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为探明不同干燥方式对封鳊鱼品质及鱼肉理化性质的影响,试验采用自然、冷风、冷冻、冷风—热风联合和热泵5种干燥方式对封鳊鱼进行干燥,研究不同干燥方式对鳊鱼质量损失、干燥速率、硫代巴比妥酸值、挥发性盐基总氮、水分活度、复水率、质构特性和微观结构的影响。试验结果表明,自然干燥的干燥速率低、鱼肉复水率差、氧化最严重、腐败程度较高,但弹性和咀嚼性较好;冷冻干燥的干燥速率最快,鱼肉复水率最高,氧化和腐败程度最低,但弹性和咀嚼性差;冷风干燥的干燥速率低,但鱼肉复水率较好,仅低于冷冻干燥,氧化和腐败程度也仅高于冷冻干燥,且弹性和咀嚼性最好;热泵干燥的干燥速率较高,但鱼肉复水率低、氧化和腐败程度均较高、质构特性较差;联合干燥的干燥速率较快,但鱼肉复水率最低、腐败最严重、质构特性差。  相似文献   

液熏鲍冷风干燥工艺优化及贮藏期的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高鲍鱼的附加值,研发干制液熏鲍新产品,以确定液熏鲍干燥最优工艺参数及贮藏时间。以液熏鲍为研究对象,采用冷风干燥技术干制液熏鲍。在单因素试验基础上,通过响应面设计试验,以冷风干燥温度、干燥风速和干燥时间为因素,对干制熏鲍的硬度和弹性变化情况进行研究并建立相关数学模型,确定液熏鲍冷风干燥的加工工艺;同时探讨干制熏鲍的安全指标及保藏性。结果显示,由模型方程确定液熏鲍鱼冷风干燥工艺的最优参数为:温度26℃,风速4 m/s,时间23 h。在此条件下干制熏鲍的硬度为(22 845.05±1 098.71)N,弹性为(-0.13±0.03)mm。经该工艺生产的干制熏鲍,各项指标均符合国家食品安全标准和商业无菌要求,并且具有较好的风味和品质。  相似文献   

为探究不同干制方式对秋刀鱼(Cololabis saira)风味的影响,本研究将腌制后的秋刀鱼分别进行自然干燥、冷风干燥和紫外+冷风干燥,通过气相色谱–质谱联用仪(GC-MS)和电子舌测定鲜鱼、腌制鱼、自然干制鱼、冷风干制鱼、紫外+冷风干制鱼的风味变化。结果显示,GC-MS共检测到包括醛类、醇类、酮类、酸类、烃类以及含氮化合物等58种挥发性风味物质。以鲜秋刀鱼为参照,醇类、醛类、酮类物质的增加均不同程度丰富了3种干制秋刀鱼的油脂香气;其中,紫外+冷风干制鱼中顺-2-庚烯醛、辛醛、2-乙基呋喃等物质的含量明显增多,分别增加至64.96、569.48和189.27 μg/kg,使秋刀鱼具有丰富的油脂香味。咸味、鲜味和鲜味回味是干制秋刀鱼重要的滋味指标,电子舌实验结果表明,干制后秋刀鱼的咸味和鲜味回味大幅增加,而鲜味略有降低。3种干制方式均不同程度增加了秋刀鱼的油脂香味,同时丰富了鲜味回味;其中,紫外+冷风干燥最大程度地丰富了干制秋刀鱼的风味。  相似文献   

戴德渊 《畜禽业》2010,(6):26-27
玉米是重要的饲料原料。云南部分地区玉米霉变高达5%~7%,明显高于《GB1353-1999中国玉米质量标准》中规定的2%。其主要原因是长时间露天堆放和悬挂风干的落后粗放农活方式引起的。改进措施为:利用农家砖混结构住房屋顶和房前院坝用混泥土平整硬化为粮食晒场即时晾晒;在烤烟生产区充分利用烤烟烘房烘干;在房屋前空地搭建简易的有遮雨顶篷四周通风的自然干燥床。  相似文献   

为探究新鲜海带在晾晒情况下海带总多糖、甘露醇和褐藻胶含量的变化,掌握其晾晒干燥特性并建立可准确预测干燥进程的干燥模型,以湿基含水率、干燥速率、干燥时间为指标,海带湿基含水率达到18%以下作为干燥终点,分析山东荣成海域海带在光照度大于30000 Lx且相对湿度小于70%情况下晾晒,湿基含水率以及海带总多糖、甘露醇和褐藻胶...  相似文献   

为了探讨不同加工方式对皱纹盘鲍制品消化特性的影响,分析了生鲜、煮制、罐制和干制4种方式对鲍鱼肌肉蛋白在消化酶作用下的分解情况。利用模拟胃肠液消化及SDS-PAGE比较分析不同加工方式对鲍鱼肌肉消化特性的影响,并通过扫描电镜观察4种加工方式下鲍鱼肌肉组织微观结构的差异。结果显示,与生鲜鲍鱼相比,经煮制的鲍鱼较易被消化,罐制加工产品最易被消化,而干制鲍鱼最难被消化。不同加工方式对鲍鱼肌肉的组织结构有较大影响。进一步对不同皱纹盘鲍制品模拟胃肠液消化终产物的生物活性进行研究,发现它们对血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)的抑制活性(IC50)依次为罐制(464.2μg/m L)干制(665.4μg/m L)煮制(775.7μg/m L)生鲜(803.9μg/m L)。研究表明,不同加工方式对鲍鱼制品在机体内的消化特性及产物对ACE抑制活性存在差异,为优化鲍鱼制品生产加工提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

不同解冻方法对冻藏罗非鱼片理化性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为获得适合冻藏罗非鱼片的解冻方式,以解冻时间、解冻损失率、TBA值、K值和p H为指标,研究冰箱冷藏箱解冻(CT)、自然空气解冻(AT)、真空解冻(VT)和超声波解冻(UT)四种解冻方法对罗非鱼片品质的影响,并对解冻后鱼片的横切面进行扫描电镜观察。结果显示,与CT和AT相比,VT和UT的解冻时间较短(P0.05),解冻损失率、TBA值、K值和p H的变化均较小(P0.05)。扫描电镜显示,解冻对罗非鱼肉的微观结构均有一定的影响,但VT对鱼肉微观结构影响最小,能够最大程度地接近鲜鱼,UT对鱼肉的微观结构破坏较大,CT和ATD影响较小且无明显差别。研究表明,真空解冻方法既能缩短解冻时间,又能较好地保持罗非鱼肉的理化品质和微观结构,其与自然空气解冻法相比,解冻时间减少97.7%,解冻损件率减少87.5%,TBA值下降92.3%,K值下降61.7%,微观组织结构保持完整,是解冻罗非鱼片的最佳方式。  相似文献   

为了找出不同产地鲍鱼(Haliotis Spp.Abalone)的区域性差异,并探究一种有效的鲍鱼产地的鉴别方法,采用主成分分析法对对广东、福建、山东、辽宁4个主要养殖省份鲍鱼样品肌肉中的特征元素(Na、K、Mg、Ca、Fe、Zn、Cu、Ni、As、Al、Mn、Cr、Se)进行分析。结果显示,鲍鱼样品的元素含量存在差异,Mn的变异程度最大,变异系数为74%,Ni次之,为65%,其次是Se (60%),其余元素的变异系数均高于10%。同时,通过对这些数据进行降维处理,有效地从13个特征元素中提取了6个元素作为主成分,累计方差贡献率达89.87%;同时发现Ca、Se、Na、Fe、Mn、K、Ni这7种元素是不同产地鲍鱼的特征元素,并建立了主成分综合评价模型:F=0.2777F_1+0.2652F_2+0.1295F_3+0.1066F_4+0.0656F_5+0.0541F_6。模型的建立可以为利用特征元素对不同产地鲍鱼的产地溯源提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

在广东海洋大学东海岛海洋生物研究基地,模拟研究了杂色鲍(Hallotis diversicolor Reeve)与灰叶马尾藻(Sargassum cinereum)、细基江蓠繁枝变种(Gracilaria tenuistipitata var.Liui)生态混合养殖效果,分析了2种海藻对养殖水体中氮盐、磷盐的控制作用以及杂色鲍、2种海藻的生长状况。结果表明:鲍鱼与这两种大型海藻混合养殖,可明显提高鲍鱼的成活率,降低养殖水体中氮、磷盐含量,从而改善鲍鱼养殖环境。单种养殖的鲍鱼病死率是混养病死率的1.92倍。低密度混合养殖时,鲍鱼生长率较高。鲍鱼混合养殖水体中的氮盐、磷盐含量均明显低于单种养殖的,细基江蓠繁枝变种比灰叶马尾藻具有更强的吸收氮盐与磷盐能力。  相似文献   

曲敏  黄万成  李伟  佟长青  金桥 《河北渔业》2013,(1):10-12,20
研究鲍鱼内脏多糖的吸湿性、保湿性和抗紫外活性,制备添加鲍鱼内脏多糖的水洗面膜。结果表明:低湿度(RH43%)条件下,鲍鱼内脏多糖样品吸湿率和保湿率优于高湿度(RH81%)条件,高于聚乙二醇,低于甘油;鲍鱼内脏多糖样品吸湿率61.65%,保湿率167.46%。高湿度(RH43%)条件下,鲍鱼内脏多糖样品吸湿率20.73%,保湿率123.36%。鲍鱼内脏多糖具有较好的抗紫外UVA和UVB的能力。制备的鲍鱼内脏多糖水洗面膜感官及理化指标符合QB/T 2872-2007,具有很好的离心稳定性。  相似文献   

Changes in tissue structure and rheological properties of abalone meat with cold air drying and natural drying were studied. Natural drying took 168 h, while cold air drying took 120 h, which was 71% of natural drying. Nutrition loss of cold air drying abalone meat was less than that of natural drying samples. Muscle fibers in heated samples reassembled, and voids in muscular tissue extended. With drying time increasing, muscle fibers in abalone meat shrank, and the size of aperture among myofibrils decreased. While drying finished, myofibrils in cold air drying abalone meat had a homogeneous network structure, which was fit for water restoration. Rheological properties (elasticity modulus E, viscosity modulus η, and rupture strength) in heated samples were smaller than those in raw samples, while the relaxation time τ was greater. During the drying process, E, η, and rupture strength tended to increase, and the relaxation time τ had no significant regularity changes. Compared with natural drying, the cold air drying had more advantages in actual production as the drying time was shorter, and the drying process and sanitary conditions were easy to control.  相似文献   

吴燕燕  陈茜  石慧  魏涯  王悦齐 《水产学报》2022,46(7):1188-1200
为探究不同方式干燥卵形鲳鲹鱼片的风味差异,实验选取冰鲜卵形鲳鲹为原料,采用热风干燥、热泵干燥和冷冻干燥3种方式干制卵形鲳鲹鱼片,分别测定并分析其TBA值、呈味核苷酸含量、游离氨基酸含量和挥发性风味物质等指标。结果显示,干燥后的卵形鲳鲹鱼片中TBA值与K值均显著上升,其中冷冻干燥鱼肉的TBA值仅比冰鲜鱼片增加1.6倍,但热泵干燥和热风干燥则分别增加了5.5和4.5倍。干燥后鱼肉中的总游离氨基酸含量及味精当量较冰鲜卵形鲳鲹鱼片显著降低,其中热风干燥鱼肉的味精当量则下降了50.83%。热泵干燥鱼肉中苦味氨基酸含量和鲜味氨基酸含量分别占总氨基酸含量的19.11%和7.37%,而冷冻干燥组鱼肉中甜味氨基酸相对百分含量最高,为53.62%。3种干燥方式中,热泵干燥卵形鲳鲹的味精当量最高,为4.47谷氨酸钠(MGS)/100 g,表明热泵干燥卵形鲳鲹鱼片的鲜味程度最高。就挥发性风味成分而言,热泵干燥鱼肉酯类和酮类较多,其主要呈现果香味和焙烤坚果味;热风干燥中烃类和芳香类的相对含量约占70%,醛类和酯类相对含量达20%;而冷冻干燥中烃类与芳香类相对含量占到90%以上,醛类和酯类相对含量不足8%,其风味...  相似文献   

Salted grass carp fillets were dried by hot air drying (HD, at 35 and 45°C) and vacuum microwave drying (VMD, at 1, 4, and 7 W/g) to a final moisture content. Compared with hot air drying, the vacuum microwave drying greatly reduced drying time. The rehydration rate constant of salted grass carp fillets dried by microwave vacuum drying at 7-W/g microwave intensity was significantly higher than that of the hot air drying at 35 and 45°C. Compared with hot air drying, the vacuum microwave dried samples had a higher crude fat content (dry basis). The lightness of the samples dried by vacuum microwave drying was higher, and the yellowness was lower than those dried by hot air drying. The drying methods had no significant effect on the hardness and springiness.  相似文献   

热泵与微波真空联合干燥海参的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验采用热泵与微波真空联合的方式对海参(Stichopus aponicus)进行干燥,并与单纯热泵干燥的试验进行了对比.结果表明,利用热泵+微波真空联合干燥方法与单纯热泵干燥比较,干燥时间缩短50%以上,产品复水率有较大提高.其中,先在热泵(温度T=30 ℃,湿度RH=30%,风速V=1 m/s)中干燥至40%的含水率,再以微波真空(微波功率230 W,真空度0.060 MPa)干燥至13%湿基含水率,所得干燥海参的10 min复水率达到50%,收缩率减小到32.2%,干燥海参感官品质良好,色泽黑亮,参刺及表面无焦糊现象,外观形状保持完好,参体饱满.  相似文献   

The Xishi abalone (Haliotis gigantea) is an economically significant aquaculture species in southern China. We identified a novel orange‐muscle mutation present in less than 2% of the cultured population. High‐performance liquid chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry identified zeaxanthin and β‐carotene as the two main pigments present in the orange‐muscle abalone. The concentrations of zeaxanthin and β‐carotene detected in the orange‐muscle abalones were significantly higher than those detected in the common abalones (p < 0.01). Notably, the concentration of zeaxanthin was approximately 16.5 times higher in orange‐muscle abalones than in common abalones, which was also the species with highest carotenoid content reported in shellfish to date. Furthermore, the contents of total amino acids and essential amino acids in the orange‐muscle abalone were higher than that in the common abalone, though not significantly, while the content of non‐essential amino acids was significantly higher in the orange‐muscle abalone than that in the common abalone (p < 0.05). The saturated fatty acid content in the orange‐muscle abalones was slightly lower than that in the common abalones, and the unsaturated fatty acid content was higher in the orange‐muscle abalones than that in the common abalones. These results could provide a basis for characterizing the mechanism by which carotenoids accumulate in abalones and further guide the breeding of abalone with orange‐muscle mutants in the future.  相似文献   

Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying was tested as an improved dehydration method for scallop muscle. The scallop muscle was dried in an EHD drying system at 15°C, in an oven at 60°C, and in ambient air at 15°C. The energy consumption of EHD and oven drying, as well as the shrinkage rate, water absorption, solid loss, and sensory properties such as color and anti-crushing durability of the dried scallop muscle were measured. Results showed that the drying rate of scallop muscle significantly improved using the EHD drying system. Under a 45 kV voltage, the drying rate of EHD is 7 times higher compared with that of air drying in the 1st h. Compared with oven drying, EHD drying was more efficient in terms of energy saving. Furthermore, EHD drying cost only 28.67% of the electric energy required for oven drying. The dried scallop muscle by EHD had better sensory qualities and higher anti-crushing durability. EHD drying is very advantageous and can be used as a substitute to the traditional drying method.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Atka mackerel (Am) and Japanese common squid (Sq) meats were cured in 0.5–1.5 M sorbitol solutions (pH 7.0) and dried at 30°C (relative humidity, 60%), and the effect of sorbitol on the moisture transportation and textural change during the curing and drying processes was investigated. With an increase in sorbitol permeated through samples, the moisture contents decreased by 52% (Am) and 42% (Sq) by curing in 1.5 M sorbitol solution. When the cured meats were dried, slow moisture vaporization occurred at the initial drying period, and the critical moisture content significantly decreased with an increase in the sorbitol content of the cured meats. Further, the hardening of the dried products was effectively suppressed by sorbitol curing. These effects of sorbitol would contribute to the reduction of drying time and particularly the elimination of the excess hardening of dried fish products.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the drying kinetics and quality characteristics of Indian mackerel dried under solar–electrical hybrid dryer (S-EHD). Fresh Indian mackerel fishes (Rastrelliger kanagurta) were cleaned, cut into butterfly fillets, and salted overnight using a dry salting method (salt-to-fish ratio, 1:3). The salted mackerel was dried in a S-EHD at the air temperature of 45–55°C, relative humidity of 47–62%, and air velocity of 0.60–0.80 m/s. Open sun drying (OSD) of salted Indian mackerel was conducted to compare with S-EHD. The moisture content of the salted mackerel (61.5% w.b.) was reduced to 31.8% (w.b.) under S-EHD and 30.25% (w.b) under OSD in 8 and 32 h, respectively. The drying rate curve showed that mackerel drying occurred under falling-rate drying period in both the drying methods. A drying efficiency of 23.81% was observed for salted Indian mackerel drying under S-EHD. Diffusion approach and two-term models were selected to accurately predict the drying behavior of mackerel under S-EHD and OSD, respectively. Total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), trimethylamine, and thiobarbituric acid analysis of dried samples revealed that the mackerel dried under S-EHD was better than OSD. In the sensory analysis, samples dried under S-EHD recorded highest overall acceptability score.  相似文献   

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