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应用PCR检测鸭肠炎病毒弱毒在鸡胚体内的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据GenBank已发表的鸭肠炎病毒(DEV)UL6基因的部分核苷酸序列,设计并合成一对引物.以鸭肠炎病毒中国商品化疫苗毒蚀斑纯化株(DEV Clone-03)DNA为模板,经PCR扩增出预期516bp的目的片段。将此片段插入克隆载体质粒pMD18-T,并进行序列测定,序列比较结果显示,此段序列与参考序列完全一致。用PCR检测DEV Clone-03在鸡胚体内的分布情况显示,接毒死亡鸡胚的尿囊膜、心、肝、脾、肺、肾和肌肉皮肤内均存在病毒。PCR敏感试验表明此方法可以检测到100μL尿囊液中提取的10^-3稀释的病毒DNA,相当于0.2个EID50病毒量的DNA。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the safety and efficacy of a live Salmonella choleraesuis immunizing strain, obtained by repeated ingestion and recovery through porcine neutrophils. The strain was tested in mice and in pigs. The vaccine was safe and effective in controlled experimental trials, using clinical, pathologic, and microbiologic criteria. Vaccinated pigs were able to maintain normal weight gains during the 4-week observation period following challenge inoculation with a high dose of a virulent strain.  相似文献   

鸡群的饮水免疫是一种省时省力的群体免疫方法,和注射法、滴鼻法、点眼法相比,虽然免疫可靠性差一些,但仍能取得较好的效果,而且减少了抓鸡及注射时的应激刺激,受到规模养鸡场的重视,在实际生产中得到了广泛的应用。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the immune responses of single avian influenza virus (AIV) HA DNA vaccine immunization using attenuated Salmonella enterica sv. Typhimurium as an oral vaccine carrier and intramuscular (IM) DNA injection. One-day-old specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chicks immunized once by oral gavage with 10(9) Salmonella colony-forming units containing plasmid expression vector encoding the HA gene of A/Ck/Malaysia/5858/04 (H5N1) (pcDNA3.1.H5) did not show any clinical manifestations. Serum hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titer samples collected from the IM immunized chickens were low compared to those immunized with S. typhimurium.pcDNA3.1.H5. The highest average antibody titers were detected on day 35 post immunization for both IM and S. typhimurium.pcDNA3.1.H5 immunized groups, at 4.0±2.8 and 51.2±7.5, respectively. S. typhimurium.pcDNA3.1.H5 also elicited both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of immunized chickens as early as day 14 after immunization, at 20.5±2.0 and 22.9±1.9%, respectively. Meanwhile, the CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in chickens vaccinated intramuscularly were low at 5.9±0.9 and 8.5±1.3%, respectively. Immunization of chickens with S. typhimurium.pcDNA3.1.H5 enhanced IL-1β, IL-12β, IL-15 and IL-18 expressions in spleen although no significant differences were recorded in chickens vaccinated via IM and orally with S. typhimurium and S. typhimurium.pcDNA3.1. Hence, single oral administrations of the attenuated S. typhimurium containing pcDNA3.1.H5 showed antibody, T cell and Th1-like cytokine responses against AIV in chickens. Whether the T cell response induced by vaccination is virus-specific and whether vaccination protects against AIV infection requires further study.  相似文献   

Summary Uncooked white rice and cooked white rice were tested as vehicles for the V4 strain of oral Newcastle disease vaccine. The results of feeding experiments were evaluated by the measurement of haemagglutination inhibition antibodies against Newcastle disease virus. Little of the virus applied to uncooked white rice could be recovered, even immediately after mixing, whereas when the virus was applied to cooked white rice most of it could be recovered. In 4 separate experiments, chickens failed to respond serologically to vaccine supplied on uncooked white rice. In all of 4 experiments with cooked white rice, there were serological responses in vaccinated chickens, from 45% to 100% of the chickens developing titres sufficiently high to indicate protection against challenge with virulent virus. Development of haemagglutination inhibition antibodies in some control chickens indicated the ability of the vaccine virus for lateral spread or persistence in the environment.
Vacunacion Oral De Pollos Con La Cepa V4 Del Virus De La Enfermedad De Newcastle Utilizando Como Vehiculo Arroz Blanco Cocinado Y No Cocinado
Resumen Se utilizo arroz blanco sin cocinar y cocinado como vehículo para la vacuna oral con la cepa V4 de la enfermedad de Newcastle. Los resultados de los experimentos fueron evaluados mediante la determinación de los anticuerpos de inhibición-hemaglutinación contra el virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle. Poca cantidad del virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle pudo recuperarse en el arroz crudo, incluso inmediatamente despues de revolverlo, mientras que la mayoría del virus pudo recuperarse del arroz cocinado. En 4 experimentos separados, los pollos no respondieron serológicamente a la vacuna aplicada en arroz blanco crudo. En los 4 experimentos con arroz cocinado, se detectaron respuestas serológicas en los pollos vacunados; 45% a 100% de los pollos desarrollaron títulos suficientes como para resistir la descarga de virus virulento. El desarrollo de anticuerpos de inhibición-hemaglutinación en algunos de los pollos controles indicó la capacidad del virus vacunal para dispersarse lateralmente y persistir en el ambiente.

Vaccination Par Voie Orale De Poulets Avec La Souche V4 Du Virus De La Maladie De Newcastle Avec Comme Support Du Riz Blanc Cuit Et Du Riz Blanc Cru
Résumé Du riz blanc crû et du riz blanc cuit ont été testés en tant que supports de la souche de virus V4 du vaccin contre la maladie de Newcastle. Les résultats de ces expériences d'alimentation ont été évalués par la mesure des anticorps d'inhibition de l'hémagglutination du virus de la maladie de Newcastle.Seule une petite quantité du virus mélangé dans le riz blanc crû a pu être récupérée même immédiatement après le mélange. Par contre la majeur partie du virus a pu être récupérée lorsqu'il s'agissait du riz blanc cuit.Dans 4 expériences séparées, ils n'y avait pas de réponses sérologiques chez les poulets recevant du vaccin ajouté au riz blanc crû. Dans toutes les 4 expériences avec du riz blanc cuit, les réponses sérologiques ont été positives chez les poulets vaccines, 45p. 100 à 100p. 100 des poulets développant des titres suffisamment élevés pour démontrer une protection contre l'épreuve avec du virus virulent. Le développement des anticorps d'inhibition de l'hémagglutination chez quelques poulets témoins a montré la capacité de diffusion latérale ou la persistance dans l'environnement du virus.

Dependent on the species, feedstuffs and plants differ considerably in their iodine content. Among the I-poorest feedstuffs there are grain concentrates, extracted soybean and rapeseed oil meals, mixed feed (without I-containing mineral mixture) and grasses. The I content of the plants decreases with proceeding growth. The I intake of ruminants via vegetable feed and drinking water is affected by the distance of the site from the seaside and the geological origin of the soil material. Ruminants get considerably less iodine via feedstuffs and water in the southern territory of the GDR than in the central and northern areas. Therefore, mineral mixtures for cattle and sheep are supplemented with 18 mg KIO3 per kg mixture in the southern districts. The I analysis of 205 charges of mineral mixtures revealed only a mean I content of 7 (3.8-11.3) mg per kg mixture.  相似文献   

Summary In Kuwait, approximately 12,000 diary cows were vaccinated with a reduced dose of 3×109 Brucella abortus strain 19 and approximately 350,000 sexually mature sheep and goats with a reduced dose of 107B.melitensis strain Rev. 1. Using the criteria of prevaccinal and postvaccinal incidences of antibodies, abortions, and human cases of brucellosis, the programme was very successful. Widespread vaccination of adult animals is the most effective method of controlling brucellosis among cattle, sheep and goats in many countries.
Resumen En Kuwait, se vacunaron aproximadament 12,000 vacas lecheras con una dosis reducida de 3×109 organismos deBrucella abortus cepa 19 y approximadament 350,000 ovejas y cabras sexualmente maduras fueron vacunadas con una dosis reducida de 107 organismos deB. melitensis opa Rev. 1. Utilizando los criterios prevacunales de incidencia de anticuerpos, abortos, y casos humanos de brucelosis, el programa fuvo gran exito. Ef método mas efectivo de control de la brucelosis bovina, ovina y caprina an numerosas paises es la amplia utilización de vacuna en animales adultos.

Résumé Au Kuwait, environ 12,000 vaches laitiěres ont été vaccinées avec une dose réduite de souche 19Brucella abortus (3×109) et environ 350,000 moutons et chevres qui étaient matures sexuellement, one été vaccinés avec une dose réduite de soucheB. melitensis Rev. 1 (107). Basé sur la présence d'anticorps, sur le nombre d'avortements et de cas de brucellose chez les humains avant et aprés vaccination, le programme a été un succěs. La méthode la plus effective pour contr?ler la brucellose chez les bovins, les ovins et les caprins dans beaucoup de pays et de vacciner sans exception tous les animaux adultes.

Calves with experimentally induced iron deficiency anemia and normal calves, both groups deprived of colostrum, were exposed to intranasal instillation of an attenuated parainfluenza-3 virus strain.The calves became infected, but there was no difference in the clinical picture between the 2 groups of calves. Neither was there a difference in the humoral or local immune response to parainfluenza-3 virus.  相似文献   

The ‘gold standard’ vaccine against Marek’s disease in poultry is the CVI988/Rispens virus, which is not easily distinguishable, antigenically or genetically, from virulent Marek’s disease herpesvirus. Accurate differential measurement of the CVI988 vaccine and virulent viruses is important to investigate mechanisms of vaccinal protection. Minimal sequence differences between CVI988 and virulent MDV strains restrict the application of molecular diagnostic methods such as real-time PCR to distinguish between these viruses. The use of bacterial-artificial-chromosome (BAC) cloned CVI988 virus, which carries the BAC vector sequences in place of the Us2 gene, allows its differential quantification from virulent strains using real-time PCR assays that target the BAC vector sequence and the US2 gene respectively. These novel assays allowed investigation of replication of both serotype-1 vaccine virus (cloned CVI988) and challenge virus (RB-1B strain) in tissues of individual chickens in an experimental vaccination-challenge model of Marek’s disease.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with unpurified Brucella melitensis smooth lipopolysaccharide (S-LPS) as antigen was evaluated for the serological diagnosis of B. melitensis infection in sheep in comparison with the Rose Bengal (RB), complement fixation (CF), radial immunodiffusion (RID), microplate agglutination (MA) and rivanol agglutination (RIV) tests. Tests RB and CF detected as positive each of the 77 sera from B. melitensis-infected animals tested, the RID (74), MA (76) and the RIV (72) were less sensitive. However, all tests compared were negative when 77 sera from Brucella-free rams were tested. While subcutaneous Rev 1 vaccination induced high response levels in any of the tests, low level responses were obtained upon conjunctival vaccination, particularly in ELISA and RID tests.  相似文献   

The nasal and serum neutralising antibody responses of lambs was compared following vaccination with live or inactivated parainfluenza 3 (PI 3) virus by either intramuscular (IM) or intranasal (IN) routes. Nasal antibody was only detected following inoculation of live virus IN or inactivated virus in Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) IM. Immunity to aerosol challenge, as assessed by viral shedding from the nose, was conferred by (1) live virus administered by either route, (2) two IM inoculations of inactivated virus in FCA, and (3) one IM injection of inactivated virus in FCA followed by IN instillation of inactivated virus.  相似文献   

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