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【目的】研究补喂鞣花酸对哺乳期纯血马马驹肠道寄生虫感染情况的影响,揭示鞣花酸在马属动物消化道寄生虫防治方面的作用,为新型驱虫药物的筛选提供参考依据。【方法】选择平均体重(143.33±16.10) kg、出生日期(±5 d)、寄生虫感染率相近的哺乳期纯血马马驹15匹,随机分为对照组、试验Ⅰ和Ⅱ组,每组5匹。在相同的饲养条件下,对照组马驹不做任何处理,试验Ⅰ组马驹每天补喂15 mg/kg BW鞣花酸,试验Ⅱ组补喂30 mg/kg BW鞣花酸,试验期60 d,分别在试验的第0、15、30、45、60天采集马驹粪便样品,检测各组虫卵种类,统计虫卵数量,并评价驱虫效果。【结果】哺乳纯血马驹感染率高的寄生虫有10种,其中感染率最高的寄生虫是马副蛔虫、马圆线虫及细颈三齿线虫。随着鞣花酸补喂时间的延长及剂量的增加,寄生虫的感染率呈降低趋势,细颈三齿线虫卵、马圆线虫卵、马副蛔虫卵和韦氏类圆线虫卵的排出量显著降低(P<0.05)。补喂鞣花酸后第60天试验Ⅰ和Ⅱ组虫卵总数比对照组分别降低66.59%和97.06%;试验Ⅰ组第30和60天虫卵减少率分别为30.10%和42.97%;试验Ⅱ组第30和60天虫卵减少率分别为37.51%和49.86%。【结论】在本试验条件下,给哺乳马驹补喂鞣花酸能够显著降低寄生虫的感染及粪便中细颈三齿线虫卵、马圆线虫卵、马副蛔虫卵和韦氏类圆线虫卵的排出量,且补喂剂量为30 mg/kg BW效果更佳。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究碘醚柳胺对6月龄伊犁马驹驱虫的效果。选取体重(117.60±15.84)kg、出生日期相近、在同一放牧草场放牧的6月龄伊犁马公马驹10匹,随机分为两组:对照组和试验组,每组5匹。两组马驹饲喂相同营养水平的粗饲料和精料补充料。试验组马匹用碘醚柳胺混悬液驱虫剂驱虫,对照组不进行驱虫。驱虫后,进行为期18 d的饲养试验,统计各组马驹粪便中虫卵排出的种类及数量并计算驱虫效果。结果表明,6月龄马驹粪便中共鉴别出9种虫卵,包括马副蛔虫、毛圆线虫、盅口线虫、细颈三齿线虫、埃及腹盘吸虫、韦氏类圆线虫、安氏网尾线虫、马蛲虫、侏儒副裸头绦虫;碘醚柳胺驱虫后第3天每克粪便的虫卵数(EPG)达到最高(13 500个/g);驱虫后第6天,马驹寄生虫感染率降为6.37%,虫卵减少率为90.59%,转阴率为93.63%;驱虫后第18天,感染率降为13.33%,虫卵减少率为71.91%,转阴率为86.67%。结果表明,新疆昭苏马场6月龄马驹肠道寄生虫感染的种类较多,碘醚柳胺的驱虫效果在用药后的前6 d内最明显,用药后第18天药效减弱。  相似文献   

为了摸清威宁县散养鸡寄生虫感染情况,为制订合理的驱虫方案提供依据,我县于2010年1月至12月开展了散养鸡寄生虫种类调查工作。本次调查在我县8个乡镇解剖鸡30只,镜检鸡粪便1080份。解剖所获虫体12种,其中吸虫2种,绦虫4种,线虫4种,节肢昆虫2种,隶属7科8属。粪便镜检查出寄生虫虫卵11种。鸡异刺线虫、鸡蛔虫、钩状华首线虫、棘沟赖利绦虫、鸡羽虱和鸡膝螨为我县危害家禽严重的优势虫种。  相似文献   

蛔虫是危害鸡体的一种慢性、消耗性寄生虫。蛔虫造成的损失不亚于传染病,然而却往往易被人们忽视。养鸡者如发现鸡冠苍白、体型消瘦、羽毛松乱无光、翅膀下垂、行动迟缓、呆立不动、采食减少、产蛋量下降时,就应注意检查鸡体内是否有蛔虫寄生,适时地给鸡体驱除蛔虫,以提高养鸡效益。给蛋鸡驱除蛔虫的最佳季节是秋季。驱除蛔虫的首选药物是盐酸左旋咪唑。按每千克饲料或饮水加入药物20g,让鸡自由摄食或饮用,每日2~3次,连喂3~5d,驱虫效果理想,而且安全。给鸡驱虫期间,对鸡的粪便要及时清除,堆积发酵,以杀死虫卵。同时要对鸡舍、用具、场地彻…  相似文献   

为了了解新疆普氏野马消化道寄生虫感染情况及内外通灭(伊维菌素预混剂)对普氏野马消化道寄生虫的驱虫情况,试验于2018年1月份对新疆野马繁殖研究中心的65匹野马进行了冬季驱虫试验;试验采用饱和盐水漂浮法对65匹普氏野马进行了驱虫前后检查,分析其感染率以及跟踪检查给药后的驱虫率,并通过虫卵计数法(麦克马斯特氏法)分析其感染强度。结果表明:在采集的65份新鲜粪样中,含有消化道线虫虫卵的样品共54份,感染率为83%(54/65);初步检查出的虫卵包括马圆线虫、马副蛔虫、细颈三齿线虫和毛细线虫4种。其中马副蛔虫的感染率最高,为71%(46/65),两种虫种(马副蛔虫、毛细线虫)混合感染率达到43%,每克粪便虫卵数(EPG)为800~2 300个,三种虫种(毛细线虫、马副蛔虫、马圆线虫)混合感染率为17%,EPG为400~1 200个。驱虫后的65份样品,虫卵转阴率达到77%(50/65);虫卵减少率达到95%。说明内外通灭对普氏野马消化道寄生虫具有较好的驱虫作用。  相似文献   

为了评价昭苏马秋季驱虫效果,采用病原学常规检测方法对294匹马粪样进行了驱虫前后对比检测分析。结果表明:马匹驱虫前感染的优势虫种为马圆线虫、无齿圆线虫、普通圆线虫、马副蛔虫、马尖尾线虫和球虫;线虫感染率为73.5%(216/294),球虫感染率为2.7%(8/294),混合感染率为64%;虫卵计数显示,每克粪便感染虫卵为200~600个。本试验使用的内外净(碘醚柳胺悬浮)药物组虫卵转阴率达87%,虫卵减少率达90%,驱虫效果明显,为今后马匹驱虫药的筛选提供参考。  相似文献   

为了了解散养鸡寄生虫感染情况,为制订合理的驱虫方案提供依据,笔者于2010年1-12月开展了散养鸡寄生虫种类调查工作。本次调查在威宁县8个乡镇解剖鸡30只,镜检鸡粪便1080份。解剖获得虫体23种,其中吸虫6种,绦虫7种,线虫2种,节肢昆虫3种,原虫5种;隶属6纲6目11科14属。粪便镜检查出寄生虫虫卵11种。鸡异刺线虫、鸡蛔虫、钩状华首线虫、棘沟赖利绦虫、鸡羽虱、鸡膝螨为威宁县危害家禽的优势虫种。  相似文献   

目的检测伊维菌素预混剂对妊娠母猪的驱虫效果及其安全性。方法以妊娠后期母猪为实验动物,分为3个实验组和1个对照组,比较了不同剂量的伊维菌素预混刺驱除猪体内寄生虫的效果。结果驱虫后d7,中、高剂量组粪便中蛔虫虫卵的减少率和转阴率均达到100%,而且直到用药后40d,粪便中都检测不到虫卵,表明伊维菌素预混剂能有效驱除猪体内寄生虫,且能保持较长时间不再感染。结论试验中未见到药物对妊娠后期母猪造成任何可见影响,说明了伊维菌素预混剂对妊娠母猪的安全性。  相似文献   

为提高放养地方黑猪寄生虫病防治效果,采用猪粪便中虫卵计数和刮屑镜检方法,对四川省9个区县13个种养结合模式放牧地方黑猪场的粪便和发酵处理肥料中寄生虫虫卵或卵囊进行了检测,并对地方黑猪进行体表寄生虫检查,同时采用现场观察和问卷方式调查寄生虫病流行因素。结果表明,四川省放牧地方黑猪的寄生虫种类主要有蛔虫、毛首线虫、其他线虫、球虫和疥螨;放牧黑猪的寄生虫病感染率和感染程度与驱虫药物的使用和活动场粪污清理频率有关。  相似文献   

为了防止野生草食动物及人畜共患寄生虫病的流行,呼市青城公园的11种101只野生草食物进行了寄生虫普查,共查出3种虫卵检查阳性动物21只,占被检动物种类的27.27%,查有4种寄生虫,其中3种线虫,占全部感染虫种的75%,分别为马网尾线虫、牛网尾线虫、毛圆线虫;一种球虫,占全部感染虫种的25%,为艾美尔球虫,并准确的计算了每种虫卵的EPG。其中毛圆线虫为人兽共患病,占全部感染虫种的25%,对虫卵检查阳性草食动物用丙硫咪唑片,氨丙林分别进行了投药驱虫,首次驱虫,虫卵减少率达到84%以上,第二次驱虫后,虫卵减少率达到了99%以上。  相似文献   

Chickens are considered one of the most important hosts in the epidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection because they are an efficient source of infection for cats that excrete the environmentally resistant oocysts and because humans may become infected with this parasite after eating undercooked infected chicken meat. The objective of this study is to review worldwide prevalence of T. gondii infection in chickens and to assess the role of infected chickens in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis in humans. A very high prevalence of the parasite was found in chickens raised in backyards (up to 100%) and free‐range organic (30–50%) establishments.  相似文献   

某鸡场鸡群中出现以神经症状、产蛋下降、畸形蛋增多和呼吸困难、腹泻等为主要特征的疾病,对发病鸡场进行实地走访并采集发病鸡病料。根据临床症状,病理剖检及实验室细菌学、血清学、病毒学检测,鉴定该鸡场发生新城疫疫情,并继发鸡群大肠杆菌感染;通过实时荧光RT-PCR检测,对该病毒进行强弱毒株的鉴别,显示该鸡场发生的新城疫是由新城疫中强毒株引起的。  相似文献   

为了解禽白血病病毒J-亚群(ALV-J)感染对安徽省优良地方品种鸡—五华鸡生产性能和免疫性能的影响,在对五华鸡开展ALV-J血清学感染检测调研的基础上,对进入产蛋高峰期的五华鸡ALV-J血清阳性鸡群和阴性鸡群开展了为期18周的试验对比观察研究。结果表明,ALV-J血清阳性(感染或曾经感染)对五华鸡没有造成明显的发病和死亡增高现象;对鸡群新城疫(ND)、禽流感H5和H9疫苗的免疫效果没有呈现明显抑制;但对鸡群的产蛋率和平均蛋重会造成一定程度的下降(对照组平均产蛋率和蛋重分别为56%和0.055 kg,而试验组为53.37%和0.051 kg),料蛋比有一定程度的上升(对照组的料蛋比为3.49∶1,试验组为3.92∶1)。目前ALV-J感染虽然不会造成五华鸡明显的发病、死亡及免疫抑制,但可造成明显的生产性能下降和饲养成本的提高,必须引起高度重视,应及早开展原种鸡的ALV-J净化工作。  相似文献   

Active serologic surveillance programs to detect avian influenza viruses (AIVs) in table egg-laying chickens have been initiated by several states as a response to the economic threat posed by these viruses. Most outbreaks of avian influenza in domestic poultry are caused by mildly pathogenic AIVs. In the study reported here, infection by an H6N2 AIV was used as a model of mildly pathogenic AIV infections in egg-type chickens. The total number of eggs laid by 5 control hens was 619 or 0.904 eggs/day/hen, whereas the total number laid by 10 infected hens was 1,018 or 0.743 eggs/day/hen. The difference in egg production between the 2 groups was not statistically significant (P = 0.38). Anti-influenza antibodies were monitored by use of an agar gel immunodiffusion test and an ELISA for a period of 20 weeks after inoculation. Antibodies in serum developed sooner, peaked at higher levels, and remained at higher levels than did antibodies found in egg yolk, as indicated by ELISA results. For infected chickens, the correlation between serum and egg yolk ratios was 0.66. Serum samples would appear to be preferable to egg yolk samples for surveillance programs intended to identify chicken flocks that may have been infected by an AIV weeks or months before samples are collected.  相似文献   

The diagnostic characteristics of immunohistochemistry (IHC) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods were studied in the tissues of broiler chicken embryos experimentally infected by Neospora caninum. An infection with N. caninum NC-1 isolate was conducted in 70 broiler chicken embryonated eggs randomly divided into seven equal groups. After 8 days of incubation, six groups were inoculated with 10, 10(2), 10(3), 10(4), 10(5), and 10(6) doses of tachyzoites/embryonated egg. The 7th group was considered as control. The mortality rate and pathological changes of the dead embryos and hatched chickens up to 60 days old were noticed. Consecutive sections to those used for histopathological examination including the liver, heart, brain, and chorioalantoic (CA) membrane were subjected to IHC. The intensity and distribution of the immunostaining was graded as highly to mildly positive. For PCR procedure, DNA was extracted from 50mg of the tissues and primer pair Np21/Np6 was used for amplification of the Nc-5 gene. The results of the immunosignaling ranged from variable degrees of mild to moderate staining as dark-brown to brown and coarsely to finely granular, mostly within the cytoplasm of infected cells such as the endothelial cells of blood vessels. The parasite aggregation was more predominant in the heart than other tissues. Immunoreactivity for N. caninum antigen was multifocally moderate positive in the heart, liver and CA of the 10(3) dose, and also heart, liver, brain and CA of the 10(4) dose. IHC showed mildly positive in the liver and heart of the chicken embryos infected with 10 and 10(2) tachyzoites, as well. The results of the PCR confirmed the existence of the parasite in all of the examined tissues from the 10(3) and 10(4) doses. In conclusion, the results indicate a good agreement between IHC and PCR in diagnosis of neospora antigen in the infected tissues.  相似文献   

鸡腺胃病变型传染性支气管炎病毒感染试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用腺胃病变型传染性支气管炎患病鸡的腺胃病料和H95株分离株尿囊液毒,对不同品种、不同日龄的易感鸡,采用不同的感染途径进行感染,对其增重、死亡等数据进行统计分析,结果表明:供试不同品种的鸡在不同的感染途径下,采用腺胃病料和鸡胚尿囊液毒分别感染,均可引起不同程度的感染发病,并出现和自然病例相同的症状和典型的病理变化。随日龄的增长,其易感率和死亡率呈下降趋势。从感染死亡鸡中可重新回收到相应的病毒,发病耐过的鸡可产生特异性抗体。  相似文献   

为了探讨卵黄性腹膜炎和鸡白血病对种鸡死亡率和产蛋率的影响,在2016年1月至2017年4月中旬,对江苏省常州市某种鸡场岭南黄鸡、花鸡(金茅花鸡)、草鸡(金茅草鸡)、黄脚麻鸡4个品种鸡的发病及死亡情况进行临床症状观察及病理剖解;同时记录鸡场每日的鸡死亡数、产蛋数、每日免疫和用药情况,分析不同时期的死亡率和产蛋率,比较不同品种鸡的产蛋率及产蛋高峰期产蛋率与正常蛋鸡产蛋高峰期产蛋率(参考值80%)之间的差异。从死亡鸡的剖解结果来看,腹腔内卵黄凝固黏连在肠道上,输卵管肿大,充满白色或淡黄色干酪样物,初步诊断为卵黄性腹膜炎;肝脏和脾脏肿大,肠系膜或胸壁有肿瘤状物体,初步诊断为鸡白血病。岭南黄鸡产蛋后期的死亡率极显著高于产蛋上升期和高峰期(P<0.01),黄脚麻鸡产蛋后期的死亡率极显著低于产蛋高峰期(P<0.01);花鸡、草鸡、黄脚麻鸡产蛋高峰期产蛋率平均值均低于60%,与参考值(80%)差异极显著(P<0.01)。综合试验结果,卵黄性腹膜炎和鸡白血病对鸡场影响严重,导致鸡死亡率上升,产蛋率下降;抗应激药和营养药可以起到缓解预防的作用,但无法根治,尚无有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

The relationship between delayed onset of oviposition and involution of the bursa of Fabricius is described. Chickens studied were 26 weeks of age and had not come into production. The bursae of nonlaying chickens were compared with those of age-matched chickens that had laid the first egg 1, 9 to 11, or 24 days before. The bursae from the nonlaying chickens were similar in weight and morphology to the functional bursae of immature pullets. Bursae of laying chickens, even on the day of the first egg, were markedly involuted. Age of the chicken was not a factor in determining bursal involution. The onset of egg production was directly related to bursal involution.  相似文献   

Using a deletion mutant in the regulator of SPI-2, ssrA, we investigated the role of SPI-2 in invasion, intestinal colonization and reproductive tract infection of chickens by Salmonella Enteritidis. The ssrA mutant was fully invasive in phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells but failed to persist within chicken macrophages. The ability of Salmonella Enteritidis to cause disease in orally infected 1-day-old chicks was not altered when ssrA was deleted. Furthermore, caecal colonization was not affected, while spleen and liver showed reduced colonization. Following intra-peritoneal and intravenous infection of 1-day-old chicks, internal organ colonization was strongly reduced. After intravenous inoculation in adult laying hens bacterial numbers of the ssrA mutant were significantly lower in oviducts and ovaries as compared to the wild type strain. The chickens showed less reproductive tract lesions and the recovery of egg production were faster compared to the wild type strain infected chickens. These findings indicate that the SPI-2 regulator ssrA promotes reproductive tract colonization, but is not essential for intestinal colonization of chickens with the host non-specific serotype Enteritidis.  相似文献   

A total of 291 eight-week-old chickens were exposed to chickens infected with either of two Australian lentogenic strains (V4 and AVL NDV-1) of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). At 3 weeks after exposure, all chickens exposed to V4 infected chickens had developed haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody. All chickens exposed to AVL NDV-1 virus infected chickens had developed HI antibody 5 weeks later. This sudden late appearance of HI antibody, to titres higher than those observed with V4 chickens, was explained by V4 virus being introduced to the AVL NDV-1 group of chickens. When groups of these chickens were challenged with Roakin virus (mesogenic NDV) at 3 weeks and Fontana 1083 virus (viscerotropic velogenic NDV) and Texas GB virus (neutrotropic NDV) at 3, 5, 10 and 21 weeks only three chickens developed clinical illness one of which died. These chickens were one AVL NDV-1 chicken contact challenged with Fontana 1083 virus at 3 weeks, one V4 chicken oronasally challenged with Texas GB virus at 5 weeks and one V4 chicken challenged oronasally with Fontana 1083 virus at 10 weeks. Susceptible non-vaccinated chickens died soon after challenge. Challenge by oronasal infection with 10(7.0) ELD50 of virus or contact with susceptible infected chickens enabled virulent virus to be isolated from most chickens and was accompanied by a large anamnestic increase in serum HI antibody.  相似文献   

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