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A two‐year study was conducted in lightly grazed areas of Matopos Research Station, Zimbabwe, to evaluate the impact of widely spaced trees on understorey grass composition, yield and quality. The study trees were Terminalia sericea and Acacia karroo. Ordination techniques using grass density and biomass as indices separated quadrats according to soil type but not grass species according to understorey or open areas or according to tree species. Grass yield under tree crowns was similar to open areas, in contrast with most reports where understorey areas had higher yields. The high understorey grass quality that has been reported from savanna areas exhibiting grass composition differences was not expressed. Selective grazing of palatable perennial grasses growing in association with tree crowns and their eventual replacement by low‐yielding and less‐palatable grasses that normally grow in open areas is proposed as an explanation of the unique tree‐grass interaction scenario of this study. In areas where this replacement has occurred, recovery may require management interventions.  相似文献   


Hierarchical classification based on proportional species composition of the grass layer was used to identify and classify semi‐arid rangeland into range types. The relation between range types produced by the classification and the environmental parameters measured were investigated using a two‐group, and a multi‐group stepwise linear discriminant function analysis. The first split of the TWINSPAN dendrogram separated savanna from open grassveld. The open grassveld was characterized by Themeda triandra, Microchloa caffra, Eragrostis capensis and E. plana and the savanna by Setaria neglecta, Sporobolus fimbri atus,Panicum stapfianum and Cymbopogon plurinodis. The two range types were best discriminated by rainfall, soil depth and altitude with sites in the grassveld corresponding to deep soils and receiving rainfall of more than 450 mm a‐1, and sites in savanna corresponding to shallow soils and receiving rainfall of 400–500 mm a‐1. Further divisions within these two range types were related to soil textural and chemical characteristics of the A‐horizon. Multi‐group discriminant function analysis identified eight environmental variables which best discriminate between range types at level 3 of the hierarchical dendrogram. Rainfall, soil depth and altitude were selected as the most important environmental variables discriminating between range types. Reclassification by discriminant analysis using the eight selected environmental factors resulted in a 67% concurrence with range types. It is proposed that the area be stratified on the basis of the current classification for monitoring and management purposes.  相似文献   


Soils in the study, carried out in the Texas Trans‐Pecos region, were fine‐loamy, mixed, thermic Aridic Calciustolls; fine‐loamy, mixed, thermic Aridic Ustochrepts; and fine, mixed, thermic Typic Chromusterts. Our primary objective was to determine the effect of three grazing intensities within an intensive, short‐duration grazing system on selected soil physical properties. Maximum compaction occurred in the A2/AB horizons, which has significantly higher (P<0.05) penetrometer readings than the overlying A I/A horizons under all grazing intensities. Heavily grazed areas also have significantly higher (P<0.05) penetrometer reading than the other two areas in both horizons. Heavily grazed areas also have significantly lower (P<0.05) infiltration rates, saturated hydraulic conductivities, and water‐stable aggregates than soils grazed at the other two levels. Aggregates in the A2/AB horizon were more stable than aggregates in the Al and Bw horizons in every pedon under all grazing intensities. When the effect of grazing intensity was analysed for each horizon separately, the lightly grazed areas had significantly lower (P<0.05) bulk density and higher total porosity in the A2/AB horizons than comparable horizons from the other two sites. However, when all horizons were analysed together, no significant differences in bulk density were found among treatments and horizons. No significant differences were observed in percentage organic carbon among treatments.  相似文献   


Grasses have developed through natural selection to deter, escape and tolerate herbivory, and to escape and tolerate fire. In the semi‐arid grassveld of the Eastern Cape, the species Themeda triandra and Sporobolus fimbriatus have been classified as Decreaser and Increaser II plants respectively. Both species have well‐developed escape and tolerance mechanisms, although T. triandra readily tolerates defoliation only during the dormant season, while S. fimbriatus is adapted to tolerating defoliation throughout the year. Furthermore, T. triandra has only moderately developed deterrents to herbivory, in contrast to S. fimbriatus, where deterrents are well developed. It follows that the Decreaser species T. triandra is adapted to relatively frequent fire and no more than modest herbivory, while the Increaser II species, S. fimbriatus, is adapted to heavy herbivore usage, but infrequent fire.  相似文献   

Oesophageal fistulated steers were used to sample herbage daily during periods of occupation on veld in good and moderate condition. Forage quality was assessed in terms of in vitro dry matter digestibility and digestible crude protein. The quality of herbage ingested remained fairly constant as forage availability declined during periods of occupation, even when swards were grazed very severely. Digestibility declined somewhat from spring through to winter, but digestible crude protein content in the diet was unaffected by time of year. The quality of forage ingested during winter was nevertheless still high, even after a full growing season's rest. It was sufficient for growing steers to gain 0,75 kg livemass per day. Trends were similar on both veld condition types. It was concluded that, in semi‐arid grassveld of the eastern Cape, forage availability is likely to have a greater influence on animal performance than forage quality.  相似文献   


Rainfall variability is a major determinant of system dynamics and profitability of livestock enterprises in arid and semi‐arid environments. Range managers consequently require detailed information on the financial and ecological implications of various stocking strategies in order to formulate viable management systems. Data collected over seven seasons (1986–1993), from a series of extensive grazing trials in the semi‐arid savanna of KwaZulu‐Natal with cattle stocked at three rates (0.17, 0.23 and 0.30 LSU ha?1) were used to develop a bioeconomic stocking model (LOWBEEF). The model comprised two biological sub‐models (BEEF and GRASS), and an integrated economic component. The BEEF sub‐model related seasonal live mass gain to stocking rate and rainfall. The GRASS sub‐model related residual herbage at the end of summer to summer stocking intensity, range condition (indexed as the sum of proportions of three key forage species, Themeda triandra, Panicum maximum and P. coloratum) and rainfall. The period over which supplementary feeding would be required to maintain cattle mass was related to residual summer herbage mass. The biological sub‐models were linked to an economic component model (ECON) to reflect the influence of various environmental and economic parameters on profitability.  相似文献   

Species composition data of the grass layer were determined from point surveys along permanently demarcated transects. These data were separated into vegetation units using multivariate techniques. The repeatability of this classification was tested on data collected over a period of time. The results indicate that classification based on composition data collected from a single sampling period was adequate for practical purposes provided certain precautions were taken. Change in vegetation was assessed by ordering sites from repeated measurements and tracing site trajectories through ordination space. The trends along the axes were strongly correlated with assessed condition score.  相似文献   


Seeds of four indigenous plant species were sown in 1990 in small‐scale field trials in an arid, non‐seasonal rainfall region of the southern Karoo, South Africa. Seeds of a winter annual Tetragonia echinata (Aizoaceae) showed innate dormancy but those of three perennial shrubs Pteronia empetrifolia, P. pollens and Osteospermum sinuatum (all Asteraceae) emerged only after the first substantial autumn rain. In good rangeland, seedling growth and survival was better in clearings than in undisturbed vegetation. In poor, continuously‐grazed rangeland, sheep had more influence on growth and survival of O. sinuatum seedlings than did vegetation clearing. These findings should be tested by means of large‐scale trials replicated in time and space.  相似文献   


The False Thornveld of the Eastern Cape experienced a particularly intense drought during the 1982/83 growing season. Extensive grass mortality took place during the drought. After the drought, recovery was particularly sensitive to the post‐drought management treatment applied. Veld that was grazed immediately after the drought recovered far more slowly than veld that was rested. This effect was still evident three years later, illustrating the considerable importance of resting semi‐arid grassveld after a drought.

Increaser I grass species present were apparently more capable of surviving drought than the Decreaser species, which in turn were more stable than the Increaser II species. Their ability to recover after the drought followed an opposite trend. On this basis, the desirability of Decreaser dominated veld, in situations that are likely to be poorly managed, is questioned.  相似文献   


Sequential growth measurements were made on successive populations of Themeda triandra and Sporobolus fimbriatus tillers initiated at different times of the year. The independent influences of tiller age and time of year on tiller growth were isolated by deriving growth indices for tillers of the same age at different times of the year and for tillers of all ages at each time of the year respectively.

Isolating the effect of plant age on growth showed that T. triandra is most productive under a regime of long periods of undisturbed growth, while S. fimbriatus is better suited to frequent interruptions in growth. Isolating the effect of time of year shows that both species are particularly sensitive to perturbations in spring. However, the photosynthetic efficiency of T. triandra is strongly influenced by time of year while S. fimbriatus seems to be a more opportunistic assimilator of sunlight.  相似文献   

A host of grassland management systems have been published and recommended. Whereas earlier approaches to grassland management emphasized the systematic resting aspect, the systems published since 1966 have tended to stress the degree of utilization of the grassland sward. In an attempt to accommodate the periodic dry periods that are so typical of the semi‐arid grasslands of western Transvaal, the Potch system of management was evolved. It aims at the development of a fodder reserve, firstly by delaying the commencement of summer grazing, and secondly, by allowing prolonged periods of absence in the grazing rotation. High utilization grazing within the concept of controlled selective grazing is prescribed. This approach was tested and demonstrated over a period of five years in an experiment comprising 240 beef breeding cows. It appeared that generally, summer grazing only commenced after the third week of November, and that the mean period of occupation amounted to 20 days, with a period of absence of 87 days. A conception rate of 85% of all the cows and heifers mated, was achieved. A stocking rate of 0.53 LSU ha?1 could be maintained in an area where the general grazing capacity is 0.33 LSU ha?1.  相似文献   

Forty systematically‐placed observation points were established in a 1.5‐ha area of floristically unifoim veld in which productivity varied spatially. At each point grass yields were determined by harvesting quadrats at eight‐week intervals during the growing season, and the volumetric water content of the soil was measured weekly. In addition, root mass and root‐N content, and soil variables involving C and N contents, extractable P, K, Ca and Mg, cation exchange capacity and base saturation, pH, clay content and soil depth, were determined. The data were examined using linear correlations between variables, principal components analysis and multiple regression. The major factors associated with variations in yield were, in order of importance, soil water content, the N supply (as expressed by root‐N content or root‐N mass) and the cation supply (as expressed by the topsoil variables, extractable Ca or cation exchange capacity or percentage base saturation). There was a relatively weak positive association between yields and the H+ concentration in the subsoil, and a weak negative association between yields and the clay content of the topsoil. A multiple regression function involving all five factors accounted for 77.3% of the variation in dry matter yield.  相似文献   

An ability to tolerate recurrent defoliation likely plays a role in the compositional shift from decreaser to increaser species with overgrazing of mesic grassland, but the grazing tolerance of local species has not been extensively studied. The growth response of two decreasers, three Increaser II grasses, and an Increaser III species to frequent, severe defoliation under three levels of competition from neighbours and two levels of soil nutrients was examined in a pot trial. The effects of competition and especially nutrients markedly modified the defoliation tolerance of different species, and grazing response groups varied in the manner in which their defoliation responses were mediated by these interactions. Contrary to expectation, defoliation constrained potential productivity most in nutrient-rich, competition-free environments, probably because it exacerbates a carbon limitation on growth. However, nutrient enrichment did enable Increaser II grasses, but not other species, to better tolerate intense defoliation, explaining why they can persist on intensively grazed fertile patches and in heavily stocked grassland, such as in communal areas, where nutrients are more available. It is concluded that grazing tolerance is not a fixed property of species or grazing response groups but depends on biotic and abiotic environmental factors.  相似文献   


Methods of determining stocking rate based on metabolic mass, animal type and biomass are reviewed in the context of equilibrial/disequilibrial paradigms. In South Africa, the calculation of ‘carrying capacity’ is based on conversion of animal species to metabolic mass equivalents. This assumes homogenous systems that tend to some point of equilibrium. It is applied widely in commercial livestock systems involving one or two species. Examination of a case study in the Lowveld of the Northern Province, South Africa, showed that the determination of ‘stocking rate’ in this multi‐herbivore and heterogenous system, overestimated the ‘carrying capacity’ of the reserve over 20 years. The actual animal numbers in the system dropped by approximately 4 000 kg km?2 after a drought in the early period of the study into the bounds as determined by a model incorporating rainfall and animal biomass. An approach to determine stocking density using animal type, biomass, rainfall and vegetation parameters is suggested. The development of this as a coarse‐scale (regional) and ranch‐specific model to cover a range of scales and heterogeneity in key resources is advocated.  相似文献   

Herbaceous plant species composition was measured on ranches in the Thabazimbi district, Transvaal, to obtain veld composition scores and to quantify the relations between such scores and certain determinants considered important in influencing species composition. Determinants investigated were mean annual rainfall and herbivory (stocking rate). The survey was undertaken on seven game and cattle ranches in Combretum apiculatum woodland of the Mixed Bushveld (Acocks 18) of the north‐western Transvaal. Rainfall for the season preceding the vegetation survey and bulk and selective grazer stocking rates had a significant effect on veld composition scores. The recommended agricultural grazer stocking rate for the survey area is 12.5 LSU 100 ha"1 a"1. Under the present conditions and in view of the findings of this survey, it is suggested that a grazer stocking rate of 6.25 LSU 100 ha?1 a?1 be implemented.  相似文献   

1. Ovarian follicles in broiler hens from 3 lines fed ad libitum or food restricted were examined at point of lay and from 2 of these lines at 47 weeks of age. The lines were Ross 1 birds and birds selected to be lean or fat on the basis of their plasma very low density lipoprotein concentrations at 7 weeks of age.

2. Follicles of diameter greater than 1.4 mm were classified into size groups, and the numbers in these groups in the anterior and posterior halves of the ovary were compared for the effects of line and feeding régimen.

3. There were more yellow follicles ( > 8 mm diameter) in the anterior half of the ovary, and this difference was greater for ad libitum birds. Ad libitum feeding did not influence the number of yellow follicles in the posterior segment of the ovary.

4. The increase in numbers of yellow follicles in the anterior segment of the ovary differed according to line at point of lay, but not at 47 weeks of age.

5. Birds of 47 weeks of age showed higher numbers of follicles 1.4–6 mm in diameter in the posterior segment of the ovary, and smaller numbers of follicles 6–8 mm in diameter. Thus, although large numbers of white follicles were in the earlier stages of growth, there were fewer ovulable yellow follicles because of higher levels of atresia.  相似文献   


Satellite‐derived vegetation indices were used to identify a geochemical mound of higher active greenness in the Karoo National Park, Beaufort West, South Africa. We determined whether this mound was occupied by plants with higher CO2 assimilation rate. Plant cover on and off the mound was determined. Three woody species with high cover were selected for further investigation. Two deep‐rooted species, Rhigozum obovatum Burch. and Eriocephalus ericoides (L.f.) Druce, showed greater net CO2 assimilation rates on the mound. Net CO2 assimilation rates for the third species, Pentzia incana (Thunb.) Kuntze were similar both on and off the mound. In an attempt to find a mechanistic basis for the elevated CO2 assimilation rates, the relationships between soil factors, foliar nutrients and CO2 assimilation capacity were also examined. Our results suggest that the elevated net CO2 assimilation was not mediated via improved soil or plant water relations on the actively greening mound, nor through a difference in nitrogen levels in the soil or plant material, but possibly by way of the higher sub‐soil phosphorus levels measured from the geochemical mound. Genotype and cover cannot alone be used for rangeland condition assessment since localized elevated soil nutrient status (patchiness) contributes to greater photosynthetic carbon gain which may confer superior browsing responses to plants occurring on these mounds.  相似文献   

1. A single injection into laying hens of 60 mg metyrapone 28 h after the final ovulation of a sequence induced increases in the plasma concentrations of LH and progesterone, followed by premature ovulation. Injection of metyrapone 8 h after ovulation, however, did not affect plasma concentrations of either LH or progesterone.

2. Injection of laying hens with 60 mg metyrapone on 5 successive days reduced the effectiveness of exogenous ACTH in increasing the plasma concentration of corticosterone and abolished the system of “ open “ and “ closed periods “ for pre‐ovulatory LH release. Thus, pre‐ovulatory LH surges and ovipositions occurred throughout the 24‐h day instead of being restricted to an 8 to 10‐h period of the day.

3. These observations suggest that changes in environmental stimuli such as light act via the adrenal gland in regulating the timing of the “ open period “ for the pre‐ovulatory release of LH in the hen.  相似文献   

Ectothermic vertebrates are sensitive to thermal fluctuations in the environments where they occur. To buffer these fluctuations, ectotherms use different strategies, including the integument, which is a barrier that minimizes temperature exchange between the inner body and the surrounding air. In lizards, this barrier is constituted by keratinized scales of variable size, shape and texture, and its main function is protection, water loss avoidance and thermoregulation. The size of scales in lizards has been proposed to vary in relation to climatic gradients; however, it has also been observed that in some groups of Iguanian lizards it could be related to phylogeny. Thus, here, we studied the area and number of scales (dorsal and ventral) of 60 species of Liolaemus lizards distributed in a broad latitudinal and altitudinal gradient to determine the nature of the variation of the scales with climate, and found that the number and size of scales are related to climatic variables, such as temperature and geographical variables as altitude. The evolutionary process that best explained how these morphological variables evolved was the Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck model. The number of scales seemed to be related to common ancestry, whereas dorsal and ventral scale areas seemed to vary as a consequence of ecological traits. In fact, the ventral area is less exposed to climate conditions such as ultraviolet radiation or wind and is, thus, under less pressure to change in response to alterations in external conditions. It is possible that scale ornamentation, such as keels and granulosity, may bring some more information in this regard.  相似文献   

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