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Detailed soil mapping in the Ransdalerveld area pointed to the occurrence of clay soils of different ages, characteristics and genesis. Three representative soil profiles were therefore selected and studied in detail.In this first of three articles, some observations and conclusions on the distribution, age and characteristics of these soils are presented. The “old” soils, developed on the plateaus in predominantly limestone-weathering residues, are classified as Lithic Hapludalfs, whereas the “young” soils on the valley slopes are classified as Rendollic Eutrochrepts if they lack a loess cover and as Typic Hapludalfs if they have a loess cover. Weathering and soil formation are discussed in the second and third parts.  相似文献   

To calculate critical acid loads or to predict elementconcentrations in the soil solution, information on weatheringrates is essential. Several studies have taken place in theNetherlands to obtain weathering rates for non-calcareous sandysoils. Recently information on weathering rates in less vulnerable loess and clay soils have become available. However,up to now no system is available to estimate weathering rates ona regional scale by relating them to regionally available soilproperties.To obtain weathering rates of loess and clay soils on a regionalscale for the Netherlands, the applicability of a statisticalregression model and the process based PROFILE model have beenevaluated. Both models were calibrated on a set of laboratoryexperiments. To evaluate their predictive power, both methodswere validated on a number of sites for which field weatheringrates were available.Predictions with the statistical model, for the individual basecations, were generally within a factor 2 of the calculatedhistorical weathering rates, except for Ca, which wasoverestimated, by a factor 3 to 4. PROFILE stronglyoverestimated all weathering rates using both standard parameters and in particular after calibration on the laboratoryrates. However, PROFILE predicted weathering rates of the loesssoils quite good after calibration on historical weatheringrates, indicating that the downscaling procedure used in PROFILEto translate laboratory to field weathering rates is inadequatefor the considered soils.The statistical model was applied to predict weathering rates,for the Netherlands on a 1 × 1 km grid scale. Weathering rates at the present pH values in forested loess and clay soilsranged from 135 to 6000 molc ha-1 a-1 in loesssoils and from 100 to 1750 molc ha-1 a-1 in claysoils.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of acid deposition on forestedloess and clay soils in the Netherlands, changes inbase saturation and soil solution concentrations weresimulated with the dynamic soil acidification modelReSAM for 38 loess soils and 16 clay soils. Theselected locations represent the range in geographicalposition and diversity in parent material occurring inforested loess and clay soils in the Netherlands. Twodeposition scenarios were used for the period1992–2050: a business as usual scenario (BAU) and ascenario in which deposition was reduced according topresent Dutch policy plans (MV-3). A comparison ofsimulated and measured soil solution concentrationsand base saturation in 1992/1993 showed that the modelsimulated concentrations and base saturation in theloess soils quite good. However, the model tended tooverestimate acidification in the top (0–10 cm) of theclay soils. Despite the reasonable agreement betweenmeasured and simulated data some uncertainty in thevalidity of the model predictions remains because timetrends to validate the model were not available. Themodel predicted a small but ongoing acidificationduring the BAU scenario in the loess soils asindicated by a decline in median base saturation andpH in the topsoil in 2050. Present policy plans (MV-3)lead to a slight recovery of the base saturation in2050 and a decline in Al concentrations. In the claysoils a strong decline in base saturation is simulatedin the topsoil, whereas an increase in base saturationis predicted for the subsoil.  相似文献   

Clay illuviation in Red Mediterranean soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
N. Fedoroff   《CATENA》1997,28(3-4)
Theories regarding pedogenesis in Red Mediterranean soils have undergone several stages of development. The concept of clay illuviation in these soils was not a part of early theories and it is not yet unanimously accepted as a leading soil forming process. A methodology is presented for studying the illuviation of clay in these soils emphasizing typology of textural features and fabrics. The problem of age determination is also addressed, through the use of radiometric dates and correlation with archaeological artifacts. Clay illuviation in Red Mediterranean soils under present day environmental conditions suggests that it occurs presently only on humid and sub-humid margins of the Mediterranean basin. Elsewhere illuvial clay accumulations are inherited from Interglacial periods. Red Mediterranean soils during glacial periods were eroded, colluviated, aggraded with aeolian dust, calcitic fraction of which was redistributed in form of calcitic features and eventually were affected by water logging. An example of water logging of Red Mediterranean soils (Mamora, Morocco) which took place during the last Glacial cycle, consists of yellow illuvial clays accompanied by a yellowing of the ground mass. During earlier cycles water logging resulted in whitish grey stains in which hydromorphic textural features were deposited.  相似文献   

Clay movement was studied in a large number of well-drained soils from Peninsular Malaysia, with a kaolinite mineralogy and an udic or perudic moisture regime. Dispersion in subsoils was found to be related to the net charge on the clay, while in topsoils it was virtually independent of charge or weathering status, and all but one topsoil dispersed well. Accumulation of the dispersed clay is thought to be mainly through flocculation, and as such accounts for the absence of clay coatings in many subsoil horizons. A number of criteria are proposed to distinguish between highly weathered Ultisols and Oxisols, in an effort to improve on the currently used inconclusive properties, such as fine clay to total clay ratio.  相似文献   

A sequence of soils was studied on a cross-section transverse to a drumlin continuing across lacustrine and alluvial deposits and terminating on a ridge. A calcareous till was deposited on a scoured, flat limestone plain during the last advance of the Wisconsin ice sheet and locally formed drumlins. After this local readvance, lacustrine sediments were deposited in a body of water ponded between the drumlin and the dead ice remaining in the valley floor. After the ice melted completely, alluvium was deposited in the valley.  相似文献   

On Faial and Pico islands (Azores), we studied two profiles on basaltic pyroclasts that contain buried horizons, and we focussed on petrography, micropedology and mineralogy. Emphasis was given to weathering of the lapilli and ashes, and the neoformation of allophane. A combination of optical studies, in situ chemical analyses, X‐ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy of clay fractions revealed that allophane is present both in the micromass of the groundmass, in alteromorphs after lapilli or pumice, and in clay coatings. Whereas most studies describe allophane as a colloidal fraction formed by the congruent and total dissolution of the ashes, this study shows evidence for the formation of allophane alteromorphs, due to leaching of Si and cations, with preservation of the original shapes of the tephra. The allophane alteromorphs often display optical characteristics that resemble those of palagonite. Increasing alteration is observed through three steps: (i) hydration of the glass associated with strong cation and Si leaching, (ii) allophane hypocoatings, and (iii) allophane alteromorphs with development of intragrain bridges. The chemical signature of the alteromorphs varies from a pure alumino‐silicate at one extreme to an Fe(Ti) enriched alumino‐silicate at the other. Between those two extremes, the colour grades from yellow to dark orange, with microzonations. An Al‐rich allophane composition is associated with gibbsite in the EUR6‐Pico profile, whereas at the base of the EUR5‐Faial profile, Si‐rich allophane is associated with halloysite. Some variations of the palaeo‐environment are also suggested by strong iron segregation observed with various secondary phases (ferrihydrite, haematite, iddingsite).  相似文献   

Samples were taken from sandy soils at six localities in The Netherlands where back-filled burrows of scarab beetles had been observed. Thin sections were prepared and subjected to micromorphometric analysis, using the Quantimet 720. The volume of pores larger than 0.030 mm was up to 38% higher in the back-filled burrows than in the undisturbed matrix, as was the volume of pores larger than 0.195 mm; the latter diameter approximates the critical pore diameter for plant roots in densely packed sandy soils. The suggestion that rooting would be more intensive in the back-filled burrows than in the undisturbed matrix was supported by observations.  相似文献   

皖南网纹红土的剖面风化特征及其古气候意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
气候变化下土壤物质过程的响应特征是全球变化研究的重要主题。选取安徽宣城剖面,通过元素分析,对其风化强度特征进行了研究。结合与黄土高原第四纪黄土、古土壤、江苏镇江下蜀土以及江西九江红土等典型风成堆积剖面的对比分析,得出以下结论:(1)宣城红土剖面经历了高强度的化学风化作用,长石损失殆尽,进一步的风化作用已导致其含K矿物(黑云母、伊利石和钾长石)的分解,次生粘土矿物以高岭石为主。此外,宣城红土与其他剖面相比,显著强于镇江下蜀土,远强于洛川黄土与古土壤,而与九江红土的风化程度较为相近。(2)在地形、母岩等条件相似的情况下,气候(特别是温度和降水量)是控制化学风化程度的主要因素,并且与温度相比降水因素可能起着更为重要的制约作用。(3)在地质历史时期,宣城→镇江→洛川,随着地域的北移,气候环境向干冷方向发展。(4)BA,Na/K和硅铁铝率的剖面变化特征揭示,中更新世早、中期,气候相对温暖潮湿,之后气候总体恶化,向干冷方向发展。但在此过程中,伴随着大姑-庐山间冰期和末次间冰期的到来气候又出现过两次短暂的回暖过程,并且在晚更新世早期呈现兼有干湿交替的特征。  相似文献   

Evidence of weathering was obtained by comparing the mineralogy of the clay and silt fractions in the different horizons of a sequence of soils on a slope extending from an elevation of 2.720 up to 4.020 m. From lower to higher elevations soils correspond roughly to bioclimatic zones and grade from rankers (Haplumbrepts) through acid brown soils (Dystrochrepts) to podzolic soils (Haplorthods and Cryorthods). Mineralogical transformations are progressively more advanced in soils of the toposequence from the lower to the higher elevations. Chlorite has been strongly weathered, mainly by dissolution, in all of the soils but has been destroyed in the podzolic soils at high elevations. Gibbsite is also more and more weathered in soils up the long slope. A mica-vermiculite interstratified mineral is converted into vermiculite to some degree in all of the soils but the change is complete in the podzols. Iron released from silicates assumes amorphous or microcrystalline forms.  相似文献   

A weathering sequence with soils developing on volcanic, trachy-basaltic parent materials with ages ranging from 100–115,000 years in the Etna region served as the basis to analyse and calculate the accumulation and stabilisation mechanisms of soil organic matter (SOM), the transformation of pedogenic Fe and Al, the formation and transformation of clay minerals, the weathering indices and, by means of mass-balance calculations, net losses of the main elements. Although the soils were influenced by ash depositions during their development and the soil on the oldest lava flow developed to a great extent under a different climate, leaching of elements and mineral formation and transformation could still be measured. Leaching of major base cations coupled with a corresponding passive enrichment of Al or Fe was a main weathering mechanism and was especially pronounced in the early stages of soil formation due to mineral or glass weathering. With time, the weathering indexes (such as the (K + Ca)/Ti ratio) tend to an asymptotic value: chemical and mineralogical changes between 15,000 and 115,000 years in the A and B horizons were small. In contrast to this, the accumulation of newly formed ITM (imogolite type materials) and ferrihydrite showed a rather linear behaviour with time. Weathering consisted of the dissolution of primary minerals such as plagioclase, pyroxenes or olivine, the breakdown of volcanic glass and the formation of secondary minerals such as ITM and ferrihydrite. The main mineral transformations were volcanic glass ? imogolite ? kaolinite (clay fraction). In the most weathered horizons a very small amount of 2:1 clay minerals could be found that were probably liberated from the inner part of volcanic glass debris. The rate of formation and transformation of 2:1 clay minerals in the investigated soils was very low; no major changes could be observed even after 115,000 years of soil evolution. This can be explained by the addition of ash and the too low precipitation rates. In general, soil erosion played a subordinate role, except possibly for the oldest soils (115,000 years). The youngest soils with an age < 2000 years had the highest accumulation rate of organic C (about 3.0 g C/m2/year). After about 15,000 years, the accumulation rate of organic C in the soils tended to zero. Soil organic carbon reached an asymptotic value with abundances close to 20 kg/m2 after about 20,000 years. In general, the preservation and stabilisation of SOM were due to poorly crystalline Al- and Fe-phases (pyrophosphate-extractable), kaolinite and the clay content. These parameters correlated well with the organic C. Imogolite-type material did not contribute significantly to the stabilisation of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Dissociation of weak acids is shown to be the main cause of natural proton (acid) production. We have quantified this proton source for calcareous and non-calcareous sandy soils in The Netherlands. Estimates of acid production rates due to land use and acid deposition (anthropogenic sources) were made by using and interpreting literature data. It is shown that the relative contribution of the proton sources depends upon the ecosystem. Natural proton production predominates in calcareous soils, irrespective of the land use. Anthropogenic proton production is most important in non-calcareous soils. This is primarily caused by removal of biomass in agricultural soils and by acid deposition in forest soils.  相似文献   

Soil scientists have been encouraged to investigate soils for clay minerals by very fact that soil characteristics fundamentally depend upon the nature of their clay. It is generally recognized that clays of different species develop under different conditions such as drainage, temperature weathering age, and parent rocks. On Kyushu Island, heavy, reddish soils derived from olivine basalt cover a considerably large area of its northeastern part, and a numbar of small islands belonging to Kyushu. Koga * Hiroshi Koga, Clay minerals of Oura basaltic soil, 1954 (unpublished). of this laboratory found a basaltic soil of clay consisting of hydrated halloysite, halloysite, hematite, and gibbsite at the eastern foot of Mt. Tara, by examining its clay separates by X-ray, thermal, chemical, and electron microscopical techniques. Kanno et al5 reported that in a basaltic soil at Oura, Saga prefecture, hydrated halloysite developed from plagioclase and ferro-magnesian minerals with gibbsite and hematite which was more abundant than in other Red and Yellow Soils. They also found some illite present in the soil derived from unknown minerals, and halloysite dehydrated in upper layers.  相似文献   


Molybdenum applications had no effect on the grain yield of wheat or barley. Application of limestone increased barley yield at one of the three locations and had no effect on wheat yield at any location. The Mo concentration of boot stage tissue increased with added Mo. In most cases, 0.56 kg Mo/ha applications increased the Mo concentration of boot stage tissue above 10 ppm. Increases in Mo concentration due to added Mo were generally greater at higher rates of limestone application but the Mo x limestone interaction was statistically significant only for barley at the location having the lowest pH and for wheat at the two locations with the lowest pH. Molybdenum applied as a foliar spray was found to be an effective means of increasing the Mo concentration of cereal tissues. In the case of suspected Mo deficiency in cereals, a foliar application of 0.28 kg Mo/ha should correct the problem without any ill effect from an animal nutrition standpoint.  相似文献   

The mineralogy of five soils situated on a south-west to north-east transect of Guanxi Province, south-east China was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and chemical composition. One soil had formed on granite under tropical conditions, the others on sedimentary rocks under subtropical conditions. In all soils, kaolinite dominates the clay fractions, and is accompanied by vermiculite or chloritized vermiculite. In the saprolites of the granite-derived and sandstone-derived soils, the kaolinite has a morphology close to that of hydrated halloysite. The formamide and hydrazine/water tests suggested the presence of both poorly-crystalline (dehydrated halloysite) and well-ordered kaolinite. Gibbsite was identified in the saprolites of the granite-derived and sandstone-derived soils but not in the soils themselves. Gibbsite was also identified in the lowermost horizon of a soil derived from Pleistocene sediments. The upper horizon clay of a Rendzina soil formed on Permian limestone contains much more gibbsite and is much more weathered than the corresponding lower horizon clay. Only in the more humid, southernmost soil can the mineral composition be explained by present-day climatic conditions. In the soils from drier areas, the clay mineral composition reflects weathering that had taken place under moister, paleoclimatic conditions. Some of these paleoclimatic conditions had been conducive to lateritic weathering, as is indicated by the presence of goethite-containing pisolitic nodules in one of the soils and in its parent material. Two of the soils appear to be polymorphic, with one part of the soil having weathered more strongly than the other part.  相似文献   

Degradation of the sulfonanilide herbicide diclosulam was studied on nine soils from three countries to determine the rates and products of aerobic metabolism. Diclosulam was applied to four agricultural soils from the United States, three from Argentina, and two from Brazil at a rate of 0.1 ppm, equivalent to approximately twice the maximum field application rate of 52 g of active ingredient/ha. U.S. and Brazilian soils were incubated in the dark at 25 degrees C at 75% 0.3 bar moisture; Argentinean soils were incubated in the dark at 20 degrees C and 45% moisture holding capacity. Samples were analyzed up to one year after treatment. Two-compartment DT(50) and DT(90) values averaged 28 +/- 12 and 190 +/- 91 days, respectively. Three soil metabolites reached levels of >10% of applied in at least one soil and were identified as the 5-hydroxy analogue of diclosulam (5-OH-diclosulam), aminosulfonyl triazolopyrimidine (ASTP), and the 8-chloro-5-hydroxy analogue of diclosulam (8-Cl-diclosulam). The terminal products of diclosulam soil metabolism were mineralization to CO(2) and bound soil residues. Apparent sorption coefficients (K(d)) were determined on a subset of samples by extraction with a 0. 01 M CaCl(2) solution followed by an acidified acetone extraction. Initial sorption coefficients were similar to those obtained in a batch equilibrium study and averaged 1.1 L/kg for the six soils tested. K(d) coefficients for the metabolites, when available, tended to be slightly lower than that for diclosulam. Sorptivity of diclosulam and degradates increased with time.  相似文献   

Harbi Shadfan 《Geoderma》1983,31(1):41-56
The physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of some soils in the Jordan Valley (Rift Valley) and the Highland (Irbid-region) were investigated. The soils of the Highland (Chromoxererts) contained more clay and smectite than those of the Jordan Valley (Camborthids and Torriorthents). Higher contents of carbonates, salts and mica were found in the latter. In addition to smectite and micam interstratified clay minerals (mica/smectite and smectite/chlorite) and kaolinite were present in the clay fractions of the soils in the two regions. Soils of the Highland, especially those under higher rainfall with larger amounts of highly charged smectite, had lower contents of available and total potassium and higher degrees of potassium fixation than those of the Jordan Valley. Soil properties such as carbonate, salt and potassium contents and clay mineral composition were related to the amounts of annual rainfall in soils of the Highland, whereas differences among the Jordan Valley soils were related to the parent materials, especially the underlying Lisan Marl.  相似文献   

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