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Hg vertial transference in soil-water system was studied by analyzing Hg vertical ditribution in soil column after adding Hg and one of the two leacheates,deionzied water or acid rain,into soil column.The results indicated that Hg was hardly transferable in puple soil.About 86%-88% of the total soil Hg was distributed in the top layer (0-2cm) and to Hg was detected in the leakage when the purple soil column was leached by deionized water and simulated acid rain.But Hg was more movalbe in yellow soil with only about 20%-22% of the total soil Hg distributed in the top layer (0-2cm),and about 17%-25% washed out from the soil column by deionized water and simulted acid rain,Incremant in soil bulk density colud reduce Hg leaching,thus the more the Hg kept in soil,the less the Hg leached into underground water,Deionized water and acid rain almost played the same role in leaching Hg.Bentioint was most effecient in preventing Hg from vertcal transferring in the soil coulumn.  相似文献   

Organic matter dynamics and nutrient availability in saline alkaline soil of the former lake Texcoco will determine the success of a planned reforestation program. Uniformly labelled 14C-maize (MAI-treatment) and glucose (GLU-treatment) with or without 200 mg  kg−1 soil (MAI-N treatment and GLU-N treatment, respectively) were added to soils with electrolytic conductivity (EC) 56 dS m−1 (soil A) and 12 dS m−1 (soil B) to investigate the importance of N availability on decomposition of organic material. Production of CO2 and and inorganic N dynamics were monitored. The amount of 14C-glucose mineralized increased 1.8-times in the soil A, but had no effect in the soil B when 200 mg  kg−1 soil was added, while the amount of 14C-maize mineralized increased 1.7 and 1.3-times when 200  kg−1 soil was added in the soils A and B, respectively. Application of increased priming effect 3.7-times in the MAI-treatment of the soil A and 3.4-times in the GLU-treatment, while in the soil B the increase of priming effect was 4.1-times in the MAI-treatment and 3.7-times in the GLU-treatment. Of the 200 mg  kg−1 added to both soils less than 10 mg NH3-N kg−1 was volatilized within one day, while 22 and 44 mg  kg−1 soil was fixed on the soil matrix in the soil A and the soil B, respectively. Therefore more than 100 mg −N kg−1 was immobilized into the microbial biomass within the first day. Concentration of nitrite increased sharply in all the treatments of soil A at the onset of the incubation followed by a decrease. A similar pattern was observed in the GLU-N and MAI-N treatments of the soil B, but not in the other treatments. A decrease in concentration of was observed in both soils followed by an increase in the MAI-N and GLU-N treatments of the soil B. It was found that application of had a stimulating effect on the decomposition of maize and glucose, and on the priming effect, while assimilatory reduction of resulted in an increase of in the soil A, and nitrification in the soil B.  相似文献   

为深入了解吡虫啉在植物体内的行为规律,本研究以14C-吡虫啉为研究对象,采用种衣剂拌种法,设低药种比(4.8和5.4 g ? kg-1)以及高药种比(6.0和7.2 g·kg-1)处理,利用同位素示踪技术及现代仪器分析技术,探讨了吡虫啉在苗期甘蓝型油菜中的动态吸收变化和转运分布规律.结果表明,药种比6.0 g·kg-1...  相似文献   

近几年,水稻秸秆直接还田对油菜幼苗生长的负效应受到关注。有许多研究在水稻残体或腐解物中检测出了酚酸等被广泛证实具有化感作用的物质,因此在水稻秸秆产生的负效应中,化感抑制作用不容忽视。本研究以酚酸为目标化感物质,以湖北省油菜主栽品种"中双11号"为受体,采用4种采自典型稻油轮作系统中的土壤进行盆栽试验,研究水稻秸秆对油菜幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:(1)整体看来,添加秸秆对油菜幼苗总生物量的主效应在进贤土为正,在汉川土为负,在阳逻和麻城土为无明显影响;(2)功能叶片光合色素含量在全部土壤下的显著降低均出现在播种后33 d之内,与水稻秸秆腐解速率最大值的出现与存在时间上的重叠。秸秆处理对油菜幼苗的负效应在早期强于后期;(3)土壤水溶态酚酸含量为3.3~49.0μg·g-1soil。添加秸秆虽导致土壤中水溶态酚酸浓度增加,但其明显增加主要发生在试验后期,且增量与幼苗生物量化感效应指数呈正相关关系。因此酚酸含量的变化不能解释水稻秸秆的负效应,为揭示秸秆处理的负效应机制,需要转换目标化感物质。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effects of lanthanum (La), one of the rare earth elements (REEs), on microbial biomass C as well as the decomposition of 14C-labelled glucose in a fluvo-aquic soil in 28 days. The soil was collected from the field plots under maize/wheat rotation in Fengqiu Ecological Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Henan Province, China. Application of La decreased soil microbial biomass C during the experimental period, and there was a negative correlation (P < 0.01) between microbial biomass and application rate of La. La increased microbial biomass 14C after 14C glucose addition, and the increase was significant (P < 0.05) at the rates of more than 160 mg kg−1 soil. La slightly increased 14CO2 evolution at lower rates of application but decreased it at higher rates 1 day after 14C glucose addition, while there was no significant effect from days 2 to 28. For the cumulative 14CO2 evolution during the incubation of 28 days, La slightly increased it at the rates of less than 120 mg kg−1 soil, while significantly decreased (P < 0.05) it at the rate of 200 mg kg−1 soil. The results indicated that agricultural use of REEs such as La in soil could decrease the amount of soil microbial biomass and change the pattern of microbial utilization on glucose C source in a short period.  相似文献   

We investigated introgression in a mixed weedy population ofoilseed rape (Brassica napus) and itsrelative B. rapa usingspecies-specific AFLP-markers. The population wassituated in a field relayed from conventional to organic cultivation11 years ago. One-hundred-and-twoB. napus orB. rapa-like plantswere collected in a 3 m2 plot. Of these, onewas a first generation hybrid (F1) and nearlyhalf (44 plants) were introgressed, having bothB. napus andB. rapa specific markers.The remaining plants apparently corresponded to pure species, with 50having only B. rapa-and seven having only B.napus-specific markers. We compared thenumber of markers in the plants from the weedy population with thenumbers in controlled backcross generations (BC1 andBC2). The marker distribution in the weedy populationresembled the distribution in the second backcross generation mostclosely. Together with the cultivation history of the field, thissuggests that the introgression process in the weedy mixed populationhas been in progress for some time. This study is the first to showintrogression between B.napus and B.rapa under natural conditions.  相似文献   

生物降解膜促进冬油菜养分吸收减少土壤硝态氮累积   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
针对普通地膜覆盖导致的农田环境污染和土地退化问题,通过2 a田间试验,从土壤有机质含量、硝态氮累积与分布、作物养分吸收和籽粒产量等层面出发,进行了普通地膜覆盖(PM)、生物降解地膜覆盖(JM)和露地(CK)栽培冬油菜的对比研究。结果表明,播种后60和150 d,JM处理的土壤有机质含量、土壤硝态氮的累积和分布与PM处理无显著差异;播种后240 d,JM处理的土壤有机质含量显著大于PM处理,土壤硝态氮的累积量显著小于PM处理,且PM处理土壤硝态氮的淋洗下移峰值更大。PM和JM处理冬油菜的产量及地上部各器官的氮、磷、钾吸收量均显著大于CK,且PM和JM无显著差异。与PM处理相比,JM处理在播种后240 d时土壤有机质质量分数提高7.0%,土壤硝态氮累积量减少34.1%。可见,PM处理在冬油菜生育后期过分消耗地力,且残留在土壤中的硝态氮含量较高。该研究从土壤营养和作物养分吸收利用方面为生物降解地膜应用于农业生产的可行性提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Site-specific nitrogen (N) fertilizer strategy based on soil mineral N (Nmin) test is crucial for maintaining high crop yield and high N-use efficiency. A two-year field experiment was conducted to develop a site-specific N fertilizer management for winter oilseed rape in the 2011–12 and 2012–13 seasons in Wuhan, central China. In contrast to fixed N fertilizer recommendation (FN), the use of the Nmin test could optimize the N fertilizer inputs in time to fulfill crop N uptake during different growth stages and achieve high seed yield. Despite annual variations in seed yields and N fertilizer recommendations, the N recovery efficiency of the site-specific N fertilizer (SN) treatment was higher than that of the FN treatment. Consequently, the soil-based N strategy matches crop N uptake and soil N supply and achieves high yield depending on the site-specific soil-crop conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of zinc added to a diluvial sandy clay loam soil on its microflora and the metabolic products of amended glucose in the soil were investigated, and its influences on both biological and chemical turnover are discussed.Changes in the soil microflora were followed by counting the microbes and measuring their contributions to soil respiration. The transformations of 14C-glucose products were traced in five divided fractions.Amended glucose was readily assimilated into microbial tissues and transformed to metabolites in the control soil. Within the initial 24 h of the incubation, most of the glucose was decomposed and about 40% of the substrate evolved as carbon dioxide. This primary metabolism was attributed to the bacterial population, and the subsequent secondary metabolism was associated with fungal growth rather thanbacteria. On the other hand, zinc (1000 g/g) added as chloride prolonged the primary metabolism of glucose and a large part of the incubation period for 96 h was occupied by this metabolism, which was mostly dependent on the fungal population. Viable bacterial number noticeably within the first 24 h of the incubation. During the course of the subsequent incubation, however, this number increased and the selection for zinc tolerance was suggested.  相似文献   

The Czech Republic is characterized by a low Se soil content, resulting in Se deficiency in crops, humans, and animals. This study investigated the response of oilseed rape to foliar application of selenate solution in a microscale field experiment conducted at two locations differing in soil and climatic conditions but with comparable total Se contents. Sodium selenate (Na2SeO4) was applied at two rates (25 and 50 g Se ha?1). The potential effect of Se application on the uptake of essential elements was also evaluated. The foliar Se application resulted in an effective stepwise increase in the Se contents of all the plant components studied (leaves > stems > roots > siliques ~ seeds), as expected. No significant influence of Se fortification on the other investigated macro- and microelements was observed. However, the soil and climatic conditions influenced the Se uptake, such that a higher Se content was observed in plants grown in the most acidic location (Cambisol soil) that had a higher oxidizable carbon content and higher average annual rainfall compared to the less acidic location (Luvisol soil). These observations indicated the necessity to optimize the Se application for the particular soil and climatic conditions to achieve a maximum biofortification effect.  相似文献   

The relationship between organic matter decomposition and changes in microbial community structure were investigated in Antarctic soils using 13C-labelled plant materials. Soils with and without labelled Deschampsia antarctica (a native Antarctic grass) were incubated for 42 days and sampled at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days. Changes in microbial community structure were assessed using phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA) and an analysis of the fatty acids associated with the neutral lipid fraction (NLFA). These studies showed that there were no significant changes in PLFA or NLFA profiles over time suggesting no change in microbial community structure during residue decomposition. There was a marked increase however, in ergosterol levels in these soils indicative of growth of the fungal biomass. Analysis of this ergosterol using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry confirmed the transformation of the plant residue by showing the incorporation of 13C-plant C into the ergosterol. This incorporation of 13C into the ergosterol increased over the incubation period. Importantly, these changes associated with fungal growth were not evident in the analysis of either the PLFA or NLFA fractions thus questioning the reliability of such approaches for studying changes in microbial communities associated with the decomposition of plant residues.  相似文献   

14C-tracer technique and closed incubation method were used to study straw 14C decomposition and distribution in different fractions of newly formed humus under different moisture regimes. Decomposition of straw 14C was faster during the initial days, and slower thereafter. Decay rate constants of straw 14C varied from 3.29 × 10-3 d-1 to 7.06 × 10-3 d-1. After 112 d incubation, the amount of straw 14C mineralized was 1.17~1.46 times greater in submerged soils than in upland soils. Of the soil residual 14C, 9.08%~15.73% was present in humic acid (HA) and 31.01%~37.62% in fulvic acid (FA). Submerged condition favored the formation of HA, and HA/FA ratio of newly formed humus (labelled) was greater in submerged soils than in upland soils. Clay minerals affected the distribution of straw 14C in different humus fractions. Proportion of 14C present in HA to 14C remaining in soil was greater in Vertisol than in Ultisol.  相似文献   

Summary Pot experiments with oats were carried out to study the effect of Azospirillum brasilense Sp 7 and Azotobacter chroococcum 94K on the yield of plants, the N content of soil and the 14N balance. The plants were grown on gray forest soil under irrigation with deionized water and application of 15N-labelled fertilizer at a rate of 4 mg N 100 g-1 soil. Inoculation of plants with Azospirillum spp. and Azotobacter spp. failed to increase the plant yield. However, the increase in total N in the soil at the end of the experiment and the positive 14N balance in the soil-plant system due to increased nitrogenase activity in the rhizosphere were statistically significant. The amount of N accumulated in the soil was comparable with the rate of N applied as fertilizer.  相似文献   

Azam  F.  Ashraf  M.  Lodhi  Asma  Sajjad  M. I. 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》1990,10(2):134-138
Summary A pot experiment was conducted to study the N availability to wheat and the loss of 15N-labelled fertilizer N as affected by the rate of rice-straw applied. The availability of soil N was also studied. The straw was incorporated in the soil 2 or 4 weeks before a sowing of wheat and allowed to decompose at a moisture content of 60% or 200% of the water-holding capacity. The wheat plants were harvested at maturity and the roots, straw, and grains were analysed for total N and 15N. The soil was analysed for total N and 15N after the harvest to determine the recovery of fertilizer N in the soil-plant system and assess its loss. The dry matter and N yields of wheat were significantly retarded in the soil amended with rice straw. The availability of soil N to wheat was significantly reduced due to the straw application, particularly at high moisture levels during pre-incubation, and was assumed to cause a reduction in the dry matter and N yields of wheat. A significant correlation (r=0.89) was observed between the uptake of soil N and the dry matter yield of wheat with different treatments. In unamended soil 31.44% of the fertilizer N was taken up by the wheat plants while 41.08% of fertilizer N was lost. The plant recovery of fertilizer N from the amended soil averaged 30.78% and the losses averaged 45.55%  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of mineral-N addition and intensive mixing (analogous to disturbance by plowing) on decomposition of 14C-labelled maize (Zea mays L.) residue and soil organic matter (SOM). Soils were collected from the upper 5 cm of three land use types at Edelweiler, Germany: plow tillage (PT), reduced tillage (RT), and grassland (GL). Soils were incubated for 112 days at 20 °C, with or without 14C-labelled maize residue (4 g DM kg−1 soil), with or without nitrogen (100 mg N kg−1 soil as NH4NO3) and with or without intensive mixing.

The effect of mineral-N on maize residue decomposition differed depending on the stage of decomposition and land use type. Nitrogen accelerated residue decomposition rates in the first 5 days in RT and GL soils, but not in PT soil, and decreased residue decomposition rate in all three land use types after 11 days. At the end of the incubation, N suppressed 14CO2 efflux in RT and PT soils, but not in GL soil. Mineral-N did not increase SOM decomposition independently on the land use types.

Intensive mixing stimulated decomposition of both plant residue and SOM in all three land use types. However, effects were smaller in GL soil than in RT or PT soil, presumably because stronger soil aggregates in GL would have been less affected by mixing and allowed greater protection of SOM and plant residue against decomposition.  相似文献   

It is still unclear whether elevated CO2 increases plant root exudation and consequently affects the soil microbial biomass. The effects of elevated CO2 on the fate of the C and nitrogen (N) contained in old soil organic matter pools is also unclear. In this study the short and long-term effects of elevated CO2 on C and N pools and fluxes were assessed by growing isolated plants of ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in glasshouses at elevated and ambient atmospheric CO2 and using soil from the New Zealand FACE site that had >4 years exposure to CO2 enrichment. Using 14CO2 pulse labelling, the effects of elevated CO2 on C allocation within the plant-soil system were studied. Under elevated CO2 more root derived C was found in the soil and in the microbial biomass 48 h after labelling. The increased availability of substrate significantly stimulated soil microbial growth and acted as priming effect, enhancing native soil organic matter decomposition regardless of the mineral N supply. Despite indications of faster N cycling in soil under elevated CO2, N availability to plants stayed unchanged. Soil previously exposed to elevated CO2 exhibited a higher N cycling rate but again there was no effect on plant N uptake. With respect to the difficulties of extrapolating glasshouse experiment results to the field, we concluded that the accumulation of coarse organic matter observed in the field under elevated CO2 was probably not created by an imbalance between C and N but was likely to be due to more complex phenomena involving soil mesofauna and/or other nutrients limitations.  相似文献   

Summary Ryegrass shoot residues, labelled with 35S, were added to an S-deficient soil. The transfer of S to the microbial biomass, to the soil S pool extractable by NaHCO3 and to growing ryegrass when present was followed over 34 weeks. After 2 weeks 16% and 15% of the S residue was found in the biomass and in the extractable S pool, respectively. Where plants were grown, they became S-deficient (shoot S <0.2%) simultaneously with the biomass showing a marked increase in C:S ratio. This eventually reached 262 from an initial value of 59. Concurrently, the extractable S pool, which included some labile organic S, decreased to <0.2 g g–1 soil. After 34 weeks 27% of the S residue was found in the growing plant, 7% in the biomass and 2% in the extractable S pool. Some mineralization of unlabelled soil organic S was observed during the period of greatest plant growth (8–14 weeks), but not in the absence of plants. A second phase of mineralization occurred between weeks 22 and 34, concurrent with a rise in mean temperature, which was unaffected by the presence of plants or by the size of the microbial biomass. This may have been due to biochemical mineralization of ester sulphate. The amount of unlabelled soil S involved in active cycling was estimated to be 11%–13% of the total soil S.  相似文献   

With the present understanding that decomposing straw may not only affect soil properties,but possibly greenhouse gas emissions as well,focus among cnvironmental researchers has gradually expanded to include understanding of decomposition rate and stability of straw of different plants in different soils under different management conditions.Against such a background,a short-term(60 days)greenhouse simulation experiment was carried out to study the effects of straw placement,external mineral N source and tillage on straw decomposition of maize and cotton in two contrasting soils,a red soil(Ferrasol)and a black soil(Acrisol).The treatments included straw addition only(T1);straw addition mineral N(T2);and straw addition tillage(T3).Straw was either buried in the soil or placed on the surface.Sampling was done every 15 days.Placement,addition of external mineral N sources(Urea,46% N),straw type,soil type and exposure duration(15,30,45 and 60 dyas)affected straw decomposition.Decomposition was more in buried straw than in surface-placed straw at all sampling dates in red soil.The addition of an external N source significantly increased decomposition.The study could not,however,fully account for the effect of tillage on straw decomposition because of the limited effect of our tillage method due to the artificial barrier to mechanical iaterference supplicd by the mesh bags.  相似文献   

An incubation experiment was carried out with maize (Zea mays L.) leaf straw to analyze the effects of mixing the residues with soil and N amendment on the decomposition process. In order to distinguish between soil effects and nitrogen effects for both the phyllospheric microorganisms already present on the surface of maize straw and soil microorganisms the N amendment was applied in two different placements: directly to the straw or to the soil. The experiment was performed in dynamic, automated microcosms for 22 days at 15 °C with 7 treatments: (1) untreated soil, (2) non-amended maize leaf straw without soil, (3) N amended maize leaf straw without soil, (4) soil mixed with maize leaf straw, (5) N amended soil, (6) N amended soil mixed with maize leaf straw, and (7) soil mixed with N amended maize leaf straw. 15NH415NO3 (5 at%) was added. Gas emissions (CO2, 13CO2 and N2O) were continuously recorded throughout the experiment. Microbial biomass C, biomass N, ergosterol, δ13C of soil organic C and of microbial biomass C as well as 15N in soil total N, mineral N and microbial biomass N were determined in soil samples at the end of the incubation. The CO2 evolution rate showed a lag-phase of two days in the non-amended maize leaf straw treatment without soil, which was completely eliminated when mineral N was added. The addition of N generally increased the CO2 evolution rate during the initial stages of maize leaf straw decomposition, but not the cumulative CO2 production. The presence of soil caused roughly a 50% increase in cumulative CO2 production within 22 days in the maize straw treatments due to a slower decrease of CO2 evolution after the initial activity peak. Since there are no limitations of water or N, we suggest that soil provides a microbial community ensuring an effective succession of straw decomposing microorganisms. In the treatments where maize and soil was mixed, 75% of microbial biomass C was derived from maize. We concluded that this high contribution of maize using microbiota indicates a strong influence of organisms of phyllospheric origin to the microbial community in the soil after plant residues enter the soil.  相似文献   

不同磷效率油菜根际土壤磷活化机理研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
筛选和培育耐低磷植物是缓解磷矿资源缺乏和提高磷肥利用效率的有效途径之一。本研究在前期材料筛选的基础上,通过根箱试验研究不同磷效率油菜根际土壤磷活化机理,其结果如下:在施磷和不施磷处理条件下,磷高效油菜品种B56(HG)的吸磷量和生物量均高于磷低效品种B10(LG);两油菜品种根际土壤中的NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po和 NaOH-Pi,NaOH-Po四种磷素形态均有显著的亏缺现象;磷高效品种(HG)根际土壤上述四种磷素形态亏缺程度大于磷低效品种(LG),但Resin-P则出现富集,并且HG的富集程度大于LG,这可能与HG具有较高吸磷能力有关。两油菜品种根际土壤HCl-Pi 和 残渣态磷(Residual-P)没有发生明显的亏缺现象。相比较而言,HG能分泌更多的酸性磷酸酶,该酶活性与NaHCO3-Po含量呈显著的负相关,说明酸性磷酸酶对有机磷矿化起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

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