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大豆害虫点蜂缘蝽的危害特点与防治方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
点蜂缘蝽(Riptortus pedestris)是一种豆科作物典型的刺吸性害虫,近几年在北京地区危害大豆严重,造成大幅度减产,甚至绝收。本文介绍了点蜂缘蝽的形态特征、生活习性、危害特点和防治方法,旨在为大豆产区该虫害的防治提供帮助。  相似文献   

高宇  史树森 《大豆科学》2019,38(4):650-655
为探明大豆症青与蝽类害虫的相关性,解决目前黄淮海流域大豆生产上"荚而不实"型"症青"的问题,归纳总结最新研究进展,对"荚而不实"型"症青"与点蜂缘蝽(Riptortus pedestris)等蝽类害虫为害的相关性做了简要剖析,结合大豆蝽类害虫的发生及为害特点,提出了当前大豆"症青"的防控策略。重点针对点蜂缘蝽等蝽类害虫开展统防统治和兼防兼治,控制越冬和早春虫源,抓住花荚期科学防治。以期为开展大豆"症青"发生及防控研究提供参考。  相似文献   

为明确点蜂缘蝽为害对大豆植株\"症青\"发生及产量损失的影响,采用人工罩网接虫法,设置6个密度处理,分别为每株0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5头,分别于盛花期(R2)、盛荚期(R4)和满粒期(R6)接点蜂缘蝽成虫,收获期系统观察大豆株高等主要农艺性状、\"症青\"症状(持绿叶片数)、主要产量性状及产量指标,分析接虫时期、接虫密度与上述各指标的相关性及差异显著性。结果表明:各时期接虫处理对大豆植株生长发育及产量的影响程度均呈随接虫密度增加而加重趋势。其中,R2期株高增加不显著,且均无\"症青\"植株发生;R4和R6期株高、节间距和\"症青\"等指标均随接虫密度的增加而显著增加;单株有效荚数、粒数、产量等均随接虫密度增加而显著下降,各产量性状及产量损失率与接虫密度之间呈显著正相关;植株持绿叶片数与接虫密度之间亦呈显著正相关,即接虫密度越大\"症青\"现象越明显。相同密度不同时期接虫处理结果显示,R4期大豆植株\"症青\"和产量损失等受害程度显著高于R2和R6。同时,大豆植株\"症青\"发生程度与单株产量损失率之间亦呈显著正相关,即植株\"症青\"越重其产量损失率越高。可见,点蜂缘蝽为害对大豆\"症青\"现象及产量的...  相似文献   

为明确大豆植株离体器官饲养对点蜂缘蝽若虫(Riptortus pedestris)生长发育的影响,研究点蜂缘蝽为害大豆的主要器官,采用大豆离体叶、茎、花、荚饲养点蜂缘蝽,系统观测其若虫生长发育情况,测定这些器官的脂肪、总蛋白和总糖等主要营养成分含量,并分析营养成分含量与存活率间的关系.结果 表明:在24±1℃恒温下,以...  相似文献   

随着大豆"症青"发生面积的逐步扩大,点蜂缘蝽已引起了大豆科研工作者与生产者的高度重视。为探讨高效的点蜂缘蝽诱捕技术,本研究于2019年8月份在安徽省当涂县用不同诱芯、诱捕器及其组合评价聚集信息素对点蜂缘蝽的诱捕效果。方差分析表明:诱芯、诱捕器及其互作间诱捕效果差异都达极显著水平。缓释包诱芯1-2和PVC诱芯2-2显著高于橡胶塞诱芯3-x和空白对照。小船型诱捕器和双向倒漏斗型诱捕器显著高于通用桶型诱捕器和绿色粘虫板。PVC诱芯2-2、缓释包诱芯1-2和小船型诱捕器的组合效果最佳,但小船型诱捕器底部组件粘虫板会粘住点蜂缘蝽导致点蜂缘蝽死亡。缓释包诱芯1-2、PVC诱芯2-2和双向倒漏斗型诱捕器的组合效果次之,且其能诱捕到点蜂缘蝽完整活体,可为进一步研究提供试虫。对诱捕到的昆虫种类分析表明:试验期间诱到的蛾类昆虫相对较多,特别是橡胶塞诱芯3-x对蛾类有较强的引诱效果;不同诱芯、诱捕器都只诱到少量蜂类昆虫;绿色粘虫板较其它诱捕器粘到显著更多的瓢虫类昆虫。PVC诱芯2-2、缓释包诱芯1-2和小船型诱捕器、双向倒漏斗型诱捕器组成的4种组合能引诱到较多点蜂缘蝽,且其它昆虫较少,说明有较高的专一性,实...  相似文献   

点蜂缘蝽(Riptortus pedestris)是大豆生产上的重要害虫.为明确结荚期大豆对点蜂缘蝽生殖力及种群发育的影响,为了解种群发生动态、预测预报及制定综合治理措施提供科学依据,在24±1℃恒温下,采用离体豆荚饲养法,系统观测点蜂缘蝽存活和生殖等生物学指标,通过种群生命表分析,进一步探讨其种群生殖力及种群趋势.结...  相似文献   

为明确温度对点蜂缘蝽(Riptortus pedestris Fabricius)生长发育和繁殖的影响,本实验在16、20、24、28和32℃共 5个恒温条件下,以鲜芸豆荚为寄主食料,测定了温度对点蜂缘蝽各虫态的发育历期、发育速率、存活率的影响。结果表明,在16℃条件下点蜂缘蝽不能完成生活史,32℃条件下成虫不产卵。在试验温度范围内,各虫态的发育历期均随温度的升高而缩短,通过拟合方程得出发育速率与温度呈显著正相关。由直接最优法计算得到点蜂缘蝽卵期、若虫期、成虫期的发育起点温度分别为12.58 、15.98、15.27 ℃,有效积温依次为102.32、203.28和103.94日·度。在24℃条件下,成虫的单雌产卵量最高为87.39粒,是20℃的2.78倍,28℃的5.34倍;种群趋势指数值最大为I=14.30,是20℃的2.34倍,28℃的4.27倍。环境温度对点蜂缘蝽的存活率也有较大影响。研究结果为点蜂缘蝽发生期预测及综合防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

大豆抗食叶性害虫研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
崔章林  盖钧镒 《大豆科学》1996,15(2):149-158

Lethal and sublethal insecticide effects on non-targeted pest species are frequently neglected but have potential consequences for pest management and secondary pest outbreaks. Here, the lethal and demographic effects of four soybean insecticides (chlorantraniliprole, deltamethrin, pyriproxyfen, and spinosad, which are used against caterpillars, whiteflies, and green stink bugs) on the brown stink bug Euschistus heros (F.), the main stink bug species currently attacking Neotropical soybean fields, were assessed. Deltamethrin exhibited drastic acute mortality in adult females of E. heros with a median lethal time (LT50) of 0.6 days, whereas pyriproxyfen treated females exhibited a survival similar to that of water-treated insects (LT50 of 89 and 67 days, respectively). Chlorantraniliprole and spinosad-treated females exhibited intermediate survival with a TL50 of 54 and 47 days, respectively. Further scrutiny of the three most selective insecticides (i.e., chlorantraniliprole, pyriproxyfen, and spinosad) using age-structured matrices to assess the demographic impact of these compounds under earlier exposure indicated that both pyriproxyfen and spinosad significantly reduced the population growth of the pest species by compromising the survival of eggs (<17% hatching) and 1st nymphs (LT50 of 3 and 2 days, respectively) and fertility; these results were unlike those obtained for chlorantraniliprole- and water-treated controls, which exhibited less than 50% mortality during development. However, chlorantraniliprole significantly compromised the fertility of adult insects (>50% reduction compared with water-treated insects) to a greater extent than pyriproxyfen and spinosad, but without impairing insect population growth as much. Therefore, although pyriproxyfen and spinosad, besides deltamethrin, are not used to target the Neotropical brown stink bug, these insecticides adversely affected this pest species at the dose recommended for application on the label, thereby preventing its outbreak under such conditions.  相似文献   

The green belly stink bug, Dichelops furcatus (F.) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is a pest of corn and soybean in southern Brazil. It also occurs on wheat, but information on its damage to this crop is limited. To determine the need for sustainable IPM programs, the impact of this bug on wheat production should be determined. Studies were conducted in the screenhouse with 1, 2 and 4 bugs caged for 16 days on single plants, cv. ‘BRS Parrudo’. During the vegetative period (plants ca. 25 cm tall), all infestation levels significantly reduced plant height and ear head length, but did not reduce grain yield. Feeding damage caused tissue necrosis on leaves. During the booting stage, grain yield was significantly reduced with 2 and 4 bugs per plant; ear heads were small, discolored and abnormally developed. In 2013 and 2014 field trials, plants were infested for 18 days with 2, 4 and 8 bugs per m2 at vegetative, booting, and milky grain stage. At these infestation levels, there was no significant reduction in grain yield. There was a significant decrease in the number of normal seedlings resulting from seeds exposed to 8 bugs per m2 at the milky grain stage. Results suggest that, in general, there is no need to control D. furcatus on wheat, unless numbers are ≥8 bugs per m2 during reproductive period.  相似文献   

In Brazil, some of the most important insect pests causing damage to soybean (Glycine max) are stink bugs. Soybean production would increase if varieties with enhanced resistance were developed. The aim of this work was to examine different traits associated with plant development, and yield-related traits, in an F2:3 soybean population in a stink bug-infested field and to evaluate genetic parameters and correlations among those traits. The parents and progeny from 229 F2 plants developed by crossing a resistant cultivar (IAC-100) with a susceptible cultivar (CD-215) were evaluated in three replications in a single environment. Seven agronomic traits and eight indicators of insect resistance were measured. Genotypes showed significant differences for all traits except lodging. The grain-filling period exhibited a positive genotypic correlation of 0.66 with hundred-seed weight, whereas a negative genotypic correlation of ?0.53 was found between pod damage index (%) and weight of healthy seeds. In general, a shorter pod-filling period, lower weight of hundred-seeds, lower indices of pod damage, and higher seed-yield per plant were phenotypic traits of genotypes resistant to these insects.  相似文献   

黑龙江省野生大豆资源考察研究新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
十五期间再次考察黑龙江省野生大豆(G.soja)资源状况,确定了我国野生大豆分布的北界和东界位点,收集保存野生大豆种质千余份。对其鉴定创新研究取得新进展,检测筛选出异黄酮含量0.45%以上野生大豆优异种质资源14份,创新选育出含有野生大豆亲缘,优质、抗病大豆新种质龙品8802-1、龙品03-324、龙品03-311等。  相似文献   

大豆品种引种试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对37个大豆品种引种试验研究,结果表明:产量以黑生101为最高,其次是绥农16、合丰35、九三98-52、克99-578。适合当地生态条件,其它品种可进一步试验。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白抗氧性肽的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文综述了国内外对大豆蛋白肽的抗氧性机理、生产工艺、理化特性的研究概况,并展望了其广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

大豆经磁化处理后,可使大豆出苗势增强,出苗期提前,降低株高,早熟1-2d。还有提高结荚率、提高产量的效果。其中磁化时间20min,增产可达15.2%。  相似文献   

荔枝蝽防治研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荔枝蝽[Tessaratoma papillosa(Drury)]是为害荔枝、龙眼的重要害虫之一,主要以若虫和成虫吸食荔枝嫩梢、花穗和果实,还传播龙眼鬼帚病,严重影响果树生产和果品品质.本文从种植抗性品种、预测预报、人工防治、药剂防治和生物防治等方面总结了目前防治荔枝蝽的主要方法,介绍了蝽类和荔枝蝽信息素的应用现状及前景,并对荔枝蝽的防治方法进行了展望,探讨其综合防治技术.  相似文献   

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