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Pigeon circovirus was identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in young pigeons belonging to 12 different lofts. Viral DNA was extracted from formalin-fed, paraffin-imbedded tissues containing primarily bursa and occasionally liver and spleen with a commercial kit. PCR primers were selected from a published sequence for columbid circovirus and evaluated in a PCR assay. The histopathologic examination of various tissues revealed basophilic globular intracytoplasmic inclusions in the mononuclear cells of the bursa of Fabricius and occasionally in the spleen characteristic for a circovirus. Transmission electron microscopy of a few bursas of Fabricius revealed virus particles measuring 18-21 nm. All the samples were negative by PCR for psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) virus and chicken infectious anemia virus. The primers for both pigeon circovirus and PBFD virus did not react in PCR with the chicken anemia virus DNA. Most of the circovirus-infected pigeons had concurrent infections of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Pasteurella, Aspergillus, candidiasis, nematodiasis, or capillariasis.  相似文献   

Post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) emerged as a significant disease affecting pig production in the 1990s although the causal agent, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), and the disease itself, had existed in swine for many years prior to this. The important multifactorial ‘triggers’ of PMWS include the immune and infection status of the sow, the timing of PCV2 infection, variations in the virulence of PCV2, co-infections, immune modulation as well as host genetics and management factors. In terms of diagnosis, histopathological examination and the detection of PCV2 within lymphoid tissue remains the ‘gold standard’ as quantitative PCR techniques are currently not specific or sensitive enough. The recent commercial availability of PCV2 vaccines provides an excellent tool for reducing the impact of PMWS and other porcine circovirus-related diseases. This review assesses recent advances in the epidemiology, diagnosis and control of PMWS.  相似文献   

Haemophilus parasuis: new trends on diagnosis, epidemiology and control   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Haemophilus parasuis is a commensal organism of the upper respiratory tract of conventional pigs, but under appropriate conditions can invade and cause severe systemic disease, characterized by fibrinous polyserositis, arthritis and meningitis. Factors involved in systemic invasion by H. parasuis remain largely unknown. However, major advances in our knowledge of H. parasuis include (1) development of a species-specific PCR test to detect H. parasuis in clinical samples, (2) study of molecular epidemiology within and between herds, by use of a repetitive element-based PCR, (3) the proposal of an alternative serotyping technique, (4) development and testing of a new in vivo model for pathogenesis and virulence studies, and (5) use of controlled exposure of young pigs to low doses of live, virulent H. parasuis strains to reduce nursery mortality in affected swine herds.  相似文献   

This report offers a consensus opinion on the diagnosis, epidemiology, treatment, and control of the primary enteropathogenic bacteria in dogs and cats, with an emphasis on Clostridium difficile, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., and Escherichia coli associated with granulomatous colitis in Boxers. Veterinarians are challenged when attempting to diagnose animals with suspected bacterial-associated diarrhea because well-scrutinized practice guidelines that provide objective recommendations for implementing fecal testing are lacking. This problem is compounded by similar isolation rates for putative bacterial enteropathogens in animals with and without diarrhea, and by the lack of consensus among veterinary diagnostic laboratories as to which diagnostic assays should be utilized. Most bacterial enteropathogens are associated with self-limiting diarrhea, and injudicious administration of antimicrobials could be more harmful than beneficial. Salmonella and Campylobacter are well-documented zoonoses, but antimicrobial administration is not routinely advocated in uncomplicated cases and supportive therapy is recommended. Basic practices of isolation, use of appropriate protective equipment, and proper cleaning and disinfection are the mainstays of control. Handwashing with soap and water is preferred over use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers because spores of C. difficile and C. perfringens are alcohol-resistant, but susceptible to bleach (1:10 to 1:20 dilution of regular household bleach) and accelerated hydrogen peroxide. The implementation of practice guidelines in combination with the integration of validated molecular-based testing and conventional testing is pivotal if we are to optimize the identification and management of enteropathogenic bacteria in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

Campylobacter mucosalis and C hyointestinalis have been associated with the proliferative enteropathies of pigs. An examination of the antibody response to these organisms and to the intracellular campylobacter-like organism was undertaken. Antibody to the campylobacter-like organism was predominantly IgM, short lived, and could be detected by an immunofluorescence test using bacteria released from lesions as antigen. The majority (75 per cent) of pigs with proliferative enteropathy at necropsy were antibody positive and a small number (4 per cent) of pigs in which lesions were not observed were found to have antibody. Antibody appeared to be correlated with the presence of lesions rather than with exposure to infection and was independent of the presence of antibody to C mucosalis or C hyointestinalis. In natural outbreaks of the disease antibody to the campylobacter-like organism was more prevalent than clinical signs in the affected animals.  相似文献   

Pigeon circovirus (PiCV) was detected by real-time PCR in cloacal swabs, pharyngeal swabs, and serum samples taken from 74 feral pigeons (Columba livia var. domestica) that were caught at various locations in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. PiCV infections were detected in the majority of the tested birds. The highest (74.3%) detection rate was observed in the cloacal swabs and the lowest (31.1%) in serum samples. PiCV DNA was more readily detected in the cloacal swabs, pharyngeal swabs, and serum samples of birds younger than 1 yr. Molecular analysis of partial open reading frame V1 sequences showed that PiCV strains detected in feral pigeons share high nucleotide and amino acid sequence identities with PiCV strains detected in ornamental, racing, meat, and feral pigeons.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and dot blot hybridisation (DBH) tests for detecting pigeon circovirus (PiCV) DNA were developed and evaluated using tissue samples obtained from diseased and clinically normal pigeons, which originated in Belgium and Northern Ireland. When PCR product was visually detected, the limit of detection of the PCR test was 31 fg, while that of the DBH was 1.6p g. For evaluation purposes, the results of the PCR and DBH tests, performed with DNAs extracted from samples of bursa of Fabricius (BF), were compared with those of in situ hybridisation (ISH) and histology. In 32 samples tested by all four tests, 27 (84%) were positive by PCR, 24 (75%) were positive by ISH, 20 (63%) were positive by DBH, and 13 (41%) were positive by histology. Additional PCR testing showed that in some disease-affected birds, PiCV DNA could be detected in a range of tissues including thymus, spleen, liver, kidney and brain. The PCR detection of PiCV DNA in BF samples from clinically normal birds indicated that PCR can detect infections in the absence of disease, a finding that mitigates against its use as a disease diagnostic. In addition, nucleotide sequence determinations indicated that PCR test performance was adversely affected by the sequence diversity exhibited by selected PiCVs. The application of the DBH test to dilutions of test samples indicated that the BF from some diseased pigeons contained very large amounts of virus DNA, as much as 10(13)genome copies/g tissue, and suggested that this test may be a convenient method of providing a semi-quantitative estimate of virus load.  相似文献   

This paper describes a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method performed on blood samples and intestinal content to detect subclinical pigeon circovirus (PiCV) infection in live pigeons. In addition, two sets of primers (primer set 1 and 2), designed in two different regions of the viral genome, were used to provide evidence of possible differences in PCR responses. Blood and intestinal content samples were randomly collected from a total of 50 apparently healthy meat pigeons, aged 1 to 5 wk, which came from central Italy. Samples of primary lymphoid organs were also collected. Results showed a high level of PiCV infection, although clinical signs were not present. The results obtained with the two sets of primers showed that primer set 2 was able to detect a higher number of PCR-positive pigeons (45 of 50 pigeons) than primer set 1 (11 of 50 pigeons). In both cases an increase in positive results with pigeon age indicates that the major direction of transmission is likely horizontal. In these circumstances feces can play an important epidemiologic role, as supported by the consistent circovirus detection in intestinal content. The high sensitivity of this PCR test, which is able to detect very low amounts of viral DNA (5.5 x 10(-3) fg of plasmid containing the cloned PiCV genome), makes it suitable for possible application as an epidemiologic tool for identifying virus carriers for subsequent removal from lofts.  相似文献   

A total of 328 cloacal swabs and 163 footpads of wild birds were investigated for the presence of salmonellae. All 19 isolates from cloacal swabs were serotyped as Salmonella Typhimurium susceptible to all five conventional antimicrobial agents (ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, oxytetracycline and nalidixic acid) tested. In contrast, 15 salmonellae isolated from footpads included S. Muenhen, S. Virchow, S. Bareily and S. Bovismorbificans, including S. Typhimurium; these non-Salmonella Typhimurium isolates showed multiple drug resistance.  相似文献   

猪断奶后衰竭综合征(PMWS)又称仔猪圆环病毒病,主要病原体被认为是圆环病毒(PCV-2)。此病已在全世界范围内发生和流行,是近年新发现的、重要的猪的传染病,死亡率在10%-30%不等,较严重的地区,猪场在爆发本病时死淘率高达60%以上。自2005年以来,从辽阳市送诊的病猪中,发现了类似的病例,多数病猪表现相近的临床症状及病理变化。  相似文献   

浙江鸭血吸虫病流行学及诊断防治的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛毕吸虫病是水禽常见的蠕虫病.成虫寄生于宿主血管内.通称禽类血吸虫病,笔者耐此病之传染源螺类宿主感染途径、人群皮炎情况、免疫检测、药物防护及抗虫等进行研究,现将结果简报如下.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic methods are essential to understanding infectious diseases in aquaculture. Unfortunately, many of these methods are poorly understood or not utilized by fish-health scientists and aquaculturists — often because of the lack of contact with epidemiologists who are willing to investigate fish diseases. In this paper, we describe direct interactions between epidemiologists and fish-health specialists that have resulted in an improved understanding of the causes and management of infectious diseases in aquaculture. We focus on risk-factor studies, risk analysis and infectious-disease modeling, evaluation of diagnostic tests and experimental studies. We also describe characteristics of confined fish populations that make them ideal for developing and testing epidemiologic models and the theoretical and practical challenges of designing and conducting epidemiologic studies in fish farms. Throughout our presentation, emphasis is given to characteristics, opportunities and problems associated mainly with conducting epidemiologic studies to intensive aquaculture systems. We conclude that the development of increased cooperation among epidemiologists, fish-health scientists and aquaculturists will be mutually beneficial and, therefore, efforts for such collaboration should be initiated from all parties involved.  相似文献   

Brucellosis in sub-Saharan Africa: epidemiology,control and impact   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Brucellosis is an important disease among livestock and people in sub-Saharan Africa. In general, the incidence is the highest in pastoral production systems and decreases as herd size and size of landholding decreases. The prevalence of risk factors for infections are best understood for bovine brucellosis and to a lesser extent for ovine and caprine brucellosis. The occurrence and epidemiology of brucellosis in pigs is poorly understood. This species bias is also reflected in control activities. As with other public-sector animal health services, the surveillance and control of brucellosis in sub-Saharan Africa is rarely implemented outside southern Africa. Brucellosis is even more ignored in humans and most cases go undiagnosed and untreated, leading to considerable suffering for those affected. Decision-making to determine the importance of brucellosis control relative to other public concerns and what brucellosis control strategies should be applied is urgently required. A strategy for how brucellosis decision-making might be considered and applied in future is outlined.  相似文献   

A deteriorating tuberculosis problem in cattle and deer in New Zealand has been halted and then reversed over the last decade. Mycobacterium bovis infection in both wild and domestic animal populations has been controlled. This has been achieved by applying a multi-faceted science-based programme. Key features of this have been a comprehensive understanding of the epidemiology of tuberculosis in animals, confidence in sampling wild animal populations, effective application of diagnostic tests in cattle and deer, and the ability to map M. bovis genotypes.  相似文献   

We present a simple model of the dynamics of heartwater that we use to explore and better understand various aspects of this disease. We adapted the Ross-Macdonald model for malaria epidemiology so that we could consider both host and vector populations, and evaluate the interactions between the two. We then use two more biologically detailed models to examine heartwater epidemiology. The first includes a carrier state and host mortality, and the second includes density dependence. The results from all three models indicate that a stable equilibrium with high disease levels is probably the standard situation for heartwater (R0 between 5.7 and 22.4). More than 80% of cattle become infected with heartwater if only 12% of infected tick bites produce an infection in cattle, if tick burdens are as low as only five ticks per host per day, or if tick lifespans are as short as 7 d. A host recovery rate of 30 d results in over 50% of the cattle becoming infected with heartwater. Our analyses indicate that it is quite difficult to prevent the establishment and maintenance of high levels of heartwater in a herd, thereby supporting previous suggestions that any attempts at controlling this disease through stringent tick control regimens are not warranted.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease is an acute, highly communicable disease affecting cloven-hoofed animals, both domesticated and wild. It may well be the most contagious disease known in the animal kingdom. The key features that contribute to this include its ability to gain entry and initiate infection through a variety of sites, the small infective dose, the short incubation period, the release of virus before the onset of clinical signs, the massive quantities of virus excreted from infected animals, its ability to spread large distances due to airborne dispersal, and the persistence of the virus in the environment. These features, plus the ability of the virus to be disseminated through the movements of animals, animal products, people, and plant and equipment makes the disease very difficult to control. New Zealand has never experienced a foot-and-mouth disease epidemic, and the economic consequences of an outbreak would be disastrous, due to the eradication costs, the loss of productivity and the impact on the export of animals and animal products. The smuggling of meat products, embryos or semen into the country are perceived as the most likely ways in which the disease could be introduced. The New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries therefore operates a two-tier system of defense against foot-and-mouth disease. The first tier involves border protection through stringent import controls to prevent the entry of infectious material. If this barrier is breached, an emergency response programme is activated, involving a stamping-out eradication strategy. This paper attempts to draw on overseas historical outbreak experiences and research findings to gain insights into the epidemiology of foot-and-mouth disease as it would relate to New Zealand.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis as well as the slow virus infections maedi/visna and jaagsiekte came to Iceland in 1933 when 20 sheep of the Karakul breed were imported from Halle, Germany. At least five of these sheep were subclinical carriers of paratuberculosis. Within 16 years paratuberculosis together with the other Karakul diseases (maedi/visna and jaagsiekte) almost ruined sheep farming, the main agricultural industry in Iceland. The first clinical case of paratuberculosis in sheep was confirmed in 1938, and in cattle in 1944. The first cattle cases of paratuberculosis appeared on farms where the disease had been prevalent in sheep for years. The virulence in cattle appeared to be considerably lower than in sheep. Extensive measures were used to control the spread of paratuberculosis in sheep. Hundreds of kilometres of fences were put up and used together with natural geographic borders to restrict the movement of sheep from infected areas. Serological and other immunological tests were also used to detect and dispose of infected individuals. These measures proved inadequate and the disease could not be eradicated. Culling and restocking of uninfected sheep in endemic areas eradicated maedi/visna and jaagsiekte but not paratuberculosis. Experiments showed that vaccination against paratuberculosis could reduce mortality in sheep by 94%. Vaccination of sheep in endemic areas has been compulsory in Iceland since 1966 and as a result losses have been reduced considerably. Today, serology is used to detect and control infection in cattle herds. Furthermore, serology is used to control vaccination of sheep and screen for infection in non-endemic areas. The complement fixation (CF) test for paratuberculosis has been used until now, but recently we have started comparing the CF test with the CSL absorbed ELISA test.  相似文献   

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