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Conservation research often focuses on individual threats at a single spatial scale, but population declines can result from multiple stressors occurring at different spatial scales. Analyses incorporating alternative hypotheses across spatial scales allow more robust evaluation of the ecological processes underlying population declines.


Populations of many aerially insectivorous birds are declining, yet conservation efforts remain focused on habitat due to an absence of data on changes in prey availability. We evaluate the potential for prey and habitat availability at multiple spatial scales to influence a population of eastern whip-poor-wills (Antrostomus vociferous).


We assess relationships between landcover (topographical map and satellite imagery) and insect abundance (moths and beetles from blacklight traps), and whip-poor-will distribution and abundance within eastern Canada using Ontario breeding bird atlas data (1980s and 2000s), acoustic recordings (regional), and point counts (local).


Whip-poor-will occurrence in both atlas time periods was positively associated with forest area and fragmentation, but only a delayed effect of urban area explained reductions in detection. Contemporary regional whip-poor-will presence was positively related to moth abundance, and local whip-poor-will abundance was best predicted by area of open-canopy forest, anthropogenic linear disturbance density, and beetle abundance. Our finding that bird presence and abundance were associated with human activity and insect abundance across spatial scales suggests factors beyond habitat structure are likely driving population declines in whip-poor-wills and other aerial insectivores.


This study demonstrates the importance of examining multiple hypotheses, including seasonally and locally variable food availability, across a range of spatial scales to direct conservation efforts.



Spatial variation in abundance is influenced by local- and landscape-level environmental variables, but modeling landscape effects is challenging because the spatial scales of the relationships are unknown. Current approaches involve buffering survey locations with polygons of various sizes and using model selection to identify the best scale. The buffering approach does not acknowledge that the influence of surrounding landscape features should diminish with distance, and it does not yield an estimate of the unknown scale parameters.


The purpose of this paper is to present an approach that allows for statistical inference about the scales at which landscape variables affect abundance.


Our method uses smoothing kernels to average landscape variables around focal sites and uses maximum likelihood to estimate the scale parameters of the kernels and the effects of the smoothed variables on abundance. We assessed model performance using a simulation study and an avian point count dataset.


The simulation study demonstrated that estimators are unbiased and produce correct confidence interval coverage except in the rare case in which there is little spatial autocorrelation in the landscape variable. Canada warbler abundance was more highly correlated with site-level measures of NDVI than landscape-level NDVI, but the reverse was true for elevation. Canada warbler abundance was highest when elevation in the surrounding landscape, defined by an estimated Gaussian kernel, was between 1300 and 1400 m.


Our method provides a rigorous way of formally estimating the scales at which landscape variables affect abundance, and it can be embedded within most classes of statistical models.



Complex structural connectivity patterns can influence the distribution of animals in coastal landscapes, particularly those with relatively large home ranges, such as birds. To understand the nuanced nature of coastal forest avifauna, where there may be considerable overlap in assemblages of adjacent forest types, the concerted influence of regional landscape context and vegetative structural connectivity at multiple spatial scales warrants investigation.


This study determined whether species compositions of coastal forest bird assemblages differ with regional landscape context or with forest type, and if this is influenced by structural connectivity patterns measured at multiple spatial scales.


Three replicate bird surveys were conducted in four coastal forest types at ten survey locations across two regional landscape contexts in northeast Australia. Structural connectivity patterns of 11 vegetation types were quantified at 3, 6, and 12 km spatial scales surrounding each survey location, and differences in bird species composition were evaluated using multivariate ordination analysis.


Bird assemblages differed between regional landscape contexts and most coastal forest types, although Melaleuca woodland bird assemblages were similar to those of eucalypt woodlands and rainforests. Structural connectivity was primarily correlated with differences in bird species composition between regional landscape contexts, and correlation depended on vegetation type and spatial scale.


Spatial scale, landscape context, and structural connectivity have a combined influence on bird species composition. This suggests that effective management of coastal landscapes requires a holistic strategy that considers the size, shape, and configuration of all vegetative components at multiple spatial scales.



Identifying the drivers shaping biological assemblages in fragmented tropical landscapes is critical for designing effective conservation strategies. It is still unclear, however, whether tropical biodiversity is more strongly affected by forest loss, by its spatial configuration or by matrix composition across different spatial scales.


Assessing the relative influence of forest patch and landscape attributes on dung beetle assemblages in the fragmented Lacandona rainforest, Mexico.


Using a multimodel inference approach we tested the relative impact of forest patch size and landscape forest cover (measures of forest amount at the patch and landscape scales, respectively), patch shape and isolation (forest configuration indices at the patch scale), forest fragmentation (forest configuration index at the landscape scale), and matrix composition on the diversity, abundance and biomass of dung beetles.


Patch size, landscape forest cover and matrix composition were the best predictors of dung beetle assemblages. Species richness, beetle abundance, and biomass decreased in smaller patches surrounded by a lower percentage of forest cover, and in landscapes dominated by open-area matrices. Community evenness also increased under these conditions due to the loss of rare species.


Forest loss at the patch and landscape levels and matrix composition show a larger impact on dung beetles than forest spatial configuration. To preserve dung beetle assemblages, and their key functional roles in the ecosystem, conservation initiatives should prioritize a reduction in deforestation and an increase in the heterogeneity of the matrix surrounding forest remnants.



Allometric scaling laws are foundational to structuring processes from cellular to ecosystem levels. The idea that allometric relationships underlie species characteristic selection scales, the spatial scales at which species respond to landscape features, has recently been investigated, however, supporting empirical evidence is scarce.


Lack of pattern can be explained by inaccurate estimation, low power, confounding factors, or absence of a relationship. In this paper, we evaluate the relationship between body size and species characteristic selection scales after overcoming limitations of previous study designs.


We conducted 1328 avian point counts across the state of Nebraska using the robust sampling design to account for imperfect detection. We used Bayesian latent indicator scale selection with N-mixture models to estimate species’ characteristic selection scales of six habitat features for 86 species. We propagated the uncertainty associated with assigning characteristic scales to a model of the relationship between body size and characteristic spatial scales.


Species characteristic scales varied across habitat predictors, and varied in the uncertainty associated with selecting single characteristic scales. After propagating uncertainty our results do not support a relationship between species’ body size and the spatial scales at which they respond to landscape features.


As species abundance integrates birth, death, immigration, and emigration processes, each of which are influenced by ecological processes manifesting at various scales, we question whether a general allometric relationship should be expected. Our results suggest that selection may act on responses to specific environmental features, rather than responses to spatial scale per se.



Revealing the interaction between landscape pattern and urban land surface temperature (LST) can provide insight into mitigating thermal environmental risks. However, there is no consensus about the key landscape indicators influencing LST.


This study sought to identify the key landscape indicators influencing LST considering a large number of landscape pattern variables and multiple scales.


This study applied ordinary least squares regression and partial least squares regression to explore a combination of landscape metrics and identify the key indicators influencing LST. A total of 49 Landsat images of the main city of Shenzhen, China were examined at 13 spatial scales.


The landscape composition indicators derived from biophysical proportion, a new metric developed in this study, more effectively determined LST variation than those derived from land cover proportion. Area-related landscape configuration indicators independently characterized LST variation, but did not give much more new information beyond that given by land cover proportion. Shape-related landscape configuration indicators were effective in combination with land cover proportion, but their importance was uncertain when temporal and spatial scales varied.


The influence of landscape configuration on LST exists but should not be overestimated. Comparison of numerous variables at multiple spatiotemporal scales can help identify the influence of multiple landscape characteristics on LST variation.



Many aquatic communities are linked by the aerial dispersal of multiple, interacting species and are thus structured by processes occurring in both the aquatic and terrestrial compartments of the ecosystem.


To evaluate the environmental factors shaping the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities associated with tank bromeliads in an urban landscape.


Thirty-two bromeliads were georeferenced to assess the spatial distribution of the aquatic meta-habitat in one city. The relative influence of the aquatic and terrestrial habitats on the structure of macroinvertebrate communities was analyzed at four spatial scales (radius = 10, 30, 50, and 70 m) using redundancy analyses.


We sorted 18,352 aquatic macroinvertebrates into 29 taxa. Water volume and the amount of organic matter explained a significant part of the taxa variance, regardless of spatial scale. The remaining variance was explained by the meta-habitat size (i.e., the water volume for all of the bromeliads within a given surface area), the distance to the nearest building at small scales, and the surface area of buildings plus ground cover at larger scales. At small scales, the meta-habitat size influenced the two most frequent mosquito species in opposite ways, suggesting spatial competition and coexistence. Greater vegetation cover favored the presence of a top predator.


The size of the meta-habitat and urban landscape characteristics influence the structure of aquatic communities in tank bromeliads, including mosquito larval abundance. Modifications to this landscape will affect both the terrestrial and aquatic compartments of the urban ecosystem, offering prospects for mosquito management during urban planning.



In heterogeneous landscapes, habitat complementation is a key process underlying the distribution of mobile species able to exploit non-substitutable resources over large home ranges. For instance, insectivorous bats need to forage in a diversity of habitat patches offering varied compositions and structures within forest landscape mosaics to fulfill their life cycle requirements.


We aimed at analyzing the effects of forest structure and composition measured at the stand and landscape scales on bat species richness, abundance and community composition in pine plantation forests of south-western France.


We sampled bat communities at different periods of the summer season using automatic ultrasound recorders along a tree composition gradient from pine monocultures to pure oak stands. We analyzed bat species activity (as a proxy for bat abundance) and species richness with linear mixed models. Distance-based constrained ordinations were used to partition the spatio-temporal variation in bat communities.


Deciduous tree cover increased bat activity and modified community composition at both stand and landscape scales. Changes in bat communities were mostly driven by landscape-scale variables while bat activity responded more to stand-scale predictors.


The maintenance of deciduous trees at both stand and landscape scales is likely critical for bat communities living in fast-growing conifer plantations, by increasing the availability and diversity of prey and roosting sites. Our study suggests that bats respond to forest composition at both stand and landscape scales in mosaic plantation landscapes, mainly through a resource complementation process.



Beyond the recognized importance of protecting large areas of contiguous habitat, conservation efforts for many species are complicated by the fact that patch suitability may also be affected by characteristics of the landscape within which the patch is located. Currently, little is known about the spatial scales at which species respond to different aspects of the landscape surrounding an occupied patch.


Using grassland bird point count data, we describe an approach to evaluating scale-specific effects of landscape composition on patch occupancy.


We used data from 793 point count surveys conducted in idle and grazed grasslands across Wisconsin, USA from 2012 to 2014 to evaluate scale-dependencies in the response of grassland birds to landscape composition. Patch occupancy models were used to evaluate the relationship between occupancy and landscape composition at scales from 100 to 3000 m.


Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) exhibited a pattern indicating selection for grassland habitats in the surrounding landscape at all spatial scales while selecting against other habitats. Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna) displayed evidence of scale sensitivity for all habitat types. Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) showed a strong positive response to pasture and idle grass at all scales and negatively to cropland at large scales. Unlike other species, patch occupancy by Henslow’s Sparrow (A. henslowii) was primarily influenced by patch area.


Our results suggest that both working grasslands (pasture) and idle conservation grasslands can play an important role in grassland bird conservation but also highlight the importance of considering species-specific patch and landscape characteristics for effective conservation.



An increasing number of studies have investigated the impact of environmental heterogeneity on faunal assemblages when measured at multiple spatial scales. Few studies, however, have considered how the effects of heterogeneity on fauna vary with the spatial scale at which the response variable is characterised.


We investigated the relationship between landscape properties in a region characterised by diverse fire mosaics, and the structure and composition of avian assemblages measured at both the site- (1 ha) and landscape-scale (100 ha).


We surveyed birds and calculated spatial landscape properties in sub-tropical woodlands of central Queensland, Australia.


Environmental heterogeneity, as measured by topographic complexity, was consistently important for bird species richness and composition. However, the explanatory power of topographic complexity varied depending on the spatial scale and the component of diversity under investigation. We found different correlates of richness within particular foraging guilds depending on the scale at which richness was measured. Extent of long-unburnt habitat (>10 years since fire) was the most important variable for the landscape-scale richness of frugivores, insectivores and canopy feeders, whereas environmental heterogeneity in the surrounding landscape was more important for site-scale richness of these foraging guilds.


The response of species richness to landscape characteristics varies among scales, and among components of diversity. Thus, depending on the scale at which a biodiversity conservation goal is conceptualised—maximising richness at a site, or across a landscape—different landscape management approaches may be preferred.



Understanding the factors contributing to maintaining biodiversity is crucial to mitigate the impact of anthropogenic disturbances. Representing large proportions of green area in highly modified landscapes, residential gardens are often seen as local habitats that can contribute to larger networks of suitable environments at the landscape scale.


We investigated the impact of the landscape context on butterfly communities observed in residential gardens, taking into account garden characteristics, land-use types and presence of linear features in the surrounding landscape. We examined how species traits affected butterflies’ response to landscape context and habitat quality.


We performed a cross-scale study, based on citizen science data documenting butterfly species composition and abundance in 920 gardens across France. We examined the effect of garden quality, the area of different land-use types and the length of linear elements measured at three scales within the surrounding landscape. Species were grouped according to their habitat preference and mobility.


Urbanization negatively affected total species richness and the abundance of butterfly in each group. This was related to declining habitat quality and reduced area of suitable habitat in the surrounding landscape. The magnitude of this effect, however, was negatively correlated with mobility, a trait related to habitat preference. The spatial scale at which landscape context best explained variation in butterfly abundance changed with species’ habitat preference.


This study highlights the importance of preserving high quality habitats in altered landscapes and considering species’ mobility and habitat preference when assessing the impact of landscapes on butterfly communities.



Management of wintering waterfowl in North America requires adaptability because constant landscape and environmental change challenges existing management strategies regarding waterfowl habitat use at large spatial scales. Migratory waterfowl including mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) use the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV) for wintering habitat, making this an important area of emphasis for improving wetland conservation strategies, while enhancing the understanding of landscape-use patterns.


We used aerial survey data collected in the Arkansas portion of the MAV (ARMAV) to explain the abundance and distribution of mallards in relation to variable landscape conditions.


We used two-stage, hierarchical spatio-temporal models with a random spatial effect to identify covariates related to changes in mallard abundance and distribution within and among years.


We found distinct spatio-temporal patterns existed for mallard distributions across the ARMAV and these distributions are dependent on the surrounding landscape structure and changing environmental conditions. Models performing best indicated seasonal surface water extent, rice field, wetland and fallow (uncultivated) fields positively influenced mallard presence. Rice fields, surface water and weather were found to influence mallard abundance. Additionally, the results suggest weather and changing surface water affects mallard presence and abundance throughout the winter.


Using novel datasets to identify which environmental factors drive changes in regional wildlife distribution and abundance can improve management by providing managers additional information to manage land over landscapes spanning private and public lands. We suggest our analytical approach may be informative in other areas and for other wildlife species.



Despite the key role of biological control in agricultural landscapes, we still poorly understand how landscape structure modulates pest control at different spatial scales.


Here we take an experimental approach to explore whether bird and bat exclusion affects pest control in sun coffee plantations, and whether this service is consistent at different spatial scales.


We experimentally excluded flying vertebrates from coffee plants in 32 sites in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, encompassing a gradient of forest cover at landscape (2 km radius) and local (300 m) spatial scales, and quantified coffee leaf loss, as an indicator of herbivory, and fruit set.


Leaf loss decreased with higher landscape forest cover, but this relation was significantly different between treatment and control plants depending on local forest cover. On the other hand, fruit set responded to the interaction between treatment and local forest cover but was not affected by landscape forest cover. More specifically, fruit set increased significantly with local forest cover in exclusion treatments and showed a non-significant decrease in open controls.


These results suggest that services provided by flying vertebrates are modulated by processes occurring at different spatial scales. We posit that in areas with high local forest cover flying vertebrates may establish negative interactions with predaceous arthropods (i.e. intraguild predation), but this would not be the case in areas with low local forest cover. We highlight the importance of employing a multi-scale analysis in systems where multiple species, which perceive the landscape differently, are providing ecosystem services.



Emissions of greenhouse gases in urban areas play an important role in climate change. Increasing attention has been given to urban landscape structure–emission relationships (SERs). However, it remains unknown if and to what extent SERs are dependent on observational scale.


To assess how changing observational scales (in terms of spatial and thematic resolutions) of urban landscape structure affect SERs.


We examined correlations between 16 landscape metrics and greenhouse gas emissions across 52 European cities, through (1) systematic manipulation of spatial and thematic resolutions of the urban land use/cover (ULUC) dataset, and (2) comparison between available standard ULUC datasets with different spatial resolutions.


Our analyses showed that the observed SERs significantly depend on both thematic and spatial resolutions of the ULUC data. For the 16 landscape metrics, we found diverse spatial/thematic scaling relations exhibiting monotonic, hump-shaped or scale-invariant trends. For different landscape metrics, the SERs were strongest at different spatial scales, suggesting that there is no consistent scaling relation over those observational scales.


SERs are highly sensitive to spatial and thematic resolutions of landscape data. To avoid the problem of ‘ecological fallacy,’ important caveats should be taken for interpretations based on single landscape metrics. Particular consideration should be paid to metrics that are easily interpretable, predictable in scaling behaviors, and important for shaping SERs, such as PLAND, ED, and LPI. Systematic investigations on scaling behaviors of SERs over well-defined scale domains are encouraged in future studies linking greenhouse gas emissions and urban landscape structure.



A challenge devising revegetation strategies in fragmented landscapes is conserving for the widest spectrum of biodiversity. Habitat network reconstruction should improve landscape capacity to maintain species populations. However, the location of revegetation often fails to account for species occurrence and dispersal processes operating across spatial scales.


Our objective was to integrate metapopulation theory with estimates of landscape capacity and dispersal pathways to highlight connectivity gaps. Maintenance of populations could thereby be facilitated through reconnecting habitat networks across regional and broader scales, with assumed benefit for the dispersal needs of less sensitive species.


Predicted occupancy and metapopulation capacity were calculated for a generic focal species derived from fragmentation-sensitive woodland birds, mammals and reptiles. A metapopulation connectivity analysis predicted regional dispersal links to identify likely routes through which individuals may move to contribute to the viability of the population. We used the revegetation programmes of the Brigalow–Nandewar Biolinks project, eastern New South Wales, Australia, to demonstrate our approach.


Landscape capacity of the current landscape varied across the region. Low-value links between populations provided greatest opportunities for revegetation and improved landscape capacity. Where regional connectivity did not indicate a pathway between populations, broader scale connectivity provided guidance for revegetation.


The metapopulation-based model, coupled with a habitat dispersal network analysis, provided a platform to inform revegetation locations and better support biodiversity. Our approach has application for directing on-ground action to support viable populations, assess the impact of revegetation schemes or monitor the progress of staged implementations.



The conversion of natural environments into agricultural land has profound effects on the composition of the landscape, often resulting in a mosaic of human-altered and natural habitats. The response to these changes may however vary among organisms. Bats are highly vagile, and their requirements often imply the use of distinct habitats, which they select responding to both landscape and local features.


We aimed to identify which features influence bat richness and activity within Baixo Vouga Lagunar, a heterogeneous landscape located on the Central-North Portuguese coast, and to investigate if that influence varies across a gradient of focal scales.


We sampled bats acoustically, while simultaneously sampling insects with light traps. We assessed the relationships between species richness, bat activity, and activity of eco-morphological guilds with landscape and local features, across four scales.


Our results revealed both scale- and guild-dependent responses of bats to landscape and local features. At broader scales we found positive associations between open-space foraging bats and habitat heterogeneity and between edge-space foraging bats and greater edge lengths. Woodland cover and water availability at an intermediate scale and weather conditions and insect abundance at a local scale were the factors that mostly influenced the response variables.


Globally, our results suggest that bats are sensitive to local resource availability and distribution, while simultaneously reacting to landscape features acting at coarser scales. Finally, our results suggest that the responses given by bats are guild-dependent, and some habitats act as keystone structures for bats within this mosaic.



Scale dependence of bat habitat selection is poorly known with few studies evaluating relationships among landscape metrics such as class versus landscape, or metrics that measure composition or configuration. This knowledge can inform conservation approaches to mitigate habitat loss and fragmentation.


We evaluated scale dependence of habitat associations and scaling patterns of landscape metrics in relation to bat occurrence or capture rate in forests of southwestern Nicaragua.


We captured 1537 bats at 35 locations and measured landscape and class metrics across 10 spatial scales (100–1000 m) surrounding capture locations. We conducted univariate scaling across the 10 scales and identified scales and variables most related to bat occurrence or capture rate.


Edge and patch density, at both landscape and class levels, were the most important variables across species. Feeding guilds varied in their response to metrics. Certain landscape and configuration metrics were most influential at fine (100 m) and/or broad (1000 m) spatial scales while most class and composition metrics were influential at intermediate scales.


These results provide insight into the scale dependence of habitat associations of bat species and the influence of fine and broad scales on habitat associations. The effects of scale, examined in our study and others from fine (100 m) to broad (5 km) indicate habitat relationships for bats may be more informative at larger scales. Our results suggest there could be general differences in scale relationships for different groups of landscape metrics, which deserves further evaluation in other taxonomic groups.



The patch-mosaic model is lauded for its conceptual simplicity and ease with which conventional landscape metrics can be computed from categorical maps, yet many argue it is inconsistent with ecological theory. Gradient surface models (GSMs) are an alternative for representing landscapes, but adoption of surface metrics for analyzing spatial patterns in GSMs is hindered by several factors including a lack of meaningful interpretations.


We investigate the performance and applicability of surface metrics across a range of ecoregions and scales to strengthen theoretical foundations for their adoption in landscape ecology.


We examine metric clustering across scales and ecoregions, test correlations with patch-based metrics, and provide ecological interpretations for a variety of surface metrics with respect to forest cover to support the basis for selecting surface metrics for ecological analyses.


We identify several factors complicating the interpretation of surface metrics from a landscape perspective. First, not all surface metrics are appropriate for landscape analyses. Second, true analogs between surface metrics and patch-based, landscape metrics are rare. Researchers should focus instead on how surface measures can uniquely measure spatial patterns. Lastly, scale dependencies exist for surface metrics, but relationships between metrics do not appear to change considerably with scale.


Incorporating gradient surfaces into landscape ecological analyses is challenging, and many surface metrics may not have patch analogs or be ecologically relevant. For this reason, surface metrics should be considered in terms of the set of pattern elements they represent that can then be linked to landscape characteristics.



North American grassland songbird populations have declined significantly due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Understanding the influence of the surrounding landscape on prairie fragment occupancy is vital for predicting the fate of grassland birds in these heavily altered landscapes.


We examined the relative importance of local and landscape variables on grassland bird occupancy of prairie fragments using a focal-patch study. We also investigated the spatial scale at which landscape variables were most influential.


We surveyed birds on 29 unplowed prairie fragments in western Minnesota and eastern North and South Dakota. We quantified local habitat on the fragment using vegetation surveys and aerial photographs and the landscape surrounding the fragment out to 4 km using aerial photographs. We analyzed occupancy using multi-model approaches applied to multiple logistic regression.


Of 38 species encountered, nine were neither too rare nor too abundant to be analyzed. Predictors of patch occupancy were unique for each bird species, yet general patterns emerged. For eight species, landscape variables were more important than local variables. Mostly, those landscape variables measured configuration (e.g., edge density) and not composition (e.g., percent cover of a particular matrix element). Landscape effects were mostly from variables measured at the greatest extents from the prairie fragment.


Using a focal-patch study design we demonstrated the importance of the surrounding landscape, often out to 4 km from the fragment edge, on prairie occupancy by grassland birds. Effective management of grassland songbirds will require attention to the landscape context of prairie fragments.



Wild bee populations are currently under threat, which has led to recent efforts to increase pollinator habitat in North America. Simultaneously, U.S. federal energy policies are beginning to encourage perennial bioenergy cropping (PBC) systems, which have the potential to support native bees.


Our objective was to explore the potentially interactive effects of crop composition, total PBC area, and PBC patches in different landscape configurations.


Using a spatially-explicit modeling approach, the Lonsdorf model, we simulated the impacts of three perennial bioenergy crops (PBC: willow, switchgrass, and prairie), three scenarios with different total PBC area (11.7, 23.5 and 28.8% of agricultural land converted to PBC) and two types of landscape configurations (PBC in clustered landscape patterns that represent realistic future configurations or in dispersed neutral landscape models) on a nest abundance index in an Illinois landscape.


Our modeling results suggest that crop composition and PBC area are particularly important for bee nest abundance, whereas landscape configuration is associated with bee nest abundance at the local scale but less so at the regional scale.


Strategies to enhance wild bee habitat should therefore emphasize the crop composition and amount of PBC.

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