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国道316线江洛镇—天水市二级公路工程是甘肃省“两纵两横”公路主骨架的组成部分。其可行性研究阶段水土保持方案中绿化工程设计根据项目主体的要求,确定了不同绿化功能和要求的地块分布,划分不同的防治分区;通过分析和评价各类绿化地的立地条件,合理划分立地因子,提出不同防治分区各绿化地块拟采用的植物种及布局方案;并进行典型设计。  相似文献   

在开发建设项目水土保持方案的编制和实施过程中,常会遇到许多问题,解决不好会影响方案质量。以某水泥生产线项目的水土保持方案为例,就在生产类项目水土保持方案编制中遇到的设计水平年及方案服务年限的确定、水土流失预测单元及时段的划分、水土保持防治责任范围的确定、水土保持防治分区及措施布设、绿化设计等有关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

区域水土保持方案编制相关问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合区域水土保持方案评价的作用,通过分析武汉市工业园区水土流失特点和水土流失方案编制存在的问题,提出如下建议:①武汉市工业园一级分区应根据产业园规划划分,二级分区根据功能性质划分,三级分区根据施工特点划分;②在满足《生产建设项目水土流失防治标准》(GB/T 50434—2018)要求的六项指标的前提下,建议增加透水比、下沉式绿地比率和雨洪利用率等水土流失防控指标,并细化林草覆盖率指标;③水土保持措施布设应结合实际,因地制宜采取相应措施。  相似文献   

西气东输工程水土保持绿化工程防治方案初探   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
以西气东输工程为例,根据项目主体可行性研究的要求,论证了绿化土地的分布和面积,分析了绿化地的立地条件,提出了绿化植物种选择方案和总体布局案,并根据项目对绿化的特殊要求,通过对绿化方案的比选,最后提出可行的绿化方案和典型地段的绿化工程方案。系统地介绍了可行性研究阶段水土保持方案中绿化工程设计的要求及内容。  相似文献   

结合光伏电场项目水土保持方案落实情况调查和监督检查工作实践,对辽西低山丘陵区光伏电场工程的水土流失特点、水土流失防治分区及分区防治措施进行了分析总结。该区内光伏发电场项目建设施工扰动及水土流失具有植被片状损坏、分区扰动差异、建设周期短且扰动集中和点、线、面侵蚀共存、水蚀和风蚀兼有等特点。将光伏发电项目划分为光伏阵列场区、场内道路区、集电线路区、升压站区和施工场地区5个防治分区,并分区针对性提出水土流失防治措施。  相似文献   

煤矿项目水土保持方案植物措施中的植物配置合理,不仅能充分发挥其应有的生态效能,而且能够达到绿化美化环境的目的,促进煤矿资源开发与当地经济、环境的可持续发展。提出了煤矿项目水土保持方案中植物配置的原则,并针对各个水土流失防治分区提出了植物配置方案。  相似文献   

以甘肃省引洮灌溉工程为例,根据项目主体可行性研究的要求,论证了绿化土地的分布和面积,分析了绿化地的立地条件,提出了绿化植物种选择方案。并根据项目对绿化的特殊要求,通过对绿化方案的比选,提出了可行的绿化方案。  相似文献   

根据水土保持方案具体编制实践,从综合说明、方案编制总则、项目概况、项目区概况、主体工程水土保持分析与评价、防治责任范围的确定和防治分区的划分、水土流失预测、水土流失防治措施布设等8个方面,探讨了如何编制开发建设项目水土保持方案。  相似文献   

堤防工程同时具有线型工程和点型工程的水土流失特点,编写其水土保持方案时应根据项目特点明确水土流失防治责任范围,正确划分其水土流失防治分区,合理预测水土流失和布设水土保持措施。  相似文献   

水利工程项目水土流失防治要点探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水利工程在兴建过程中,难免对区域原有的自然环境和生态平衡产生一定的破坏和影响。水利工程项目按其平面布置情况可分为点状工程和线状工程,不同类型项目造成的水土流失特点也不尽相同。编制和实施水土保持方案应根据水利工程投资大、占地面积大、弃土弃渣多、防治难度大等特点,分类设计、分区治理。但目前水土保持方案编制中普遍存在后续设计不完善、工程措施防治标准偏低、移民安置区防治措施过于简单等问题,为此提出取料场、弃渣场、施工准备阶段和施工伴行道路的防治是水工程项目水土流失防治重点;移民安置区的水土流失防治不能忽视;应用新技术、新工艺,减少对周边的扰动破坏是预防水土流失的重要措施;从生态学观点出发,采用绿化美化措施能提高水工程项目水土流失防治效果。  相似文献   

高等级公路水土保持方案研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在我国高等级公路建设发展的同时,也引起了一系列的水土流失问题。以子靖高速公路的水土保持工程为例,系统地介绍了高等级公路工程建设过程中的配套水土保持方案的预测、方案确立、监测全过程。设计过程中根据不同的立地因子进行分区,采取各自相应的工程及植物措施进行典型设计综合治理。希望能为同类工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

土地整治中各类工程措施的实施,会对土地整治区域中田块的利用产生影响,量化评估土地整治对田块利用产生的影响,不仅可以完善土地整治的理论,而且能为土地整治项目规划设计方案的优化提供依据。该文将土地整治对田块利用的影响归纳为对田块规模、田块形状、田块空间特征和田块耕作效率影响4个方面,选择湖北省监利县毛市镇联盟土地整治项目与湖北省老河口市洪山咀办事处兰家岗村低丘岗地土地整治项目作为平原区项目和丘陵区项目的典型代表,量化评估了2个项目区土地整治对田块利用产生的影响,并对其进行了比较分析。研究结果表明在平原区项目和丘陵区项目中,土地整治对田块利用的影响表现出极强的相似性,综合表现为:1)田块的规模被扩大,小规模的田块并合并,田块的规模变得相对均匀;2)田块的外形被分割的更加规整,田块几何形状的相似性增强,人类对土地的干扰程度增加;3)整治区域中的田块由整治前的许多离散小田块的组合方式转变成整治后由少数大田块高度连接的组合方式,田块在分布上趋于集中;4)田块耕作的效率提高,二者平均耕作时间分别由整治前的57、62 min/hm2减少到整治后的45和48 min/hm2。同时,在平原区项目和丘陵区项目中,土地整治对田块规模、田块外形、田块空间分布特征和田块耕作效率影响的幅度上存差异,丘陵区项目在田块规模、田块破碎度、田块密度以及耕作时间的变化幅度上要大于平原区项目,这主要是由于地貌类型和区域本底条件的不同引起的。  相似文献   

土地整治对平原区及丘陵区田块利用的影响   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4  
土地整治中各类工程措施的实施,会对土地整治区域中田块的利用产生影响,量化评估土地整治对田块利用产生的影响,不仅可以完善土地整治的理论,而且能为土地整治项目规划设计方案的优化提供依据。该文将土地整治对田块利用的影响归纳为对田块规模、田块形状、田块空间特征和田块耕作效率影响4个方面,选择湖北省监利县毛市镇联盟土地整治项目与湖北省老河口市洪山咀办事处兰家岗村低丘岗地土地整治项目作为平原区项目和丘陵区项目的典型代表,量化评估了2个项目区土地整治对田块利用产生的影响,并对其进行了比较分析。研究结果表明在平原区项目和丘陵区项目中,土地整治对田块利用的影响表现出极强的相似性,综合表现为:1)田块的规模被扩大,小规模的田块并合并,田块的规模变得相对均匀;2)田块的外形被分割的更加规整,田块几何形状的相似性增强,人类对土地的干扰程度增加;3)整治区域中的田块由整治前的许多离散小田块的组合方式转变成整治后由少数大田块高度连接的组合方式,田块在分布上趋于集中;4)田块耕作的效率提高,二者平均耕作时间分别由整治前的57、62min/hm2减少到整治后的45和48min/hm2。同时,在平原区项目和丘陵区项目中,土地整治对田块规模、田块外形、田块空间分布特征和田块耕作效率影响的幅度上存差异,丘陵区项目在田块规模、田块破碎度、田块密度以及耕作时间的变化幅度上要大于平原区项目,这主要是由于地貌类型和区域本底条件的不同引起的。  相似文献   

为对城市绿地草坪草进行更合理的种植灌溉,采用小区微灌试验,对剪股颖、马蹄金、早熟禾和白三叶四种具有代表性的绿地草坪草的需水规律进行研究。试验结果表明:(1)供试草坪草根系在土层中的分布呈“伞”形结构,83%~94.4%的根系聚集在0—10 cm的土层中,不耐干旱,需适时补充灌溉,以维持其正常生长;(2)供试草坪草年需水总量在1 000 mm左右,66%的需水量集中在6—9月4个月内。在水资源紧缺的北方城市绿地建设中,不宜大面积配置草坪草;(3)草坪草的灌水周期以5 d,次灌水量33 mm较为适宜。  相似文献   

Neglecting the spatial variation in soil nutrient status may result in unused yield potential and in environmental damage. Site-specific management has been suggested to reduce inappropriate fertilization that can adversely affect soil, ground and surface water. Decision criteria for determining variable-rate nitrogen fertilization are, however, lacking. This paper analyses the spatial variation of nitrate nitrogen (NO3–N) and soil properties related to the N cycle at the plot-scale. Three 50×50 m plots were sampled in nested sampling designs of varying complexities. Classical statistics revealed a characteristic ranking in the variability of soil properties. Geostatistical analysis of the NO3–N data from two plots showed that the small-scale variation found in one small subgrid was not typical for the small-scale variation in the entire plot, indicating bias in the sampling design. A trend component was found in the NO3–N data and, consequently, the minimal requirement for the regionalized variable theory was not fulfilled. Problems due to design were overcome with a more complex nested sampling at the third plot. However, the spherical model fitted to the NO3–N data of the first year explained only 21% of the total variance, whereas a pure nugget effect was observed in the second year. The water content data also showed a low structural variance, which was different in the two years. In contrast, two thirds of the variance of total carbon (Ct) and total nitrogen (Nt) could be explained by the fitted models. Seasonal variations, such as varying duration of snow cover, and extrinsic management effects, such as growing of a cover crop, may have contributed to the observed differences in variability between the years. Due to the low proportion of structural variance and the observation that spatial distribution was not stable with time, geostatistical analysis of NO3–N and water contents data added only little information to classical statistical analysis. However, geostatistical analysis of total C and N contents provided a useful means to calculate spatial distribution patterns of these properties.  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯最大熵和多源数据的作物需水量空间预测   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
作物需水量是灌溉工程规划、设计和管理的重要基础数据,充分利用多源数据和先验知识,快速经济地获取精度较高的区域作物需水量对于区域水资源的优化配置具有重要意义。为精确预测作物需水量,该文以长系列实际监测和校核作物系数后计算得到的作物需水量为硬数据,利用硬数据确定获得最大熵的约束条件,根据软数据获取渠道的不同(部分年份缺失的站点数据、文献中获得的数据、利用灌溉试验数据库中的作物需水量资料,采用协同克立格方法获得的数据、考虑主要地形因子和主要气象要素的影响,采用主成分分析和地理加权回归(geographically weighted regression,GWR)方法获得作物需水量数据以及遥感数据),提出不同来源软数据的概率密度函数表达方法,采用贝叶斯最大熵(Bayesian maximum entropy,BME)方法对不同来源的作物需水量信息进行有机整合。结果表明:除硬数据+文献软数据外,其他数据整合呈现一致结果。华北地区冬小麦作物需水量在豫南地区较小,中部地区黄河北岸有连片的相对高值区,山东需水量相对较高,冀东北的乐亭、唐山附近有相对低值区。除硬数据+文献软数据比不整合的精度低9.41%外,其他软数据源均可不同程度地提高整合效果,硬数据+克立格软数据、硬数据+GWR软数据和硬数据+除文献数据外的其他软数据分别比不整合的精度提高85.33%、85.75%和91.69%。对考虑地形、气象等要素的多源数据进行整合可更好地反映冬小麦作物需水量空间分布的细节,显著提高估算精度,为稀疏监测站点地区水土资源的精准管理和优化配置提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

Field-scale variation of soil phosphorus (P) information is very important for P fertilizer application and its soil sampling design in grassland. A total of 108 soil samples were collected from a long-term (41 years) grazed grassland P experiment field at Teagasc, Johnstown Castle, Wexford, Ireland, in March 2009. There were six P treatments (P0-0, P0-30, P15-15, P15-5, P30-30, and P30-0) since 1968, with changes since 1999. Each treatment had 6 replicate plots (a total of 36 plots, 3 soil samples per plot). The samples were analyzed for available (Morgan’s) P, potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), lime requirement (LR), and pH. The highest mean available P concentration was found in the P30-30 (30 kg P ha?1 pre- and post-1998) plots, and the lowest mean available P concentration was found in the P0-0 (no P fertilizer since 1968) plots. Significant differences of mean P, Mg, LR, and pH values in different treatments were observed. There was a positive proportional effect for both the 36 plots and the 6 treatments for the P data: the local standard deviation increased with the increase of local mean. The proportional effect should be considered in order to optimize sampling design. Fewer samples can reflect soil P status in fields with low soil P levels, while more attention should be paid to the fields with high P levels in order to reduce environmental consequences of uniform applications.  相似文献   

Using plot soil loss distribution for soil conservation design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil conservation design is generally based on the estimation of average annual soil loss but it should be developed taking into account storms of a given return period. However, use of frequency analysis in soil erosion studies is relatively limited. In this paper, an investigation on statistical distribution of soil loss measurements was firstly carried out using a relatively high number of simultaneously operating plots of different lengths, λ (11, 22, 33 and 44 m) at the experimental station of Sparacia (southern Italy). Using a simple normalization technique, the analysis showed that the probability distribution of the normalized soil loss is independent of both the scale length λ and the temporal scale, which are completely represented by the mean soil loss calculated for a given event using all replicated data collected in plots having the same length. Then, a comparison between the frequency distribution of soil loss and rainfall erosivity index of the USLE was carried out. An estimating criterion of the annual soil loss of a given return period was also developed. By this criterion, the frequency distribution of the rainfall erosivity factor can be used to design soil conservation practices.  相似文献   

基于区间多阶段随机规划模型的灌区多水源优化配置   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
灌区多水源灌溉系统中存在许多不确定性因素,随着系统环境的变化及不确定性因素的影响,导致其配水过程具有动态特征。针对灌区多水源灌溉系统的配水特点,该文建立基于区间多阶段随机规划的灌区多水源优化配置模型。同时,考虑灌溉水对作物产量的影响,引入水分敏感指数权重系数,并以黑龙江省和平灌区水稻不同生育阶段灌溉水资源优化配置进行实例研究。结果表明,在不同来水情境下,管理者可根据各个生育阶段水分敏感指数权重系数,判断作物不同生育阶段的需水敏感程度,当来水情境的来水量多时,会产生余水量,可调配给下一生育阶段;当来水情境的来水量少时,管理者可在减少灌溉水量与增加外调水之间进行权衡,并根据需水关键期与需水非关键期做出决策,使水资源在作物生育阶段间及作物生育阶段内进行分配,实现灌区多水源灌溉系统的动态配水。该模型的应用在确保作物产量的同时,使灌溉水资源在作物各个生育阶段进行合理配置,有效地避免了水资源浪费,对提高灌溉水利用效率、保证水资源的可持续利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   


Conventional management practices have been associated with increased soil erosion and organic matter loss and the contamination of surface and ground water. Alternative agriculture systems which minimize external chemical inputs and degradation of soil and water resources represent alternatives to conventional management practices. Four different management practices were compared on an alluvial silty loam soil cultivated to grow corn (Zea mays L.). The effects of conventional and reduced tillage and of different chemical inputs on the distribution of phosphorus (P) concentration and on soil porosity were investigated. Results showed that the highest P content was detected in the topsoil (0–10 cm) of the minimum tilled plots even though the amount of P fertilizer added was much lower than the amount added in the conventionally tilled plots. The total porosity was significantly higher in the minimum tilled soil and was related only to the tillage technique. Since the higher porosity was mainly due to the higher proportion of elongated and regular pores, the minimum tilled soil appeared to be more resistant to physical stresses and characterized by a higher biological activity.  相似文献   

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