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Jia W  Mondal SP  Naqi SA 《Avian diseases》2002,46(2):437-441
In order to verify a commonly held assumption that only Massachusetts (Mass) serotype of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) was prevalent in the United States between the 1930s (when IBV was first isolated) and the 1950s (when the use of commercial IBV vaccines began), we examined 40 IBV field isolates from the 1940s. Thirty-eight of those isolates were recognized as Mass serotype viruses based on their reactivity to Mass-specific monoclonal antibody (Mab) and neutralization by Mass-specific chicken serum. The remaining two isolates, N-M24 and N-M39, that did not react with Mass-specific Mab, resisted neutralization by Mass-specific chicken serum, and were neutralized only by homologous chicken antibody were identified as non-Mass IBV. When the first 900 nucleotides (nt) from the 5'-end of the spike (S1) glycoprotein gene and their deduced amino acid (aa) sequences were compared, the two non-Mass isolates differed from each other by 24% and 28%, respectively. In a similar comparison, the non-Mass viruses N-M24 and N-M39 differed from M28, a Mass-type isolate from the 1940s, by 21% and 22% (nt) and 28% and 27% (aa), respectively. These data indicate that antigenic and genetic diversity among IBV isolates existed even in the 1940s. Interestingly, when the N-terminal region of the S1 of M28 was compared to that of M41, a prototype Mass virus that has undergone countless number of in vivo and in vitro host passages, the two viruses differed by only 2% (nt) and 4% (aa). This finding suggests that frequent genetic changes are not inherent in all IBV genomes.  相似文献   

Thirty-three field isolates of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were recovered from commercial chicken flocks in Korea between 2003 and 2006 and were characterized phylogenetically by nucleotide sequence analysis of the IBV S1 gene hyper-variable region. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed that recent field isolates of IBV formed at least three distinct phylogenetic types, including K-I, K-II, and K-III. K-I type IBV consisted of indigenous, 13 IBV isolates which evolved from the Kr-EJ/95 strain and then separated into the lineages of type K-Ia and type K-Ib. K-II type IBV isolates (n = 19) were closely related to nephropathogenic IBV variants from China and Japan. The K-III type isolate (Kr/D064/05), first identified by this study, was closely related to enteric IBV variants from the Chinese strains that cause proventriculitis. Sequence comparisons showed amino acid differences of >27.5% between IBV types. The molecular epidemiologic characteristics of IBV field isolates are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A novel avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) variant, designated as GX-NN160421, was isolated from vaccinated chicken in Guangxi, China, in 2016. Based on analysis of the S1 gene sequence, GX-NN160421 belonged to the New-type 1 (GVI-1) strain. More importantly, three consecutive nucleotides (AAC) deletions were found in the highly conserved structure gene N. The serotype of GX-NN160421 was different from those of the commonly used vaccine strains. The mortality of the GX-NN160421 strain was 3.33%, which contrasted with 50% mortality in the clinical case, but high levels of virus shedding lasted at least 21 days. In conclusion, the first novel IBV variant with three-nucleotide-deletion in the N gene was identified, and this unique variant is low virulent but with a long time of virus shedding, indicating the continuing evolution of IBV and emphasizing the importance of limiting exposure to novel IBV strains as well as extensive monitoring of new IBVs.  相似文献   

Coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), the coronavirus of the chicken (Gallus gallus), is one of the foremost causes of economic loss within the poultry industry, affecting the performance of both meat-type and egg-laying birds. The virus replicates not only in the epithelium of upper and lower respiratory tract tissues, but also in many tissues along the alimentary tract and elsewhere e.g. kidney, oviduct and testes. It can be detected in both respiratory and faecal material. There is increasing evidence that IBV can infect species of bird other than the chicken. Interestingly breeds of chicken vary with respect to the severity of infection with IBV, which may be related to the immune response. Probably the major reason for the high profile of IBV is the existence of a very large number of serotypes. Both live and inactivated IB vaccines are used extensively, the latter requiring priming by the former. Their effectiveness is diminished by poor cross-protection. The nature of the protective immune response to IBV is poorly understood. What is known is that the surface spike protein, indeed the amino-terminal S1 half, is sufficient to induce good protective immunity. There is increasing evidence that only a few amino acid differences amongst S proteins are sufficient to have a detrimental impact on cross-protection. Experimental vector IB vaccines and genetically manipulated IBVs--with heterologous spike protein genes--have produced promising results, including in the context of in ovo vaccination.  相似文献   

采用RT—PCR方法对近年来本实验室分离的4株肾型IBV陕西分离株的纤突蛋白S1基因、膜蛋白基因(M)和核蛋白基因(N)分别进行扩增,测序后进行遗传变异分析。结果显示:与肾型疫苗株w93相比,各分离株S1基因均存在广泛的点突变,并且都存在基因插入现象,分离株之间氨基酸同源性为75.8%~99.4%;M基因除了存在点突变外,W09和WNl2在其5’端还存在9个核苷酸的缺失,分离株之间氨基酸同源性为91.0%~99.6%;N基N无插入和缺失,但存在基因点突变,分离株之间氨基酸同源性为99.3%~99.5%。4株IBV分离株在S1、M和N基因氨基酸系统进化树上分属于不同的进化群,且都与较早的肾型IBV陕西分离株w118遗传距离较远。结果表明,4株鸡肾型IBV流行毒株的s1、M和N基因均存在不同程度变异,这可能是免疫鸡群肾型鸡传染性支气管炎长期流行的主要原因.  相似文献   

1 流行病学与病因 鸡传染性支气管炎是由传染性支气管炎病毒引起鸡的一种急性、高度接触性呼吸道传染病。其特征是咳嗽、喘息、打喷嚏和气管发出罗音。雏鸡表现流鼻液,成鸡产蛋量下降。本病对各种年龄的鸡和不同品种的鸡均易感,以1-4周龄的雏鸡最易感染发病,  相似文献   

The avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strain Beaudette is an embryo-adapted virus that has extended species tropism in cell culture. In order to understand the acquired tropism of the Beaudette strain, we compared the S protein sequences of several IBV strains. The Beaudette strain was found to contain a putative heparan sulfate (HS)-binding site, indicating that the Beaudette virus may use HS as a selective receptor. To ascertain the requirements of cell-surface HS for Beaudette infectivity, we assayed for infectivity in the presence of soluble heparin as a competitor and determined infectivity in mutant cell lines with no HS or glycosaminoglycan expression. Our results indicate that HS plays a role as an attachment factor for IBV, working in concert with other factors like sialic acid to mediate virus binding to cells, and may explain in part the extended tropism of IBV Beaudette.  相似文献   

鸡传染性支气管炎 (IB)是由传染性支气管炎病毒 (IBV)引起的急性、高度接触性传染病。该病毒在复制过程中极易发生变异 ,从而导致IBV血清型众多 ,新的变异株不断出现。病毒对组织器官亲嗜性也在发生变化 ,导致不同病变型的出现。目前除呼吸型、肾型、肠型外 ,1 995年以来我国在江苏、山东、山西、安徽等地发现以生长阻滞、消瘦、腹泻 ,剖检表现为腺胃肿胀、乳头出血和溃疡 ,胸腺、法氏囊萎缩为特征的腺胃病变型鸡传染性支气管炎。并呈现流行趋势 ,给养鸡业造成重大经济损失。1 病原学王永坤 ( 1 996 )、王玉东 ( 1 997)等先后从发…  相似文献   

鸡腺胃型传染性支气管炎简称腺胃传支,是由鸡腺胃型传染性支气管炎病毒引起的一种以腺胃肿大、腺胃乳头出血、溃疡为主要特征的传染性疫病,该病多发生于雏鸡,成鸡也有发病,发病率可达100%,死亡率在3%~90%.近几年,随着养鸡业的迅速发展,本病呈扩散流行趋势,给养鸡业造成巨大的经济损失.  相似文献   

Two-week-old chickens of 9 inbred and partially inbred lines of chickens were challenged intranasally with a mixed infection consisting of a pool of virulent strains of infectious bronchitis virus and a pool of pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli. 2. Wide differences in mortality were observed in the different lines, ranging from 3% in a Brown Leghorn line to 87% in White Leghorn line 7(2). 3. Experiments involving challenge with E. coli alone or virus alone suggested that this variation reflected resistance to the virus rather than to E. coli. 4. Reciprocal F1 matings suggested these differences in mortality were not attributable to maternal effects and indicated that the inheritance of resistance was fully dominant. 5. The pattern of mortality in F2 and backcross progeny of matings was compatible with the inheritance of a dominant autosomal resistance gene and showed no evidence of association with the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

One IBV isolate, SC021202, was isolated from the kidneys of the infected young chickens by inoculating embryonated eggs, and its morphology, physiochemical and haemagglutonating properties were detected. Virulence of the isolate SC021202 was determined with specific pathogen-free (SPF) chicken inoculation. Nucleotide acid sequence of S1 gene of the isolate SC021202 was further sequenced and analysed. The physiochemical and morphological properties of the isolate SC021202 were in accordance to that of typical infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). In a pathogenicity experiment, the clinical signs and related gross lesions resembling those of field outbreak were reproduced and the virus isolate SC021202 was re-isolated from the kidneys of the infected chicken. Sequence data demonstrated that the full length of the amplified S1 gene of the isolate SC021202 was composed of 1931 nucleotides, coding a polypeptide of 543 amino acid residues. Compared with IBV strains from GenBank, the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of S1 gene of the isolate SC021202 shared 60.0-91.4% and 49.1-88.9% identities, respectively. A nucleotide fragment of 'CTTTTTAATTATACTAACGGA' was inserted at nucleotide site 208 in the S1 gene of the isolate. These results indicated that IBV isolate SC021202 was a new variant IBV isolate and responsible for field outbreak of nephritis.  相似文献   

A commercial infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) vaccine of the Massachusetts 41 strain was injected in embryonating chicken eggs on embryonation day (ED) 18. The IBV vaccine was pathogenic for embryos, and it was passaged in chicken kidney tissue culture to reduce the pathogenicity. At the 40th tissue culture passage (P40-IBV), the virus became apathogenic for the embryos. Maternal antibody-positive or -negative chicks hatching from eggs injected with P40-IBV developed antibody to IBV and were protected against challenge exposure at 4 weeks of age with virulent Massachusetts 41 IBV. Although P40-IBV protected chicks when administered on ED 18, this virus did not protect chicks well if given at hatch. When combined with the turkey herpesvirus (HVT), P40-IBV given on ED 18 did not interfere with the protection against challenge exposure with virulent Marek's disease virus, nor did the presence of HVT interfere with protection by P40-IBV. Thus, under laboratory conditions, IBV vaccine could be combined with HVT to form a bivalent embryonal vaccine.  相似文献   

Attenuation of avian infectious bronchitis virus by cold-adaptation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) Arkansas-type DPI strain was passaged 10 times in specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chicken embryos incubated at 28 C and 37 C. Virus grown at 28 C acquired cold-adapted (CA) and temperature-sensitive (TS) characteristics based on more-rapid growth at 28 C and a reduced ability to grown at 41 C, respectively, compared with non-cold-adapted (non-CA) virus grown at 37 C. The pathogenicity and immunogenicity were determined for CA and non-CA IBV in 1-day-old SPF chickens following intratracheal inoculation. The percentage of CA IBV-vaccinated chicks exhibiting respiratory disease exceeded 30% on only 1 day postinoculation (PI) (day 5 PI), compared with 8 days (days 2-9 PI) for birds given non-CA IBV. Mortality was 0% for CA IBV-vaccinated chickens and 6% for non-CA virus-vaccinated chickens. Microscopically, both CA and non-CA IBV caused diffuse tracheal deciliation, although mucosal hyperplasia, necrosis, and heterophil infiltration were more severe with non-CA IBV. Virus was reisolated from kidneys of chickens given CA IBV, suggesting the loss of the TS property. The instability of the TS property was confirmed by growth of the reisolated virus at 41 C. Both CA and non-CA viruses induced complete protection against homologous challenge virus infection of the upper respiratory tract.  相似文献   

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