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为了改善渠系下游常水位运行控制方式调节过程蓄量变化剧烈、增大水源供水压力的问题,保证渠系控制的安全、高效,提出了一种基于渠池蓄量平衡的闸前变目标水位的算法,该算法在蓄量变动小时采用下游常水位控制,蓄量变化超过阈值采用考虑约束条件的控制蓄量法.并以Natlab仿真验证法对南水北调中线输水渠道建立多渠段串联控制模型,分析比较控制效果.结果表明:基于渠池蓄量平衡的闸前变目标水位的算法运用效果良好,可实现下游常水位和控制蓄量运行方式的灵活、平稳转换;各渠池蓄量调节量显著减少,基本可以实现蓄量平衡,减小了对上游的需水压力;与下游常水位运行方式相比,其控制过程水位波动平缓闸门流量过程震荡较小,有效减小了闸门超调和回调操作,稳定时间有所延长但在总体调控过程中更为平稳.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of conveyance efficiencies in the Sorraia Irrigation Project, Portugal. The Irrigation Project is briefly described and flow measurement techniques are analysed. Results show that efficiencies are higher during week days and normal labour hours and lower during weekends and at night. Water losses are higher than in other similar systems and the main reason is the substitution of the flow rotation method by restricted arranged schedules. An improvement process for saving water and accommodating deliveries to demands is also briefly presented.  相似文献   

The paper presents twolocal PI automatic control modes developed,tuned and verified in an experimentalautomatic canal. The canal was used as aphysical model and it will support furtherstudies on canal automation domain. Thecontrol algorithms are installed in localPLC's with the objective of controlling thewater depths immediately upstream anddownstream of the corresponding checkgates. The strategy adopted to tune the PIcontrollers was to compare the frequencyresponse of the state space model, whichrelies on the linearized Saint-Venantequations, with a simple model consideringeach canal pool as a reservoir (reservoirmodel). The obtained results for thecontrol gains were validated by fieldtests. A few simulation results are alsopresented as well as the experimentalfacility and the main configuration of theSCADA developed for the canal supervisionand monitoring.  相似文献   

基于自动化控制、网络通信和测量等技术,设计并研发了能够实现信息采集-处理-决策-信息反馈-监控-共享一体化的灌区闸门测控设备,并在甘肃省景电灌区进行了应用和验证.结果表明:渠道闸门一体化测控系统实现了灌区流量数据自动监测、收集和计算分析,提高了计量精度;能够对数据进行存储、查询与展示,实现了数据的共享,形成了灌区水资源管理数据库;实现了渠道流量远程自动控制与调节,提高了管理水平和管理效率;实现了智能手机远程操作,提高了办公效率.灌区闸门测控一体化测控系统的实施减少了灌区现场维护的次数,降低了设备运行成本,极大地提高了灌区水资源管理效率.研究成果可为中国大型灌区水资源科学管理提供有力的技术支撑,对闸门量水测流技术进步进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

张珀浩 《湖南农机》2011,38(7):39-40
滴灌工程控制系统按照运行方式的不同可以分为三类,即手动控制、自动控制以及智能控制等.其中自动化系统的优点最为突出,所以针对大面积灌区而言,滴灌自动化控制系统比较适用.文章就针对滴灌工程中的自动控制系统的应用展开讨论.  相似文献   

为解决机电泵利用工频电源(50 Hz)作恒速运转条件下,灌溉面积或地形高差变化较大的管道式喷微灌系统灌水均匀度不能满足灌溉要求的问题,提出了一种变频调速分级恒压灌溉自动控制系统,该系统将变频技术和自动化技术相结合,具有变频调速和全自动闭环控制功能的机电一体化智能设备,可同时对1台或多台三相380 V,50 Hz水泵电动机进行自动控制.该系统设计了多段压力设置转换电路,可根据预先设定的压力控制值自动进行压力等级切换,并对管网的电磁阀开启、关闭进行控制,实现分级恒压自动供水灌溉.通过工程实例分析表明,采用水泵工频控制时喷灌系统水头最大差值为12.89 m,采用变频分级恒压控制时喷灌系统水头最大差值为3.38 m,满足设计压力变幅不大于4.00 m的要求.同时该系统具有节水、节能、自动化程度高、运行管理方便以及保证管网和水泵安全运行等功能,能够根据灌溉分区进行分级恒压自动供水灌溉,满足灌水均匀度要求.  相似文献   

为了研究渠道运行控制中渠系建筑物的前馈控制时间,综合考虑上游调控及分水口调控对下游水量的影响,采用水量恒定方法,构建了渠道前馈控制时间计算模型,并将模型应用于山西省夹马口灌区.结果表明:模型所采用的流量拟合方程及参数对流量的拟合精度较高,能够有效表达下游流量在渠道调控下的变化情况,当采用该模型计算的调控时间进行控制时,可以基本保证流向下游的总水量恒定,水量偏差为0.8 m3.利用模型进一步分析了不同流量下的调控时间,发现随着流量的增大,分水口最优调控时间逐渐减小,在此基础上得到了流量-前馈控制时间、水深-前馈控制时间的线性拟合公式,为夹马口灌区渠道运行控制提供了参考.  相似文献   

当前,智能灌溉控制系统多采用定时控制,即到达开启时间,设备工作,达到灌溉时长,设备停止,在一定程度上实现了自动化灌溉,但由于作物在不同生长时期的需水量不同,灌溉控制系统难以生成与作物需求一致的灌溉方案。我国温室智能灌溉技术起步较晚,还没有大范围应用,而已经采用智能灌溉的地区,其控制方式及控制策略也不同。本文以智能灌溉控制系统为出发点,阐述了温室智能灌溉控制系统的组成、问题等,并展望了其未来的发展。  相似文献   

为了使灌溉预报及自动控制系统简单、投资成本低且便于推广应用,设计了一套基于土壤基质势的灌溉预报及自动控制系统.通过利用电接点压力表测量负压计中的压力,设定不同作物、不同生育期、不同灌水方式的灌水下限和上限.当土壤基质势达到灌水上下限时,通过电接点压力表和自动控制电路,实现灌溉预报和自动控制.灌水过程中,通过单片机、远传水表和液晶显示屏,可以实现灌水时间、灌水量和灌水次数的记录与存储.经室内试验验证表明基于土壤基质势的灌溉预报及自动控制系统合理可行,对于粉砂壤土可以将灌水上限的土壤基质势设置为-8 kPa左右.  相似文献   

Volumetric water control (VWC) is widely seen as a means to increase productivity through flexible scheduling and user incentives to apply just enough water. However, the technical and social requirements for VWC are poorly understood. Also, many experts assert that VWC in large-scale open canals with many smallholders is not feasible. This article debates the practice of VWC, drawing on field studies in the arid North Coast of Peru. Here the large-scale Chancay-Lambayeque irrigation system achieved high allocation, distribution and financial performance with on demand delivery to some 22,000 smallholdings, under a VWC approach, with full cost recovery for operation and maintenance. This study shows there are options to promote VWC if its different elements - volumetric allocation, distribution, metering and pricing - are planned together.  相似文献   

A model for optimal operation of water supply/irrigation systems of various water quality sources, with treatment plants, multiple water quality conservative factors, and dilution junctions is presented. The objective function includes water cost at the sources, water conveyance costs which account for the hydraulics of the network indirectly, water treatment cost, and yield reduction costs of irrigated crops due to irrigation with poor quality water. The model can be used for systems with supply by canals as well as pipes, which serve both drinking water demands of urban/rural consumers and field irrigation requirements. The general nonlinear optimization problem has been simplified by decomposing it to a problem with linear constraints and nonlinear objective function. This problem is solved using the projected gradient method. The method is demonstrated for a regional water supply system in southern Israel that contains 39 pipes, 37 nodes, 11 sources, 10 agricultural consumers, and 4 domestic consumers. The optimal operation solution is described by discharge and salinity values for all pipes of the network. Sensitivity of the optimal solution to changes in the parameters is examined. The solution was found to be sensitive to the upper limit on drinking water quality, with total cost being reduced by 5% as the upper limit increases from 260 to 600 mg Cl l–1. The effect of income from unit crop yield is more pronounced. An increase of income by a factor of 20 results in an increase of the total cost by a factor of 3, thus encouraging more use of fresh water as long as the marginal cost of water supply is smaller than the marginal decrease in yield loss. The effect of conveyance cost becomes more pronounced as its cost increases. An increase by a factor of 100 results in an increase of the total cost by about 14%. The network studied has a long pipe that connects two distinct parts of the network and permits the supply of fresh water from one part to the other. Increasing the maximum permitted discharge in this pipe from 0 to 200 m3 h–1 reduces the total cost by 11%. Increasing the maximum discharge at one of the sources from 90 to 300 m3 h–1 reduces the total cost by about 8%.  相似文献   

The People's Victory Irrigation System which diverts water from the Yellow River of China covers a total irrigable area of 59 000 ha. The system encountered some serious problems in the first decade of its operation — salinity and waterlogging of irrigated land, siltation of irrigation and drainage channels, as well as a low efficiency of water use. This paper describes a series of structural and functional measures which have been adopted in the past 24 years for the rehabilitation of the system, including: improvement of the existing drainage system and construction of new drainage system on agricultural land, conjunctive use of surface and groundwater supplies, a comprehensive programme to reduce the levels of siltation as well as the implementation of improved water management practices. A model for the optimal operation of the system by using system analysis theory as an aid in reducing the operation and maintenance (O & M) costs has been developed in recent years. The results are that the soil salinity has been controlled and the agricultural production has increased whilst the efficiency of water use has improved and the siltation levels reduced. Experience gained on this system has been successfully used in developing and managing other irrigation projects along the lower reaches of the Yellow River. The proposed procedure of solving the said optimal model has also embodied some benefits from reducing O & M costs in operation.  相似文献   

农业灌溉在农业生产中起着至关重要的作用,随着农业信息化步伐的加快,发展智能田间信息系统已成为智慧农业发展的必然需求,但水资源的短缺、现有大田灌溉系统智能化程度不高,控制精度不足已成为水稻灌溉现代化进程中的一大障碍。基于此,本文开发了一套适合水稻大田的智能灌溉控制系统,经过实地验证,该系统节水效果显著,控制精度高,整套系统可扩展性、适应性强,交互操作性好。  相似文献   

The quality of service provided by the provincial Irrigation Department (DGI) to the Water Users Associations (UA), and subsequently by the UA's to the related water users, is based on the provincial water law. The intended volume of water being delivered per considered period further depends on the water availability and on the (crop irrigation) water requirements. The Service Level (SL) compares the intended water supply with the water supply that would be required to supply the entire irrigable area with sufficient water. As soon as the intended water delivery pattern is set, the measured actual delivery can be assessed against the intention. Several performance indicators are used in this context. Based on the assessment of the Water Delivery Performance Ratio and the Overall Consumed Ratio recommendations are made on changes which can be made to improve water use and reduce problems of waterlogging.  相似文献   

通过3个控水水平和4个控肥水平正交试验,对2017—2019年泸西县大栗树村三七典型种植区控水控肥条件下微喷灌三七土壤全磷和速效磷运移分布及其储量特性进行试验研究.结果表明:不同灌水量全磷以三七植株为中心沿水平方向和土壤深度增大均逐渐减小,水平方向最大值出现范围在0~10 cm,土壤深度最大值出现范围在0~20 cm.速效磷沿水平方向和土壤深度增大均先减小后增大,沿水平方向和土壤深度方向最大值出现范围均在0~20 cm.不同施肥量全磷和速效磷以三七植株为中心沿水平方向和土壤深度增大均先减小后增大,处理W3F2全磷和速效磷水平方向和土壤深度方向最大值出现范围在0~10 cm.不同灌水量全磷和速效磷分布均匀系数均随灌水量增加先减小后增大,处理W3F2全磷和速效磷分布均匀系数最小,分别为46.77%和62.70%,处理CK全磷偏态系数为负值,其余处理全磷和速效磷偏态系数均为正值.不同施肥量全磷和速效磷分布均匀系数均随施肥量增加先减小后增大,处理W2F3全磷分布均匀系数最小,为46.83%;处理W2F4速效磷分布均匀系数最小,为68.68%;处理W2F1速效磷偏态系数为负值,其余处理全磷和速效...  相似文献   

为了提高溶解混施水肥一体化装置的施肥均匀性,解决水肥调控时灌溉量和质量浓度的综合控制问题,设计了溶解混施水肥一体化装置的自动控制系统.采用STM 32微控制器作为控制核心,通过肥料质量浓度标定试验,确定肥液质量浓度和电导率之间的关系,由电导电极及相关检测电路对出口肥液的质量浓度实时在线检测,将肥液质量浓度信号反馈回处理器,并生成控制信号,构建闭环控制回路;采用半桥式电路驱动直流水泵调节供水流量,采用PWM脉宽调制方法实时改变固体肥料添加速度,使出口的肥液质量浓度更加均匀、稳定.试验测定了装置施肥性能,结果表明在加入控制系统实时调节后,装置出口水肥溶液的均匀系数提高了31.46%.  相似文献   

【目的】解决渠道控制中以单个渠段蓄量为控制对象时,存在调蓄容量有限、相邻渠池间的蓄量变化无法相互调节的问题。【方法】提出一种等下游水深的多渠池蓄量平衡运行方式,并建立了基于蓄量变化的闸门目标流量计算方法,采用南水北调东线济平干渠为工程背景进行建模仿真验证。【结果】多渠池蓄量平衡模式下,对蓄量差乘以一定权重系数能有效降低闸门流量超调、缩短稳定时间;在正常运行工况下,该算法较常规下游常水位控制模式对渠首水库造成的调蓄压力更小,各无量纲性能指标整体较优,系统稳定时间最长缩短10 h;考虑流量变化较大的工况时,针对济平干渠渠池长度差异将近10倍的现状,发现增设节制闸减小单渠池长度后,该算法整体稳定时间进一步减小,各无量纲性能指标均不同程度提高。【结论】多渠池蓄量控制优于单个渠池蓄量控制,此算法为多渠池蓄量控制的进一步研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

小蚕共育是现代蚕业生产中的关键环节,为提升现有小蚕共育机的工作效率与可靠性,设计一套自动控制系统。主要包括电源模块、数据采集模块和执行驱动模块的硬件电路与程序设计。电源模块以双电源自动切换方式对各硬件装置提供电源,数据采集模块采用STM32控制芯片搭载传感器的方式实现对小蚕共育环境数据和饲育设备工作数据采集,执行驱动模块实现对饲育机的举箔、推箔、抓箔、消毒和饲喂电机的控制。试验结果表明:系统能在20 ms内完成双电源切换,持续供电能力达8 h以上;数据采集的温度值误差为±1.4 ℃,湿度值误差为±2%,电压值误差为±0.5 V,电流值误差为±0.2 A;执行驱动模块实现饲喂精度达96%以上,饲喂误差为±3%。该系统可实现小蚕共育的系统控制与远程监控,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

针对山地丘陵果园生产作业中,病虫害防治和灌溉工作量大,人工成本上升,同时我国当前施肥模式粗犷、水肥浪费量大、肥液浓度不好控制等问题,结合物联网技术和互联网技术设计一种基于物联网的果园药水肥一体化控制系统。该套系统以基于CC2530的ZigBee节点为基础,结合MCU单片机及各类传感器,通过ZigBee网络实现远程监测和控制执行模块执行各种功能,同时采用模糊控制对水泵进行精准控制,实现对果树的精准施药、施肥和灌溉,并进行试验验证。结果显示,ZigBee网络的丢包率与距离没有明显关系,与上位机软件发包频率有一定关系;系统能够实现远程监测与自动控制,实时显示空气和土壤湿度、EC值和pH值等监测数据;混合药池的EC值经过系统调节690 s左右,达到设定值1.5 ms/cm,土壤EC值经过系统调节810 s左右,达到设定值1.2 ms/cm附近;同时系统根据不同的土壤EC值与混合药池EC值执行不同的灌溉方案与混肥、施肥方案,精准控制灌溉施肥,有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   

为了了解测控一体化板闸在高含沙水渠道的测流精度是否满足规范要求,选取宁夏南山台扬水灌区18条测流条件较好且具有代表性的支渠,通过对比无喉道量水槽的测流结果,整理分析不同灌水时期测控一体化板闸的测流数据,采用ANSYS Fluent建立物理模型,模拟研究测控一体化板闸的水力性能随含沙量的变化规律,并结合Rubicon测控一体化板闸测流原理,分析含沙量影响测控一体化板闸测流精度的成因.结果表明:当渠道水含沙量较大时,测控一体化板闸与无喉道量水槽的测流结果偏差较大;板闸计量箱内的流速分布、湍动能、含沙量、沙粒粒径均可能影响超声波流量计的测流精度;随着含沙量的增加,测控一体化板闸计量箱内湍动能减小,但流速分布无明显变化.因此,含沙量对测控一体化板闸测流精度有一定影响,主要由超声波在含沙水中的衰减作用以及含沙水的制紊作用导致,而流速分布对其影响较小.  相似文献   

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