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In a survey of central Portugal during August 1980, otters were found to be widespread with signs of animals 70% of the 90 stations visited. Otters were present on major rivers and their tributaries, on small streams connecting pools and at fetid pools in semi-dry river beds. The greatest densities of marking sites and signs were found around fetid pools. Snakes, as well as fish, were found to be important prey items. The survival, in good numbers, of the otter in Portugal may be due in part to the limited use of agricultural chemicals.  相似文献   

The distribution of otters (Lutra lutra) in Europe is largely fragmented, mainly due to historic anthropogenic causes. Nevertheless, in eastern Germany a large coherent area is inhabited by a viable otter population. In this paper, the mitochondrial genome of 81 otters is studied by RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified 1.5 and 2.5 kb long fragments, particularly to estimate the amount of genetic variability of European otters, and to identify possible geographical population subsets for conservation management. No restriction site polymorphism was detected within the control region (1.5 kb), but polymorphism of cleaving sites in the 2.5 kb fragment could be assigned to three haplotypes. Two occurred exclusively in a comparatively small area northwest and west of Berlin, which may be considered a region of increased genetic variability in otters. The low level of mtDNA variability in European otters might be due to genetic drift in postglacial founder populations with long-term low densities, and continuous historical overhunting.  相似文献   

We used the results of the Spanish Otter Survey of 1994-1996, a Geographic Information System and stepwise multiple logistic regression to model otter presence/absence data in the continental Spanish UTM 10×10-km squares. Geographic situation, indicators of human activity such as highways and major urban centers, and environmental variables related with productivity, water availability, altitude, and environmental energy were included in a logistic model that correctly classified about 73% of otter presences and absences. We extrapolated the model to the adjacent territory of Portugal, and increased the model's spatial resolution by extrapolating it to 1×1-km squares in the whole Iberian Peninsula. The model turned out to be rather flexible, predicting, for instance, the species to be very restricted to the courses of rivers in some areas, and more widespread in others. This allowed us to determine areas where otter populations may be more vulnerable to habitat changes or harmful human interventions.  相似文献   

The county of Norfolk was surveyed for otters between December 1974 and June 1975 inclusive. Only 32 sites out of a total of 233 sites visited had signs of otters and a further 8 records were received. A total population of 17 pairs was estimated, considerably below the carrying capacity of the area.  相似文献   

为了揭示Pb胁迫对间作和单作的超累积植物和作物根系分泌低分子有机酸的影响,研究设置400 mg·L?1Pb胁迫,采用水培曝气法试验,以玉米和小花南芥单作为对照处理,研究Pb胁迫下玉米和小花南芥间作对植物根系形态、根系分泌有机酸及Pb吸收的影响。结果表明:与单作相比,间作小花南芥情况下,玉米根系分泌物检测到乳酸;玉米分根条数、根表面积和根密度与单作相比分别增加60%、15%和42%,地下部和地上部干重生物量分别增加108%和75%,玉米地下部Pb含量下降44%;与单作相比,间作玉米条件下,小花南芥根系分泌物检测到乙酸和乳酸,小花南芥根系分泌物量与单作相比增加103%~1 700%,小花南芥地下部和地上部Pb累积量分别比单作增加49%和75%,转运系数增加22%。相关分析结果表明,单作小花南芥只有地上部Pb累积量与草酸显著相关,而间作小花南芥地下部和地上部Pb累积量与草酸、柠檬酸和苹果酸显著相关。研究表明超富集植物小花南芥与玉米间作体系,根系分泌的有机酸改变了Pb在小花南芥和玉米体内的累积特征,促进超累积植物小花南芥累积Pb,减少农作物玉米植株体内Pb含量。Pb胁迫下超累积植物小花南芥与玉米间作是一种可行的修复模式。  相似文献   

为阐明低温胁迫下激素含量对冬油菜枯叶期的调控和对抗寒性的响应,为冬油菜抗寒性研究提供依据,以8份不同抗寒等级的白菜型和甘蓝型冬油菜为材料,利用盆栽试验,待幼苗长至5~6片真叶时在人工气候箱中进行低温处理(25℃、10℃、2℃、?5℃),分析低温胁迫后冬油菜内源ABA、GA含量和叶绿素的变化。回归分析表明温度与ABA含量存在显著的负相关,回归方程符合y=?ax+b,随着温度的降低,内源ABA含量呈先缓慢(10℃)后迅速上升(2℃、?5℃)的趋势,且温度处理间、温度与品种互作间差异极显著;由于激素间的拮抗作用GA含量变化则恰好相反。当在0℃以上低温时,品种间ABA含量无明显差异,当温度降到?5℃,白菜型冬油菜ABA含量明显高于甘蓝型,抗寒性强的品种高于抗寒性弱的品种。ABA含量的升高导致叶绿素含量的变化,随着温度降低,叶绿素含量呈先降低后增加的趋势,但总体呈下降趋势,且白菜型冬油菜和甘蓝型冬油菜之间存在不同的响应机制,这种作用使白菜型冬油菜叶绿素含量低于甘蓝型冬油菜,导致白菜型冬油菜枯叶期提前,提早进入越冬期,增加了对低温冻害的御性和避性。因此,随着温度的降低冬油菜叶片ABA含量上升,叶绿素降解,白菜型冬油菜更早进入枯叶期,枯叶期较早和降温后ABA含量高是白菜型冬油菜抗寒性较强的主要原因。  相似文献   

为探明间作作物根系分泌低分子量有机酸对土壤重金属生物有效性的影响,采用矿区周边农田土壤进行室内盆栽试验,研究了云南本土超累积植物续断菊(Sonchus asper L. Hill)和玉米(Zea mays L.)间作下,植物生长、根系低分子量有机酸分泌量、根际土壤Pb提取形态以及植物Pb积累特点。结果表明:与单作相比,间作续断菊地上部和根部生物量、根长、根内径和根系体积均显著增加(P0.05);间作玉米根部生物量、根长、根内径和根系体积显著增加(P0.05)。柠檬酸、草酸是续断菊和玉米根系分泌的主要低分子量有机酸,间作导致续断菊根系低分子量有机酸的分泌量增加,玉米根系低分子量有机酸的分泌量降低。续断菊根际土壤生物有效态Pb含量增加85.2%(P0.05),而玉米根际土壤生物有效态Pb含量降低26.1%(P0.05)。续断菊体内Pb含量显著增加18.0%~43.2%(P0.05),富集系数提高26.0%,而转运系数降低42.0%;玉米地上部Pb含量显著降低24.3%(P0.05),转运系数降低43.1%。续断菊根系分泌的柠檬酸和草酸数量,均与土壤生物有效态Pb含量呈显著正相关,且土壤有效态Pb含量分别与续断菊地上部和根部的Pb含量呈显著正相关。表明间作增加了续断菊对Pb的吸收积累量,与间作体系植物根系分泌的低分子有机酸介导下的土壤有效态Pb含量增加密切相关。  相似文献   

余贵芬  吴泓涛  蒋新  青长乐 《土壤》2006,38(4):435-440
野外采集广柑树及供其生长的土壤,研究多年生植物对土壤Hg的吸收及与土壤理化性质、腐殖酸结合汞(HS—Hg)的关系。结果表明,在酸性土壤环境中,酸性过强,果树吸收Hg量会更低;果实部分Hg含量与土壤的有机质或腐殖酸含量呈现负相关关系;HS—Hg特别是FA—Hg(富啡酸结合汞)组分是果树吸收、积累Hg的重要来源,其与根Hg的相关系数达到0.700^*-0.759^**,且以表层土壤更能提供有效的HS—Hg。  相似文献   

Habitats for inclusion within otter havens are illustrated from a case-history study on the middle part of the Aberdeenshire River Dee. The environment is divided into breeding and rearing areas and places for non-breeding otters. One good location for a haven incorporating all three habitats includes 12–13 km of river and two nearly lochs. In this area, part of the river bank is inaccessible, and there are secluded islands and deep woods. Havens should include tiny tributaries leading to shelter where otters are likely to have their young. An otter haven in mid-Deeside planned to incorporate all these habitats may be regarded as a model for conservation that could be followed in other similar environments elsewhere.  相似文献   

不同氮肥水平下玉米与龙葵竞争吸收镉的差异性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】 研究不同氮肥用量处理对玉米镉 (Cd) 积累的影响及其生理响应机制,为今后利用玉米–龙葵间作模式进行植物修复时合理使用氮肥、减少修复成本及环境污染奠定基础。 【方法】 以Cd超积累植物龙葵 (Solanum nigrum L.) 与玉米为供试材料,取Cd污染浓度为2.79 mg/kg的供试土壤,采用温室盆栽试验,设置玉米单作及玉米、龙葵竞争模式下3个不同氮肥用量处理,分别为不施肥、N 0.1 g/kg、N 0.2 g/kg,研究施氮量对玉米、龙葵的生长以及各器官吸收积累Cd的影响。 【结果】 施用氮肥能提高玉米和龙葵各器官的生物量,且随着施氮量的增加龙葵和玉米的生物量均显著性增加,高施氮量处理下龙葵根、茎、叶、籽粒生物量增量最大,分别增加了47.2%、51.0%、25.3%、63.2%;玉米根、茎、叶、籽粒生物量分别增加了35.5%、17.0%、76.2%、112%。不同氮肥用量处理下,龙葵各器官中Cd含量显著性增加,同时与其竞争的玉米各器官Cd含量显著性下降。玉米与龙葵竞争模式下高施氮量处理的龙葵根、茎、叶、籽粒中Cd含量分别增加了23.2%、41.2%、12.3%、45.3%;玉米根、茎、叶、籽粒中Cd含量分别下降了49.2%、38.0%、42.8%、19.5%。高施氮量处理下,龙葵各器官Cd累积量显著性增加,根、茎、叶、籽粒中Cd累积量分别增加85.6%、88.4%、131%、159%;同时玉米各器官Cd累积量显著性降低,茎、叶、籽粒中Cd累积量分别下降12.2%、34.8%、79.5%。高施氮量处理下,玉米与龙葵竞争模式下龙葵富集系数增加113%,转运系数增加15.1%;玉米的富集系数降低25.7%,转运系数降低15.2%。玉米与龙葵竞争模式下,随着施氮量的增加,龙葵对Cd的吸收转运能力增强,玉米对Cd的吸收转运能力受到抑制。因此,Cd污染土壤中,通过玉米–龙葵间作处理并适当提高施氮量,能够促进龙葵的生长和地上部Cd的积累能力。这一研究结果旨在为修复污染土壤,提高修复效率以及保证农产品质量安全提供理论依据。 【结论】 玉米与龙葵竞争模式下,0.2 g/kg的施氮量能够促进龙葵对Cd的吸收转运,降低Cd在玉米各器官的累积,并提高Cd污染土壤的修复效率,达到边生产边修复的目的。   相似文献   

Olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is an economically important woody fruit crop widely distributed in the Mediterranean regions. In this work the genome size of six Portuguese cultivars of olive (O. europaea ssp. europaea var. europaea) and wild olive (O. europaea spp. europaea var. sylvestris) was estimated for the first time. The nuclear DNA content of O. europaea cultivars ranged between 2.90 ± 0.020 pg/2C and 3.07 ± 0.018 pg/2C and the genome size of wild olive was estimated as 3.19 ± 0.047 pg/2C DNA. These results suggest a low intraspecific variation at least among the studied cultivars and between them and wild olive. This is not in accordance with previous results in some Italian cultivars where high genome size heterogeneity was found. The methodology presented here seems appropriate for genome size estimations within this genus and opens good perspectives for a large screening of estimation of nuclear DNA content among O. europaea cultivars and Olea species that could clarify this issue.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to study and compare the effectiveness of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), Glomus macrocarpum (GM) and Glomus fasciculatum (GF) on three accessions of Artemisia annua. The AM inoculation significantly increased the production of herbage, dry weight of shoot, nutrient status (P, Zn and Fe) of shoot, concentration of essential oil and artemisinin in leaves as compared to non-inoculated plants. The extent of growth, nutrient concentration and production of secondary plant metabolites varied with the fungus–plant accession combination. The mycorrhizal dependency of the three accessions was related to the shoot: root ratio. Comparing the two fungal inoculants in regard to increase in essential oil concentration in shoot, the effectiveness of GF was more than that of GM. While in two accessions, GM was more effective in enhancing artemisinin concentration than GF. Increase in concentration of essential oil was found to be positively correlated to P-status of the plant. Conversely, no correlation was found between shoot-P and artemisinin concentration.  相似文献   

野生黄花蒿土壤的养分状况与微生物特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗世琼  黄建国  袁玲 《土壤学报》2014,51(4):868-879
黄花蒿是提取青蒿素的唯一原料植物,广泛分布于我国西南地区。为探索野生黄花蒿的耐瘠机理,提高人工种植黄花蒿的产量品质,研究了野生黄花蒿土壤的养分状况与微生物特性,以及它们与黄花蒿产量品质的关系。结果表明,在野生黄花蒿生长的不同样地中,土壤养分、pH、酶活性和微生物量差异显著,说明黄花蒿耐瘠耐肥,具有广泛的生态适应性。利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪共检测出24种土壤微生物标记性磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs),包括代表细菌的19种11~19碳PLFAs,代表放线菌的10Me18∶0,代表真菌的18∶2ω6,9、18∶1ω9c和18∶1ω9t,以及代表线虫的20∶0,PLFAs总含量均表现出细菌放线菌真菌的现象。在黄花蒿根际土壤中,pH显著低于非根际土壤,但有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾,蔗糖酶、脲酶和磷酸酶活性,微生物碳氮量,PLFAs总含量,微生物群落的多样性和均匀度指数等显著高于非根际土壤。此外,在野生黄花蒿根际土壤中,微生物PLFAs总含量与黄花蒿植株生物量、青蒿酸和青蒿素产量呈极显著正相关,微生物生物量碳氮与青蒿酸和青蒿素产量呈显著或极显著正相关。说明黄花蒿根际土壤适合多种微生物生长繁殖,种群丰富,密度高,酶活性强,提高了土壤养分的有效性,有益于野生黄花蒿适应不同的土壤条件,根际土壤微生物显著影响野生黄花蒿生长及其有效成分的含量。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Vierjährige Studien in Süditalien erlauben es, weitere Informationen über Botanik, Verbreitung, Kultur und Nutzung der beiden Farro-Weizen (T. monococcum undT. dicoccon) zu geben, die 1980 in den Daunia und Sannio Bergen und 1981 bzw. 1982 in den Napoletano und Lucano Apenninen auf Sammelreisen gefunden wurden. Eine ausführliche Liste des Materials und der entsprechenden Sammelorte wird gebracht. Die häufigsten Sippen sind var.vulgare Körn. beiT. monococcum bzw. var.dicoccon und var.rufum Schuebl. beiT. dicoccon.Theoretische Schlußfolgerungen über Genetik und Evolution der beiden Weizenarten unterstreichen die Bedeutung ihrer Erhaltung in situ und lenken die Aufmerksamkeit verantwortlicher Einrichtungen auf ihre potentiellen Möglichkeiten als Kulturgetreide.
Further information on farro (Triticum monococcum L. andT. dicoccon Schrank) in South Italy
Summary Four years of research in South Italy allow to present further information on botany, distribution, cultivation and utilization of the two farro (T. monococcum andT. dicoccon) found in the Daunia and Sannio mountains in 1980 and in the Napoletano and Lucano Appenines during missions conducted in 1981 and 1982. A detailed list of the material found and the corresponding collecting sites is given. The most frequent races are var.vulgare Koern. inT. monococcum and var.dicoccon and var.rufum Schuebl. inT. dicoccon.Theoretical considerations on the genetics and evolution of the twoTriticum species underline the importance of their in situ conservation and recall the attention of the most responsible authorities on their potentials as cultivated cereals.

«» (Triticum monococcum L. T. dicoccon Schrank)
, , «» (T. monococcum T. dicoccon), 1980 . 1981–1982 . . . : T. monococcum — var.vulgare Körn. T. dicoccon — var.dicoccon var.rufum Schuebl. in situ .

Preliminary studies towards a Flora plantarum agri- et horticulturae Italiae australis  相似文献   

随着经济和社会的发展,土壤重金属污染对粮食安全及人类的身体健康构成了巨大的威胁,而目前对于土壤重金属污染的治理主要以植物修复为主。为了寻找适宜修复Cu、Pb复合污染土壤的牧草,采用盆栽试验法,将试验的植物设置9组处理:1组对照组(CK),不添加任何重金属盐;4组单一污染,即单一Cu低(Cu1,200 mg×kg-1)、高浓度(Cu2 400 mg×kg-1),单一Pb低(Pb1 300 mg×kg-1)、高浓度(Pb2 800 mg×kg-1);4组Cu、Pb复合污染(Cu1Pb1、Cu1Pb2、Cu2Pb1、Cu_2Pb_2)。通过比较紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)、黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、狼尾草(Pennisetum alopecuroides)的适应能力和富集特征,研究了这3种常见牧草植物对受Cu、Pb复合污染土壤的修复效果。结果表明:1)紫花苜蓿地上部和根部生物量均在Pb1处理组时最大,显著高于其他处理组;黑麦草地上部生物量在Cu1Pb1处理组最大,根部生物量在Pb1处理组最大;狼尾草地上部生物量在Cu_2Pb_2处理组最大,根部生物量在Cu2处理组最大。2)Cu单一污染下,狼尾草抗性系数最大;Pb单一污染下,紫花苜蓿抗性系数最大;Cu-Pb复合污染下,狼尾草的抗性系数较大。高浓度Cu处理组3种牧草植物的地上部生物量、根部生物量和抗性系数均呈现:狼尾草黑麦草紫花苜蓿,且狼尾草显著大于黑麦草和紫花苜蓿。3)种植3种牧草植物后,土壤重金属Cu、Pb含量均有所降低。在一定浓度下,土壤Cu-Pb重金属间会相互促进对方在牧草植物中的吸收。4)3种牧草中紫花苜蓿地上部对Cu的富集系数在Cu_2Pb_2处理组最大,达1.61;黑麦草根部对Cu的富集系数在Cu_2Pb_2处理组最大,达3.80;3种牧草地上部和根部对Pb的富集系数只在黑麦草根部的Cu1Pb1处理组时大于1,达1.46。5)黑麦草对Pb的吸收能力较强,且主要积累在根系;紫花苜蓿对Cu-Pb复合污染综合修复效果最好。紫花苜蓿和黑麦草分别在Cu-Pb复合污染和Pb单一污染土壤中对Pb的转运系数大于1,分别为2.72和2.06,反映其对土壤中的Pb具有富集潜力。综合表明,黑麦草对重金属Pb具有较强的耐性,在Pb单一污染土壤的植物修复及尾矿废弃地的植被重建中,可优先作为选择的材料;紫花苜蓿对重金属Cu、Pb均具有较强的耐性,在重金属Cu单一或Cu-Pb复合污染土壤的植物修复及尾矿废弃地的植被重建中,可优先作为选择的材料。  相似文献   

D. Blaise   《Soil & Tillage Research》2006,91(1-2):207-216
Asiatic diploid (n = 13) cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) is grown on Vertisols of central India with limited amounts of fertilizers and pesticides under rainfed conditions. In an earlier study it was established that reduced tillage (RT) systems improved productivity of tetraploid (n = 26) upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Such information is currently not available for the Asiatic cotton. Field studies were continued from 2002–2003 through 2004–2005, to determine the effect of tillage systems on weed control, yield and fibre quality. Tillage treatments continued for 6 years before this phase of the study. The experiment was conducted in a split plot design, with three tillage systems as main plots and combination of species (G. arboreum and G. hirsutum) and N rates (60 and 75 kg N ha−1) as subplots. Conventional tillage (CT) involved mouldboard ploughing + four to five inter-row cultivations and was compared with two levels of RT. RT1 being pre-emergence herbicide application with two inter-row cultivations by a bullock drawn hoe and RT2 was only herbicide application with no inter-row cultivation. Weed density (monocot and dicot weeds) was significantly lower on the RT than on the CT plots. Consequently, the RT plots had accumulated less weed dry matter. Seed cotton yield was affected by tillage systems in 1 out of 3 years. In 2002–2003, the yield trend was: RT1 > CT > RT2. The tillage × species interaction was significant in 2002–2003 and 2004–2005 and combined-across-years. Averaged over years, Asiatic G. arboreum produced 8% less seed cotton with treatment RT2 than with CT. Upland, G. hirsutum produced 118–134 kg ha−1 additional seed cotton on the RT than with CT. Differences in maturity and rooting habit probably contributed to the two species differing in their tillage requirement. The Asiatic cottons were early maturing and are known to possess a deeper root system than the upland cotton. The tillage × N and species × N interactions were not significant. Average seed cotton yield with the 75 kg N was 15.7% more than the 60 kg N ha−1 plots. Among fibre properties, fibre length was significantly better with treatment RT1 than with the CT in 2 out of 3 years. In summary, seed cotton yield of upland G. hirsutum cotton was higher with RT system, whereas converse occurred with G. arboreum. There were no adverse effects of RT on fibre quality.  相似文献   

苜蓿生物覆盖对幼龄茶园生理生态特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
试验研究了不同带型苜蓿生物覆盖对幼龄茶园生态系统的生理生态效应,结果表明:在盛夏季节,随苜蓿种植比例的增加,系统郁闭度提高,茶园光照强度、气温、土壤温度渐次降低,而湿度增加;苜蓿种植比例的增加,可明显改善盛夏季节茶树叶片的“午休”现象,茶树的净光合速率(Pn)提高,2:1带型、2:3带型和2:5带型的Pn分别比纯茶树处理(BS1)增加29.17%、57.29%和80.73%。幼龄茶树与苜蓿间作可改善茶园生态环境,有利于幼龄茶树生长,但带型差异对幼龄茶树生长速率、新稍数量影响规律性不强;幼龄茶园苜蓿生物覆盖可以获得可观的优质牧草,不同带型与纯紫花苜蓿(BS2)之间以及2:1带型、2:3带型、2:5带型之间的苜蓿干草、鲜草产量差异均达到极显著水平。2:5带型的间作模式效果最好,在改善幼龄茶园生态环境的同时,可收获可观的优质紫花苜蓿。构建茶树、苜蓿人工复合生态系统,不仅能够为幼龄茶树生长创造良好的生态环境,而且可为南方丘陵山区畜牧业发展提供优质饲料。  相似文献   

We developed a deterministic and stochastic age-based matrix projection population model to assess and quantify the impact of mortality caused by chronic oil pollution and legal hunting on thick-billed murre Uria lomvia populations breeding and wintering in eastern Canada. We calculate the potential population growth rate in the absence of anthropogenic mortality sources using a modeling technique that translates absolute number of birds killed from anthropogenic mortality to potential survival rates in the absence of these anthropogenic impacts. The intrinsic growth rate of the deterministic matrix based on vital rates from Coats Island (λd=1.0102), as well as the stochastic growth rate (λs=1.0098, 95% C.I. 0.9969-1.0226), matched observed population trends. Hunting mortality reduced population growth rate by 0.020 (0.012-0.039), oiling mortality reduced population growth rate by 0.025 (0.012-0.039). Combined these sources reduced the population growth rate by 0.047 (0.033-0.610). Although thick-billed murre populations are stable or slowly growing in eastern Canada, anthropogenic sources of mortality are reducing the ability of the population to grow, and increase vulnerability in these populations to changes in their environment and other pulse perturbations. Our modeling technique could be used to assess specific anthropogenic impacts on populations where a vital rates and numbers killed are known, but no long-term trend information is available.  相似文献   

含氧萜类化合物对稗草的化感抑制作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以5种含氧萜类物质(-)香芹醇、(+)香芹酮、(-)薄荷酮、(-)香芹基乙酸酯和(+)雪松醇为化感物质替代物,以稗草为受体,运用正交旋转回归组合实验,分析物质间的互作效应.各单因子的主效应分析结果表明:(-)香芹醇、(+)香芹酮、(-)薄荷酮和(-)香芹基乙酸酯的主效应曲线均为开口向下的抛物线,而(+)雪松醇为开口向上的抛物线.各单因子的边际效应分析表明:当浓度低于-2水平时各因子对稗草根长的抑制作用大小为(-)薄荷酮>(-)香芹醇>(+)香芹酮>(-)香芹基乙酸酯>(+)雪松醇,当各因子浓度高于+2水平时,则为(+)雪松醇>(+)香芹酮>(-)香芹基乙酸酯>(-)香芹醇>(-)薄荷酮.综合分析显示,当各物质浓度水平分别为(-)香芹醇0.033mmol·L-1、(+)香芹酮0.030 mmol·L-1、(-)薄荷酮0.080 mmol·L-1、(-)香芹基乙酸酯0.020 mmol˙-1和(+)雪松醇0.001 mmol·L-1时,方程有最优解,即在理论上其混合物对稗草根长的抑制率达到最大,为93.69%.  相似文献   

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