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Polioencephalomalacia associated with canine distemper virus infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight dogs with severe neurologic signs, including seizures, had polioencephalomalacia of the pyriform cortex, Ammon's horn and deep structures in the temporal lobe. The polioencephalomalacia was considered to be a consequence of canine distemper virus infection based on clinical signs, typical inclusions, the demonstration of viral antigens in the lesions and of characteristic paramyxovirus nucleocapsids by electron microscopy. Little evidence for neuronal destruction by direct viral activity was found. Selective nerve cell necrosis was attributed to ischemia (vascular lesions and seizure induced consumptive anoxia) and immune mechanisms. The selective involvement of the rhinencephalic structures was thought to be related to the mode of entry and spread of the virus.  相似文献   

Using an indirect immunofluorescence technique, the distribution of viral antigen in various tissues and blood mononuclear leukocytes was studied in wild mink, either vaccinated with an attenuated vaccine strain of canine distemper virus (CDV) or experimentally inoculated with the virulent Snyder-Hill strain of CDV. Viral antigen was detected in cells of the lymphoid system 6 to 12 days after vaccination. From 2 to 3 days after inoculation with the virulent strain, CDV antigen was demonstrated in cells of the lymphoid system and, during the incubation period, the antigen had spread to the epithelia and brain at days 6 and 12, respectively. In clinical cases of acute fatal canine distemper, the viral antigen was detected in a wide variety of tissues, including the cells of the lymphoid system, epithelial cells of skin, mucous membranes, lung, kidney, and cells of the CNS. The diagnostic importance of CDV antigen detection is discussed on the basis of these findings.  相似文献   

This report describes the naturally occurring atypical neuropathological manifestation of systemic canine distemper virus (CDV) infection in two 16-day-old Pit Bull pups. CDV-induced changes affected the gray and white matter of the forebrain while sparing the hindbrain. Histologically, there was necrosis with destruction of the nervous parenchyma due to an influx of inflammatory and reactive cells associated with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies within glial cells. Positive immunoreactivity against CDV antigens was predominantly observed within astrocytes and neurons. RT-PCR was used to amplify CDV-specific amplicons from brain fragments. These findings suggest the participation of CDV in the etiopathogenesis of these lesions.  相似文献   

犬瘟热(Canine distemper)是由犬瘟热病毒(Canine distemper virus,CDV)引起犬的一种急性、高度接触性传染病。早期表现以双相热、急性鼻卡他、卡他性肺炎和胃肠炎为特征,后期出现神经症状,少数病犬出现鼻和足垫过度角化现象。CDV感染是犬科动物最常见的、最主要的病毒性疾病之一,发病率高、治愈率低,是食肉动物病毒病的典型代表。笔者就近年来我国CDV感染的研究现状简述如下。  相似文献   

Neurological manifestations of canine distemper virus infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Canine distemper virus causes a multi systemic disease in dogs often with severe neurological signs. These signs are the result of viral replication in neurons and glial cells leading to grey matter lesions and demyelination. Inflammation leads to further destruction of the tissue. As extraneural signs are often lacking and only one localisation may be found on neurological examination, distemper may be difficult to diagnose. Myoclonus is almost pathognomonic for this disease but occurs in less than half of the cases. The inflammation of the central nervous system that occurs during the chronic stage of the disease can be detected on examination of the cerebrospinal fluid, in particular by determination of the IgG index. Viral antigen can be demonstrated in cerebrospinal fluid cells by fluorescent antibody techniques. The prognosis of nervous distemper is generally poor although dogs can recover from this disease. Treatment is largely supportive and symptomatic. The importance of regular vaccination is stressed.  相似文献   

The sense of smell in dogs infected with canine distemper virus (CDV) was examined by use of EEG olfactometry, behavioral olfactometry, and electro-olfactography. Infection with CDV was confirmed by a direct immunofluorescence technique in 8 active cases and was suggested by clinical history compatible with canine distemper 10 to 26 weeks earlier in 6 cases. Pathologic alterations of the olfactory mucosa in 3 clinically affected dogs was examined by light microscopy. Infection with CDV was found to be associated with anosmia and lack of recorded responses on electro-olfactogram in 8 of 8 dogs with clinical signs of acute distemper from naturally acquired infections. Anosmia was found in 5 of 6 dogs that had recovered from acute distemper 10 to 26 weeks earlier. The sixth dog had hyposmia, with abnormalities on the electro-olfactogram. Histologic examination was not performed on the 6 dogs that had recovered. Histologic lesions observed at necropsy in 3 dogs that had had clinical signs of acute distemper were those of subacute purulent rhinitis and atrophy of the olfactory epithelium. Altered olfactory function could be explained by mucopurulent exudate blocking odors from olfactory receptors in the acutely affected dogs, but alteration of olfactory function in the dogs that had recovered without clinical evidence of rhinitis could not be explained.  相似文献   

In the spring of 2007, seven raccoon dogs and a weasel were captured near the city of Tanabe in Wakayama prefecture, Japan. The causative agent of the animals' death 1-2 days after capture was identified as canine distemper virus (CDV) by virus isolation, immunostaining with an anti-CDV polyclonal antibody, and a commercially available CDV antigen-detection kit. Sequence analysis of hemagglutinin genes indicated the isolated viruses belong to genotype Asia-1 and possess the substitution from tyrosine (Y) to histidine (H) at position 549 that is associated with the spread of CDV to non-canine hosts. A serosurvey for CDV was then conducted among wild animals in the region. The animals assayed consisted of 104 raccoons, 41 wild boars, 19 raccoon dogs, five Sika deer, two badgers, one weasel, one marten, one Siberian weasel and one fox. Virus-neutralization (VN) tests showed that, except for fox and weasel, all of the species assayed had VN antibodies to CDV. Interestingly, 11 of the 41 wild boars (27%) and two of the five Sika deer assayed possessed VN antibodies to CDV. These findings indicate that CDV infection was widespread among wild mammals during this epizootic.  相似文献   

Canine distemper virus (CDV) infection induces multifocal demyelination in the central nervous system (CNS). It is thought that the resident macrophages of the CNS, the microglia, as well as invading monocytes associated with the inflammatory reaction may play a central role in the demyelinating process. To evaluate changes in peripheral monocytes in CDV infection their immunophenotype was characterized by flow cytometry during the course of an experimental CDV infection in dogs. The highest number of CDV-infected monocytes was found in dogs developing demyelinating lesions. In CD18, CD45, CD44, and CD14 neither up- nor down-regulation was observed. Marked up-regulation occurred in a number of surface molecules including CD1c, B7-1 and B7-2, MHC I, and CD11b. Peak expression was found at 4-5 weeks post-infection (PI), regardless of clinical outcome. All these molecules play an important role in the host's immune response, notably antigen presentation and cell adhesion. These results demonstrate that CDV infection in vivo may enhance several macrophage functions. This could lead to more effective clearance of the virus but may also increase demyelination through a bystander effect in animals that accumulated significant amounts of CDV in the CNS.  相似文献   

Progesterone has neuroprotective effects including augmentation of myelination in the central and peripheral nervous system. This study was designed to determine if demyelinating lesions in the cerebellum resulting from canine distemper virus (CDV) infection are associated with progesterone levels. Progesterone was measured using radioimmunoassay in samples of the cerebellum, corpus callosum, medulla oblongata, parietal, frontal, temporal, and occipital cortices as well as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma collected from ten CDV infected and six non-infected dogs. The cerebellum progesterone level was significantly different between CDV infected (0.66+/-0.09 ng/g) and control dogs (1.14+/-0.09 ng/g) (p<0.001); however, no difference was observed for the other CNS regions, plasma and CSF (p>0.05). The cerebellum progesterone level was also significantly different between acute (0.71+/-0.0 5 ng/g) and chronic cases (0.61+/-0.09 ng/g) (p<0.05). The CDV infected cerebella were also categorized histopathologically according to the severity of demyelinating lesions as mild (n=5), moderate (n=2), or severe (n=3) among which the cerebellum progesterone level was significantly different (p<0.05). Progesterone concentration was 0.71+/-0.05 ng/g in mild, 0.65+/-0.10 ng/g in moderate, and 0.56+/-0.07 ng/g in severe cases. In conclusion, progesterone concentration decreases in the cerebellum in CDV infection and the severity of demyelinating lesions is the greatest in cerebella with the lowest progesterone concentrations. The results suggest that local impairment of progesterone metabolism may be associated with the initiation and progression of cerebellar lesions in CDV infection.  相似文献   

Infection of the footpad epidermis can occur in natural canine distemper virus (CDV) infection of dogs. Footpads from 19 dogs experimentally inoculated with virulent distemper strain A75/17 and from two nonexposed dogs were examined histopathologically and assessed for the presence of viral antigen and nucleoprotein mRNA, as well as number of inflammatory and apoptotic cells. Dogs were divided into four groups based on inoculation status and postmortem examination: inoculated dogs with severe distemper (group 1, n = 7); inoculated dogs with mild distemper (group 2, n = 4); inoculated dogs without distemper (group 3, n = 8); and noninoculated dogs (group 4, n = 2). Footpads from dogs of all groups had a comparably thick epidermis. Eosinophilic viral inclusions and syncytial cells were present in footpad epidermis of one dog of group 1. Footpads of group 1 dogs contained viral antigen and mRNA in the epidermis with strongest staining in a subcorneal location. Additionally, in these dogs footpad dermal structures including eccrine glands and vascular walls were positive for virus particles. No CDV antigen or mRNA was present in the footpad epidermis and dermis of any other dog. Group 1 dogs had more CD3-positive cells and apoptotic cells within the basal layer of the epidermis when compared to the other groups. These findings demonstrate that in experimental infection CDV antigen and mRNA were colocalized in all layers of the infected canine footpad epidermis. The scarcity of overt pathological reactions with absence of keratinocyte degeneration indicates a noncytocidal persisting infection of footpad keratinocytes by CDV.  相似文献   

A case of encephalitis in a Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata) was examined histopathologically and serologically. The animal had brain lesions consisting of perivascular cuffs, malacia, inclusion bodies and giant cells. Monoclonal antibody to the nucleoprotein of canine distemper virus (CDV) stained the inclusions, and the distribution of the virus antigen was closely associated with that of the histological lesions. Serologically, all the 22 monkeys in the same group as the diseased monkey had relatively high titers of neutralizing antibody to CDV, but not to measles virus (MV). The pattern of the antibody titers to CDV and MV closely resembled that of cynomolgus monkeys experimentally inoculated with CDV, but differed from that of monkeys inoculated with MV. These findings suggest that an epidemic of CDV occurred in these Japanese monkeys, associated with one case of fatal viral encephalitis. This is believed to be the first report of a natural infection by CDV in non-human primates.  相似文献   

A late, but not uncommon sequel to canine distemper virus (CDV) infection of dogs is thickening of footpads and nasal planum, the so-called hard pad disease, originally described as vacuolar degeneration of epidermal keratinocytes with inclusion body formation and massive hyperkeratosis. However, in a recent study of footpads of naturally CDV-infected dogs only hyperkeratosis was observed without any of the other changes. Instead, acanthosis was frequently noticed. CDV nucleoprotein was present in the suprabasal keratinocytes and eccrine epithelial glands only. No CDV nucleoprotein was present in basal keratinocytes. This observation in combination with lack of obvious cytocidal changes strongly suggested the possibility of a restricted viral infection with presence of viral mRNA but without protein expression. Therefore, the presence of CDV nucleoprotein mRNA was investigated using in situ hybridization and compared to the localization of the nucleoprotein in footpads of clinically healthy and distemper dogs. Viral nucleoprotein and nucleoprotein mRNA in nearly all cases co-localized to the same compartments and basal keratinocytes did not contain nucleoprotein mRNA. These findings dispute the idea of a restricted viral infection of footpad keratinocytes in dogs with natural CDV infection. Instead, a migration of the virus to the epidermal surface along with the proliferating and differentiating epithelium is the most likely explanation for the lack of virus antigen in basal keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Demyelination is the prominent histopathological hallmark in the acute stage of canine distemper virus infection. Magnetic resonance imaging is an important diagnostic tool in human beings to determine demyelination in the brain, for example in multiple sclerosis. Five young dogs with clinically suspected canine distemper virus infection were subjected to magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations. Hyperintense lesions and loss of contrast between grey and white matter were detected in T2-weighted images in the cerebellum and/or in the brainstem of three dogs, which correlated with demyelination demonstrated in histopathological examination. Furthermore, increased signal intensities in T2-weighted images were seen in the temporal lobe of four dogs with no evidence of demyelination. Magnetic resonance imaging seems to be a sensitive tool for the visualisation of in vivo myelination defects in dogs with acute canine distemper virus infection. Postictal oedema and accumulation of antigen positive cells have to be considered an important differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

The proliferation of footpad keratinocytes of canine distemper virus (CDV)-infected dogs was investigated. Footpads of 19 dogs inoculated experimentally with a virulent distemper strain (A75/17) and of two noninoculated control dogs were collected at necropsy. Dogs were divided into four groups according to results of the postmortem examination: dogs with severe distemper (group 1), dogs with mild distemper (group 2), inoculated dogs without distemper (group 3) and noninoculated dogs (group 4). There was no distinct difference of epidermal thickness among the four groups. Infection of the footpad epidermis with CDV was demonstrated using immunohistochemistry for viral nucleoprotein and in situ hybridization for nucleoprotein messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). Only group 1 dogs had viral antigen and mRNA in the footpad epidermis with the same distribution. Footpad epidermis of group 1 dogs had more mitotic figures in the basal layer, and significantly more basal keratinocytes were positive for the proliferation markers Ki-67 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Double-staining for Ki-67 and viral nucleoprotein identified rare double-labeled basal keratinocytes. These findings suggest that the presence of CDV particles in the footpad epidermis is associated with keratinocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

Infection of canine footpads with canine distemper virus (CDV) can result in so-called hard pad disease characterized by footpad epidermal proliferation and hyperkeratosis. Cultured canine footpad keratinocytes (CFK) were inoculated with a virulent canine distemper virus strain (A75/17-CDV) to study the effects of CDV-infection on keratinocyte proliferation. Infection was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization for CDV nucleoprotein (N-protein) antigen and mRNA. CDV caused a persistent, non-cytocidal infection with spread from single cells to infection of the confluent cell layer 7 days post infection (p.i.). Absolute cell numbers were significantly higher in infected cultures compared to control cultures from day 4 until day 6 p.i. Infected cultures contained significantly more total DNA on day 5 p.i. compared to controls. Immunohistochemical investigation of proliferation markers Ki67 and BrdU demonstrated a nearly two-fold increase in numbers of positive cells on day 5 p.i. compared to controls. These findings demonstrate that canine distemper virus infection of canine footpad keratinocytes in vitro was associated with proliferation.  相似文献   

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