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为了探明乌鸡中枢神经系统内神经核团的细胞构筑,本试验以8羽泰和乌鸡为研究对象,采用石蜡切片和HE染色技术,在光镜下观察分析乌鸡脑桥内耳蜗神经核、外展神经核及其副核、面神经核、三叉神经感觉主核、三叉神经运动核、蓝斑、蓝斑下核和脑桥中缝核的形态特征。结果表明:乌鸡脑桥的耳蜗神经核也分为耳蜗神经大细胞核、板核、角核3个亚核,核团内神经元以中型为主,耳蜗神经大细胞核相对比较发达,角核核周界不明显;外展神经核吻极与面神经核吻极几乎平行,外展神经副核与外展神经核非常接近,不易分开;面神经中间核不发达;三叉神经运动核没有明显的内、外、腹侧亚核之分;蓝斑细胞排列较密集,细胞多为圆形、椭圆形,以中型细胞为主;蓝斑下核细胞排列松散,核团界限不明显,绝大多数细胞为椭圆形、纺锤形,中型细胞占多数。中缝脑桥核位于脑桥后段中部以下的中缝区,神经元多为三角形、星形和椭圆形,突起很发达,多为巨型细胞。各核团的分布与北京鸭和鸡的大体相似。  相似文献   

对某种鹅场疑似白血病的朗德鹅进行了病理组织学观察。剖检可见病鹅极度消瘦,肝、肾、脾、胆囊和卵巢等组织器官呈不同程度肿瘤样病理变化。其中肝病变尤为明显,稍肿胀,表面有颗粒状弥漫性结节,切面有斑驳状异变;肾苍白,质硬,正常结构消失,形成肿瘤结节;胆囊变硬,胆囊壁增厚。组织切片观察可见肝细胞大量坏死,结缔组织增生,淋巴细胞浸润,肿瘤细胞增生;肾小管上皮脱落,肾间质与肾小球有不同程度的坏死,血管球结构模糊;脾淋巴细胞显著减少,异嗜性粒细胞增多,有多量肿瘤细胞浸润;胰腺、卵巢、胆囊等则有纤维化、淋巴细胞浸润和凝固性坏死等病理变化。  相似文献   

马杜霉素对柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimeria tenella)超微结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将马杜霉素按 0 .0 0 0 5 %的比例混入饲料 ,作用于鸡体内柔嫩艾美耳球虫 (Eimeria tenella) ,透射电镜观察 ,发现裂殖体变小 ,内含裂殖子的数目减少 ,裂殖子膨胀变为椭圆 ,裂殖子间 (带虫空泡内 )微管结构模糊、膨胀 ,裂殖体中有髓鞘样结构出现 ;细胞膜外突和细胞质分离形成空隙 ,细胞膜有破损、结构模糊 ;细胞质出现空泡化 ,内部出现附加体和髓鞘样结构 ;少数细胞核的外膜外突和内膜分离 ,有的部位的核膜模糊、破损。裂殖子顶体结构发生异常变化 ,棒状体消失 ,微线数目减少或者消失。线粒体表现为形态改变 ,肿大变圆 ,或者变为马蹄形 ,内膜和嵴脱落 ,内部形成空泡、膜状结构、螺旋状或者髓样结构 ,线粒体的嵴与长轴平行排列 ,且贯穿线粒体。作者推测 ,抗生素类抗球虫药的作用机理可能是 ,通过使虫体结构的完整性受损 ,抑制虫体的物质代谢及能量代谢等生理机能 ,达到杀死虫体或者抑制虫体生长、发育和繁殖的目的。  相似文献   

试验以新疆白三叶(Trifolium repens)为材料,以海法作对照,通过设置不同的微喷灌水频率(1、3、5、7 d/次),研究白三叶各品系生理指标的变化规律,以期为在白三叶建植过程中制定合理的灌溉制度提供基础数据。试验结果表明:随着灌水频率的减小,海法,S82,S92,S96品系的叶面积逐渐减小;叶绿素含量先下降,再小幅度增加后趋于稳定;叶片相对含水量无明显差异;游离脯氨酸含量先增加后减少;S82和S96品系的可溶性糖含量呈现升-降-升的变化趋势,S92却出现相反趋势;丙二醛含量呈现是先增加后减少,再增加的变化趋势。根据白三叶各项生理指标的数据综合分析认为,白三叶适宜的灌水时间为年5 d/次,4个品系的抗旱性由强到弱的顺序是S82S92海法S96。  相似文献   

对广东郁南7个代表性沙糖桔果园土壤和结果树植株叶片营养状况进行了分析。结果显示,坡地果园的酸度比水田果园的大。土壤质地以粘土和粘壤土为主,其中砂页岩坡地果园土壤质均为粘土,而花岗岩坡地为粉砂质粘土,水田改种的多为壤土。土壤有机质含量总体处于中等偏低水平。全氮主要在中等至偏低水平之间;坡地果园的有效磷偏低,水田果园有效磷处于低量至适量水平;缺磷和缺钾的主要是坡地果园,而高磷和高钾的主要是水田果园。土壤交换性钙、镁和有效硼普遍缺乏;铜、锌个别缺乏;铁、锰、硫含量均较高。沙糖桔结果树周年营养状况随着生育期的不同而发生动态变化,土壤磷钾高的果园其叶片磷钾水平并不是全都相应提高。叶片N、P、K、Cu平均含量在开花期最高,N、K、Cu均处于柑桔类的适量范围,而P则高于适量范围;叶片N、P平均含量在幼果期最低。叶片Ca平均含量在果实成熟期最高,郁南沙糖桔叶片Mg低于柑桔类适量水平的较多,说明缺镁的情况较多;叶片Fe、Mn含量从开花期最低至成熟期达到最高,地下水位较高的果园叶片锰含量全年每个生育期均较高,在后期甚至超过适宜水平的1倍多。  相似文献   

The topography of the thoraco-abdominal viscera in the ostrich was studied in 20 birds varying in age from 2 weeks to 12 months. The lungs occupied the dorsal third of the thorax, and the heart lay in the cranioventral thorax perpendicular to the long axis of the body. There was no pleural cavity. The liver was situated in the caudoventral part of the thorax, and the proventriculus occupied the left cranial part of the abdomen between the 7th vertebral rib and the acetabulum. The gizzard lay in the cranioventral part of the abdomen, resting on the sternum and abdominal floor. The duodenum formed a loop from right to left, with the pancreas lying between the 2 limbs of the loop. The coiled jejunum and ileum occupied the ventral part of the abdomen between the gizzard and pelvis. The two caeca lay on either side of the terminal ileum with their apices in the pelvis. The rectum was the longest part of the intestine and could be divided into a thick proximal segment situated in the right dorsal part of the abdomen, and a thin distal part that occupied the left caudodorsal part of the abdomen. The trilobed kidneys lay along the ventral surface of the synsacrum, with the adrenal glands at their cranioventral poles. The testes lay ventrally to the cranial divisions of the kidneys, whereas the left ovary was situated ventrally to the cranial division of the left kidney. The spleen lay wedged in between the right kidney, caudal vena cava and proventriculus. The thyroid glands were situated at the cranial borders of the subclavian arteries, and the thymus lay at the base of the neck.  相似文献   

Lymphoid organs in sturgeons (Acipenseridae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lymphoid (lymphomyeloid) tissues in sturgeons (hybrid sturgeon, Huso huso X Acipenser ruthenus, and white Pacific sturgeon, A. transmontanus) were investigated by dissection, histology and transmission electron microscopy. The main lymphomyeloid tissues are the thymus, the spleen, the anterior part of the kidney, the meningeal myeloid tissue, the pericardial tissue and lymphoid masses of the intestine, especially in the spiral valve. The kidney is the main hemopoietic tissue. The meningeal tissue is bone marrow-like (myeloid), mainly granulopoietic, but it also contains lymphoid elements. The pericardial tissue is predominantly lymphoid. The pericardial tissue has a lymph node-like appearance. It seems to be the site of interaction between lymphocytes and vascular endothelium. The thymus contains cortex and medulla. The spleen, as in higher vertebrates, is differentiated into white and red pulp. The highly diversiform and well developed lymphoid tissues of sturgeons may serve as basis of efficient immune mechanisms.  相似文献   

为了解亚热带无隔热层钟楼式单层彩钢瓦屋面棚舍栓系饲养模式下的环境特征,在凤阳测定了肉牛舍的温度、湿度、气流、PM10、NH3等指标。结果:夏季,棚舍内外温湿度几乎相同,换气量超过了最大换气量,PM10优于卫生标准,温湿指数范围为78~87,肉牛处于热应激状态。考虑了气流影响的体感温度范围为25.1~32.2℃,气流显著地减少了高温的影响。晴天棚顶内外表面温度最大相差1.2℃,棚顶隔热能力差,棚顶内表面最高可达48.3℃,此时的舍内气温仅为33.1℃,棚舍自然换气调节是环境控制的主体,适当架高棚顶,开设钟楼换气口有利于畜舍通风换气。冬季,舍内温度范围为-1~7.5℃,舍外温度范围-3.3~5.5℃,温差仅2℃,舍内风速为0.2~0.4 m/s,舍外风速为1.01~2.53 m/s。舍内湿度高于舍外,超过了肉牛生长的适宜湿度范围,NH3浓度优于卫生标准,冬季棚舍四周围挡塑料薄膜,减少了换气量,保温作用弱,空气质量下降。  相似文献   

鸡体内用5mg/kg马杜霉素作用于柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimeria tenella)敏感虫株和抗药虫株,比较裂殖生殖阶段超微结构的差异。敏感株型裂殖体体积变小,所生成裂殖子的数目变小,裂殖子膨胀,裂殖子间(带虫空泡内)微管膨胀,结构模糊,有髓鞘样结构出现;限制膜外突和细胞质分离形成空隙,膜结构模糊,有破损;细胞浆空泡化,出现附加体和髓鞘样结构;少数细胞核的外膜外突和内膜分离,有的部位的核膜模糊、破损。首次发现裂殖子顶体结构发生异常变化,棒状体消失,微线数目减少或者消失;线粒体表现为形态改变,嵴脱落,内部形成空泡、膜状结构和髓鞘样结构,线粒体的嵴与长辆平行排列,且贯穿线粒体。抗药虫株没有发现异常变化。推理抗生素类抗球虫药的作用机理为破坏虫体结构和抑制虫体的生理机能两个方面;球虫对该类药物产生抗药性的机制是基因突变和药物选择的结果。  相似文献   

圆囊苔草叶片的形态解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜研究了圆囊苔草叶的形态结构。圆囊苔草叶基生,由叶鞘和叶片两部分组成,叶片扁平带状,平行脉序;上下表皮细胞垂周壁均呈不同程度的波浪状,外壁均有较薄的角质层和硅化乳突;正对主脉的上表皮有泡状细胞;上下表皮均有气孔器分布,并且上表皮气孔密度大于下表皮。等面叶,栅栏组织发达,叶肉细胞中有2种类型的异化细胞,相邻维管束之间有发达的气腔;叶脉稠密、维管束鞘2层,外层为较大薄壁细胞,内层为较小的厚壁细胞。由纤维组成的机械组织,成片存在于绝大多数叶脉的上下方。  相似文献   

鲤鱼急性喹乙醇中毒的病理学研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
试验对鲤鱼进行了喹乙醇急性中毒的病理学研究。喹乙醇对鲤鱼 (60± 5g)口服给药的LD50 为 :32 4 9 4mg/kg体重。中毒鱼表现出特征性的“应激性出血症” ,鳍条基部、嘴部和腹部充血、出血发红 ,肠道排出白色半透明粘液便 ,临死前出现明显的神经症状。病理组织学上 ,肝脂肪变性或水泡变性及凝固性坏死 ,肾上腺空泡变性 ,肠呈卡他性肠炎 ,肾小管上皮细胞、心肌纤维空泡变性 ;鳃小片水肿 ,上皮增生、变性、坏死和脱落。超微结构上 ,心肌、肝和肾小管上皮细胞的线粒体肿胀 ,嵴断裂、溶解 ,肝细胞内糖原颗粒减少。中毒早期肠上皮微绒毛断裂 ,脱落 ,随着病程的发展肠上皮细胞变性、坏死、脱落。  相似文献   

Hypothalamic-releasing factors regulate the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones. The anterior pituitary gland secretes the same six hormones as found in mammals: FSH, LH, prolactin, GH (somatotropic hormone), ACTH, and TSH, plus the melanotropic hormone. The endocrine hormones of the avian posterior pituitary gland concerned with reproduction are mesotocin and AVT. The pineal gland, through the secretion of the hormone melatonin, modulates the periodic autonomic functions of the central nervous system. The ovary produces estrogens, progestogens, and androgenic compounds. The testes produce testosterones and progesterone. The thyroid glands produce two hormones, T4 and T3. The avian adrenal glands produce corticosterone and aldosterone. The bursa of Fabricius is considered an endocrine organ since it is involved in the production of humoral factors. The male reproductive system undergoes hormonal changes associated with puberty, the breeding season, and molt. Some avian species undergo a type of disintegration and seasonal reconstruction of the testis and epididymis. The relationship of the ovarian follicular hormones and the plasma hormones varies depending on the stage of the reproductive cycle and the seasonal photostimulation. Female birds may conceive in the absence of a mate as a result of the fertile period phenomena. The blood chemistry of laying birds is different from that seen in nonlaying hens. Domestication has had a definite influence on the hormone cycles of some avian species. This may lead to certain reproductive problems.  相似文献   

试验旨在分析岷县黑裘皮羊群体内遗传多样性,筛选出理想的遗传标记,为岷县黑裘皮羊的选育保种提供理论依据。选取144只岷县黑裘皮羊,颈静脉采血并提取DNA,对24对微卫星引物进行PCR扩增,用毛细管电泳技术进行基因分型,计算其等位基因数、等位基因大小及频率、有效等位基因数、杂合度和多态信息含量。结果显示,24个位点共检测到210个等位基因,平均等位基因数为8.75;群体等位基因频率为0.0104~0.7396,等位基因片段大小为97~285 bp;有效等位基因数为1.7581~8.2433个;群体平均观测杂合度为0.4839;平均期望杂合度为0.6959;平均多态信息含量为0.6527。其中MAF70位点等位基因数、有效等位基因数、期望杂合度和多态信息含量最高;OarFCB128位点观测杂合度最高;OarAE129位点等位基因数最少,SRCRSP9位点期望杂合度、多态信息含量最低;OarFCB304位点观测杂合度最低。Hardy-Weinberg平衡分析结果表明,所选位点中有19个处于非平衡状态。结果表明,岷县黑裘皮羊的遗传背景复杂,群体内遗传多样性丰富,可为其遗传资源的评估和选育保种工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This study was aimed to set up a simple, economic and pure method to culture and identify buffalo mammary epithelial cell in vitro, which were collected from the fresh milk. The milk was collected in the late lactation period of the high yield milk buffalo, then it was mixed with the PBS in the ratio of 2:1 and centrifugated. A few suspernatants and the pellets were resuspended with the PBS when the milk fat were decanted, then recntrifuged. The final pellets and 1 mL of suspernatants were seeded in petri dish without fat, respectively. The isolated cells were mammary epithelial cells which were identified by cell morphology, immunofluorescence, growth curve, cell viability and RT-PCR. The buffalo mammary epithelial cells were successfully isolated from both the pellets and supernatants. The cells and impurities were less in the supernatants than that in the pellets. The cells were cobblestone-like without fibroblasts and most in cell division. In the post-confluent culture, mammary epithelial cells formed dome structures and layer-separated growth. The cells expressed cytokeratin 18 was identified by immunofluorescence which was the marker of mammary cells. The cell growth curve and cell survival rate were measured. The results showed that the buffalo mammary epithelial cells were activity and easy to attach. The mammary epithelial cells were expressed of milk protein and milk fat related genes detected by RT-PCR. The buffalo mammary epithelial cell line were successfully isolated and identified from fresh milk, which estabilished foundation for the study of the mechanism of lactation, the amelioration of the quality of milk and the improvement of milk yield of buffalo.  相似文献   

The literature available on the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) is very limited. The agouti is a Neotropical rodent found in Trinidad and Tobago, Central and South America. This study focuses on one of the many unexplored areas relating to the species, the male reproductive system. The results showed that the mean testicular length, diameter and weight was 3.67 +/- 0.12 cm, 1.67 +/- 0.04 cm and 5.03 +/- 0.52 g respectively. The paired testes and epididymis were found in contact with the abdominal muscles within scrotal pouches, which are evaginations of the caudoventral abdominal wall. The caput epididymis is enclosed by a fat body. The ductus deferens has a mean length and diameter of 10.98 +/- 0.40 cm and 0.14 +/- 0.01 cm respectively. At the urethral end of the ductus deferens the diameter of each duct expends to form the ampulla. The mean diameter of each of the ampulla was 0.25 cm. The accessory sex organs of the male agouti (D. leporina) include the vesicular glands, the coagulating glands, the prostate glands and the bulbourethral glands. The penis of the agouti is U-shaped with a mean length of 9.90 +/- 0.43 cm. The glans penis contains an os penis, a pair of lateral penile cartilages and paired ventral keratinaceous styles.  相似文献   

本研究旨在分离既能用于微生态制剂又能用于青贮饲料发酵剂的优良乳酸菌,采集规模化牛场青贮饲料,取梯度稀释液涂布MRS平板,进行厌氧培养,筛选优势菌株,观察其菌落形态,并进行生化试验和特异性PCR鉴定。研究自筛乳酸菌的生长曲线、产酸曲线、培养温度及培养基初始pH对菌株生长的影响,并研究其抑菌特性、药物敏感性和安全性。试验筛选到1株菌落形态圆形、边缘整齐、表面光滑、乳白色、镜检为革兰氏阳性的无芽孢杆菌。生化结果显示,分离菌株可厌氧生长,运动性试验、过氧化氢酶试验、硝酸盐还原试验、明胶液化试验、吲哚试验结果均为阴性,15种糖醇发酵试验结果符合干酪乳杆菌生化特征。用干酪乳酸杆菌特异性引物对菌株进行PCR鉴定,琼脂糖凝胶电泳结果显示在727 bp处出现特异性扩增条带,与生化鉴定结果相符,将分离菌株命名为RS1。RS1在0~4 h时发酵液pH变化不明显,处于生长延迟期;4~16 h时发酵液pH下降较快,进入对数生长期;16~36 h时发酵液pH下降缓慢,进入稳定期。RS1在培养温度为20~50 ℃范围内均能生长,适宜生长温度为25~40 ℃;在培养液初始pH 1.0~9.0条件下均能生长,最适pH为6.0~8.0;对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌圈直径为23 mm,对大肠杆菌的抑菌圈直径为17 mm;对恩诺沙星和头孢他啶耐药;经14 d灌服小鼠生长状况良好。上述结果表明,本试验筛选到的干酪乳杆菌RS1安全、无致病性,在微生态制剂及生物饲料添加剂领域具有潜在的开发价值。  相似文献   

刘金祥  张莹  黎婷婷 《草业学报》2013,22(1):282-287
运用光学显微镜和扫描电镜的方法,对3种香根草属植物的叶表皮微形态特征进行观察和比较。结果表明,香根草属3个种的叶表皮皆由长细胞、短细胞、气孔器、微毛、刺毛、大毛和乳突所组成。长细胞为长方形,垂周壁呈深波状或浅波状,短细胞有哑铃形、十字形,结节形;气孔器均为纵列型,副卫细胞为圆屋顶形至三角形;上下表皮都具微毛和乳突,下表皮还具刺毛和大毛;叶片表面有一层厚厚的角质膜,并常有条状隆起。该研究说明香根草属植物叶表皮微形态既有种间相似的特征,又存在一定的特异性,可为本属种间的分类及其抗逆机理提供依据。  相似文献   

秦岭细鳞鲑消化系统的形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用大体解剖和常规组织学方法对秦岭细鳞鲑消化系统的组织形态进行了系统观察。结果表明,秦岭细鳞鲑的消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃和肠等4部分组成,除口咽腔外,管壁由内向外分为黏膜、黏膜下层、肌层和浆膜。口咽腔宽大,上颌、犁骨及腭骨等处布有细齿,黏膜衬以复层扁平上皮,间有较多的黏液细胞和少量的杯状细胞及味蕾;食管粗而短,黏膜向管腔突出形成多个纵行皱襞,上皮由复层扁平上皮逐渐向单层柱状过渡,上皮细胞间可见到数量较多的粘液细胞和杯状细胞,食管腺不发达;胃体积较大,呈“U”形,包括贲门部、胃体和幽门部,胃体部小凹及胃底腺结构明显,肌层发达;胃与肠相接处有63-65个幽门盲囊,肠道粗短而略微盘曲,黏膜上皮为单层柱状,未见明显的肠腺。以上结果显示,秦岭细鳞鲑消化道组织结构与其肉食性功能密切相关。肝小叶界限不清;双列肝细胞围绕中央静脉呈放射状走行,肝细胞个体大、呈多边形,核呈圆形或卵圆形,1-2个。胰脏大部分环绕前肠边缘、呈细长条索状,另可见分散于幽门盲囊及胃周围的弥散部分;其外分泌部为管泡状腺,腺细胞呈锥体形,胰岛结构明显。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide the detailed normal gross osteology and radiographic anatomy of the pelvic limb in adult small East African goats as a reference for clinical use, biomedical research and teaching. Radiography of the pelvic limb was performed in five adult small East African goats. Bone specimens of four skeletally mature small East African goats were used for gross osteological study. The ilial wing was wide. The ischiatic tuberosity was prominent and well developed. The acetabulum was rounded. The minor trochanter was located caudomedially, and the femoral trochlea was deep and narrow. The lateral and medial condyles of the femur were approximately of the same size. The tibial tuberosity was prominent, and the cochlea grooves were deep with a pronounced intermediate ridge. The trochlea of the talus was deep. The patella presented a prominent tuberosity on the cranial surface. The metatarsal sesamoid bone was seen in all animals. The observed gross osteology and radiographic anatomy of the pelvic limb of small East African goats was consistent with the presence of strong extensor muscles of the hip, stifle and tarsus for propulsion during terrestrial walking and trotting.  相似文献   

The intestinal morphology of 7-week-old pigs was investigated by light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The piglets were fed either a semisynthetic or a cereal-based diet. The shapes of the intestinal villi and crypts of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum were examined. The villi were predominantly tongue-shaped. In the duodenum they were also ridged, branched and folded, and in the jejunum they were also leaf-like and ridged. At places with lymph follicles, the surface of the ileum was rugged with meandering fold-like villi. The crypts of the three segments of the small intestine were mainly coiled and sometimes branched. A novel morphometric evaluation method was introduced using the enlargement factors of each villus and crypt surface. The enlargement factor for the villus surface of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum was 3.13, 3.72 and 2.71, respectively. The factor for the crypt surface of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum was 9.07, 8.94 and 6.53, respectively. Furthermore, the relative proliferation rate and the epithelial renewal index were calculated for the first time. The relative proliferation rate of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum was 32.88, 34.78 and 50.77 proliferations per mm crypt perimeter, respectively. The diets consumed had an influence on the epithelial renewal index being higher for piglets fed the cereal-based diets.  相似文献   

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