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A total of 7000 meristems were used in experiments to investigate the possibility of cloning Sequoiadendron giganteum Buchholz by in vitro meristem culture of juvenile (2-year-old) and mature (100-year-old) ortets. Cultures were initiated on a low-salt medium containing 0.1 mg l(-1) 1-naphthaleneacetic acid to stimulate meristematic activity. Benzylamino purine (0.01-0.5 mg l(-1)) inhibited meristematic activity, whereas gibberellic acid (0.01-0.5 mg l(-1)) had no effect on meristematic development. The mature ortet showed more specific mineral requirements and a lower capacity for cloning than the juvenile ortet. Rooted plants were obtained only from the juvenile clone. There was a marked seasonal effect on meristematic activity, especially for the mature clone, the most active material being obtained during budbreak.  相似文献   

Effect of cutting position on rooting and shoot growth of two poplar clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One-year-old shoots from stooling beds of Populus × deltoides Walker and Populus jackii Northwest were collected in late fall to determine the effect of cutting position on rooting and growth of hardwood poplar cuttings. Cuttings with a minimum diameter of 9.0 mm were obtained from basal, middle and distal locations on the poplar shoot. Rooting and shoot growth were assessed in the greenhouse and under field conditions. Walker poplar cuttings collected from basal portions of the shoot and planted in the field had 87.6% rooting and 103.8 cm growth compared to 78.8% and 103.4 cm and 67.6% and 88.8 cm for middle and distal locations respectively. For Northwest rooting and growth under field conditions was 84.4% and 94.7 cm for basal, 78.4% and 90.5 cm for mid and 64.4% and 84.3 cm for distal locations. Rooting in the greenhouse was superior to the field. Walker cuttings had fewer roots and buds per cutting than Northwest, however, growth of Walker in the field was superior.  相似文献   

该文报道了大叶榉树无性系2年生幼林生长测定结果。研究表明,不同无性系树高、胸径、枝下高、冠幅、干形、分枝数、分枝粗、分枝角度等8个性状均有显著差异(P0.05),不同性状的遗传变异系数在4.7%~26.6%之间,性状重复力在0.49~0.89之间。胸径与树高、枝下高之间,冠幅与分枝角度、干形(弯曲度)之间存在显著正相关,树高与分枝粗度之间存在显著的负相关。主成分分析结果显示,无性系性状前4个主成分的贡献率达85.21%,利用主成分得分值进行聚类分析,可将24个无性系划分为4类。以用材为育种目标,初选出"红4"、"桔3"和"黄10"等3个优良无性系。  相似文献   

We developed procedures for the micropropagation of Juniperus oxycedrus L. using shoot apices or nodal segments from mature plants. Of the media and explants examined, best culture establishment was obtained with shoot apices cultured on modified Schenk and Hildebrandt medium (SH medium) without growth regulators; however, shoot multiplication was only achieved when shoot apices isolated from shoots grown on SH medium without growth regulators were subcultured on SH medium containing 0.5 micro M benzyladenine. None of the auxins and methods tested for root induction provided satisfactory results.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that leaf age affects photosynthetic induction, because conductance to CO2 diffusion usually decreases with increasing leaf age. Photosynthetic inductions, primarily determined by the light modulation of Rubisco activity and stomatal opening, were investigated in both young and mature leaves, as defined by leaf plastochron index (LPI), from three poplar clones: Populus alba L., P. nigra L. and P. x euramericana (Dode) Guinier. In all clones, maximum assimilation rates (A max), maximum stomatal conductance (G Smax) and dark respiration rates (RD) were higher in young leaves (LPI = 3-5) than in mature leaves (LPI = 10-14), and A max decreased from P. alba via P. x euramericana to P. nigra. The clones with high photosynthetic capacity had low induction states 60 s after leaf illumination (IS60; indicating a slow initial induction phase), and required less time to reach 90% photosynthetic induction (T90). In contrast, the clone with the lowest photosynthetic capacity (P. nigra) exhibited high IS60 (high initial induction state) but a long induction time (high T90). A comparison of mature leaves with young leaves revealed significantly (P < 0.01) lower IS60 values in mature leaves of P. nigra only, and significantly higher T90 values in mature leaves of P. alba only. In all clones, young leaves exhibited a lower percentage of maximum transient stomatal limitation during photosynthetic induction (4-9%) compared with mature leaves (16-30%). Transient biochemical limitation, assessed on the basis of the time constants of Rubisco activation (tau), was significantly higher in mature leaves than in young leaves of P. alba; whereas there were no significant differences in tau between young and mature leaves of the other poplar clones. Thus, our hypothesis that leaf age affects photosynthetic induction was confirmed at the level of transient stomatal limitation, which was significantly higher in mature leaves than in young leaves in all clones. For the induction parameters IS60, T90 and tau, photosynthetic induction was more clone-specific and was dependent on leaf age only in some cases, an observation that may apply to other tree species.  相似文献   

In-vitro-cultured shoots of clones initiated from shoots of the basal parts (BS) and the crown (C) of two mature Quercus robur L. trees were subjected to rooting experiments to relate rooting with shoot topophysical origin. The BS shoots exhibited morphologically juvenile characteristics and rooted more easily after indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatment than C shoots. When naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) was applied to BS shoots, rooting capacity decreased and root emergence was delayed at least 2 days compared with shoots treated with IBA only. During the first days of the rooting process, endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentration was higher in C shoots than in BS shoots, regardless of whether the shoots were treated with NPA. Mitotic figures were observed in cells from the basal part of both BS and C shoots 24 h after IBA treatment. After 4 days of IBA treatment, the occurrence of histological events differed between BS shoots and C shoots. Cells of BS shoots became meristematic, giving rise to meristemoids and root primordia, whereas no differentiation of root meristemoids occurred in cells of C shoots. Thus, although adult oak material (C shoots) is capable of responding to the initial stimulus of auxin during the adventitious rooting process, the endogenous IAA concentration is not the factor limiting rooting in adult material.  相似文献   

The in vitro adventitious shoot differentiation in leaflet explants of an adult tree differed from that of leaflet explants of seedlings of Albizia procera(Roxb.)Benth. reported previously elsewhere. The leaflet explants from an adult tree passed through an initial callus phase for30 days on MS medium supplemented with 3 % sucrose,2.5 l M 2,4-D followed by a subsequent adventitious shoot differentiation phase for another 30 days on half MS medium supplemented with 0.25 l M each of BA and IBA.The regeneration rate of in vitro adventitious shoots in explants from the adult tree, i.e.1.66 shoots/callus, was lower than that from seedlings, i.e. [10 shoots/callus,which was reported elsewhere. Correspondingly, the activities of nitrate reductase and peroxidase, and endogenous phenol content remained very low during in vitro adventitious shoot differentiation in leaflet explants of an adult tree possibly due to lower availability of competent stem(juvenile) cells for the process.  相似文献   

Callus cultures were established from internodal segments of shoot cultures from two mature black locust Robinia pseudoacacia L. trees. Callus of both trees produced shoots on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 10 microM 6-benzylaminopurine alone or in combination with 1 microM naphthaleneacetic acid. Regenerated shoots were successfully multiplied on MS medium containing 0.32 microM 6-benzylaminopurine, and produced roots on 0.1 strength MS medium containing 1 microM indole-3-butyric acid. One clone consistently outperformed the other with respect to shoot proliferation and proportion of shoots that produced roots. This distinction had previously been observed in shoots produced from bud explants obtained from the mature trees.  相似文献   

Growth and gas exchange characteristics were studied in pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and spruce (Picea abies Karst.) seedlings grown in hydroponic culture in the presence of N (50 mg l(-1)) and transferred at the start of their second growing season to tap water at 5, 8, 12, 16 or 20 degrees C (air temperature between 18-20 degrees C) for 3 weeks (pine) or 5 weeks (spruce). Root growth of both species was completely inhibited at root temperatures of 5 and 8 degrees C, but increased almost exponentially as root temperature increased. Shoot growth was maximal at 12 degrees C in both pine and spruce and decreased at low root temperatures. In both species, CO(2) uptake was decreased at low root temperatures and appeared to be influenced by the pattern of nitrogen retranslocation. In pine seedlings, as root temperature increased, an increasing proportion of the total nitrogen pool was retranslocated to the new shoot, whereas in spruce seedlings nitrogen was retranslocated to the roots. Differences in the retranslocation of nitrogen in the two species were reflected in the amount of soluble protein in needles, which at the end of the experiment increased with increasing root temperature in pine, but decreased in spruce. Our data suggest that in spruce, but not pine, CO(2) uptake was limited by the amount of Rubisco.  相似文献   

To examine the differences between juvenile and mature wood, 12 aged sample trees from two areas of Nagano Prefecture were harvested; and the radial development of tracheid length, the ring density, and the relation of the radial growth rate (observed by ring width) with some selected indices of ring structure were investigated. The results proved that the radial variation of tracheid length with ring number can be described by a logarithmic formula, and both plantations reached the demarcation of juvenile and mature wood at age 18. With the segmented regression method, we also analyzed radial variation of mean density and found that the demarcation of juvenile and mature wood was at age 15 for sample trees from Saku and at age 21 for those from Yabuhara. By using the results of estimates from juvenile and mature wood based on ring density, we found that high growth rates resulted when producing lower-density wood during the juvenile period, but these rates did not occur during the mature period. The basic reason for this phenomenon is the variation in patterns of earlywood and latewood in juvenile and mature wood, respectively. This result advised us that when managing plantations of Japanese larch it is necessary to take different measurements at different growth periods.  相似文献   

Suzuki A 《Tree physiology》2002,22(12):885-890
The influence of shoot architectural position on shoot growth and branching patterns was examined in saplings of Cleyera japonica Thunb. (Theaceae), an understory, broad-leaf evergreen woody species. Shoot length varied with branching order and the vertical position of the branch in the crown. In the upper crown, shoot length decreased with increasing branching order, whereas in the lower crown, differences in shoot length among branching orders were not significant. These results demonstrate that it is important to consider not only individual shoots, but also the relationships between shoots in terms of their architectural positions when studying the development of crown architecture in trees. Shoot branching patterns also varied with branching order and the vertical position of the branch in the crown. In the upper crown, branching was mainly sylleptic. In the middle of the crown, mainly proleptic branches were produced. In the lower crown, there was little branching. The importance of these trends in shoot growth and shoot branching patterns in terms of carbon production efficiency is discussed.  相似文献   



Mediterranean open woodlands (dehesa) have faced a dual process of intensification and abandonment of grazing which has resulted in alteration of the understory vegetation.


We analysed the effects of land use changes on the physiological status of holm oak in different open woodlands (dehesa) in southern Iberian Peninsula.


In an area of extensive grazing, we selected six paired plots (one grazed, one abandoned) and grouped them by habitat types according to understory composition (nearly all monospecific Cistus ladanifer L. shrub or mixed shrub). Six plots of moderate and heavy grazing intensity were chosen within a settled area of livestock use. Shoot growth, macronutrient concentrations and water content were assessed in samples of holm oak leaves.


Abandonment of grazing affected some nutrient concentrations and water content of holm oak leaves, but the effects were different according to habitat type. C. ladanifer shrub reduced N and P concentrations and water content while mixed shrub increased P concentration and water content. High grazing intensity improved shoot growth and leaf N and Mg concentrations.


Extensive grazing could be a useful management tool to enhance growth, nutritional and water status of holm oak in a habitat with limited resources such as Mediterranean open woodlands (dehesa).  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to characterise the properties of juvenile and mature heartwood of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.). Content, composition and the subcellular distribution of heartwood extractives were studied in 14 old-growth trees from forest sites in Germany and Hungary as well as in 16 younger trees of four clone types. Heartwood extractives (methanol and acetone extraction) were analysed by HPLC-chromatography. UV microspectrophotometry was used to topochemically localise the extractives in the cell walls. The natural durability of the juvenile and mature heartwood was analysed according to the European standard EN 350-1. Growth as well as chemical analyses showed that, based on extractives content, the formation of juvenile wood in black locust is restricted to the first 10–20 years of cambial growth. In mature heartwood, high contents of phenolic compounds and flavonoids were present, localised in high concentrations in the cell walls and cell lumen of axial parenchyma and vessels. In juvenile wood, the content of these extractives is significantly lower. Juvenile wood had a correspondingly lower resistance to decay by Coniophora puteana (brown rot fungus) and Coriolus versicolor (white rot fungus) than mature heartwood.  相似文献   

One-year-old peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) were severely pruned in July by removing 60% of the shoots. Tree responses were analyzed in terms of architecture and nutritional status. Tree growth was recorded from July to September by nondestructive (leaf production, thickening and branching of the remaining secondary axes) and destructive measurements (biomass partitioning and concentrations of total nitrogen (N) and nonstructural carbohydrates (NC) in specific tissues). The dry weights of pruned trees were lower than those of control trees at the end of the growing season (i.e., 2.5 months after pruning), whereas shoot:root ratios were restored to the initial values. Tree response occurred in two stages. During the first 24 days following pruning, the growth components of the remaining secondary axes were similar to the control, and new secondary axes were produced. During the next 17 days, increases in both diameter and branching of secondary axes contributed to the maintenance of pruned tree growth rate (similar to that of control trees) and restoration of initial shoot:root ratios. No significant effect of pruning was observed on NC concentrations, whereas N concentrations increased in several organs of the pruned trees during the first growth period. The transient increase in internal N availability contributed to the initiation of new axes and the restoration of a more functional biomass partitioning between shoots and roots.  相似文献   

报道了试种于安徽泾县丘陵山区亚关马褂木22个全同胞家系5 a的生长表现与家系间差异.结果表明,亚美马褂木在当地生长迅速,平均树高7.76 m,平均胸径11.2 cm.亚美马褂木幼林期生长量在家系间差异显著,表明开展亚美马褂木家系选择是可行的.参考家系生长量与变异系数,从中初选出L×YY1、M×S这2个速生型家系.以此为据,笔者分析了亚美马褂木在皖南丘陵山区的推广造林前景.  相似文献   

In Finland, under nursery conditions hybrid aspen may continue their shoot growth until early September. Thus, frost hardening is usually delayed. To solve this problem, we used a three-week period of short-day (SD) treatment between late July and mid-August. During autumn after frost exposure, frost hardiness (FH) was assessed three times with a stem-browning test. The re-sults showed that after SD treatment shoot growth ceased and FH increased when compared to untreated hybrid aspen. Furthermore, the height of SD-treated hybrid aspen varied much less than that of the control plants. We conclude that SD treatment in the nursery during the growing period can be used as a supplementary method for producing well-hardened and uniform hybrid aspen plants.  相似文献   

树势对巴旦杏新梢生长与开花坐果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
验以"鹰嘴"巴旦杏为调查对象,对强旺、中庸和衰弱三种树体营养类型的树,分别进行了自然落果率、枝梢营养状况和不同树体营养情况的调查研究。通过调查分析得出:3种不同树体类型的巴旦杏落果率高低顺序为强、弱、中,且中庸树与强旺树差异显著;春梢的生长量顺序为:中庸树>衰弱树>强旺树,且中庸树与强旺树有极显著差异,秋梢的生长量差异均不显著;中庸树体类型在保持一定结果枝、花芽比例,进行合理的肥水管理,可以使坐果率得到一定的提高。  相似文献   

Root tips of intact willow (Salix dasyclados Wimm., Clone 81-090) plants were partially dried by exposure to ambient greenhouse air and then kept in water-vapor-saturated air for up to 3 days. The drying treatment increased abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations in both the root tips subjected to drying and in the xylem sap, while it reduced leaf stomatal conductance and leaf extension rate. Despite the decrease in stomatal conductance, leaf water potentials were unaffected by the root drying treatment, indicating that the treatment reduced hydraulic conductivity between roots and foliage. After roots subjected to drying were returned to a nutrient solution or excised, ABA concentrations in the remaining roots and in the xylem sap, stomatal conductance of mature leaves and extension rate of unfolding leaves all returned to values observed in control plants. The 4-fold increase in xylem sap ABA concentration following the root drying treatment was not solely the result of reduced sap flow, and thus may be considered a potential cause, not merely a consequence, of the observed reduction in stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

通过对比试验研究了新疆杨苗木起挖后不同器官在不同时期水分散失对栽植成活率和新梢生长量的影响。结果表明:苗木不同器官含水量、发芽率、成活率和枝条生长量随着晾晒时间的延长而降低,在不采取任何保护措施的情况下,新疆杨的最佳栽植时期是起挖后6d内。并建议在苗木调运和栽植过程中采用根系蘸泥浆、包裹塑料薄膜、截干和重剪等方法减少根系水分散失,逼迫树干潜伏芽萌发来提高成活率和生长量。  相似文献   

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