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不同营养元素对海带幼体发病及育苗效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘德厚  于波 《齐鲁渔业》1997,14(4):10-12
进行了不同营养条件下海带配子体死亡率、幼孢子体畸形率及育苗效果的比较试验,发现含有氮、磷、铁、硼的完全营养液育苗效果较好,缺氮、缺磷、缺铁各组则受到没程度影响。营养条件是影响幼苗发病和出苗率的重要因素。海带育苗中应添加微量元素。  相似文献   

海带苗病烂脱苗是海带育苗生产中的一个突出问题。为贯彻我省海带育苗“低水温,低光照、低密度、重水质、重管理、育小苗、育壮苗”的技术路线,确保育苗顺利进行。几年来,我们把海带苗防病烂、防脱苗工作渗透和贯穿整个育苗生产工艺的全过程。坚持“以防为主,防重于治”的综合治理技术措施,并在发病前采取必要的防范措施。现将防病措施技术要点初步总结如下。  相似文献   

我国目前普遍采用夏苗培育法进行海带苗培育,其具有两大缺点:①育苗时间长、成本高、风险大。②由于育苗时混采、混育,易造成品种优良性状退化。目前一些海带育苗场开始采用无性繁殖系育苗技术,即利用海带配子体克隆进行海带苗培育,育苗50~60天幼苗即可出库下海,不仅节约近一半育苗成本,并且可保持海带良种性状不退化,产量高。现将育苗方法总结如下:一、无性繁殖系培养1.种海带准备挑选种海带的方法和程序同传统采苗方法基本相同,选择个体宽长、颜色深褐、富有光泽、健康的藻体,并且藻体上孢子囊无附着物、成熟度好。用剪刀剪下约5厘米×5…  相似文献   

以海带配子体克隆为试验对象,研究了深井海水对海带配子体克隆生长、发育的影响,并利用深井海水进行了克隆育苗试验.试验结果表明,利用深井海水培养海带配子体克隆,配子体生长速度较自然海水稍慢,但深井海水可促进配子体发育,加快孢子体的形成,缩短育苗时间,而且利用深井海水进行克隆育苗可取得较好效果.综合考虑克隆培养效果及降低育苗成本,克隆育苗可采取自然海水与深井海水交替使用的模式进行.  相似文献   

海带产业面临的六大问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、海带苗种 海带的育苗技术现已达到较完备的水平,应该说,现在市场上的苗种供应供过于求,这就迫切要求育苗单位更新育苗的品种,现有的“远杂11号”、“荣福1号”、“烟杂1号”、“福建海带”、“日本真海带”、“901”、“201”等急需改良,各育苗单位要根据国家海洋“863”项目,利用克隆、转基因或杂交技术,积极培育具备优良性状的优质海带苗,育苗场应该与养殖场紧密配合依据海区特点及加工生产需要,科学育苗,因地制宜选择品种,促使海带既丰产又丰收。 二、海带养殖  相似文献   

于会霆  刘昆 《齐鲁渔业》2000,17(6):29-30
1999年7~10月在威海市菌山综合育苗场海带育苗生产中进行了多元素缓释营养粒的应用试验。结果:6000m^2育苗水面共出苗6亿株,一类苗出苗率100%。证明在大规模工厂化海带育苗生产中,用这种含有多种微量元素的可控生态型肥源代替普通化肥是可行的。  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)是旅大沿海的特产海珍品,比日本的虾夷扇贝和南海的华贵扇贝肉嫩鲜美、营养丰富,颇受人们欢迎。最近,据国外资料报道,从扇贝肉中提取了一种能抑制癌细胞生长的“原素”,因此,栉孔扇贝的养殖以及利用,更引起了人们的重视。从我国海水养殖的现状来看,扇贝全人工养殖事业,还处在“起步”阶段,而且一直认为扇贝必需在1~2米的深水池中培育,虽然各地建了一些育苗室,但每年获苗量不稳定,加上投资又大,故对加速发展人工养殖扇贝带来一定困难。另外,我们注意到沿海各地为了发展海带养殖,建筑起来的海带育苗室,  相似文献   

海带养殖历来是我省海水养殖的支柱产业。50年代末,海带自然光育苗技术解决了海带养殖所需的苗种。从此以后,海带养殖的规模逐年扩大,育苗和养殖技术也日趋完善。在品种方面,通过引进国外优良品种和运  相似文献   

海带配子体克隆育苗生产技术工艺包括克隆的扩增培养、采苗及幼苗培育3部分。从生产应用的角度总结并探讨了海带克隆育苗工艺中各环节的关键技术。  相似文献   

连云港市于1989年开始将三十烷醇(TA)乳粉应用于海带养殖生产,可促使海带早熟、质优、提高产量18.8%。为提高紫菜育苗单位面积采苗量,我们将TA乳粉用于紫菜育苗生产,连续试验三年,收到了较好的效果。1 材料与方法 1.4%的三十烷醇乳粉,为福建省农科院监制。在每年7月15日以后根据藻丝的发育情况,施加不同浓度的TA乳粉,直至壳孢子采苗前停止。此期间每换一次水,就要施  相似文献   

Effects of feed type and temperature on growth and body composition of juvenile abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino, were determined. A 2 (feed types: formulated diet and dry sea tangle) × 3 (temperature conditions: 20, 23 and 26 C) factorial design with triplicate was used. Seventy juvenile abalone averaging 4.7 g were randomly distributed into each of 18, 50‐L plastic rectangular containers. Six containers were placed into each temperature condition of three 1.3 ton concrete flow‐through raceway systems. Abalone were daily fed with either the formulated diet or dry sea tangle once a day to satiation level. Survival was affected by feed type, but not by temperature. Weight gain of abalone was affected by both feed type and temperature. Regardless of temperature, weight gain of abalone fed the formulated diet was better than that of abalone fed the dry sea tangle. Shell length and width were affected by feed type, but not by temperature. In conclusion, weight gain of abalone was affected by both feed type and temperature, but feed type had a stronger effect than temperature. The formulated diet achieved better growth of abalone than the dry sea tangle regardless of temperature and 20 C seemed to be recommendable for abalone among temperature tested.  相似文献   

A 12‐week growth trial was performed to evaluate the effect of lupin seed meal as a protein source in diets for gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) juveniles. Six experimental diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isoenergetic and to contain 10%, 20% and 30% of raw lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seed meal protein or 20% and 30% lupin (L. angustifolius) seed meal processed by infrared radiation (micronized) in place of fish meal protein, the only protein source of the control diet. Fish accepted all diets well and no significant differences in feed utilization among groups were noticed during the trial. Final weight of fish fed the experimental diets was identical or higher than the control group. Final weight of fish fed diets including 20% micronized lupin protein was even significantly higher than that of fish fed the fish meal‐based control diet. Moreover, at the same dietary lupin seed meal protein inclusion levels, final weight of fish fed diets including micronized lupin was significantly higher than with raw lupin. A trend was also noticed for a decrease of final weight with the increase in lupin seed meal in the diets. At the end of the trial no significant differences in proximate whole‐body composition, hepatosomatic and visceral indices were observed among groups. It is concluded that lupin seed meal can replace up to 30% fish meal protein in diets for gilthead sea bream juveniles with no negative effects on growth performance. Furthermore, micronization of lupin seeds improves its dietary value for gilthead sea bream juveniles. At the same dietary lupin inclusion levels, diets including micronized lupin seeds promote significantly higher growth rates than raw lupin seeds.  相似文献   

For large-scale seed production of sea cucumbers through a hatchery system, it is imperative to know the effects of environmental parameters on larval rearing. Auricularia larvae (48 h post-fertilization) were obtained from induced spawning of Holothuria spinifera and used in experiments to ascertain the effects of temperature, salinity and pH on the growth and survivorship of the larvae. The larvae were reared for 12 days at temperatures of 20, 25, 28 and 32 °C; salinities of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 ppt; and pH of 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 7.8, 8.0, 8.5 and 9.0. The highest survivorship and growth rate and fastest development of auricularia indicated that water temperature of 28–32 °C, salinity of 35 ppt and pH of 7.8 were the most suitable conditions for rearing larvae of H. spinifera.  相似文献   

国内外海参自然资源、养殖状况及存在问题   总被引:49,自引:6,他引:43  
海参含有丰富的蛋白质和黏多糖,营养和药用价值极高。自20世纪80年代以来,海参的几种重要商业品种的苗种培育在日本、中国和印度等国家相继获得成功。近年来,海参消费需求的逐步扩大导致世界范围内海参自然资源的过度开发和种群数量的急剧下降,海参的人工养殖随之兴起。目前,国内海参养殖规模不断扩大,养殖方式多种多样。然而养殖的过速发展和不规范运作也造成了如生态环境恶化、病害等诸多问题。本文综述了国内外海参的自然资源、种群分布,以及目前海参主要养殖品种的苗种培育和增养殖技术要点,就海参养殖中存在的主要问题进行了探讨并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

石斑鱼是我国南方海水养殖的主要种类之一,而大部分石斑鱼种类均为暖水性鱼类,养殖水温要求在15℃以上,限制了石斑鱼在北方的发展。七带石斑鱼是唯一一种可以在较低温下生活,被人们称为“冷水石斑”,适合在北方养殖,如今已成为中、日、韩三国海水鱼类繁育研究的热点。由于七带石斑鱼人工繁殖和苗种培育过程中有许多制约条件,其人工繁育仍未达到稳定大批量生产的规模。主要问题有以下几个:①雄性亲鱼难获得,数量较少,限制了苗种的大量繁育;②初孵仔鱼的个体弱小、口径小,对开口饵料要求严格,适口饵料极少;③稚鱼期鱼苗互相残杀极其严重,出现大鱼吃小鱼的现象。此外,还有卵质不良,仔稚幼鱼疾病等难题。本文简要概述了国内外七带石斑鱼繁殖生物学与人工繁育研究进展情况,并对其养殖过程中出现的问题进行探讨和总结,为今后开展七带石斑鱼规模化人工养殖研究提供参考。  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹苗种培育的科技进展   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
乔振国 《海洋渔业》2005,27(2):159-163
锯缘青蟹是我国南方沿海各省传统养殖的海水蟹类,在当前农业产业结构调整中被列为主要发展品种之一。鉴于苗种是限制青蟹养殖业发展的主要因素,本文根据目前的研究现状对青蟹的种质、性成熟机制,产卵、孵化条件,幼体培育过程中营养条件、盐度、温度、光照、疾病等,以及从大眼幼体到仔蟹的中间培育技术等作了简要归纳,并对研究现状和进入产业化急需解决的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

It has long been hoped that sea urchins could be served to visitors to seafood restaurants, hotels, and summer festivals in Rausu, located in the world natural heritage site ??Shiretoko,?? during the summer tourist season. However, to date this has not been feasible because of the sea urchin spawning season (July?CSeptember), during which the quality of the gonads, the edible part of the sea urchin, decreases due to maturation. In this study, we examined the possibility of suppressing gonadal maturation and maintaining high-quality sea urchin gonads by low-temperature rearing using deep-sea water. Unripe sea urchins captured before the spawning season were reared under two temperature conditions from June to September. In those groups reared at ambient temperatures (2.8?C19.6?°C), gametogenesis in both sexes progressed rapidly with increased temperature, and almost all sea urchins reached full maturity by late July. In contrast, in groups reared at low temperatures (2.1?C5.1?°C), gametogenesis progressed slowly and >60?% of the sea urchins did not reach maturity even by early September. The feeding experiment also revealed that feeding with live Saccharina diabolica could increase the gonadal volume efficiently under low-temperature rearing conditions. These results demonstrate that low-temperature rearing, supplemented with feeding, is effective in suppressing gametogenesis to allow for the harvesting of high-quality sea urchins during the summer tourist season.  相似文献   

White sea bream Diplodus sargus L. is a fish species that develops dominance hierarchies and aggressive behaviour against its conspecifics. On the other hand, stocking density is known to affect social interactions, while an appropriate density for D. sargus efficient farming remains to be elucidated. For this purpose, juvenile D. sargus (14.3 g) were reared in 88.4 L tanks, for 10 weeks, under six rearing densities (10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 fish tank?1). Water quality was not affected by rearing density. Best growth, in terms of final weight, specific growth rate, weight variation and food utilization, was achieved at 10 fish tank?1. At this treatment the lowest body water content, hepatosomatic and splenosomatic indices, higher body and liver lipid content were also observed. Brain neurotransmitter results indicated increased dopaminergic activity in populations held at higher rearing densities, while serotonergic activity was not affected. Moreover, no significant differences were detected for liver fatty acids. Results of the present study, compared with previously reported data, suggest that, within the range tested, the lowest realistic rearing density for juvenile white sea bream would be 10 fish tank?1. Higher rearing densities led to decreased growth, which seemed to be related to changes in intraspecific competition and social behaviour.  相似文献   

Effect of feeding regime on compensatory growth of juvenile abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) fed on the dry sea tangle (Laminaria japonica) was determined. Thirty juvenile abalone averaging 15.7 g were randomly stocked into 18 50‐L plastic rectangular containers each. Six treatments were prepared in triplicate: Abalone were fed the dry sea tangle once a day at a satiation level with a little leftover for 16 wk as the control (Con) and other abalone were fed the dry sea tangle once a day at a satiation level with a little leftover for 15 wk after 1‐wk starvation (S1 treatment), 14 wk after 2‐wk starvation (S2 treatment), 13 wk after 3‐wk starvation (S3 treatment), 12 wk after 4‐wk starvation (S4 treatment), and 10 wk after 6‐wk starvation (S6 treatment), respectively. A linear relationship between weight change of abalone and wk of starvation was observed: Y (Weight of abalone) = ?0.17X (Wk of starvation) + 15.89 (R 2 = 0.9462) (P < 0.0001). The highest survival of abalone was achieved in the S2 treatment, but not different from that of abalone in the Con, S1 and S3 treatments. Weight gain of abalone in the Con treatment was higher than that of abalone in the S4 and S6 treatments. Abalone fed on the dry sea tangle seemed to be able to achieve full compensatory growth up to 3‐wk starvation.  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature (18–34°C) and light intensity (100–1,800 lx) on the vitellus utilization, duration of vitelline absorption and larval growth in Pseudobagrus ussuriensis were studied under laboratory conditions using a central composite design and response surface methodology. The results showed that the first‐ and second‐order effects of temperature and light intensity were significant (< 0.05), the interactive effect between temperature and light intensity was non‐significant (p > 0.05) and the effects of light intensity were greater than that of temperature. Predicated on the reliable models of vitelline utilization regarding temperature and light intensity, the optimal rearing environment shaped by a temperature/light intensity of 25–26°C/1,030 lx (12.98 μmol m?2 s?1) was obtained via model optimization. Verification results attained under laboratory conditions showed that vitelline utilization was most efficient at these optima. The application of the environmental optima would contribute to refining the seed quality in the larviculture of this species.  相似文献   

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