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Three sources of N fertilizer (urea, limestone ammonium nitrate (LAN) and ammonium sulphate) showed no consistent significant trends in terms of the dry matter yield and nitrogen or nitrate‐N content of midmar ryegrass. Ammonium sulphate was found to acidify the soil markedly, relative to urea, with LAN showing the least acidifying effect.  相似文献   

A fence‐line contrast study compared erosion levels, herbage production and grass species diversity in Umfolozi Game Reserve (UGR) and adjacent KwaZulu (KWZ). There was no significant difference in soil loss or A‐horizon depths measured in KWZ and UGR, but there were significant differences in both parameters when measurements from upper, mid and lower slope sites were compared. Similarly, there was no significant difference between herbage accumulated in KWZ and UGR in the absence of grazing, but there was a significant difference between the upper, mid and lower slope plots. There was also no significant difference between grass species richness measured on plots in KWZ and UGR, but there was a highly significant difference when the grass species richness was compared between upper, mid and lower slopes. The major conclusion drawn from these results was that differences in the topographical position of the plots, rather than differences in land‐use practices, explained the greater amount of variability in the data.  相似文献   

Inoculating white clover seedlings with E3 and Glomus tenuis vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizas produced slight increases in dry matter production in unsterilized field plots at Cedara, Natal. Phosphorus levels in plant tops showed no increases due to mycorrhizas but crude protein content of all mycorrhizal plants were higher than those of non‐mycorrhizal plants.  相似文献   


Run‐off and soil loss were monitored from a climax, subclimax and pioneer veld, each on a 5,9%, 4,1% and 2,1% slope, by means of a rainfall simulator on a Valsrivier soil form. With rainfall intensity, soil moisture content at the beginning of each rain storm, and soil texture the same for each treatment, plant cover and composition had a significant (positive) (P≤0,05) influence on the amount of soil loss and run‐off that occurred, as against the insignificant influence of the slope.

An average of 6,2 t/ha soil loss and 80,6% run‐off of the amount of water applied occurred from the pioneer veld (0,7% basal cover) on the steepest slope. In all the successional stages more run‐off and less soil loss occurred from wet soil than from dry soil. Significant (P≤0,01) relationships between basal and canopy cover were obtained with run‐off and soil loss.

The climax, subclimax and pioneer veld produced on average 0,57 g, 0,23 g and 0,07 g aboveground phytomass for each litre of water evapotranspirated.  相似文献   

1. Sixty sound eggs, assumed to have shell cuticle, were paired according to egg‐shell deformation value.

2. Egg weight and shell quality characteristics were recorded for the eggs and the cuticle was then removed from one egg of each pair.

3. Egg weight and shell quality were re‐assessed for the eggs from which the cuticle had been removed.

4. The cuticle made a significant (P<0.01) contribution to shell thickness and removal of it appeared to reduce shell strength when measured directly, but the method of measurement was too variable to establish this with statistical significance.  相似文献   

1. Two flocks of 60 laying hens were transferred from 14 h light (L): 10 h dark (D), to repeated 3L:3Dor4L:4D lighting schedules at 37 weeks of age. Egg production decreased slightly but egg weight and shell quality improved.

2. The intake of low‐calcium diet and of oyster shell were similar for each light period of each lighting regimen.

3. Ovipositions were distributed virtually at random throughout the day and the mean interval between successive eggs within a clutch was increased.

4. Reducing the total daily photoperiod from 12 to 6 h decreased daily food consumption.  相似文献   


A Near Infra‐Red Reflectance Spectrophotometer was calibrated to analyse Italian ryegrass for protein nitrogen (N). Rye‐grass samples having a wide range in N content were analysed by standard “wet” chemistry techniques and the resulting data used to calibrate the Near Infra‐Red Spectrophotometer for ryegrass N analysis. A correlation (r) of 0,99 and standard error of calibration (SEC) of 0,209 resulted from the initial regression analysis between the Near Infra‐Red Spectroscopy (NIRS) estimated and “wet” chemistry data. In order to further evaluate the accuracy of the NIRS calibration a separate set of ryegrass samples were analysed for N content, by both the “wet” chemistry and NIRS methods, resulting in a correlation (r) of 0,98 and standard error of prediction (SEP) of 0,235. The applicability of the NIRS ryegrass calibration to other species was briefly examined by estimating the N contents of kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) (r = 0,97 and SEP = 0,277).  相似文献   

1. The response of layers to adding diammonium citrate (DAC), sodium sulphate or methionine to a basal diet containing 136–3 g protein/kg was determined.

2. Supplementing the diet with DAC equivalent to 25 g protein/kg did not improve egg production, the efficiency of food utilisation, egg weight, nitrogen retention or the apparent absorption of lysine and methionine; increases in food intake and in the concentration of methionine in the serum and liver were observed.

3. Adding sodium sulphate, alone or with DAC, did not affect the variables noted above.

4. Supplementation of the basal diet with methionine increased egg production, egg weight, food intake and the concentrations of lysine in the serum and liver.

5. It is concluded that the supplemental NPN was used only in serum protein synthesis.  相似文献   

This article on the short‐term effects of veld fertilization in the Bankenveld, deals with the effects of nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilization, and stocking rates on beef, mutton and wool production. Increased beef production was obtained by applying nitrogenous (linear to 80 kg N/ha) and phosphatic fertilizer to the veld. Fertilization influenced the production of merino sheep less than that of cattle.

Production per animal decreased and that per unit area increased (to a certain point) as a result of increased stocking rates. The expression of these results as MLU/ha or as ha/MLU influenced the form of the response obtained.

Problems were encountered in utilizing fertilized veld, which influenced the economics of the practice. In spite of poor utilization, on some treatments, it appears that veld fertilization can be profitable in its initial stages.  相似文献   


This paper summarises current knowledge of the diagnostic value of avian plasma proteins and non‐protein nitrogen substances.

Reference values for total protein, the albumin: globulin ratio, uric acid, creatinine, and urea for various avian species are presented. The importance of the albumin:globulin ratio and the urea:uric acid ratio is emphasised.  相似文献   


Sequential growth measurements were made on successive populations of Themeda triandra and Sporobolus fimbriatus tillers initiated at different times of the year. The independent influences of tiller age and time of year on tiller growth were isolated by deriving growth indices for tillers of the same age at different times of the year and for tillers of all ages at each time of the year respectively.

Isolating the effect of plant age on growth showed that T. triandra is most productive under a regime of long periods of undisturbed growth, while S. fimbriatus is better suited to frequent interruptions in growth. Isolating the effect of time of year shows that both species are particularly sensitive to perturbations in spring. However, the photosynthetic efficiency of T. triandra is strongly influenced by time of year while S. fimbriatus seems to be a more opportunistic assimilator of sunlight.  相似文献   


Methods of determining stocking rate based on metabolic mass, animal type and biomass are reviewed in the context of equilibrial/disequilibrial paradigms. In South Africa, the calculation of ‘carrying capacity’ is based on conversion of animal species to metabolic mass equivalents. This assumes homogenous systems that tend to some point of equilibrium. It is applied widely in commercial livestock systems involving one or two species. Examination of a case study in the Lowveld of the Northern Province, South Africa, showed that the determination of ‘stocking rate’ in this multi‐herbivore and heterogenous system, overestimated the ‘carrying capacity’ of the reserve over 20 years. The actual animal numbers in the system dropped by approximately 4 000 kg km?2 after a drought in the early period of the study into the bounds as determined by a model incorporating rainfall and animal biomass. An approach to determine stocking density using animal type, biomass, rainfall and vegetation parameters is suggested. The development of this as a coarse‐scale (regional) and ranch‐specific model to cover a range of scales and heterogeneity in key resources is advocated.  相似文献   

1. Meat strain chicks were fed on diets containing 600 g rice bran/kg for the 7 to 8 week period required to reach broiler weight.

2. Extrusion cooking of rice bran resulted, in improved chick weight gain and food efficiency for the first two weeks of feeding, but this advantage was lost by the end of the feeding period.

3. Addition of 10 g calcium/kg to the stabilised rice bran diet prevented the decline in performance after two weeks of age, and birds fed on this diet continued to gain at an increasing rate until the end of the experiment.

4. Calcium supplementation of stabilised rice bran diets produced significantly greater gains and superior food utilisation compared to stabilised rice bran diets without added calcium.

5. Calcium supplementation did not affect weight gain of chicks fed on diets containing raw rice bran.

6. Taste panel evaluation of meat from birds fed on diets containing raw rice bran, stabilised rice bran, or no rice bran indicated a significant preference in only one combination tested. Any ‘off flavour could not be related to dietary treatment.  相似文献   

This research explored the nitrogen (N) uptake preference of Buchloe dactyloides, in order to improve the management of this species over the whole growth cycle. The experiment included two cultivars of B. dactyloides (‘Sundancer’ and ‘Texoka’) and four different N regimes (N0: No N as the control, N1: Urea, N2: Nitrate N, N3: Ammonium N and N4: a 1:1 mixture of nitrate N and ammonium N). The rate of N applied was 500 mg N·kg soil–1 in each case. It was found that total N content, root nitrate reductase (NR) activity, glutamine synthetase (GS) activity and shoot glutamate synthase (GOGAT) activity of B. dactyloides were significantly improved by adding mixed N (P<0.05). Shoot nitrate N content of B. dactyloides was significantly improved by adding nitrate N (P<0.05). Root nitrate N and ammonium N contents of B. dactyloides were significantly improved by adding urea (P<0.05). The shoot ammonium N content and NR activity of B. dactyloides were significantly improved by adding ammonium N (P<0.05). Shoot GS activity of B. dactyloides was significantly reduced by adding ammonium N (P<0.05). Root GOGAT activity of B. dactyloides was significantly reduced by adding nitrate N (P<0.05). Mixed N can better improve the physiological activity and promote the growth of B. dactyloides, but single nitrogen source will inhibit some nitrogen assimilase activity. Based on these results, it is recommended that 1:1 mixed nitrogen should be used as the nitrogen source in the production of B. dactyloides. Where the ammonium:nitrate is not 1:1, urea should be used as the nitrogen source. © 2022 Editorial Office of Acta Prataculturae Sinica. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

1. The effect of depriving turkeys of food or both food and water for 12 or 24 h prior to slaughter on live‐weight shrinkage, eviscerated carcass yield and water uptake by the carcass during chilling was studied.

2. Deprivation of both food and water more than doubled the live‐weight shrinkage caused by removal of food alone, and deprivation for 24 h doubled the live‐weight shrinkage caused by 12 h.

3. Reduction in eviscerated carcass yield was small (4 g/kg) when only food was removed for 12 h but was increased by deprivation of both food and water or by depriving for 24 h.

4. Carcass weight gain during chilling in ice and water was not influenced by pre‐slaughter treatment.  相似文献   

1. Cross‐bred hens were offered, from 25 to 73 weeks of age, diets based on either wheat or barley in the form of either a mash or as whole grains plus a concentrate mixture; four sources of xanthophylls were also compared.

2. Wheat reduced food intake by 8%, increased efficiency of food conversion and live‐weight gain while barley increased litter moisture content, and, during the first half of the laying year decreased egg production by 3.3% and yolk colour by 4%.

3. Hens offered whole grains ate 11% less food, converted food into eggs more efficiently, were heavier and laid larger eggs than those given the mash diets.

4. With whole grains yolk colour was less than with mash diets during the first 24 weeks of lay but this was reversed during the last 24 weeks of lay.

5. Either canthaxanthin or citranaxanthin or β‐apo‐8'‐carotenoic acid ethyl ester plus canthaxanthin in diets containing lucerne meal produced eggs with acceptable yolk colours.  相似文献   


Effects of nitrogen (N) (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 kg N ha?1) applied at five different times during autumn and early winter on the N fixation of Trifolium repens L. (white clover) in Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass) / white clover pastures were examined (Experiment 1). Effects of applying different N fertilisers (e.g. urea and ammonium nitrate) at 45 kg N ha?1 in autumn, with and without phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and sulphur (S) on N fixation were also tested (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, percentage N derived from the atmosphere (percent Ndfa) by white clover varied between 87% and 91% in the period after (24 to 36 days) N application. Increasing rates of N and time of application did not influence percent Ndfa. The amount of N fixed by white clover ranged from 0.8 to 3.7 kg N ha?1 in the period after N application. Increasing rates of applied N produced a significant (P<0.05) linear increase in the amount of N fixed. In Experiment 2, percent Ndfa and amount of N fixed (1.9 to 4.1 kg N ha?1) were unaffected by different N fertilisers, with and without P, K and S, in the period after (37 days) fertiliser application. For both experiments, fertiliser N increased dry matter yield while having no effect on white clover composition. It is concluded that single applications of N during the autumn and early winter benefit pasture growth without adversely affecting white clover N fixation or clover composition. This finding, however, will require further investigation.  相似文献   


In hierdie studie is ondersoek ingestel na die invloed van vier belankrike bosveldbome, naamlik, Acacia Senegal, Acacia tortilis, Boscia albitrunca en Combretum apiculatum op die verspreiding en en produktiwiteit van Panicum maximum.

Die studie is in twee fases uitgevoer: deur middel van veldproewe in die Laar‐ Krokodilrivier‐vallei, noord‐wes van Thabazimbi, en in die glasbuise van die Potchefstroomse Universiteit.

In die veld is opnames deur middel van strookpersele uitgevoer om die verspreiding van Panicum maximum in assosiasie met bogenoemde boomsoorte na te gaan.

In die glasbuise is die groeivermoë van Panicum maximum in grondmonsters wat onder die vier boomsoorte versamel is met dié van grondmonsters wat in oop dele versamel is vergelyk. Die invloed van ligte graad van beskaduïng en twee verskillende vogpeile op die groeivermoë van die proef plante is ter‐selfdertyd ondersoek.

‘n Proef is ook uitgevoer om die groeivermoë van Panicum maximum by toedienings van verskillende peile N, P en K by grond wat in oop dele versamel is te ondersoek.  相似文献   

1. Broiler chicks were fed normally for 21 d, then starved overnight and given a single oral dose of an aqueous solution of diammonium hydrogen citrate (DAHC), triammonium citrate (TAC), ammonium lactate (AL) or urea equivalent to 24.76 mg N. Controls were given water. The concentrations of free amino acids in the plasma were measured 2, 4 or 6 h after dosing. The only non‐essential amino acid significantly affected was glutamine, which increased in chicks given DAHG or TAC

2. In another experiment, non‐protein nitrogen (NPN) from the same sources was given at dosages of 124 mg N per chick. The concentrations of free amino acids in the plasma and liver were determined 2, 4 or 6 h after dosing. NPN from all sources increased the amount of glutamic acid and glutamine in both tissues (P< 0.001), although the response to urea was delayed. The concentrations of plasma aspartic acid (P<0.05), plasma alanine (P< 0.001) and liver aspartic acid (P< 0.001) also increased.

3. The results are discussed in relation to earlier studies with liver homogenates in vitro.  相似文献   

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