‐upwelling regions the retention area resulting in good recruitment may not be restricted to the shelf.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, pelagic dispersal is important for determining the distribution and abundance of populations, as well as providing connections among populations. Estimates of larval dispersal from spawning grounds are important to determining temporal and spatial patterns in recruitment that may have significant influences on the dynamics of the population. We present a case study of the dispersal of Centropristis striata (black sea bass) larvae on the southeast U.S. continental shelf. We use a coupled larval behavior – 3D circulation model to compare the effects of the timing and location of spawning against that of larval vertical migration on larval dispersal. Using the results of field data on larval vertical distributions, we compare the dispersal of virtual 'larvae' which have ontogenetic changes in vertical behavior with that of particles fixed near the surface and near the bottom. Larvae were released at potential spawning sites four times throughout the spawning season (February through May) for 3 yr (2002–04) and tracked for the assumed larval duration (from 27 to 37 days including the egg stage). Results indicate that adult behavior, in the form of spawning time and location, may be more important than larval vertical behavior in determining larval dispersal on the inner- and mid- continental shelves of this region.  相似文献   

In many of the nearshore areas where development is most likely to occur, essential fish habitat data are incomplete and there is little information on species occurrence that can be used to inform management decisions. This research investigated the use of multivariate remotely sensed geomorphic and landscape data to develop accurate predictive models of subarctic, estuarine‐associated fishes. The random forest algorithm was used to predict the occurrence of 26 fish species captured in 49 estuaries in Southeast Alaska. Model prediction accuracy ranged from 100 to 42% for species presence and 87 to 15% for species absence. Model goodness of fit and accuracy were assessed by comparing the number of species occurrences predicted by the model against the observed presences and absences of species in an independent data set. Sixty percent of the models were able to predict species presence with an accuracy of 70% or better. The models were used to predict species occurrence for 521 unsampled Southeast Alaskan estuaries to provide a regional map of predicted species distributions.  相似文献   

Reservoirs are mostly managed at local scales as spatially independent units. A basin‐scale perspective may increase awareness at a broader scope and generate insight not evident at local scales. We examined the array of reservoir attributes and fisheries in the Mississippi Basin to identify management opportunities. The basin is the third largest in the world and includes over 1,700 reservoirs >100 ha, the most of any river basin. Our bird's‐eye view shows a piecemeal approach where reservoirs are mostly administered at the local level. Basin‐wide or catchment coordination to holistically address problems that recur across the basin is mostly lacking. A basin‐wide coordination arrangement could facilitate various facets of reservoir management. We reviewed governance arrangements in major river basins across the globe and concluded that the basin‐wide administrative layer we encourage for the Mississippi Basin may already exist in some basins but may not be directly applicable everywhere.  相似文献   

Demography can have a significant effect on reproductive timing and the magnitude of such an effect can be comparable to environmentally induced variability. This effect arises because the individuals of many fish species spawn progressively earlier within a season and may produce more egg batches over a longer period as they get older, thus extending their lifetime spawning duration. Inter‐annual variation in spawning time is a critical factor in reproductive success because it affects the early environmental conditions experienced by progeny and the period they have to complete phases of development. By reducing the average lifetime spawning duration within a fish stock, fishing pressure could be increasing the variability in reproductive success and reducing long‐term stock reproductive potential. Empirical estimates of selection on birth date, from experiments and using otolith microstructure, demonstrate that there is considerable variation in selection on birth date both within a spawning season and between years. The few multi‐year studies that have linked egg production with the survival of progeny to the juvenile stage further highlight the uncertainty that adults face in timing their spawning to optimize offspring survival. The production of many small batches of eggs over a long period of time within a season and over a lifetime is therefore likely to decrease variance and increase mean progeny survival. Quantifying this effect of demography on variability in survival requires a focus on lifetime reproductive success rather than year specific relationships between recruitment and stock reproductive potential. Modelling approaches are suggested that can better quantify the likely impact of changing spawning times on year‐class strength and lifetime reproductive potential. The evidence presented strengthens the need to avoid fishing severely age truncated fish stocks.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to develop a larviculture protocol for Mithraculus forceps, a popular marine aquarium species. Different temperatures (25±0.5°C and 28±0.5°C), stocking densities (10, 20, 40 and 80 larvae L?1), prey densities (newly hatched Artemia of 1, 4, 7 and 12 nauplii mL?1) and metamorphosis to crab conditions (Systems A and B) were tested. The best survivorship and faster development were obtained when the larvae were reared at a density of 40 larvae L?1 for 7 days post hatching (DPH) in System A, at 28°C and fed with 7 mL?1 of newly hatched Artemia nauplii. After 7 DPH all the megalopa were moved to System B and the same temperature and prey density were maintained. At the end of the experiment, 12 DPH, survivorship of 74.1±4.8% was obtained.  相似文献   

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