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Application of earthworm in soil re-cultivation and re-creation in post-industrial ecosystems make a big challenge for temporal applied zoology. The sediments of the Krakow Soda Works “Solvay” have undergone land reclamation in different ways: older sediments traps were left without any re-cultivation practices; meanwhile the newest ones were reclaimed using standard method (new soil cover planted with combination of grass and leguminous plants). The effect of different treatments on community and population structure of earthworm was estimated during consecutive years 1999–2000. Six localities differing in time of establishment, reclamation processes, vegetation type and soil properties were chosen. Nine species were recorded, among which Aporrectodea caliginosa occurred in all localities, being also the most abundant. Two other species, Lumbricus rubellus and Dendrobaena octaedra, which are epigeic species, become most important in forest assemblages and were characteristic for communities of older succession processes. Abundance of adult forms as well as total biomass were significantly affected by soil depth (r = 0.75, P < 0.05, r = 0.917, P < 0.001, respectively). Species richness however was connected with higher amount of macroelements and average plant height. Shannon diversity index and its evenness negatively correlated only with forestation (r = –0.67, P < 0.05, r = –0.68, P < 0.05, respectively). Niche overlap (α Pianka) for all analysed species extracted two groups differing in environmental requirements. First contained epigeic earthworms, closely related to plant succession (PCA results), the other one grouped endogeic and anecique species correlated significantly with soil depth and plant density. Community structure of earthworms do not reflects succession changes in post-industrial habitats, but is strongly affected by microhabitat factors in local scale (mainly soil depth and plant density).  相似文献   

Although there has been a growing interest in the study of soil fauna spatial distribution during the past decade, the identification of the environmental driving factors behind the population patterning are difficult to highlight. Soil physico-chemical heterogeneity is partly responsible for structuring the population. However, the available statistical analyses show that the proportion of the population spatial variance that can be ascribed to soil habitat variability is modest. We studied the spatial distribution of two medium-sized endogeic earthworm species (Andiodrilus sp. and Glossodrilus sp.) and the spatial segregation between them. The survey was undertaken in a native savanna and a grass-legume pasture in the Colombian “Llanos”. The presence of spatial dependence in the data (i.e. earthworm counts) was tested using two different approaches: the Spatial Analysis using Distance IndicEs (SADIE) analyses and cross-coregionalization. The SADIE index allowed for testing the spatial association or dissociation between earthworm counts. The spatial organization of both species was well structured in the natural savanna while they were randomly distributed in the pasture in almost all sampling dates. When the spatial distribution was different from randomness it was always aggregated irrespective of the land-use system. There was no absolute stable spatial pattern in the natural savanna although a general pattern seemed to emerge. On the contrary, no pattern was observed in the pasture. Both species displayed opposite spatial distributions (P < 0.05) that were of different intensity depending on the sampling date. The presence of opposite patches and gaps suggests the presence of a competitive exclusion phenomenon (at least spatial) that deserves further investigations.  相似文献   

This study assessed the impact of seasonal variation in the structure and diversity of earthworm communities of a savanna protected for 27 years in the central region of Côte d'Ivoire. Earthworm species were sampled in 1995 at monthly intervals from January to December on a 95 × 50 m experimental plot, using direct hand-sorting techniques. Each month, 10 monoliths of 1 m2 × 40 cm were randomly selected from a stratified bloc design. Ten earthworm species were collected over the study period. Chuniodrilus zielae from the Eudrilidae family was by far, the most important earthworm species in term of abundance. Although earthworm diversity varied significantly, the effect of seasonal variation was unclear. Sampling efficiency of species richness varied from 80% to 100% regardless of the rainfall variation. On a seasonal time scale the C-score was lower (0.139) than expected (0.154), showing that earthworm communities exhibit a random pattern of organization. There was no evidence of non-random seasonal niche overlap because the Czechanowski index (0.50) was not significantly larger than expected (0.49).  相似文献   

Endogeic and juvenile anecic earthworm abundance was measured in soil samples and anecic populations were studied by counting midden numbers at the sites of two long-term cropping systems trials in South-central Wisconsin. The three grain and three forage systems at each site were designed to reflect a range of Midwestern USA production strategies. The primary objectives of this work were to determine if the abundance of endogeic or anecic earthworms varied among cropping systems or crop phases within a cropping system and were there specific management practices that impacted endogeic or anecic earthworm numbers. The earthworms present in the surface soil were: Aporrectodea tuberculata (Eisen), A. caliginosa (Savigny), A. trapezoides (Dugés); and juvenile Lumbricus terrestris (L.). True endogeic abundance was greatest in rotationally grazed pasture [188 m?2 at Arlington (ARL) and 299 m?2 at Elkhorn (ELK)], and smallest in conventional continuous corn (27 m?2 at ARL and 32 m?2 at ELK). The only type of anecic earthworm found was L. terrestris L. There was an average of 1.2 middens per adult anecic earthworm and the population of anecics was greatest in the no-till cash grain system (28 middens m?2 at ARL, 18 m?2 at ELK) and smallest in the conventional continuous corn system (3 middens m?2 at ARL, 1 m?2 at ELK). Earthworm numbers in individual crop phases within a cropping system were too variable from year-to-year to recommend using a single phase to characterize a whole cropping system. Indices for five management factors (tillage, manure inputs, solid stand, pesticide use, and crop diversity) were examined, and manure use and tillage were the most important impacting earthworm numbers across the range of cropping systems. Manure use was the most important management factor affecting endogeic earthworm numbers; but no-tillage was the most important for the juvenile and adult anecic groups and had a significantly positive influence on endogeic earthworm counts as well. The pesticides used, which were among the most commonly applied pesticides in the Midwestern USA, and increasing crop diversity did not have a significant effect on either the endogeic or anecic earthworm groups in this study. Consequently, designing cropping systems that reduce tillage and include manure with less regard to omitting pesticides or increasing crop diversity should enhance earthworm populations and probably improve sustainability.  相似文献   

Generalist predators play a key role in agriculturally and environmentally sustainable systems of pest control. A detailed knowledge on their ecology, however, is needed to improve management practices to maximize their service of pest control. The present study examines the habitat use and activity patterns of larval and adult Cantharis beetles that are abundant predators in arable land. Laboratory experiments revealed that sixth instar larvae of Cantharis fusca and Cantharis livida significantly preferred high relative humidity levels of 85–90% to lower ones. This can explain their preference for meadows over fields due to the more favorable microclimatic conditions in the former habitats. Surface activity of sixth instar Cantharis larvae during autumn, winter and early spring occurred at soil temperatures above 0 °C. However, no correlation between surface activity and soil temperature, air temperature or relative humidity was found above 0 °C. Catches of sixth instar Cantharis larvae within fenced pitfall traps were higher in a meadow (Mean ± S.D.; 13.8 ± 7.63 individuals m−2) than in a field (4.60 ± 2.89 individuals m−2). Mark-recapture density estimations for sixth instar larvae indicated mean densities of 25.9 ± 5.63 (field) and 42.8 ± 16.0 individuals m−2 (meadow). The same pattern was found for adult emergence rates in the field (0.17 ± 0.39 adults m−2) and meadow (1.83 ± 1.17 adults m−2) as well as for adult densities in the vegetation (field 4.89 ± 3.62 adults 60 m−2; meadow 12.5 ± 11.2 adults 60 m−2). It is concluded that especially in winter elements that provide plant cover should be incorporated in arable fields to enhance larval cantharid population densities and to attract them from their prime grassland habitats into arable sites.  相似文献   

In this paper we summarize the current knowledge on earthworm biodiversity in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Up to the present, 54 species of earthworms are known from the State, belonging to seven families and 19 genera. Native species (N = 34), dominated over exotics (N = 20). The most widespread exotics were Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae) and several Amynthas spp. (Megascolecidae) and Dichogaster spp. (Acanthodrilidae), generally associated with anthropogenic sites. Of the native species, most (17 spp.) were in the genus Glossoscolex, frequently encountered in chronically wet soils. Further work is warranted, particularly more sampling efforts, but also ecological studies, given the potential biodiversity and agro-ecological importance of earthworms in Paraná.  相似文献   

By burrowing galleries and producing casts, earthworms are constantly changing the structure and properties of the soils in which they are living. These changes modify the costs and benefits for earthworms to stay in the environment they modify. In this paper, we measured experimentally how dispersal behaviour of endogeic and anecic earthworms responds to the cumulative changes they made in soil characteristics. The influence of earthworm activities on dispersal was studied in standardised mesocosms by comparing the influence of soils modified or not modified by earthworm activities on earthworm dispersal rates.The cumulative use of the soil by the earthworms strongly modified soil physical properties. The height of the soil decreased over time and the amount of aggregates smaller than 2 mm decreased in contrast to aggregates larger than 5 mm that increased. We found that: (i) earthworm activities significantly modified soil physical properties (such as bulk density, soil strength and soil aggregation) and decreased significantly the dispersal rates of the endogeic species, whatever the species that modified the soil; (ii) the decreasing in the dispersal proportion of the endogeic species suggests that the cost of engineering activities may be higher than the one of dispersal; (iii) the dispersal of the anecic species appeared to be not influenced by its own activities (intra-specific influences) or by the activities of the endogeic species (inter-specific influences). Overall these results suggest that the endogeic species is involved in a process of niche construction, which evolved jointly with its dispersal strategy.  相似文献   

Earthworms play an important role in many soil functions and are affected by soil tillage in agricultural soils. However, effects of tillage on earthworms are often studied without considering species and their interactions with soil properties. Furthermore, many field studies are based on one-time samplings that do not allow for characterisation of temporal variation. The current study monitored the short (up to 53 days) and medium term (up to 4 years) effects of soil tillage on earthworms in conventional and organic farming. Earthworm abundances decreased one and three weeks after mouldboard ploughing in both conventional and organic farming, suggesting direct and indirect mechanisms. However, the medium-term study revealed that earthworm populations in mouldboard ploughing systems recovered by spring. The endogeic species Aporrectodea caliginosa strongly dominated the earthworm community (76%), whereas anecic species remained <1% of all earthworms in all tillage and farming systems over the entire study. In conventional farming, mean total earthworm abundance was not significantly different in reduced tillage (153 m−2) than mouldboard ploughing (MP; 130 m−2). However, reduced tillage in conventional farming significantly increased the epigeic species Lumbricus rubellus from 0.1 m−2 in mouldboard ploughing to 9 m−2 averaged over 4 years. Contrastingly, in organic farming mean total earthworm abundance was 45% lower in reduced tillage (297 m−2) than MP (430 m−2), across all sampling dates over the medium-term study (significant at 3 of 6 sampling dates). Reduced tillage in organic farming decreased A. caliginosa from 304 m−2 in mouldboard ploughing to 169 m−2 averaged over 4 years (significant at all sampling dates). Multivariate analysis revealed clear separation between farming and tillage systems. Earthworm species abundances, soil moisture, and soil organic matter were positively correlated, whereas earthworm abundances and penetration resistance where negatively correlated. Variability demonstrated between sampling dates highlights the importance of multiple samplings in time to ascertain management effects on earthworms. Findings indicate that a reduction in tillage intensity in conventional farming affects earthworms differently than in organic farming. Differing earthworm species or ecological group response to interactions between soil tillage, crop, and organic matter management in conventional and organic farming has implications for management to maximise soil ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

It is well known that organic matter in the form of dung is utilised as a food source by some earthworms, but little has been reported on the preferences of earthworms for different types of dung in agricultural settings. An experiment was carried out in spring in south-eastern Australia to evaluate the effect that dung from different livestock has on the abundance of earthworms in a grassland environment. We were particularly interested to compare the responses of native Australian earthworms (Megascolecidae) with those of exotic earthworms (Lumbricidae and Acanthodrilidae). The attractiveness of dung from sheep, cattle and horses was measured by determining the abundance and biomass of the resident earthworm species under each dung type at varying times after adding the dung to the soil surface (0, 10, 20 and 30 days). The earthworm population consisted of three exotic species, Apporrectodea trapezoides, Microscolex dubius and M. phosphoreus, and two native species, Spenceriella macleayi and S. bywongensis. Both the number of days that the dung was available to earthworms and the type of dung influenced the numbers and biomass of the earthworms found beneath the dung pats. Significant interactions existed between time and dung type when all adult earthworms were considered as one group and also when adults were split into individual species. The various species responded differently to the dung, but horse dung was generally the more preferred dung type. The significance of these results is discussed in terms of the management of dung in an Australian pastoral context.  相似文献   

《Soil biology & biochemistry》2001,33(7-8):983-996
We investigated the influence of earthworms on the three-dimensional distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) in a chisel-tilled soil. By burrowing, foraging, and casting at the surface and throughout the soil, anecic earthworms such as Lumbricus terrestris L. may play a major role in regulating the spatial distribution of organic matter resources both at the surface and within the soil. In the fall of 1994, we manipulated ambient earthworm communities, which were without deep burrowing species, by adding 100 earthworm individuals m−2 in spring and fall for 3 years. Overall, the biomass of L. terrestris was increased with earthworm additions and total earthworm biomass declined compared with ambient control treatments. To investigate the spatial variability in soil organic carbon due to this shift in earthworm community structure, we sampled soil on a 28×24 cm grid from the surface to 40 cm in four layers, 10 cm deep. Samples were analyzed for total carbon. We found that additions of anecic earthworms significantly increased average soil organic carbon content from 16.1 to 17.9 g C kg−1 for the 0–10 cm soil, and from 12.4 to 14.7 g kg−1 at 10–20-cm depth, and also changed the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon from uniform to patchy, compared with the ambient treatment.  相似文献   

The near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) method was used in the present study to compare earthworm-made soil aggregates to aggregates found in the surrounding bulk soil. After initially assessing the daily cast production of Metaphire posthuma, boxes with soil incubated with M. posthuma and control soils were subjected to wetting in order to reorganize the soil structure. After two months of incubation, soil aggregates produced by earthworms (casts and burrows), soil aggregates that were appeared to be unaffected by earthworms (bulk soil without visible trace of earthworm bioturbation from the earthworm treatment) and soil aggregates that were entirely unaffected by earthworms (control – no earthworm – treatment) were sampled and their chemical signatures analyzed by NIRS. The production of below-ground and surface casts reached 14.9 g soil g worm?1 d?1 and 1.4 g soil g worm?1 d?1, respectively. Soil aggregates from the control soils had a significantly different NIRS signature from those sampled from boxes with earthworms. However, within the earthworm incubation boxes the NIRS signature was similar between cast and burrow aggregates and soil aggregates from the surrounding bulk soil. We conclude that the high cast production by M. posthuma and the regular reorganization of the soil structure by water flow in and through the soil lead to a relatively homogenous soil structure. Given these results, we question the relevance of considering the bulk soil that has no visible activity of earthworm activity as a control to determine the effect of earthworms on soil functioning.  相似文献   

Earlier research with endogeic and epigeic earthworm species in loamy arable soil has shown that both earthworm groups can increase nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, provided that crop residue placement matches the feeding strategy of the earthworm ecological group(s). However, it is not yet clear whether these effects also occur in sandy soils which typically contain less soil organic matter and have low soil aggregation levels. Here, we aimed to quantify N2O emissions as affected by endogeic and/or epigeic earthworm species, and to relate changes in N2O emissions to earthworm-induced changes in soil properties in a sandy soil. A 90 day mesocosm study was conducted with sandy soil and 15N-labeled radish (Raphanus sativus cv. Adagio L.) residue applied on top. Treatments included: (i) no earthworm addition, (ii) addition of the endogeic species Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny), (iii) addition of the epigeic species Lumbricus rubellus (Hoffmeister), and (iv) both species combined. An additional treatment was included without earthworms and with residue manually incorporated into the soil. L. rubellus significantly increased cumulative N2O emissions from 228 to 859 μg N2O–N kg?1 (F1,12 = 83.12, P < 0.001), whereas A. caliginosa did not affect N2O emissions. In contrast to earlier studies in loamy soil, no positive interaction between both species with regard to N2O emissions was found. This was probably related to high competition for organic resources in the relatively poor soil and a low potential for stable soil aggregate formation (and associated anaerobic microsites) by endogeic worms in sandy soil. 15N isotope analysis revealed that the activity of L. rubellus significantly increased (F1,12 = 6.20, P = 0.028) the recovery of 15N in the 250–8000 μm size fraction, indicating incorporation of crop residues into the mineral soil. When residues were manually incorporated, N2O emissions were significantly (P < 0.008) lower (509 μg N2O–N kg?1) than when incorporated by L. rubellus. The high N2O emissions in the presence of L. rubellus, when compared to manual mixing, suggest a stimulation of microbial activity and/or changes in the microbial community composition. Insights on the earthworm effects on N2O emission from such soils are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the role of earthworms in soil functioning is often emphasised, many important aspects of earthworm behaviour are still poorly understood. In this study we propose a simple and cost-effective method for estimating burrow system area and continuity, as well as a new and often neglected parameter, the percentage of burrow refilling by the earthworms own casts. This novel parameter is likely to have a huge influence on the transfer properties of the burrow system. The method uses standard repacked soil cores in PVC cylinders and takes advantages of clay shrinkage and the fact that earthworms were previously shown to prefer to burrow at the PVC/soil interface. In this way, after removing the PVC cylinders off dry cores, the external section of the burrow system made by earthworms along the soil walls could be easily described. We applied this method to characterise the burrow systems of four earthworms species: two anecics (Aporrectodea caliginosa nocturna and Aporrectodea caliginosa meridionalis) and two endogeics (Aporrectodea caliginosa icaliginosa and Allolobophora chlorotica). After one month the burrow's area generated by both anecic species were much larger (about 40 cm2) than the endogeic burrow's area (about 15 cm2). A. nocturna burrow system continuity was higher than that of A. meridionalis and both anecic burrow systems were more continuous than those made by the endogeic earthworms. This was partly explained by the far larger proportion of the burrow area that was refilled with casts: approximately 40% and 50% for Al. chlorotica and A. caliginosa, respectively compared with approximately 20% for the anecic burrows. We discuss whether these estimates could be used in future models simulating the dynamics of earthworm burrow systems by taking into account both burrow creation and destruction by earthworms.  相似文献   

It is well known that earthworm populations tend to increase under no-tillage (NT) practices, but abundances tend to be highly variable. In the present study, data from the literature together with those on earthworm populations sampled in six watersheds in SW Paraná State, Brazil, were used to build a classification of the biological soil quality of NT systems based on earthworm density and species richness. Earthworms were collected in 34 farms with NT aging from 3 to 27 yr, in February 2010, using an adaptation of the TSBF (Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility) Program method (hand sorting of five 20 cm × 20 cm holes to 20 cm depth). Six forest sites were also sampled in order to compare abundances and species richness with the NT systems. Species richness in the 34 NT sites and in the 6 forests ranged from 1 to 6 species. Most earthworms encountered were exotics belonging to the genus Dichogaster (D. saliens, D. gracilis, D. bolaui and D. affinis) and native Ocnerodrilidae (mainly Belladrilus sp.), all of small individual size. In a few sites, individuals of the Glossoscolecidae (P. corethrurus, Glossoscolex sp., Fimoscolex sp.) and Megascolecidae (Amynthas gracilis) families were also encountered, in low densities. Urobenus brasiliensis (Glossoscolecidae) were found only in the forest fragments. In the NT farms, earthworm abundance ranged from 5 to 605 ind m−2 and in the forest sites, from 10 to 285 ind m−2. The ranking of the NT soil biological quality, based on earthworm abundance and species richness was: poor, with <25 individuals per m−2 and 1 sp.; moderate, with ≥25–100 individuals per m−2 and 2–3 sp.; good, with >100–200 individuals per m−2 and 4–5 sp.; excellent, with >200 individuals per m−2 and >6 sp. About 60% of the 34 farms fell into the poor to moderate categories based on this classification, so further improvements to the NT farm's management system are needed to enhance earthworm populations. Nevertheless, further validation of this ranking system is necessary to allow for its wider-spread use.  相似文献   

In the state of Tabasco, South-eastern, Mexico, land-use changes such as the conversion of natural into agricultural systems, modify soil quality and the abundance of soil macrofauna, including earthworms. The aim of this study was to characterize by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) the earthworms’ fingerprint in soil, in six sites including natural and agricultural ecosystems with low and high earthworm biomass and low and high earthworm diversity, in order to identify specific wavelengths that discriminate the presence/abundance of earthworm species and functional groups. The spectral region of 1860–1870 nm was significantly correlated with total earthworm density, particularly at one of the sites (Cedar polyculture; r = 0.8, p < 0.05). Earthworm biomass had a specific NIRS wavelength according to the earthworm species and feeding category: 1820 and1860–1870 nm wavelengths were significantly correlated with Polypheretima elongata (r2 = 0.7, p < 0.05; mesohumic species) biomass and 2090 nm for biomass of all Lavellodrilus species (polyhumics). Two species had a much wider spectral range: L. bonampakensis and Dichogaster saliens (an epigeic worm; 1690–2300 nm, r2 = 0.7, p < 0.05). Biomasses of Periscolex brachysistis and Diplotrema murchiei were not significantly correlated with any near infrared wavelength spectra analyzed. Combining a maximum of 4 species per wavelength, mesohumic earthworms had a wider wavelength spectrum than polyhumics. Therefore, earthworm species diversity, biomass and abundance are associated with soil quality (as measured by NIR spectra) and this relationship varies with species and ecological category. Sites with lower and higher earthworm diversity have lower and higher soil organic matter quality, respectively, as observed by the wider or narrower spectral range with which earthworm biomasses are correlated.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was performed to assess the impact of ecologically different earthworm species on soil water characteristics, such as soil tension, water content, and water infiltration rate. Three earthworm species (Lumbricus rubellus, Aporrectodea caliginosa, Lumbricus terrestris) were exposed in soil columns (diameter 30 cm, height 50 cm) for 100 days with a total fresh earthworm biomass of 22.7 ± 0.4 g per column, each in duplicate. Each column was equipped with tensiometers at 10 and 40 cm and FD-probes at 10 cm depth, to continuously measure the temporal development of soil tension and soil moisture. Additionally, 30 g of sieved and rewetted horse manure was placed on the soil surface as a food source. Precipitation events (10 mm) were simulated at day 28 and day 64. At the end of the experiment the water infiltration rate and the runoff at 55 cm depth were determined.The results showed considerable evidence, that ecologically different earthworms modify soil water characteristics in different ways. The anecic L. terrestris and the endogeic A. caliginosa showed the tendency to enhance the drying of the topsoil and subsoil. Their intensive and deep burrowing activity might enhance the exchange of water vapor due to a better aeration in soil. In contrast, the epigeic L. rubellus tended to enhance the storage of soil moisture in the topsoil, which might be linked to lower rates of litter loss from soil surface and thus a thicker litter layer remaining. A. caliginosa led to considerable higher water infiltration rates and faster water discharges in the subsoil, relative to the other species, probably due to a high soil dwelling activity.  相似文献   

The species Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) is a notorious invasive shrub spreading throughout West and Central Africa and as such, there is a need to determine its environmental impact, particularly on soil biodiversity and functioning. Indeed, soil organisms such as earthworms are known to strongly influence soil properties and biogeochemical cycles. This study, conducted in Central Côte d’Ivoire, aims to investigate the temporal dynamics of earthworm communities in C. odorata fallows of different ages and to identify associated indicators and persistent species. Three distinct classes of fallows identified by local farmers, were considered: young (1–3 years, C1), medium-aged (4–8 years, C2) and old (>9 years, C3). Each of the classes included four plot replicates where earthworms were sampled using the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) 25 cm × 25 cm × 30 cm soil monolith method. The study of earthworm communities was focused on density, biomass, diversity and complementarity. Indicator values (IndVals) were used to identify indicator species of the classes of fallows. The shrub exerted a mixed influence on earthworms depending on the functional group, with litter feeders and polyhumics declining over time as a result of a reduction of the litter availability on the soil surface. The species richness was significantly greater in C1 than in the other classes although the Shannon–Weaver's index did not vary significantly. However, a cluster analysis performed on densities highlighted marked differences between C2 and the two other classes in terms of community composition. Indicator species were found for C1 and C2. The geophagous Millsonia omodeoi has emerged as a persistent species as its density and biomass steadily increased so that it became the dominant species in old fallows. The roles of litters and soil parameters in influencing earthworm communities are discussed.  相似文献   

Few earthworms are present in production agricultural fields in the semi-arid plains of Colorado, where earthworm populations may be constrained by limited water and/or organic matter resources. We conducted a 12-week laboratory incubation study to determine the potential of a non-native endogeic earthworm (Aporrectodea caliginosa) to survive in a low-organic matter Colorado soil (1.4% organic C content), supplemented with or without biosolids, and to determine the effects of A. caliginosa on soil microbial biomass and soil nutrient availability. A factorial design with three main effects of A. caliginosa, biosolids addition, and time was used. Data was collected through destructively sampling at one, two, four, eight, and twelve weeks. During the 12-week study, 97.5% of the worms in the soil survived, and the survival of the earthworms was not significantly affected by the addition of biosolids. The addition of biosolids, however, did significantly reduce the gain in mass of the earthworms (8% mass gain compared to 18% in soil without biosolids). The presence of A. caliginosa significantly increased soil NH4-N, and NO3-N concentrations by 31% and 4%, respectively, which was less than the six fold increases in both soil NH4-N, and NO3-N concentrations supplied from biosolids. Microbial biomass carbon was not affected by A. caliginosa, but microbial biomass N was affected by an earthworm × biosolids interaction at week 1 and 12. We concluded that A. caliginosa can survive in a low-organic matter Colorado soil under optimal moisture content and that once established, A. caliginosa can provide modest increases in inorganic N availability to crops Colorado agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Earthworms are important soil animals in grassland ecosystems and are considered to be important to soil quality. The overall impact of earthworms on soil properties and plant diversity, however, depends on earthworm species, functional group and the type of ecosystem. The primary purpose of this study was to document the relationship among earthworms, key soil properties and native and exotic plant diversity in the little studied, Palouse prairie grassland (Idaho, USA). A secondary objective was to determine the effectiveness of three methods commonly used to sample earthworms. A hillslope characterized by Palouse prairie vegetation, well-expressed, hummocky (mounded) topography and known to support both exotic and native earthworm species was selected for study. The hillslope was divided into three zones [annual-dominated (AD), mixed (MX) and perennial-dominated (PD)] based on characteristics of the inter-mound plant communities described in previous research. Total earthworm biomass in the MX zone (53.5 g m−2) was significantly greater than in the PD zone (14.7 g m−2) (P = 0.0384), but did not differ from the AD zone. Earthworm density ranged from 52 to 81.1 individuals m−2 but was not significantly different across zones. Total C and N at 0 to 10 and 30 to 50 cm depths were significantly greater in the AD and PD zones as compared to the same depths in the MX zone. Soil textural class was silt loam within all zones and the soil silt fraction was positively correlated with total exotic earthworm density (R = 0.783, P = 0.0125) and biomass (R = 0.816, P = 0.0072). Native earthworms were only found in the zone with the greatest total and native plant diversity (PD). Total soil C and N were not correlated to earthworm density, but soil total C and N were significantly negatively correlated with exotic plant density, which indicates that invasive plants may be decreasing soil total C (R = −0.800) and N (R = −0.800). Calculated earthworm densities using data from the electroshocker were generally lower than those based on the hand-sorting method. Electroshocking, however, created lower disturbance and was the only method that resulted in the collection of the deep-burrowing, native species Driloleirus americanus.  相似文献   

Earthworms often form spatially structured populations characterised by alternate clusters of either low or high density. This study compared various soil properties and herbaceous plant biomass between areas of high and low earthworm density (i.e. patches and gaps) in a tropical grassland (la Mancha, Veracruz, Mexico). We aimed at identifying those variables that might explain the observed spatial distribution or, conversely be explained by the community pattern. We examined the spatial aggregation by means of the Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE) system and showed the presence of significant patches and gaps. Only a few variables significantly differed between patches and gaps. Areas corresponding to earthworm patches and gaps had more silt and clay, respectively, in the 10–30 cm soil layer. There was no difference in the C content in the different particle-size classes expressed in absolute values (mg C g−1 soil) but the proportion of C associated to > 200 μm particles was larger in the patches (0–10 cm layer) while there was more C associated to the fine particle (< 50 μm) in the gaps (10–30 cm soil layer). Patches and gaps did not differ significantly in terms of cation concentrations (K, Mg and Ca), pH, soil bulk density or herbaceous plant dry mass. The lack of clear relationships between earthworm distribution and soil parameters in this study suggest that earthworm populations and soil properties may occur at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

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