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桑代克(Edward Lee Thomdike,1874-1949)作为动物心理学的鼻祖,联想心理学的创始人,创建了教育心理学,他与吴伟,士共同研究学习联想,并设计了心理测验.为美国教育测验的领军人物之一。他是一位精通行为学与心理学家的科学家。生于美国麻省一位牧师家庭。他于鸺95年到哈佛大学受教于詹姆斯,做小鸡走迷津实验。桑代、克认为一小鸡小猫小狗都不是通过推理和观察而学会逃出迷宫的,它们之所以能够顺利逃脱,那就是不断的尝试,在不断尝试的失败中慢慢消除那些无用的行为,记住那些有助,于逃脱的行为。并且它们已经在这些有盯的行为和行为的昏标之间建立了联系。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,转基因动物技术一直是动物遗传育种领域的一个研究热点。它在改良动物生产性状、提高畜禽抗病力以及生产人药用蛋白等非常规畜牧产品等方面均有着广阔的应用前景。然而由于动物转基因的效率很低、难以控制转基因在宿主染色体中的行为、无法控制转基因表达的频率和水平等,转基因的稳定遗传问题也未能解决,以致难以形成转基因畜禽品种或品系,因而转基因动物技术在动物育种中的广泛应用尚需时日。随着动物基因组计划的深入进行,转基因技术将会得到不断的发展和完善,从而在未来的动物育种中大显身手。  相似文献   

哺乳动物胚胎分割技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍胚胎分割和卵裂球分离技术的研究进展、技术方法及其相关的问题.  相似文献   

我国畜产品质量安全检测体系建设情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国畜产品质量检测体系建设工作起步较晚。20世纪80年代前,畜产品供给长期处于短缺状态,提高产量是这一阶段的主要任务,对畜产品质量的检测技术仅限于常规检测。20世纪80年代后,随着经济体制的改革,畜牧业生产有了较快的发展,伴随着畜产品产量的提高,国家开始重视畜产品的检测,但仍然主要以微生物等常规检测为主。90年代以来,随着畜牧业集约化及产业化的发展,畜产品有毒有害物质的残留问题日益严重,  相似文献   

Frequentist and Bayesian approaches to scientific inference in animal breeding are discussed. Routine methods in animal breeding (selection index, BLUP, ML, REML) are presented under the hypotheses of both schools of inference, and their properties are examined in both cases. The Bayesian approach is discussed in cases in which prior information is available, prior information is available under certain hypotheses, prior information is vague, and there is no prior information. Bayesian prediction of genetic values and genetic parameters are presented. Finally, the frequentist and Bayesian approaches are compared from a theoretical and a practical point of view. Some problems for which Bayesian methods can be particularly useful are discussed. Both Bayesian and frequentist schools of inference are established, and now neither of them has operational difficulties, with the exception of some complex cases. There is software available to analyze a large variety of problems from either point of view. The choice of one school or the other should be related to whether there are solutions in one school that the other does not offer, to how easily the problems are solved, and to how comfortable scientists feel with the way they convey their results.  相似文献   

2010年年初,农业部在全国范围内启动了畜禽养殖标准化示范创建活动.以生猪、奶牛、蛋鸡、肉鸡、肉牛和肉羊为重点,通过政策扶持、宣传培训、技术引导、示范带动,发挥标准化示范场在标准化生产、动物防疫条件管理、安全高效饲料推广、畜禽粪污处理和产业化经营等方面的示范带动作用,全面推进畜禽标准化规模养殖进程.  相似文献   

家禽育种是一个老生常谈的话题,也是业内人士非常关注的问题。虽然近年来我国家禽品种安全遇到了重大挑战,但是,广大企业和育种工作者并没有从此失去信心,在国外品种不断占据中国市场的现实条件下,我国家禽自主育种工作也一次次取得了突破。在农业部刚刚公布的通过国家审定的畜禽新品种(配套系)名单中,家禽品种占了7个,这是对广大育种工作者多年投入的最好肯定,也为我国家禽自主育种工作注入了一针强心剂。  相似文献   

Experimental animals in biomedical research provide insights into disease mechanisms and models for determining the efficacy and safety of new therapies and for discovery of corresponding biomarkers. Although mouse and rat models are most widely used, observations in these species cannot always be faithfully extrapolated to human patients. Thus, a number of domestic species are additionally used in specific disease areas. This review summarizes the most important applications of domestic animal models and emphasizes the new possibilities genetic tailoring of disease models, specifically in pigs, provides.  相似文献   

Examples for practical solutions of animal welfare questions in poultry and pig holdings are described: A new inspection trolley for laying hens in battery cages with 8 floors, rearing conditions for laying hens in alternative housing systems including outdoor areas, improvement of hen-runs with plantation and mobile shelters, incidence of day-light in broiler houses, use of an automatic broiler catching machine, straw-racks and structured pens for fattening turkeys, outdoor husbandry of "Kelleyturkeys", kennelled system with "bungalows" for weaners (Nürtinger System), "Straw-Flow" systems with a sloping floor and straw provided from a freely accessible dispenser, outdoor areas with solid surface for fattening pigs, straw-racks, animal friendly construction of farrowing pens as well as an outdoor system for breeding sows.  相似文献   

探索农牧结合模式推进畜牧生态养殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态(Eco-)一词源于古希腊语,意思是指家(house)或者我们的环境。简单的说,生态就是指一切生物的生存状态.以及它们之间和它与环境之间环环相扣的关系。随着社会的发展.“生态”一词涉及的范畴也越来越广,人们常常用“生态”来定义许多美好的事物。畜牧生态养殖就是要求畜牧业与饲料资源、生活环境这些互相联系、  相似文献   

The commercial applications in agriculture of new breeding technologies, as well as conventional breeding strategies, have the potential to influence animal welfare in both positive and negative ways. For example, the sexing of cattle semen might be used to reduce the number of unwanted male dairy calves provided that the technique had not been shown to produce adverse effects. On the other hand, inappropriate use of some breeding technologies may create new problems, or exacerbate welfare problems that may already have arisen within conventional livestock breeding.

It is the impact of any breeding technology or strategy that is important to welfare, whether it is the quality of life of the offspring that is compromised, or whether it is the application of the technology itself that causes pain, distress or lasting harm to the subject animal.

The aim of this paper is to provide clear and practical advice on the establishment of an appropriate framework within which developments in animal breeding and breeding technologies, and the outcome of such processes, may be considered, monitored and, where necessary, regulated. It builds on recommendations recently made by the FAWC to UK Government, and considers the wider public interest in these technologies.

Finally, the response from stakeholders is considered in attempting to ensure that such controls do not render production systems non-competitive in a global livestock industry.  相似文献   

类胡萝卜素是广泛存在于自然界中的各种动植物及微生物体中的一类由异戊二烯残基组成的共轭双键长链类萜化合物。大多数难溶于水,易溶于油脂等有机溶剂中,大量试验表明,类胡萝卜素对改善动物体色和肉质;提高水产动物的饵料转化率;促进生长;提高水产动物的繁殖力和卵的受精率等多方面有重大的作用。  相似文献   

Farm animal breeders are facing challenges. More and more powerful technologies are at their disposal for creating genetic change. At the same time, society is concerned about the impact of breeding practices and the use to which new technologies are being put. European breeders must compete in a global market. To meet these challenges, European farm animal breeders have conducted three projects to contribute to sustainable and transparent farm animal breeding and reproduction. In “Farm animal breeding and society”, an overview is presented of farm animal breeding in Europe and its technical, ethical, legal and consumer constraints and possibilities. In ‘SEFABAR’, European breeders, scientists and socio-economists have worked towards sustainable breeding and reproduction scenarios. In ‘CODE–EFABAR’, breeders aim to develop, with experts on ethics, communication and certification, and in close contact with NGOs, farmers' organisations and policy makers, a Code of Good Practice for farm animal breeding and reproduction organisations. Along this Code of Good Practice organisations will be able to explain their goals and practices to the public in a transparent way. This paper reviews these projects.  相似文献   

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