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Serum total protein, albumin, and globulin concentrations in male ducks, turkeys, and chickens were compared, using electrophoretic and dye-binding methods, as well as using a bovine and chicken albumin standard. When a chicken standard was used for determination of albumin and globulin concentrations by automated methods, results were more comparable with results of electrophoresis than were those when a bovine standard was used.  相似文献   

伏马菌素的毒性作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>伏马菌素(fumonisins)是一组主要由串珠镰刀菌(Fusarium moniliforme)产生的真菌毒素。经研究表明,伏马菌素能够污染多种粮食及其制品,并对某些家畜产生急性毒性及潜在的致癌性,因此,它在食品与饲料安全中的意义越来越受到人们的广泛关注,已成为继黄曲霉毒素之后的又一研究热点。本文主要就伏马菌素毒性及作用机理等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

Twenty chicks, 12 turkey poults and 10 ducklings, all 5 weeks old were infected with 2 × 103.5 chick LD50 IBD virus to determine the course of the virus in the 3 poultry species. Uninfected control birds were kept separately. Two infected and 2 control birds/species were euthanized at time intervals between 3 and 168 hours post infection (pi). Sections of thymus, bursa of Fabricius, spleen, liver, kidney, proventriculus and ceacal tonsil were stained for the detection of IBD virus antigen using immunoperoxidase technique. IBD virus antigen positive cells stained reddish-brown and the amount of such cells in tissue sections were noted and scored. Stained cells were present in all organs examined for up to 168 hours pi in the 3 poultry species except ceacal tonsils of ducks at 72 and 120 hours pi. Antigen score was highest in chickens and least in ducks as reflected by average of total scores/sampling time of 12, 10.8 and 8 in chickens, turkeys and ducks respectively. Total antigen score/sampling time in infected chickens peaked twice; 24/48 and 144 hours pi, whereas such bi-phasic peaks were absent in turkeys and ducks. Range of total antigen score at different sampling times was 7–17.5 in chickens, 10–13 in turkeys and 7–10 in ducks indicative of marked viral replication in chickens. Presence of IBD viral antigen in organs of all 3 poultry species is indicative of infections. The innate ability of turkeys and ducks to prevent appreciable replication of IBD virus after infection requires further investigation.  相似文献   

伏马毒素是由串珠镰刀菌产生的一种具有毒性及致癌性的真菌毒素。伏马毒素能够广泛污染玉米等粮食作物及相关食物制品和动物饲料,严重威胁人类及动物健康,成为继黄曲霉毒素之后的又一研究热点。本文介绍伏马毒素的危害性及检测的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

In a 4-year study (1980-1983) involving the use of sentinel ducks that intermingled with wild ducks, a total of 98 paramyxovirus (PMV) isolates (84 Newcastle disease virus, 14 PMV-6) were obtained from 3652 sentinel duck cloacal samples (2.7% isolation rate) collected between June and mid-November each year. PMV infection of sentinel ducks appeared to be seasonal, with the onset of infection occurring between mid-July and mid-August. PMV was not isolated from sentinel turkeys that co-mingled with sentinel ducks during the last 2 years of the study. However, there was serological evidence that the sentinel turkeys were infected with PMV. These findings indicate that wild waterfowl are a natural reservoir of PMV and suggest that interspecies transmission of certain PMV serotypes may occur between waterfowl and turkeys.  相似文献   

1. This study is the first to quantitatively compare the structure of feeding behaviour of broilers, ducks and turkeys as recorded by electronic feeders. It tests the hypothesis that this structure is so similar that the same models would be suitable to group the feeding behaviour of these species into meals. 2. Visits to electronic feeders were recorded from 3470 broilers, 3314 turkeys and 480 ducks. The frequency distributions of the length of short intervals between visits to feeders varied between species as a result of differences in the number of visits within a feeding bout, the frequency of re-visits to the same feeder and probably in the likelihood of birds drinking within meals. 3. The lengths of longer day-time intervals between visits to feeders were all log-normally distributed. Disaggregation of these intervals by feeding strategy (meal frequency) showed that the probability of birds starting to feed increased with time since feeding last in all species, which is consistent with the satiety concept. 4. Two methods, one based on fitting a truncated log-normal, function, the other on observed changes in the probability of birds starting to feed with time since last feeding, gave very similar meal criteria estimates. These ranged from 1050 to 1200 s in broilers, 1650 to 1725 s in ducks and 1250 to 1320 s in turkeys. 5. There were large between-species differences in the average number of daily meals, intake per meal, and feeding rate. Despite this variation, the overall structure of feeding behaviour of broilers, ducks and turkeys was so similar that the same models were suitable for application in all three species. This would allow for standardised analyses of feeding behaviour of different avian species kept in different husbandry systems.  相似文献   

棕榈科植物槟榔,化学成分主要为槟榔碱、缩合鞣质和红色素。槟榔具有杀虫消积、行气通便、利水消积等功效,是驱除体内寄生虫效果确切的中药,特别是驱绦虫,它能麻痹虫体的神经系统,使吸盘松弛而不能固定于肠壁黏膜层,因而虫体很快被排出体外。在兽医临床上已广泛应用,如常用于水  相似文献   

Groups of 10 two-week-old chicks, turkey poults and ducklings were each infected by the intranasal route with one of four avian influenza viruses: a/fowl/Germany/34 (Hav 1N))--Rostock, A/FPV/Dutch/27 (Hav 1 Neq 1)--Dutch, A/fowl/Victoria/75 (Hav 1 Neq 1)--Australian, and A/parrot/Ulster/73 (Hav 1 N1)--Ulster. Eight hours after infection 10 birds of the same age and species were placed in contact with each group and allowed to mix. The clinical signs of disease and onset of sickness and death were recorded. Ulster virus was completely avirulent for all birds. Rostock, Dutch and Australian viruses were virulent for fowls and turkeys causing death in all birds with the exception of 3/10 in contact fowls from the Rostock virus group and 2/10 in contact fowls from the Australian virus group. Only Rostock virus caused sicked sickness or death in ducks, 9/10 intranasally infected and 6/7 in contact birds showed clinical signs and 2/10 intranasally infected and 3/7 in contact ducks died. Intranasal and in contact pathogenicity indices were calculated for each virus in each bird species and indicated quantitatively the differences in virulence of the four virus strains. Virus isolation and immune response studies indicated that surviving in contact fowls in the Rostock virus group had never been infected but that surviving Australian virus in contact fowls had recovered from infection. Infection was not established in Ulster virus in contact fowls and Australian virus intranasally infected and in contact ducks. The birds in all other groups showed positive virus isolations and a high incidence of positive immune response. The last virus isolation was made at 22 days after intranasal infection of ducks with Ulster virus.  相似文献   

Groups of turkeys were exposed to different isolates of avian influenza virus from wild mallard ducks and domestic turkeys by the intracerebral, intravenous, intratracheal, and intra-airsac routes, and pathogenicity indices were calculated. For the intracerebral pathogenicity study, body weight was also measured. For intravenous, intratracheal, and intra-airsac pathogenicity studies, necropsy lesions were scored and serological responses were recorded. Only the intracerebral pathogenicity index and body weight gain post intracerebral infection demonstrated any differences between isolates. The other procedures failed to demonstrate any pathogenicity whatsoever. There was a correlation (R = 0.73) between intracerebral pathogenicity index and reduced weight gain postinfection. These studies suggest that growth suppression may be an objective measure of pathogenic potential of influenza viruses found to be nonpathogenic by other methods.  相似文献   

Rations containing 25% of either regular rapeseed oil (36% erucic acid), Oro rapeseed oil (1.9% erucic acid), soybean oil or a mixture of lard and corn oil were fed to chickens, ducks and turkeys. The regular rapeseed oil ration caused growth depression, increased feed conversion and anemia in all species. All the ducks and some of the chickens fed the regular rapeseed oil ration died. These dead birds were affected with hydropericardium and ascites. No deaths in the turkeys could be attributed to the regular rapeseed oil ration but some turkeys fed this ration had degenerative foci characterized by infiltrations of histiocytic and giant cells in the myocardium. Severe fatty change in the heart, skeletal muscles, spleen and kidney was found at an early age in all birds fed the regular rapeseed oil ration. Less severe fatty change but no other lesions were found in birds fed the Oro rapeseed oil and soybean oil rations.  相似文献   

1. The photopic spectral sensitivity of domestic ducks and turkeys was determined using an operant psychophysical technique. Spectral sensitivity was determined over a range of specified wavelengths, including UVA, between 326 < lambda < 694 nm and the results were directly compared with human spectral sensitivity measured under similar experimental conditions. 2. Domestic ducks and turkeys had similar spectral sensitivities to each other, and could perceive UVA radiation, although turkeys were more sensitive to UVA than ducks. For both species, peak sensitivity was between 544 < lambda < 577 nm, with reduced sensitivity at lambda = 508 and 600 nm. Both ducks and turkeys had a very different and broader range of spectral sensitivity than the human subjects tested. 3. Spectral sensitivity and UVA perception in these avian species are discussed in relation to their visual ecology and the mechanisms controlling neural processing of colour information.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of three Australian fowl plague viruses, FPV-1, FPV-2, FPV-3, isolated during a natural outbreak of the disease varied for chickens, turkeys and ducks. FPV-1 and FPV-2 were pathogenic for chickens and turkeys, but not for ducks. However, these viruses were not highly pathogenic as they failed to cause illness or death in all birds that became infected. FPV-3 was non-pathogenic for the three species tested.The viruses spread from infected to in-contact birds, and more readily to ducks than to chickens or turkeys. All chickens and turkeys infected with the fowl plague viruses developed specific serum haemagglutination-inhibiting antibody which persisted for up to 85 days after infection. The titre of this antibody wan ed in six of 16 ducks over an 85-day period and two ducks failed to produce detectable specific HaI antibody despite being infected with the virus.  相似文献   

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