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甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育恢复基因的遗传研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过多年大量的筛选 ,在不同来源甘蓝型油菜中发现了一批恢复系 ,并利用筛选的恢复系中的恢复基因 ,转育出一批恢复性能良好、品质优良、配合力高的恢复系。对这些恢复系的遗传研究结果表明 ,这些不同来源的恢复基因为一对主效基因 ,但这些不同来源的恢复基因的等位性不同  相似文献   

通过对三种不同细胞质不育系套袋自交、剥蕾授粉和形态学观察表明:212A属于稳定型细胞质雄性不育系,其主要原因与低温死蕾有关。用这三种不育系与1102C作杂交,其杂一代经济性状均优于213A/1102C和214A/1102C,产量分别比213A/1102C和214A/1102C增产11.1%和7.1%。212A的配合力高,利用其配制的212A/1102C(陕油8号)和212A/116C(陕油6号)分别通过国家和陕西省审定,这两个品种现已在生产上大面积应用。  相似文献   

水稻同核异质广亲和不育系细胞质效应的研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
利用同核异质广亲和不育系真系秋光A, 研究3种不育细胞质对杂交稻16个性状的遗传效应. 结果表明: (1) 不育细胞质在结实率、每穗实粒、单株产量、株高4个性状上表现显著的负效应, 在抽穗期、千粒重2个性状上表现显著的正效应, 单株穗数、每穗总粒及8个品质性状不育细胞质效应不显著, 不育细胞质效应与相对效应的分析结果基本  相似文献   

王瑞  徐新福  李加纳  唐章林  谌利 《作物学报》2007,33(12):2001-2006
利用甘蓝型油菜4个显性纯合两用系与7个恢复系配制不完全双列杂交组合,采用广义种子遗传模型分析甘蓝型油菜硫苷组分的胚、细胞质和母体植株3套遗传体系的基因主效应和基因型×环境效应。结果表明硫苷组分性状受制于基因主效应,基因型×环境互作效应作用较小。2-羟-3-丁烯基、3-丁烯基以胚主效应为主,分别占75.21%和58.25%。4-羟-3-吲哚甲基、苯乙基以细胞质效应为主,分别占74.19%和69.54%。4-戊烯基由胚主效应和细胞质效应共同控制,分别占50.29%和38.12%。在基因型×环境互作方差中,4-羟-3-吲哚甲基仅受制于细胞质互作效应,其余硫苷组分均以显著的胚互作效应和细胞质互作效应为主。5个硫苷组分均以普通狭义遗传率为主,互作狭义遗传率较低。在普通狭义遗传率中,2-羟-3-丁烯基、3-丁烯基以胚遗传率为主,分别为71.61%和53.76%。4-羟-3-吲哚甲基和苯乙基以细胞质遗传率为主,分别为68.21%和68.47%。4-戊烯基以胚遗传率和细胞质遗传率为主,分别为47.81%和36.24%。在互作狭义遗传率中,5个硫苷组分以细胞质互作遗传率为主,均达到了显著水平。亲本遗传效应值预测表明,选用D3AB、D21R作为硫苷品质改良亲本有利于降低杂种后代油菜籽中2-羟-3-丁烯基和3-丁烯基的含量。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育性的基因分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对384A、217A两个甘蓝型双低油菜细胞质不育系及其保持系、恢复系、杂种F1、F2及aBC1(不育系×杂种F1)、bBC1(杂种F1×保持系)等群体中植株的育性观察和分析,初步查明384A、217A均属孢子体不育。雄性不育性是由细胞质中的不育基因和细胞核中的隐性基因相互作用的结果。384A具有一对隐性不育核基因,217A具有两对隐性不育核基因,且384A的一对隐性核不育基因与217A的任何一对隐性不育核基因不存在等位关系。384A的基因型为S(r1r1),217A的基因型为S(r2r2r3r3)。  相似文献   

为了探索在不同生态条件下,二系法甘蓝型油菜杂交组合的遗传效应及杂种优势表现。本研究选用6个核背景不同的甘蓝型油菜恢复系作为亲本,根据NCⅡ遗传交配设计配置了36个杂交组合,分别在大荔和张掖两个不同生态区种植,在成熟期对其进行性状调查,采用朱军的ADE模型进行数据分析。结果表明,产量性状不同程度都受到基因的加性、显性、及其与环境互作效应的影响,其中单株角果数和千粒重主要受到加性效应的影响,单株产量和角粒数主要受到显性效应影响;在与环境互作中,单株产量、单株角果数和千粒重的各遗传效应都与环境互作达到了显著性,而角粒数的遗传性相对稳定;农艺性状在基因型与环境互作中有效分枝部位和一次有效分枝数受到环境效应影响较大;在遗传相关性中,单株产量与单株角果数、角粒数和千粒重的表现型相关系数和基因型相关系数均达到了极显著性水平;杂交组合的杂种优势总体表现出F1代优于F2代。此研究结果对二系杂交组合选配有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜胞质雄性不育系22A的遗传研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
甘蓝型双低油菜CMS22A是河南省农科院棉油所利用384A中的雄性不育源、采用单株成对连续回交的方法育成的新型双低油菜细胞质雄性不育系。其突出表现为雄性不育彻底且遗传稳定,配合力高,抗病抗倒,品质优良。对CMS22A育性遗传规律研究表明,该不育系属典型的败药型雄性不育系,其雄性不育的遗传受不育细胞质(S)和一对隐性核不育主效基因(rr)的共同控制,属孢子体不育,基因型为S(rr)。  相似文献   

戚存扣  盖钧镒 《作物学报》2002,28(4):455-460
应用作物数量性状QTL体系检测的主位点组方法对不同地理来源的甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)12个品种双列杂交组合的开花期(播种-初花日数)性状的遗传差异进行了研究. 结果表明, 12个甘蓝型油菜品种开花期的遗传受4个主基因控制, 其加性效应分别为-17.22**, 2.71*, 6.09**和-1.05, 显性效应分别为-3.67*, 1.07*, 4.52*和-2.7  相似文献   

雄性不育是植物杂种优势利用的重要途径,利用杂种优势成功地解决了油菜品质育种过程中高产与优质的矛盾,从而使双低杂交油菜的种植面积迅速扩大。目前我国油菜雄性不育的研究呈现多类型并用的局面。以Po1A、陕2A和MICMS为代表的细胞质雄性不育系已大量应用于生产中。细胞核雄性不育已应用的有三类:一是李树林(1985)报道的两对显性基因互作控制的双显性核不育;第二类是由两对隐性重叠基因控制的双隐性核不育;第三类是陈凤祥(1993)报道的二对隐性重叠不育基因与一对隐性上位抑制基因控制的三隐性核不育。  相似文献   

旨在了解并揭示不育系105A的花粉败育时期和细胞学特征,为进一步正确认识细胞质雄性不育系分子机制提供必要参考依据。采用石蜡制片法,对甘蓝型油菜杂交种‘青杂5号’的雄性不育系105A及其恢复系1831R的小孢子发生和花药发育过程进行观察,以确定其花粉败育的时期和细胞学特点。研究结果表明,在不育系105A花药败育过程中,一部分发生于造孢细胞时期,属于无花粉囊败育型;另一部分发生于单核晚期,属于单核败育型,其特点为单核晚期绒毡层细胞膨大向小孢子靠近,并逐步降解,其破裂胞质退化残余物侵入药室,与小孢子混合粘连在一起,甚至有些绒毡层细胞整块脱落,成为染色很深的团块状物质,占据药室一部分空间,最终小孢子降解,花药败育。  相似文献   

C. Yu    S. Hu    P. He    G. Sun    C. Zhang    Y. Yu 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(1):61-64
A sulphonylurea herbicide, tribenuron‐methyl, methyl 2‐[[[[(4‐methoxy‐6‐methyl‐1,3,5‐triazin‐2‐yl) methylamino] carbonyl] amino] sulphonyl] benzoate, was used to induce male sterility in rapeseed. Application of 0.2 μg tribenuron‐methyl per plant at the bolting stage with the longest floral bud <2 mm and repeated 15 days afterwards, resulted in 94.5–100% plants being male sterile in six different breeding lines, but combined with low phytotoxicity. However, excessive double application of the chemical (>0.2 μg per plant) did have some significant impact on rapeseed, including stunting, fading leaves and petals, reduction in the size of floral parts and a shortened duration of flowering. The percentage of hybrid seeds from ‘84004‘ treated with 0.2 μg × 2 tribenuron‐methyl per plant and pollinated by a male parent ‘Huaye’ was 92.7%, which met the hybridity requirement in China. The results suggest that tribenuron‐methyl could be used as an efficient chemical hybridizing agent.  相似文献   

Y. M. Zhou  H. H. Bai 《Plant Breeding》1994,113(3):222-226
By transferring dominant male sterility (DMS), caused by the gene Ms, to genotypes with various types of cytoplasm 12 DMS lines were developed and a number of crosses made between the DMS lines and other genotypes of Brassica napus. During the course of this population improvement programme, 16 genotypes were identified as having the capacity to restore the fertility of F1 plants with the Ms gene. According to pedigree analysis, the inhibitory gene in those lines probably originated from a few genotypes from Australia and Germany. In further studies the inheritance of the sterility inhibition was determined, providing definite evidence that dominant male sterility and its inhibition in B. napus are controlled by two dominant interacting genes rather than by multiple alleles.  相似文献   

Eighteen genotypes of Brassica napus were crossed to a cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line of B. napus BO 15 carrying B. tournefortii cytoplasm (‘tour’ cytoplasm). Fourteen genotypes were found to be stable maintainers of the ‘tour’ CMS. Of the remaining four genotypes, GSL-1 and ‘Asahi-natane’ were found to be heterozygous and ‘Mangun’ and ‘Yudal’ were homozygous for the restorer gene. Analysis of the F1 and F2 progenies of (CMS) BO 15 בMangun’ and (CMS) BO 15 בYudal’ showed that fertility restoration is controlled by a single dominant gene. The availability of a number of stable maintainer lines and the simple inheritance pattern of fertility restorer gene makes ‘tour’ CMS a useful system for hybrid seed production in rapeseed.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜Ogu CMS系幼叶原生质体经剂量分别为0.025 0,0.075 0,0.315 0,0.468 0和0.960 0 J/cm2的紫外线辐照后,与花椰菜下胚轴原生质体通过PEG法诱导融合,其中0.025 0~0.468 0 J/cm2获得再生植株68株,0.960 0 J/cm2辐射剂量下没有获得再生株。通过根尖染色体计数、流式细胞仪倍性鉴定、同工酶酶谱分析、RAPD及Ogu CMS线粒体基因orf138 STS(Sequence Tagged Site)标记引物扩增等方法对再生株进行了鉴定。结果表明,其中32株为杂种植株。同时也发现,紫外线辐照剂量的增加对供体染色体的丢失程度影响不大。  相似文献   

The Inheritance of Polima Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Brassica napus L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yang  Guangsheng Fu  Tingdong 《Plant Breeding》1990,104(2):121-124
The restores tested in this study have only one pair of fertility-restoring genes (Rf) but many temperature-sensitive genes (Ts). The Rf genes are alleles at the same locus. The cytoplasm of the restorers RC1, RC2, RC3 and ‘Huaie’ is male sterile, but that of RC4, is normal.  相似文献   

Male sterile Brassica napus L. plants were found in breeding material which was used for the development of yellow-seeded oilseed rape. The genetic studies indicated that the male sterility was conditioned by the presence of maintamer genes in the nuclear backgrounds of two newly resynthesized B. napus lines, No7076 and No7406, in combination with a male sterility-inducing cytoplasm (S) which is frequently found in cultivated forms of B. napus. Test crosses with nap maintainer and restorer lines support the conclusion that the observed male sterility is of nap type. Furthermore, the Eco RI restriction pattern of mitochondrial DNA of the (S) cytoplasm was identical to that of the nap cytoplasm. Hence, we conclude that we have uncovered a new source of maintainer lines for the nap system which could potentially lead to the production of a better maintainer/restorer system for use in hybrid oilseed rape breeding programmes. However, more work is needed to reduce the glucosinolate content of the maintainer lines and to determine the factors controlling the phenotypic expression of the system.  相似文献   

油菜温敏雄性不育系373S的选育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
发现和选育新型光温敏雄性不育材料,有利于深入揭示植物雄性不育的发生机制,丰富油菜杂种优势利用的方法。笔者报道一种新发现的环境敏感雄性不育系373S的选育过程及其育性随温度、日长的变化基本规律。2002年在一个天然雄性不育群体后代中发现1株嵌合不育株,经过连续自交,育成环境敏感不育系373S。2004—2006年在陕西杨凌进行分期播种试验,并进行了温度、光照脉冲处理试验。结果表明:373S是主要对温度敏感的雄性不育系,低温可育而高温不育,开花前2~9d的平均温度对育性影响显著,而日长对育性影响不明显,花蕾长度约2~3mm是育性转换的敏感时期。用一系列品种与373S测交,F1均为100%可育,在F2代温敏不育株出现几率很高,可以达到7.1%~14.6%。进一步精确分析373S光温反应特征、改良其农艺及品质性状、寻找适宜制种生态区的工作正在进行当中。  相似文献   

Efficiency of a novel gametocide amidosulfuron on rapeseed (Brassica napus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C.-Y. Yu    J.-G. Dong    S.-W. Hu    P.-R. He 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(5):538-540
The efficiency of a novel gametocide amidosulfuron, 1-(4, 6-dimethoxypyrimidin- 2-yl) -3-mesyl (methyl) sulfamoylurea, was evaluated on rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.). Double application of 0.09–0.12 g/ha amidosulfuron at the uni-nucleate stage of longest buds and 12 days later, made 97.4–100% plants male-sterile in seventeen out of 20 cultivars tested. The shrunken anthers could not release pollen or produced only dysfunctional pollen grains that could not be stained by aceto carmine. The treatment also caused 10–30% reduction on seed setting in comparison to the controls. The purity of hybrid seed from crosses of 'C161 × Huaye' and 'Zhongshuang No.2 × Huaye' based on amidosulfuron was 99.8% and 100.0%, respectively. The results suggested that amidosulfuron is an efficient gametocide for B. napus .  相似文献   

A germplasm collection of 152 diverse rapeseed accessions from Canada, China, France, India, Poland and South Korea was assayed for identifying new fertility restorers and sterility maintainers for a Tournefortii (tour) cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system in rape‐seed. Only 16 (10.5%) genotypes showed complete fertility restoration following hybridization with tour CMS line NE 409A. Notable among these were GSL 8851, GSL 8953, Mokpo # 9, Mali, Buk‐wuk‐13, Kuju‐27 and Mokpo # 84. As many as 78 (51.3%) genotypes were perfect maintainers of sterility, the remaining 58 (38.2%) genotypes were classified as partial maintainers. To study the inheritance of fertility restoration, 20 CMS (tour) rapeseed lines were crossed with the four best fertility restorers, namely GSL 8851, GSL 8953, Kuju‐27 and Mokpo # 9, to obtain F2 and test cross populations. Segregation data indicated that fertility restoration for tour CMS was governed by two genes, of which, one is stronger than the other (χ212:3:1). Differences in gene interactions were also observed (χ29:3:4) which could be explained on the basis of influence of female parent genotypes/or modified expression of the restorer gene(s) in different genetic backgrounds. Tests of allelism indicated that the restorer genes present in the four restorers evaluated were allelic.  相似文献   

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