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The prevalence of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) in wild populations of woodchucks is understudied and therefore unclear. Although infection is common in the southeastern region of Pennsylvania and surrounding states, it is virtually absent in New York and New England. Sera were collected from wild woodchucks from Orange County, North Carolina and tested for the presence of markers of current or previous infection with WHV. Of the 24 woodchucks tested, there were three animals (12.5%) with WHV surface antigen as well as antibodies to woodchuck hepatitis core antigen in their serum, indicative of active infection. There were four (17%) animals with antibodies to WHV core antigen but no woodchuck hepatitis surface antigen, indicative of prior infections. The remaining 17 animals had no detectable markers of WHV infection. These data indicate that WHV is present in central North Carolina at rates approaching those seen in endemic areas, such as the mid-Atlantic region of the United States.  相似文献   

Thirty-three woodchucks were used in this study. Seventeen animals were healthy adults, not infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV); 10 were healthy adults infected with WHV; 4 were noninfected neonates; 2 were infected neonates. Within the 4 groups of woodchucks, no histologic differences were detected on the basis of sex or age. Neither were histologic findings different between infected and noninfected woodchucks of similar ages. The average thickness of skin (as measured from the skin surface to the inner limit of the dermis) from the general haired body area was 2394 microns. The skin was thickest on dorsal body areas, and gradually became thinner on ventral body and medial limb areas. The epidermis consisted of 4 layers: stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, and stratum corneum. A stratum lucidum was present only in the epidermis of the footpads. There was no clear distinction between the superficial dermis and the deep dermis, except for the subtle differences in arrangement and size of collagen fibers. Elastic fibers were seen throughout the dermis, being more prominent in the superficial portion. Both compound and simple hair follicle arrangements were seen, with compound being more common. The arrectores pilorum muscles were largest in the skin over the dorsal body areas. Sebaceous glands were present either within the outer root sheath of hair follicles or in the dense connective tissue surrounding hair follicles. No apocrine sweat glands were found. However, there were abundant eccrine sweat glands in the subcutaneous fat of the footpads.  相似文献   

Hepatic imaging with 99mTc-sulfur colloid was used to diagnose primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) in woodchucks infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). Based on imaging results, 6 of 12 WHV-infected woodchucks had space-occupying hepatic lesions, and all 6 had PHC. Of the remaining woodchucks, 2 did not have PHC, 2 had discrete tumors (less than 1 cm diameter), 1 had miliary small tumors, and 1 had tumors located near the great vessels. Hepatic imaging was a valuable technique for diagnosis of PHC in WHV-infected woodchucks.  相似文献   

An 11-year retrospective study was conducted on the dermatoses occurring in 113 woodchucks from a colony at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. Bacterial dermatitis was the most common dermatologic disorder, accounting for 70.2% of the cases. The highest incidence of bacterial dermatitis occurred in September/October prior to hibernation and in February/March during the breeding season. Other dermatoses observed during the study period included Taenia crassiceps infection, microfilarial dermatitis, telogen defluxion, various neoplastic and hyperplastic lesions, and various neonatal conditions associated with trauma and/or bacterial infection. No association was found between any of these dermatoses and the presence of woodchuck hepatitis virus infection.  相似文献   

An elastic tape sling successfully maintained reduction of a craniodorsal right coxofemoral luxation in a woodchuck (Marmota monax). No complications were encountered during the 14 days that the sling was in place. The animal remained normal through the following 8 mo.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) is a zoonotic arboviral pathogen transmitted by mosquitoes in a cycle involving wild birds as reservoir hosts. The virus has recently emerged in North America and re-emerged in Europe. North American WNV outbreaks are often accompanied by high mortality in wild birds, a feature that is uncommon in Europe. The reason for this difference is unknown, but the intrinsic virulence of the viruses circulating in each continent and/or the susceptibility to the disease of Palearctic as opposed to Nearctic wild bird species could play a role. To assess this question, experimental inoculations with four lineage 1 WNV strains, three from southern Europe (Italy/2008, Italy/2009 and Spain/2007) and one from North America (NY99) were performed on house sparrows (Passer domesticus), a wild passerine common in both continents. Non-significant differences which ranged from 0% to 25% were observed in mortality for the different WNV strains. Viremias lasted from 1 to 5–6 days post-inoculation (dpi) in all cases; individuals inoculated with NY99 had significantly higher titres than those inoculated with any of the Euro-Mediterranean strains. Remarkably, host competence was found to be higher for NY99 than for the other strains. Consequently, albeit being pathogenic for house sparrows, some Euro-Mediterranean strains had reduced capacity for replication in -and transmission from- this host, as compared to the NY99 strain. If applicable also to other wild bird host species, this relatively reduced transmission capacity of the Euro-Mediterranean strains could explain the lower incidence of this disease in wild birds in the Euro-Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV)-associated disease has a range of clinical manifestations among avian taxa, the reasons for which are not known. Species susceptibility varies within the avian family Corvidae, with estimated mortality rates ranging from 50 to 100%. We examined and compared virologic, immunologic, pathologic, and clinical responses in 2 corvid species, the American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) and the fish crow (C ossifragus), following experimental WNV inoculation. Unlike fish crows, which remained clinically normal throughout the study, American crows succumbed to WNV infection subsequent to dehydration, electrolyte and pH imbalances, and delayed or depressed humoral immune responses concurrent with marked, widespread virus replication. Viral titers were approximately 3,000 times greater in blood and 30,000 to 50,000 times greater in other tissues (eg, pancreas and small intestine) in American crows versus fish crows. Histologic lesion patterns and antigen deposition supported the differing clinical outcomes, with greater severity and distribution of lesions and WNV antigen in American crows. Both crow species had multiorgan necrosis and inflammation, although lesions were more frequent, severe, and widespread in American crows, in which the most commonly affected tissues were small intestine, spleen, and liver. American crows also had inflammation of vessels and nerves in multiple tissues, including heart, kidney, and the gastrointestinal tract. WNV antigen was most commonly observed within monocytes, macrophages, and other cells of the reticuloendothelial system of affected tissues. Collectively, the data support that WNV-infected American crows experience uncontrolled systemic infection leading to multiorgan failure and rapid death.  相似文献   

Published anatomic studies of North American river otters (Lontra canadensis) include only comparative reviews of single anatomic systems, but this paper includes multiple clinically relevant anatomic features. Both captive and free-ranging North American river otters were studied by gross dissection of nine specimens, radiography of 18 live otters, and physical examination of 170 otters. Body fat in North American river otters is stored primarily subcutaneously at the base of the tail and in the axillae, so lack of visceral detail on abdominal radiographs is due to a lack of coelomic fat. The heart and great vessels are oriented as in the dog. The cardiac radiographic silhouette measures three intercostal spaces laterally between the fourth and sixth ribs and 4-4.5 intercostal spaces between the seventh through 11th ribs on the ventrodorsal projection. Subjective estimation of age by evaluation of tooth wear is confirmed by histologic examination of cementum annuli. Structures of the feet were imaged by high-resolution mammographic technique. The adult thymus was prominent, but the gland was small in the one juvenile animal studied. The spleen was unexpectedly large but consistent with findings in European otters (Lutra lutra). As in other otters and mammals, kidneys are reniculated.  相似文献   

Blood samples were obtained from 155 North American river otters (Lontra canadensis; 94 adult males, 38 adult females, 10 juvenile males, and 13 juvenile females) to establish baseline hematology and from 50 adult river otters (40 males and 10 females) for baseline serum biochemistry parameters for the species. The otters were livetrapped from eastern North Carolina (USA) during a 4-yr period. Data for 14 routine hematologic parameters and 22 serum chemistry assays showed significant differences in total leukocyte count and absolute neutrophil and monocyte numbers for adults versus juveniles, red blood cell counts and hemoglobin between adult and juvenile males, and calcium and alkaline phosphatase values for adult males between years of the study and an increase in leukocyte counts and absolute neutrophils with increased degree of trap injury sustained.  相似文献   

Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) recently caused a serious outbreak of disease in Moroccan sheep and goats. Alpine goats were highly susceptible to PPRV with mortality rates approaching 100%, as opposed to local breeds of sheep which were less susceptible to the disease. The relative susceptibility of alpine goats was investigated through an experimental infection study with the Moroccan strain of PPRV. Severe clinical signs were observed in the alpine goats with virus being excreted through ocular, nasal and oral routes. No difference in the severity of the disease in goats was observed with different inoculation routes and transmission of the virus by direct contact was confirmed. This study confirmed the susceptibility of the alpine goat to PPRV infection and describes a challenge protocol that effectively and consistently reproduced severe clinical signs of PPR in experimentally infected goats.  相似文献   

An adult American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) from Virginia, USA, was diagnosed with combined infection of avian poxvirus and the skin fluke Collyriclum faba. The flukes and viral inclusions were combined in a large (4 x 4 cm) multilobulated proliferative mass on the ventrum just cranial to the cloaca. The flukes were identified using light microscopy of organisms obtained by antemortem wedge biopsy. Intraepithelial cytoplasmic inclusions consistent with poxvirus infection were seen on histopathologic examination of the mass.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infection has not been investigated previously in native New World rodents that may have a role in the epidemiology of the disease. In the present study, 45 juvenile and 80 adult deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) were inoculated intranasally with VSV New Jersey serotype (VSV-NJ) and examined sequentially over a 7-day period. Virus was detected by means of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization in all tissues containing histologic lesions. Viral antigen and mRNA were observed initially in olfactory epithelium neurons, followed by olfactory bulbs and more caudal olfactory pathways in the brain. Virus also was detected throughout the ventricular system in the brain and central canal of the spinal cord. These results support both viral retrograde transneuronal transport and viral spread within the ventricular system. Other tissues containing viral antigen included airway epithelium and macrophages in the lungs, cardiac myocytes, and macrophages in cervical lymph nodes. In a second experiment, 15 adult, 20 juvenile, and 16 nestling deer mice were inoculated intradermally with VSV-NJ. Adults were refractory to infection by this route; however, nestlings and juveniles developed disseminated central nervous system infections. Viral antigen also was detected in cardiac myocytes and lymph node macrophages in these animals. Viremia was detected by virus isolation in 35/72 (49%) intranasally inoculated juvenile and adult mice and in 17/36 (47%) intradermally inoculated nestlings and juveniles from day 1 to day 3 postinoculation. The documentation of viremia in these animals suggests that they may have a role in the epidemiology of vector-borne vesicular stomatitis.  相似文献   

Expression of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) antigens in vivo has not been shown. After BLV infection, however, production of antibodies directed towards BLV proteins (e.g. gp51) can be easily demonstrated. Thus, production of BLV proteins has to take place somewhere in infected cattle. Tissues and organs of experimentally infected cattle were fixed in acetone and embedded in paraffin. Monoclonal antibodies directed to gp51 were used to demonstrate BLV expression immunohistologically by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. The same samples were also used to demonstrate a tumor associated antigen (TAA) employing a monoclonal antibody. Our results indicate that very few cells, found in the intestinal mucosa, produce gp51 in vivo. The expression of TAA, however, increases significantly shortly after infection with BLV and remains high throughout life.  相似文献   

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