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EPR spectra of soluble coffee display single-line free radical signals in both the solid state and aqueous solution, along with signals from the paramagnetic ions Fe(III) and Mn(II). The intensity of the free radical signal in the pure solid was estimated to be ca. 7.5 x 10(16) unpaired electrons/g, and there was no significant change on dissolution in water. In aqueous solutions, however, the free radical signal declined rapidly over ca. 10-15 min in the temperature range 20-65 degrees C, after which only slow changes were observed. This decline, which was essentially independent of atmosphere, was greatest for the lowest temperatures used, and the intensity after 1 h fitted well to an exponential curve with respect to temperature. The free radicals responsible for the single-peak EPR signal did not react with any of the spin traps tested in the present experiments, but unstable free radicals with parameters consistent with adducts of C-centered radicals were detected in coffee solutions in the presence of PBN and 4-POBN spin traps. The presence of oxygen in the solutions increased the initial rate of formation of these free radical adducts. No adducts were detected when DEPMPO was used as spin trap. However, *OH adducts of DEPMPO were shown to be unstable in the presence of coffee, a fact which illustrates the strong free radical scavenging ability of coffee solutions.  相似文献   

为了应用电子自旋共振(ESR)波谱技术检测辐照葡萄,以葡萄皮、葡萄柄和葡萄籽为试验材料,研究其在0~10.0 kGy剂量范围ESR波谱特征变化以及辐照剂量与信号强度的关系。结果表明: 葡萄皮、葡萄柄和葡萄籽辐照后ESR波谱均有明显的区别,信号强度均随辐照剂量增加而增大。葡萄柄的辐照剂量检出限最低(0.25 kGy),是鉴定葡萄样品是否经过辐照的理想材料。通过比较葡萄皮、葡萄柄和葡萄籽剂量效应曲线得出葡萄柄拟合曲线最为准确(R2=0.9943)。3种辐照试验材料在贮藏期(15 d)内信号强度均有不同程度的衰减,辐照葡萄皮信号强度衰减最为剧烈(衰减80%)。研究结果为ESR波谱技术在辐照葡萄检测中的应用提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative anthocyanin composition of four wild tropical fruits from Colombia was studied. Compounds of "mora peque?a" ( Rubus megalococcus Focke.), "uva de árbol" ( Myrciaria aff. cauliflora O. Berg), coral, and motilón ( Hyeronima macrocarpa Mull. Arg.) fruits were separately extracted with methanol-acetic acid (95:5, v/v). The anthocyanin-rich extracts (AREs) were obtained by selective adsorption on Amberlite XAD-7. Each extract was analyzed by HPLC-PDA and HPLC-HRESI-MS(n) with LCMS-IT-TOF equipment in order to characterize the anthocyanin pigments and the coinjection in HPLC using standards allowed identifying the major constituents in each extract. The antioxidant activity was measured by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and UV-vis spectroscopy, using ABTS and DPPH free radicals. The ARE of motilón ( H. macrocarpa Müll. Arg) exhibited the highest radical scavenging activity in comparison to the other extracts. A second-order kinetic model was followed in all of the cases. These results suggested that the studied fruits are promising not only as source of natural pigments but also as antioxidant materials for food industry.  相似文献   

The incorporation of micronutrients (e.g., Fe, Mn, Cu) into synthetic hydroxyapatite (SHA) is proposed for slow release of these nutrients to crops in NASA's Advanced Life Support (ALS) program for long-duration space missions. Separate Fe3+ (Fe-SHA), Mn2+ (Mn-SHA), and Cu2+ (Cu-SHA) containing SHA materials were synthesized by a precipitation method. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to determine the location of Fe3+, Mn2+, and Cu2+ ions in the SHA structure and to identify other Fe(3+)-, Mn(2+)-, and Cu(2+)-containing phases that formed during precipitation. The EPR parameters for Fe3+ (g=4.20 and 8.93) and for Mn2+ (g=2.01, A=9.4 mT, D=39.0 mT and E=10.5 mT) indicated that Fe3+ and Mn2+ possessed rhombic ion crystal fields within the SHA structure. The Cu2+ EPR parameters (g(z)=2.488, A(z)=5.2 mT) indicated that Cu2+ was coordinated to more than six oxygens. The rhombic environments of Fe3+ and Mn2+ along with the unique Cu2+ environment suggested that these metals substituted for the 7 or 9 coordinate Ca2+ in SHA. The EPR analyses also detected poorly crystalline metal oxyhydroxides or metal-phosphates associated with SHA. The Fe-, Mn-, and Cu-SHA materials are potential slow release sources of Fe, Mn, and Cu for ALS and terrestrial cropping systems.  相似文献   

Humic acids from polar soils—cryozems (Cryosols), gleyezems (Gleysols), and peat soils (Histosols)—have been studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. First information was acquired on the content of free radicals in humic acids from polar soils for the northern regions of Western Siberia (Gydan Peninsula, Belyi Island). It was found that polar soils are characterized by higher contents of free radicals than other zonal soils. This is related to the lower degree of humification of organic matter and the enhanced hydromorphism under continuous permafrost conditions. The low degree of organic matter humification in the cryolithozone was confirmed by the increased content of free radicals as determined by electron paramagnetic resonance, which indicates a low biothermodynamic stability of organic matter.  相似文献   

Seeds of melon (Citrullus lanatus var. sp.), pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata), and sunflower (Heliantus annus) were gamma-irradiated at 1, 3, 5, and 10 kGy and analyzed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) according to EN1787:2000 and EN1785:2003, respectively. Distinguishable triplet signals due to the presence of induced cellulose radicals were found at 2.0010-2.0047 g in the EPR spectra. The gamma-irradiated radiolytic markers of 2-dodecylcyclobutanone (2-DCB) and 2-tetradecylcyclobutanone (2-TCB) were identified in all irradiated seed samples. Both the free radicals and the alkylcyclobutanones were found to increase with irradiation dose. In general, linear relationships between the amount of radicals and irradiation dosage could be established. Studies at an ambient temperature (20-25 degrees C) in a humidity-controlled environment showed a complete disappearance of the cellulosic peaks for irradiated samples upon 60 days of storage. Such instability behavior was considered to render the usefulness of using EPR alone in the determination of irradiated seed samples. On the other hand, 2-DCB and 2-TCB were also found to decompose rapidly (>85% loss after 120 days of storage), but the radiolytic markers remained quantifiable after 120 days of postirradiation storage. These results suggest that GC-MS is a versatile and complimentary technique for the confirmation of irradiation treatment to seeds.  相似文献   

In tropical soils, the high turnover rate and mineralization of organic matter (OM) associated with intensive agricultural use, generally leads to faster soil degradation than that observed in temperate climatic zones. The application of sewage sludge to the soils is one proposed method of maintaining soil organic matter, and is also an alternative method of disposing of this waste product. As well as containing large quantities of OM, sludge is also a significant source of supplementary nitrogen, phosphorus and other essential nutrients for plant growth. However, it is necessary to understand the qualitative and quantitative changes that take place in the OM in soil treated with sewage sludge. The approach of the present study was intended to identify possible structural changes caused by sewage sludge applications on soil humic acids (HAs). The HAs extracted from a Typic Achrortox under sewage sludge applications were characterized by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The soil samples were collected from a field experiment designed to evaluate the effects of different doses of sewage sludge on corn growth and development in Brazil. The sewage sludge originated from urban waste treated at the sewage sludge treatment station in the city of Franca, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The following soil treatments were studied: control (non-cultivated soil under natural vegetation (NC)), control soil amended with NPK (conventional corn fertilization) and four treatments N1, N2, N4 and N8 with applications of 3.5, 7, 14 and 28 Mg ha−1 of sewage sludge (dry matter), respectively. HAs were extracted from the surface layer using the methodology of the International Humic Substance Society (IHSS). Fe3+ and VO2+ ions complexed with HAs, and also semiquinone-type free radical (SFR) at concentrations of approximately 2.0 × 1018 spins g−1 HA were identified in EPR spectra. The levels of SFR were lower for treatments where the applied sewage sludge doses were equivalent to four and eight times the normal doses of N mineral fertilization, reaching values of 1.7 × 1018 and 1.24 × 1018 spins g−1 HA, respectively. The observed decrease in SFR content as sewage sludge dose was increased, was probably associated with the incorporation of less aromatic components into HAs originating from the sewage sludge.  相似文献   

为寻求简便而准确地对食品加工和贮藏过程中的美拉德反应进行鉴定的方法,该文研究加热食品中葡萄糖和乳球蛋白建立的美拉德反应体系的自由基变化,主要考察影响美拉德反应的温度和pH值变化导致的自由基改变,从而确定美拉德反应与其自由基变化之间的相互关系。在3种不同温度、有无氧气和3种不同pH值条件下,利用电子自旋共振(electron spin resonance,ESR)光谱检测美拉德反应自由基变化趋势,结果随温度升高,自由基数量增加,反应速度加快;随pH值由酸性向碱性移动,自由基数量增加;自由基数量在无氧条件时多于有氧条件。当自由基积累到一定浓度,由于聚合反应生成高分子聚合物使信号强度下降,最后消失。比较美拉德产物与2种底物产生的自由基发现,无论类型、数量还是生成速率都存在明显差异。研究结果表明,采用自旋捕集剂对不稳定的自由基进行捕集来分析信号能够有效表征加热食品中美拉德反应初中期阶段的自由基变化,从而有效表征和分析美拉德反应过程。与传统研究美拉德反应的分析方法比较,ESR光谱是一种简便灵敏的分析方法,可以作为研究加热食品美拉德反应的重要方法之一。  相似文献   

Free radical scavenging properties of hepatopancreas extracts of Pleoticus muelleri were evaluated by electron paramagnetic spin resonance spectrometry methods (EPR) against the stable 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. The present study was carried out to characterize different physiological stages of the shrimp under environmental and nutritional stress, evaluating the effect on growth, survival, and functional morphology of the hepatopancreas. Feeding trials were carried out on juveniles (1 g initial weight) held in aquaria. Each diet, with different concentrations of vitamins A and E, was tested in triplicate groups during 25 days. The control groups were fed with fresh squid mantle and with a vitamin-free diet. For all of the diets, the extracts exhibited strong DPPH radical scavenging activity, suggesting that the tissue is a powerful natural antioxidant. Individuals fed with different concentrations of vitamin E showed the strongest effect on the DPPH radicals, reducing the DPPH radicals to 50%, after an incubation period of 3 min. In contrast, the extracts of control animals, fed with squid mantle, had the weakest antioxidant activity (4%). These data indicated that the presence of vitamin E in the diet can provide immediate protection against free radicals.  相似文献   


Soil samples from different land use systems were collected before cropping (in spring) and after harvest (in fall) for organic phosphorus (P) extractions by 0.4M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and characterization by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. To prevent hydrolysis of organic P compounds prior to sample concentration, NaOH was removed from the NaOH soil extracts using a G‐25 Sephadex column. The 31P NMR spectra in the NaOH soil extracts showed the presence of glucose‐6 phosphate (up to 64%), glycerophosphate (up to 45%), nucleoside monophosphates (up to 91%), and polynucleotides (up to 58%) as the major forms of organic P in soils. The relative concentration of nucleoside monophosphates and polynucleotides decreased in some of the soils after harvest. The 31P NMR spectra of the extracts also revealed the presence of phosphoenolpyruvates, a previously unreported form of soil organic P.  相似文献   

The allergens associated with cashew food allergy have not been well-characterized. We sought to identify the major allergens in cashew nut by performing IgE immunoblots to dissociated and reduced or nonreduced cashew protein extracts, followed by sequencing of the peptides of interest. Sera from 15 subjects with life-threatening reactions to cashews and 8 subjects who tolerate cashews but have life-threatening reactions to other tree nuts were compared. An aqueous cashew protein extract containing albumin/globulin was separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and subjected to IgE immunoblotting using patient sera. Selected IgE reactive bands were subjected to N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Each of the 15 sera from cashew-allergic subjects showed IgE binding to the cashew protein extract. The dominant IgE-binding antigens in the reduced preparations included peptides in the 31-35 kD range, consistent with the large subunits of the major storage 13S globulin (legumin-like protein). Low-molecular-weight polypeptides of the 2S albumin family, with similarity to the major walnut allergen Jug r 1, also bound IgE. The sera from eight patients who tolerate cashew but displayed allergies to other tree nuts showed only minimal or no IgE binding to cashew. Cashew food allergy is associated with the presence of IgE directed against the major seed storage proteins in cashew, including the 13S globulin (legumin group) and 2S albumins, both of which represent major allergen classes in several plant seeds. Thus, the legumin-group proteins and 2S albumins are again identified as major food allergens, which will help further research into seed protein allergenicity.  相似文献   

There is current interest in the use of naturally occurring flavonoids as antioxidants for the preservation of foods and the prevention of diseases such as atherosclerosis and cancers. To establish the molecular characteristics required for maximum antioxidant activity, electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy has been used to determine the stoichiometry and kinetics of the hydrogen-donating ability of 15 flavonoids and d-alpha-tocopherol to galvinoxyl, a resonance-stabilized, sterically protected aryloxyl radical. The second-order reaction rates, which will be governed by O-H bond dissociation energies, were myricetin > morin > quercetin > fisetin approximately catechin > kaempferol approximately luteolin > rutin > d-alpha-tocopherol > taxifolin > tamarixetin > myricetin 3',4',5'-trimethyl ether > datiscetin > galangin > hesperitin approximately apigenin. Reactivity is highly dependant on the configuration of OH groups on the flavonoid B and C rings, there being little contribution from the A ring to antioxidant effectiveness. Highest reaction rates and stoichiometries were observed with flavonols capable of being oxidized to orthoquinones or extended paraquinones. However, rates and stoichiometries did not always correlate and the data suggest that kinetic factors may be of greater importance within a biological context.  相似文献   

Amino acids are minor compounds in wines, but they have a profound influence on wine quality, and amino acids composition can be used to differentiate wines according to the vine variety, geographical origin, and year of production. The NMR signals of amino acids in NMR spectra are overlapped by the signals of other compounds present and especially by the signals of dominant compounds such as water, ethanol, and glycerol. In this work we used 1D (1)H and (13)C, 2D homonuclear COSY, TOCSY, and 2D heteronuclear HSQC and HMQC pulse sequences, also with an incorporated WET pulse sequence element that allows the simultaneous suppression of several frequencies. Complete (1)H and (13)C NMR assignments for 17 amino acids commonly present in wine and of gamma-aminobutyric acid at pH 3 have been achieved in wine sample of Sauvignon from the Coastal wine-growing region of Slovenia, vintage 1994.  相似文献   

In the anode side of a two-chamber electrolyzer, electrolysis of a NaCl solution generates acidic electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water, which exhibits bactericidal effects against a large number of pathogens. This study was undertaken to investigate whether OH radical species are present in EO water or are formed when EO water reacts with iron ions. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) coupled with the spin trapping technique was used for the detection of free radicals. Samples of EO water were collected at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 5 min of electrolysis and immediately mixed with the spin trapping agent 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO). The 5,5-dimethyl-2-hydroxypyrrolidine-N-oxyl (DMPO-OH) spin adduct, characteristic of OH radicals, was not observed. Starting with 2-min electrolysis, a seven-line spectrum characteristic of 5,5-dimethyl-2-pyrrolidone-N-oxyl (DMPOX) was formed. The reactions of EO water with Fe3+ and Fe2+ in the presence of DMPO yielded the spin adduct DMPO-OH. However, the addition of OH radical scavengers (ethanol and methanol) did not generate the characteristic DMPO-alkyl spin adducts. This indicated that the DMPO-OH spectrum was due to a nucleophilic addition of water to DMPO and not to trapping of OH radicals.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to use monomers from cashew ( Anacardium occidentale L.) nut shells to develop molecularly imprinted polymers. Cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) is a cheap and renewable agro byproduct consisting of versatile monomers. Solvent-extracted CNSL contains over 80% anacardic acid (AnAc) with more than 90% degree of unsaturation in its C 15 side chain. From AnAc monomer, anacardanyl acrylate (AnAcr) and anacardanyl methacrylate (AnMcr) monomers were synthesized and their chemical structures were characterized by Fourier transform IR and NMR. Different imprinted bulk polymers based on AnAc, AnAcr, and AnMcr functional monomers have been prepared. In the present study, each functional monomer was separately copolymerized in toluene with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate and divinylbenzene as cross-linkers, using racemic propranolol as a model template. While the AnAc based polymer revealed a meager rebinding ability, the imprinted polymers made from AnAcr and AnMcr displayed highly specific propranolol binding. At a polymer concentration of 2 mg/mL, AnAcr and AnMcr based imprinted polymers were able to bind over 50% of trace propranolol (initial concentration 1.2 nM). Under the same condition propranolol uptake by the two nonimprinted control polymers was less than 20%. Chiral recognition properties of these polymers were further confirmed using tritium-labeled (S)-propranolol as a tracer in displacement experiments, suggesting that the apparent affinity of the imprinted chiral sites for the correct enantiomer is at least 10 times that of the mismatched (R)-propranolol. Moreover, cross reactivity studies of these polymers showed that the (S)-imprinted sites have higher cross-reactivity toward (R, S)-metoprolol than (R)-propranolol and (R)-timolol.  相似文献   

Cashew nut seeds were subjected to processing including autoclaving (121 degrees C for 5, 10, 20, and 30 min), blanching (100 degrees C for 1, 4, 7, and 10 min), microwave heating (1 and 2 min each at 500 and 1000 W), dry roasting (140 degrees C for 20 and 30 min; 170 degrees C for 15 and 20 min; and 200 degrees C for 10 and 15 min), gamma-irradiation (1, 5, 10, and 25 kGy), and pH (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13). Proteins from unprocessed and processed cashew nut seeds were probed for stability using anti-Ana o 2 rabbit polyclonal antibodies and mouse monoclonal antibodies directed against Ana o 1, Ana o 2, and Ana o 3 as detection agents. Results indicate that Ana o 1, Ana o 2, and Ana o 3 are stable regardless of the processing method to which the nut seeds are subjected.  相似文献   

Commercially available technical cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) nut shell liquid (CNSL) contains mainly cardanol (decarboxylated anacardic acid) and cardol. Cardanol, the monophenolic component of technical CNSL, is widely used as a synthon for the preparation of a number of polymers and agricultural products. This paper describes the separation of cardanol from toxic cardol. Technical CNSL was dissolved in a mixture of methanol and ammonium hydroxide (8:5) and extracted with hexane to obtain cardanol. The resultant methanolic ammonia layer was extracted with a mixture of ethyl acetate and hexane to yield cardol. This is the first industrially feasible process based on solvent extractions for the isolation of cardanol from technical CNSL.  相似文献   

Three categories of tobacco products were studied using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy: Cuban cigar brand name Montecristo, four international trademark cigarettes, and three types of Middle Eastern tobacco blends called Al-Moassal or Jurak. The Montecristo Cuban cigar is used as standard of high-quality tobacco. Mainly two EPR signals from all of the studied samples are observed: a very weak sharp EPR signal superimposed on a broad signal. The broad EPR signal is attributed to a manganese(II) complex. The intensity of the manganese(II) EPR signal is found to be related to the quality of the tobacco content. The sharp signal, which is characteristic of semiquinone radicals, is observed at room temperature, and its intensity increases drastically with temperature.  相似文献   

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