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用免疫组化SABC法,对斯氏艾美耳球虫感染后兔肝脏、脾脏和肝门淋巴结中球虫抗原的分布进行了观察。结果表明,在肝脏窦状隙、胆管上皮细胞、肝门淋巴结和脾脏内可见到明显的呈棕黄色阳性反应区,表明在这些区域和部位有相应的E.stiedai孢子囊、裂殖子或子孢子抗原存在,且抗原数量以肝脏内最多,其次为脾脏,最少者为肝门淋巴结;显微镜下还可见到大量坏死的肝细胞、淋巴细胞以及朗罕氏巨细胞,说明多核巨细胞也参与了对球虫的吞噬和处理过程。  相似文献   

Toll样受体2(TLR2)和Toll样受体4(TLR4)在识别病原微生物过程中发挥重要作用。为了定量检测TLR2、TLR4 mRNA表达水平,研究病原与机体的相互作用,本研究建立了检测鸡TLR2、TLR4 mRNA表达水平的SYBR GreenⅠ荧光定量RT-PCR(RRT-PCR)方法,检测了新城疫病毒强毒(vNDV)感染SPF雏鸡后36h、48h时胸腺、法氏囊中TLR2、TLR4 mRNA表达量变化。结果显示该方法特异性好,RRT-PCR产物分别在85.5℃、83.3℃出现单特异峰,对TLR2、TLR4的扩增效率分别为105.91%和95.30%,相关系数分别为0.9980、0.9996,最低检测限分别为108拷贝/反应和461拷贝/反应。感染后36h vNDV显著抑制TLR2、TLR4基因在法氏囊、胸腺中的表达;感染后48h时,法氏囊、胸腺中TLR2基因的表达水平显著升高,胸腺中TLR4基因的表达显著升高,而法氏囊中TLR4基因的表达仍处于抑制状态。本研究证明TLR2和TLR4参与了鸡体对NDV的感染应答。  相似文献   

用免疫组化SABC法,对斯氏艾关耳球虫感染后兔肝脏、脾脏和肝门淋巴结中球虫抗原的分布进行了观察。结果表明,在肝脏窦状隙、胆管上皮细胞、肝门淋巴结和脾脏内可见到明显的呈棕黄色阳性反应区,表明在这些区域和部位有相应的E.stiedai孢子囊、裂殖子或子孢子抗原存在,且抗原数量以肝脏内最多,其次为脾脏,最少者为肝门淋巴结;显微镜下还可见到大量坏死的肝细胞、淋巴细胞以及朗罕氏巨细胞,说明多核巨细胞也参与了对球虫的吞噬和处理过程。  相似文献   

本试验以60只3035日龄健康兔为研究对象,经口感染8.0×104个/只孢子化纯种E.stiedai卵囊,从感染后第1天开始,每2d收集粪便,进行卵囊计数,计算其OPG;于感染后5、10、15、20、25、30、35、40、45、50d剖杀动物,取其肝脏和血清,测定肝脏指数和血清中丙二醛(MDA)含量及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性。结果显示,在染虫后第13天才从粪便中检出卵囊,之后卵囊排出逐渐增多,至感染后第24天达到峰值,而后逐渐减少,至第40天几乎检不出;感染初期试验兔血清中MDA含量明显高于对照组水平(P<0.05),SOD活性有明显下降,两项指标在感染后期逐步恢复至对照组水平;试验组肝脏指数则随感染时间逐渐增大,表明球虫感染所致的肝脏病理氧化应激损伤了机体的抗氧化平衡,而机体的代偿功能可在一定程度上维持机体抗氧化能力。旨在为研究斯氏艾美耳球虫(E.stiedai)对兔血清抗氧化功能的影响提供理论基础。  相似文献   

根据GenBank中马Toll样受体基因序列设计特异性引物,建立检测马Toll样受体(TLRs)mRNA转录水平的SYBR GreenⅠ实时荧光定量PCR方法,检测TLR4、TLR2、TLR1和TLR6在蒙古马不同组织器官中的转录水平。4种TLRs在心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、胃、十二指肠、空肠、盲肠和骨髓中均有转录。其中,TLR4mRNA除在空肠和肝脏外,在其他组织器官中的表达水平均高于TLR2、TLR1、TLR6。免疫器官中,TLR4、TLR1mRNA在骨髓中表达量高于脾脏,而TLR2、TLR6mRNA在脾脏中表达量高于骨髓。各肠段,TLR4、TLR2、TLR1、TLR6mRNA表达水平之间在空肠的差异不是很大,而在十二指肠和盲肠中差异很大。结果表明,TLRs mRNA在马各组织器官转录水平差异较大,可能与其对病原体的识别和抵抗能力有关。  相似文献   

参考GenBank登录的ChTLRs基因序列设计实时定量PCR特异性引物,建立检测鸡Toll样受体(ChTLR)mRNA相对转录水平的实时定量PCR方法,分析ChTLR1、ChTLR2、ChTLR4、ChTLR5和ChTLR15在雏鸡不同器官组织中的转录水平。结果显示5种ChTLRs在脾脏、法氏囊、胸腺和各段肠道组织中均有转录。其中,ChTLR1 mRNA在法氏囊、肾脏和盲肠组织中转录水平较高;ChTLR2 mRNA在脾脏、法氏囊和肝脏等组织中转录水平较高,在肾脏、肺脏和皮肤未检测到转录;ChTLR4 mRNA在所检测组织中转录水平差异较小,在脾脏、十二指肠和胸腺转录水平较高;ChTLR5 mRNA在肾脏、脾脏和空肠中的转录水平较高;ChTLR15 mRNA在法氏囊中转录水平最高,其次为脾脏和盲肠。本研究建立了检测ChTLRs mRNA在不同器官组织中表达水平的实时定量PCR方法,ChTLRs mRNA在雏鸡各器官组织中转录水平差异较大,可能与雏鸡各器官组织对病原的识别和抵抗能力有关。  相似文献   

通过点眼将IBDV感染4周龄SPF鸡,采用相对荧光定量PCR技术检测SPF鸡腔上囊单核细胞(BBMC)和外周血单核细胞(PBMC)在感染后不同阶段TLR3/4/15 mRNA表达动态变化,探讨IBDV感染对免疫反应的影响.结果显示,感染后1 d BBMC中TLR3、15的mRNA表达水平高于对照组,差异显著(P≤0.05);在感染后5 d TLR3、4显著高于对照组(P≤0.05);在感染后15 d TLR3/4/15的mRNA表达水平恢复到正常水平.PBMC中,感染后1 d TLR3、4mRNA表达水平均显著高于对照组(P≤0.05),TLR15极显著高于对照组(P≤0.01);而在感染后5d和15 d,TLR3/4均显著高于对照组(P≤0.05).以上结果表明,IBDV感染早期上调了腔上囊和外周血单核细胞的TLR3/4/15的mRNA表达水平,增强了机体的固有免疫反应.  相似文献   

12只产后25 d健康奶山羊随机分为2组,即试验组和对照组.试验组将大肠杆菌O46经子宫角插管注入山羊子宫腔内制作山羊子宫内膜炎病例模型,对照组向子宫腔内注入等量的生理盐水.分别于注菌前(0 h),注菌后3,6,12,24,72,120,168 h进行临床检查、细胞学检查和子宫内膜活检采样.子宫内膜组织分为2份,一份用于制作组织学切片,另一份用于提取RNA,用荧光定量PCR的方法检测TLR4、细胞因子和β-defensin 2 mRNA表达的变化.结果显示,试验组山羊在注菌后呈明显的炎症反应,体温升高,呼吸急促,白细胞增多,阴道流出脓性分泌物;%PMN极显著升高(P<0.001);组织学显示大量的炎性细胞浸润于子宫内膜组织;TLR4、细胞因子和β-defensin 2 mRNA表达显著升高.对照组山羊未有明显的炎症反应症状.  相似文献   

用RT-PCR技术从日本大耳白兔脾脏组织克隆出兔Toll样受体2、3、4基因(拟命名为RTLR2、R TLR3和RTLR4)的cDNA序列并进行测序,获得的3个Toll样受体基因序列长分别为128、150和139bp,并将其测序结果与GenBank中登录的穴兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus)的Toils核苷酸序列进行比对,发现本次克隆到的RTLR2与穴兔TLR2的基因序列(NM_001082781)相似性为99%,而RTLR3与TLR3(NM_001082219)和RTLR4与TLR4(NM_001082732)相似性均为100%。Protein Blast同源性结果显示,RTLR2、RTLR3和RTLR4的氨基酸序列与穴兔TLR2、TLR3和TLR4的同源性皆为100%,与马、人、野猪等其他8种动物TLRs的比较,与RTLR2同源性最高的是马的80%,其他的只有61%~78%;与RTLR3同源性最高是马和野猪的97%,其他也较高达93%~95%;而RTLR4与其他8种动物的同源性均较低75%以下。结果表明:RTLR2、RTLR3和RTLR4分别为免TLR2、TLR3和TLR4的部分cDNA基因序列;TLRs在不同物种的进化过程中存在种属特异性。  相似文献   

为了探讨奶牛胎衣不下对子宫内膜先天免疫相关基因表达的影响,在产后第1天和第7天,对9头胎衣不下的奶牛和10头正常分娩的奶牛进行子宫内膜活检;每周收集子宫内容物进行需氧菌分离培养;在产后第1天和第7天,检测所有奶牛子宫内膜TLR1/6、TLR2、TLR4、TLR5、TLR9、NOD1、NOD2、CD14和MD2的基因表达。结果表明:无论奶牛有无胎衣不下,在产后21 d内大肠杆菌是子宫内容物中最常见的细菌;产后第7天与第1天相比,胎衣不下的奶牛子宫内膜TLR2、TLR4和CD14的基因表达水平明显降低(P0.05),而正常分娩的奶牛在相同时间段上述受体基因表达无明显差异,说明产后1周胎衣不下的奶牛子宫内膜TLR2、TLR4和CD14的基因表达减少可能与子宫感染炎症有关。  相似文献   

为研究斯氏艾美耳球虫对兔肝脏及血清抗氧化功能的影响,本实验以30日龄~45日龄兔为研究对象,测定兔接种斯氏艾美耳球虫后,血清和肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量。结果表明:感染斯氏艾美耳球虫后,SOD、CAT和GSH-Px的活性均有不同程度的下降,MDA含量高于对照组水平,各指标在感染急性期后逐步回升至对照组水平。表明病理氧化应激参与了球虫感染过程,损伤了机体的抗氧化平衡,同时其变化规律也符合球虫自限性感染的特点。  相似文献   

Tissue residues of sulphadiazine (SDZ), sulphadimidine (SDD) and sulphquinoxaline (SQ) were studied in healthy and E. stiedai infected rabbits following oral administration of 0.5 g/l drinking water for 5 days. The solid-phase extraction and HPLC was used to determine the concentration of the three sulphonamides in a single tissue sample. SDZ was detected in the liver and kidney in concentrations below the tolerance levels at day 5 and no residues could be detected at day 7 after drug withdrawal. SDD and SQ were detected in all of the tested organs of healthy rabbits up to day 5, where the highest concentration was reported in the liver (0.08 +/- 0.02 and 0.09 +/- 0.02 g/g respectively). In infected rabbits, the three sulphonamides were detected up to day 7 in concentrations higher than the tolerance limits (> 0.1 g/g) in the liver and kidney and lower levels in other tissues. A withdrawal period of 4 days for SDZ and 5 days for SDD and SQ in healthy rabbits and 7 days for SDZ and 8 days for SDD and SQ in E. stiedai infected rabbits is suggested.  相似文献   

The role of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) in Theileria sergenti-infected calves was studied by various in vitro assay systems. Proliferation of T cells in mixed lymphocyte protozoa culture (MLPC) increased with parasitemia, and the addition of monoclonal antibodies against T. sergenti merozoites in this MLPC enhanced the response. However, the addition of antibody-positive autologous serum resulted in the suppression of the response. Cell-mediated cytotoxicity of PBMC increased after peak parasitemia. This cytotoxicity increased on co-cultivation of PBMC with T. sergenti merozoites, but the addition of autologous serum suppressed the response.  相似文献   

The Toll-like receptor (TLR)4 is critical for the recognition of Gram-negative bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) but in porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) it may cooperate with other TLRs and lead to the production of inflammatory cytokines. Therefore, we analyzed TLR1-10 mRNA expression in porcine PBMCs stimulated with LPS over time (1-48 h) by using quantitative real-time PCR and cytokine proteins level by ELISA in culture supernatant. TLR1-10 mRNA was detectable in porcine PBMCs. When compared with the control (non-stimulated), TLR1 mRNA were increased (p<0.05) at 3 h after challenge with 1 μg/ml LPS, whereas TLR1 and TLR2 mRNA were increased (p<0.01) at 6 h after challenge with 10 μg/ml LPS. TLR4 increased (p<0.001) at 3h after challenge with LPS and remained constant. TLR5 and TLR6 mRNA increased (p<0.05) at 9 h and 1 h after of LPS stimulation, respectively. The mRNA of CD14 and MD2 were increased (p<0.001) at 1h after LPS stimulation. Additionally, at most of the time analyzed, the mRNA expression increased with the dose of LPS. The LPS concentration had influence (p<0.05) on all the TLRs expression except TLR10; whereas time had effect (p<0.05) on all TLRs expression except TLR2, 3, 6 and 10. When compared to the control, the cytokines IL1b, IL8 and TNFα proteins were increased (p<0.001) immediately at 1 h after LPS stimulation and remained constant till 48 h. IL12b was increased (p<0.001) 12 h after challenge with 10 μg/ml of LPS. Although IL8 level was the highest, the higher (p<0.05) expression of all these inflammatory cytokines indicate that upon interacting with TLRs, LPS exerted inflammatory response in PBMCs through the production of Th1 type cytokines. The production of cytokines was influenced (p<0.001) by both the dose of LPS and the stimulation time. Hence, the porcine PBMCs are likely able to express all members of TLRs.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida inhibits the uptake and killing of Candida albicans and P. multocida by avian mononuclear phagocytic cells. The toxic outer membrane protein of P. multocida, which has been previously described, also inhibited the uptake and killing of C. albicans. Antibody specific for the toxic outer membrane protein reversed this effect resulting not only in an increase in uptake of C. albicans and P. multocida, but also in intracellular killing of P. multocida. This antibody, however, only partially restored killing of C. albicans. These data support the hypothesis that P. multocida is capable of intracellular survival in avian mononuclear phagocytic cells and that the toxic outer membrane protein is totally or partly responsible for this occurrence.  相似文献   

Non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (ncpBVDV) induces immune responses mediated by chemokines and interferon (IFN) stimulated genes (ISGs). Cultured bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from ncpBVDV-naïve cattle were used herein to demonstrate that BVDV infection modulates chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4), CXCL12, IFN-I, ISGs and selected immune cell marker (CD4, CD8, CD14) mRNAs, and that these acute responses to viral infection are reflected in PBMC cultured with serum from heifers carrying fetuses persistently infected (PI) with ncpBVDV. Infection of PBMC with ncpBVDV increased IFN-β, ISG15, RIG-I, CXCR4, CXCL12, and CD8 mRNA concentrations after 32 h. Culture of PBMC with uterine vein serum from acutely infected heifers, inoculated with ncpBVDV during early gestation to generate PI fetuses, also increased the concentration of CXCR4, RIG-I and ISG15 mRNAs. In vitro PBMC treatment with ncpBVDV or uterine vein serum from acutely infected pregnant heifers activates chemokine, ISG and immune cell responses.  相似文献   

In order to examine the antigenic similarity and specificity of the trail antigen of Eimeria stiedai and Etp 100, a microneme protein of Eimeria tenella, monoclonal antibodies to the trail antigen of E. stiedai sporozoites were selected by an indirect immunofluorescent antibody method. The monoclonal antibody of one clone, 3D10, reacted with the anterior portion of non-fixed sporozoites. By immunoblotting, the monoclonal antibody was found to react with a 100 kDa antigen of E. stiedai sporozoites, and a 117 kDa antigen of E. tenella sporozoites and merozoites. It was also found to react with a recombinant protein with thrombospondin-/properdin-like motifs homologous to E. tenella microneme protein Etp 100. The monoclonal antibody significantly inhibited the penetration of E. stiedai sporozoites into cultured rabbit hepatobiliary epithelial cells. These results suggest that E. stiedai sporozoites have a trail antigen, located in the anterior region on the outer surface of the sporozoites, which has an epitope with thrombospondin-/properdin-like motifs similar to E. tenella microneme protein Etp 100. This protein may play an important functional role in the process of penetration of host cells.  相似文献   

To determine the immunological response in lactating dairy cows infected with Salmonella (S.) Takoradi, the relationships among distributions of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) subpopulations, endotoxin concentrations and dynamics of inflammatory cytokines in blood were investigated. The ratio of CD4+ T cells to CD8+ T cells was significantly lower in the affected cattle than in the control cattle (p<0.05) to decrease in the number of CD4+ T cells in the infected cattle. In contrast, the numbers of gammadeltaT cells, MHC class II-positive cells were significantly higher in the affected cattle than in the control cattle (p<0.01 respectively). Endotoxemia was found in all but one of the affected cattle. Serum IL-1 and IL-6 bioactivities were significantly higher in the affected cattle than in the control cattle (IL-1, p<0.05; IL-6. p<0.01). Serum TNF-alpha activities and levels were not detected in the control and affected cattle. The activities of proinflammatory cytokines determined by the bioassay are important to the relationships between concentration of endotoxin, cytokines and clinical signs. such as leukocytosis, leukopenia, fever or bacterial shedding. Serum IL-2 levels were lower in the affected cattle than in the control cattle. Serum IFN-y was not detected in the affected cattle except one. These results by the ELISA seemed to reflect the condition of subpopulation in the PBMCs from the shedding cattle. The present results suggest that cellular immunity is suppressed while the humoral immunity is activated in acute bovine salmonellosis.  相似文献   

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