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Effects of DGAT1 variants on milk production traits in German cattle breeds   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Various QTL mapping experiments led to the detection of a QTL in the centromeric region of cattle chromosome 14 that had a major effect on the fat content of milk. Recently, the gene encoding diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase (DGAT1) was proposed to be a positional and functional candidate for this trait. This study investigated the effects of a nonconservative lysine to alanine (K232A) substitution in DGAT1, which very likely represents the causal mutation, on milk production traits. Existing granddaughter designs for Fleckvieh and German Holstein, the two major dairy/dual-purpose breeds in Germany, were used to estimate allele frequencies and gene substitution effects for milk, fat, and protein yield, as well as fat and protein content. A restriction fragment length polymorphism assay was applied to diagnose the K232A substitution in DGAT1. Estimates of the allele frequencies for the lysine-encoding variant were based on maternally inherited alleles in sons and amounted to 0.072 for Fleckvieh and 0.548 for German Holstein. Effects of DGAT1 variants on content traits were pronounced; estimates of the gene substitution effect for the lysine-encoding variant were 0.35 and 0.28% for fat content and 0.10 and 0.06% for protein content in Fleckvieh and German Holstein, respectively. Conversely, negative effects of the lysine variant of -242 to -180 kg for Fleckvieh and -260 to -320 kg for German Holstein were revealed for milk yield from first to third lactation, resulting in enhanced fat yield of 7.5 to 14.8 kg in Fleckvieh and 7.6 to 10.7 kg in German Holstein. For protein yield, however, mainly negative effects of -3.6 to 0.2 kg in Fleckvieh and -4.8 to -5.2 kg in German Holstein were observed. Pearson correlations between residuals of milk yield and content traits were decreased when omitting DGAT1 effects in the analysis, thereby indicating that DGAT1 contributes to negative correlations between these traits. Molecular tests allow for the direct selection among variants; however, the benefits of the alternative alleles depend on economic weights given to the different milk production traits in the breeding goal.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify a predictor to forecast superovulation response on the basis of associations between superovulation performance and gene polymorphism. The PCR-RFLP method was applied to detect two reported single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of G59752C and T81637C (rs41614030) located in introns 3 and 4 of the bovine progesterone receptor (PGR) gene in 171 Chinese Holstein cows treated for superovulation and evaluate its associations with superovulation traits. In polymorphic locus 81637, all cows without superovulation response were g.81637TC and g.81637TT genotypes. Association analysis showed that these two SNPs had significant effects on the total number of ova (TNO) (p<0.05), and the T81637C polymorphism was significantly associated with the number of transferable embryos (p<0.05). In addition, significant additive effects (p<0.05) on TNO were detected in the polymorphisms of G59752C and T81637C. These results showed for the first time that the G59752C and T81637C polymorphisms in PGR gene were associated with superovulation traits and indicated that PGR gene can be used as a predictor for superovulation in Chinese Holstein cows.  相似文献   

Bilateral convergent strabismus with exophthalmus (BCSE) is characterized in cattle by a symmetrical antero-medial rotation and protrusion of the eyeballs. This eye defect is caused by an inherited, centrally insufficient function of the eye muscles recti laterales and retractores. In German Brown cattle a monogenic, autosomal dominant inheritance proved to be most probable in complex segregation analysis. In our study running between October 1993 and May 1995 a total of 200 affected German Brown cows was studied. The investigation of the association between milk production traits and BCSE was based on 10,960 German Brown cows. The analysis revealed no significant differences between affected and non-affected cows, nor between cow families with and without affected members. There was no indication of an association between milk production traits and occurrence of BCSE within cow families. Linkage or pleiotropy of the BCSE locus with quantitative trait loci for milk production traits may be rather unlikely.  相似文献   

为分析GH基因SNPs与中国荷斯坦牛泌乳性状的相关性。以Z32头中国荷斯坦牛为研究材料,采用PCRSSCP技术检测GH基因第5外显子及其相邻区域的多态性,并进行相关性分析。结果发现GH基因第4内舍子(2017bp处)存在C—T的碱基转换,该群体在此位点处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态,为中度多态。与泌乳性状的相关性分析表明,该多态位点与泌乳性状显著相关(P〈0.05),TT型305d产奶量、305d乳脂量、305d乳蛋白量和305d乳糖量显著高于CC型(P〈0.05);TC型与TT型、CC型之间305d产奶量、305d乳脂量、305d乳蛋白量差异均不显著(P〉0.05),但TC型在数值上有优于CC型的趋势。建议将等位基因T作为提高奶牛产奶量、乳脂量和乳蛋白量的候选分子标记。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether Neospora caninum serostatus was associated with milk production among Holstein cattle in Ontario. DESIGN: Case-control study and cross-sectional observational study. ANIMALS: 3,702 Holstein cows in 83 herds (case-control study) and 3,162 Holstein cows in 57 herds. PROCEDURE: Herds in the case-control study were grouped on the basis of N. caninum abortion status. Herds in the observational study were considered representative of Ontario dairy herds. The N. caninum serostatus of individual cows was determined with a kinetic ELISA. Milk production was modeled to compare seropositive with seronegative animals while controlling for parity, days since parturition, and herd clustering. RESULTS: In the case-control study, 305-day milk production of seropositive cows was significantly less than milk production of seronegative cows in herds with abortions attributable to N. caninum infection and in herds with abortions attributable to pathogens other than N. caninum, but not in herds without abortion problems. In the observational study, 305-day milk production for seropositive cows was not significantly different from milk production of seronegative cows. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that the association between N. caninum serostatus and milk production in Ontario Holstein dairy cattle may depend on abortion status of the herd. In herds with abortion problems, regardless of cause, N. caninum-seropositive cattle produced less milk, whereas in herds without abortion problems, N. caninum-seropositive cattle produced the same amount of milk as seronegative cattle.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to evaluate a biallelic genetic marker identified in the first promoter region of the bovine IGF-I gene. The point mutation was identified as a T-to-C transition by sequencing the polymorphic fragments. A PCR-RFLP procedure was developed for determining the marker genotypes. Marker genotypes were determined for 760 Angus calves from divergent lines that were created by selection for high or low serum IGF-I concentration (allele A: 63.9%, B: 36.1%). Data were analyzed using the multiple-trait derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood computer programs with animal models. The full animal model included fixed effects of marker genotype, birth year, season of birth, sex, age of dam, and selection line; random effects of animal, maternal genetic, and maternal permanent environmental effects; and a covariate for age of calf. Traits analyzed included blood serum IGF-I concentrations on d 28, 42, and 56 of the postweaning test, mean IGF-I concentration, birth weight, weaning weight, on-test weight, off-test weight, off-test hip height, postweaning gain, and weight gain during the 20-d period immediately after weaning. Results from the analysis across selection lines showed a significant association of the BB genotype with higher weight gain during the first 20 d after weaning and a slight dominance effect of the marker on postweaning gain. Analysis within the low IGF-I line also showed a significant association of the BB genotype with higher weight gain during the first 20 d after weaning and with on-test weight, although analysis within the high IGF-I line did not show any significant association. The associated effects of the marker need to be verified in other cattle populations.  相似文献   

The bovine growth hormone gene (bGH) possesses three haplotypes, A, B and C, that differ by amino acid mutations at positions 127 and 172 in the fifth exon: (leucine 127, threonine 172), (valine 127, threonine 172) and (valine 127, methionine 172) respectively. The correlation between meat quality or carcass weight and these haplotypes was investigated in Japanese black cattle. Altogether, 940 bGH haplotypes were compared with respect to six carcass traits: carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, rib thickness, subcutaneous fat thickness, beef marbling score and beef colour. The frequency of the B haplotype was higher (0.421) than that of A (0.269) and C (0.311). High carcass weight and low beef marbling were associated with haplotype A (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 respectively), whereas beef marbling was increased by haplotype C (p < 0.05). Estimated regression coefficient of the A haplotype substitution effect for carcass weight and beef marbling score were 5.55 (13.1% of the phenotypic SD) and -0.31 (17.0%) respectively. That of the C haplotype for beef marbling score was 0.20 (11.0%). The other traits showed no relationship to the haplotypes examined. The results of this investigation suggest that information pertaining to bGH polymorphisms in Japanese black cattle could be used to improve the selection of meat traits.  相似文献   

荷斯坦奶牛体型线性性状与产奶量的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新疆荷斯坦奶牛的产奶量与体型线性性状进行了相关。通径分析。结果表明,荷斯坦奶牛的乳房纵沟深,后乳房宽,后乳房高与产奶量呈中等正相关,体高,体长,尻宽,尻长与产奶量呈弱相关;后乳房宽,乳房纵沟深是直接影响产奶量的重要性状,且是正身作用;后乳房高对产奶量起负面影响。其间接作用大。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for growth and survival traits of Sahiwal cattle in Kenya and determine their relationship to milk production and fertility. Performance records of 5,681 animals were obtained from the National Sahiwal Stud and the traits considered were: birth weight (kilogrammes), weaning weight (kilogrammes), pre-weaning average daily gain (grammes per day), post-weaning average daily gain (grammes per day), yearling weight (kilogrammes), mature weight at 36 months (kilogrammes), pre-weaning survival rate (SR), post-weaning survival rate (PSR), lactation milk yield (kilogrammes), age at first calving (days), and calving interval (days). The data was analysed using univariate and bivariate animal model based on restricted maximum likelihood methods, incorporating all known pedigree relationship among animals. The additive direct effects were more pronounced than maternal genetic effects in early and in post-yearling growth performance. The additive genetic variance and heritabilities were low for SR and PSR. The correlation between direct additive genetic and maternal genetic effect were negative for pre-yearling traits. Genetic and phenotypic correlations among growth traits and between growth and milk yield were positive, whilst those between growth and fertility were weak and negative. Correlations between survival and growth were generally low and positive. The estimates obtained in this study provide the necessary technical parameters for evaluating alternative breeding programmes and selection schemes for sustainable improvement of Sahiwal cattle.  相似文献   

Italian Brown is a cattle breed largely exploited in the production of many dairy products in Italy, including typical and traditional cheeses. For this reason, the improvement of selection methods is of economic relevance while a deeper understanding of the genetic mechanisms regulating milk production is of general scientific interest. We selected a total of 561 samples, representing virtually all Italian Brown bull population, to test for association between milk production traits and 29 known genes harbouring 106 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). After filtering, a total of 31 SNPs in 22 candidate genes and 473 bulls were retained. Associations between each SNP and milk traits were tested by a mixed model approach, obtaining seven significantly associated SNPs, two of which (in β-Lactoglobulin) associated with all traits, and four (in Chemokin receptor I, αs1 casein, k casein, fatty acid synthase, thyroid hormone responsive and Oxytocin prepropetide genes) associated with at least one trait.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of including calving age (CA) on genetic evaluation models for Holstein cattle. The evaluated models...  相似文献   

A series of studies examined the binding characteristics and ontogeny of hepatic growth hormone binding sites in dairy bulls on d 2, 30, 180, and 365 of age. Binding of iodinated recombinant bovine growth hormone ([125I]rbGH) to liver membrane receptors was membrane protein-dependent. Receptors were considered growth hormone-specific, because physiological concentrations of bovine prolactin (bPRL) failed to displace [125I]rbGH from bovine hepatocyte membranes. Only 50% of [125I]rbGH was bound reversibly to hepatic microsomes. Addition of dithiothreitol (DTT) to the receptor-assay buffer increased the binding of [125I]rbGH to hepatic membranes in a time-dependent manner. Moderate concentrations of Ca++ and Mg++ in the receptor-assay buffer had no detectable effects on binding of [125I]rbGH to hepatic microsomes. In growing dairy bulls, specific binding of [125I]rbGH per milligram of membrane protein increased from 1.9 +/- 1.8% at d 2 to 14.1 +/- 1.8% at d 180 and then declined to 5.2 +/- 1.6% at d 365. Likewise, concentration of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I in serum was low during the 1st mo of age (d 2, 13.3 +/- 8.8 ng/ml; d 30, 9.7 +/- 8.8 ng/ml), but it became maximal at d 180 (151.0 +/- 8.8 ng/ml). Circulating concentrations of IGF-II increased linearly during the 1st yr of growth. Serum concentrations of GH, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine declined from 39.9 +/- 6.5, 2.7 +/- .2, and 75.4 +/- 4.6 ng/ml at d 2 to 16.5 +/- 6.5, 1.3 +/- .2, and 53.4 +/- 4.6 ng/ml at d 30, respectively, and remained low through 1 yr of age. Insulin concentration in serum did not change significantly with development. Results indicated that increasing concentrations of specific bGH receptors in the bovine liver may play a key role in regulating postnatal growth in cattle.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify polymorphisms in the promoter and coding regions of the bovine growth hormone and growth hormone receptor genes and to study association of polymorphisms identified in these genes with growth traits and serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentration. The denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis method and sequencing were utilized to identify three new single nucleotide polymorphisms in the promoter region of the growth hormone gene in Angus cattle. Polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism procedures were developed for rapid determination of the single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes in the growth hormone and the growth hormone receptor genes among Angus calves from lines divergently selected for high or low blood serum IGF-I concentration. The IGF-I concentration and growth traits were analyzed using animal models. The single nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter region of the growth hormone receptor gene was associated with serum IGF-I concentration on d 42 of the postweaning test and with mean IGF-I concentration. The associated effects of the markers need to be verified in other populations.  相似文献   

催乳素(PRL)基因是影响奶牛泌乳性状的重要候选基因。通过PCR-RFLP结合测序方法检测了荷斯坦奶牛PRL基因5'侧翼区调控序列的多态性,并利用最小二乘法分析其与泌乳性状的关联性。结果显示:在PRL基因5'侧翼序列的906位点处发现A/G突变。共发现AA、AG和GG三种基因型,基因型频率分别为0.239 3、0.522 8和0.177 9,A和G的等位基因频率为0.530 7和0.469 3。多态信息含量检测结果显示该位点处于中度多态,卡方检验显示该位点处于Hardy-Weinberg不平衡状态(P0.05)。关联分析结果表明,该位点多态对产奶量、乳脂率均有影响。  相似文献   

Current methods of estimating milk production in beef cows can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and subject to high variability. The weigh-suckle-weigh (WSW) method requires repeated separation of offspring from their dams. Machine milking requires that animals be acclimated to the equipment prior to the estimation. The objective of Exp. 1 was to validate a deuterium oxide (D2O) dilution method of estimating milk production in cattle. In Exp. 1, Holstein calves (n = 5) averaging 29+/-2 d of age and 52.6+/-2.5 kg (+/- SE) were used as the model. Blood was collected for baseline D2O measurements followed by an injection of 300 mg D2O/kg BW. Syringes were weighed before and after the injection to gravimetrically determine the dose. Another blood sample was collected after D2O was allowed to equilibrate with body water for 2 h, and on each of the next five consecutive days, prior to feeding. Actual milk intake was measured by disappearance (i.e., amount of milk replacer offered to the calf minus the amount refused). Deuterium oxide in plasma was measured by mass spectrometry and milk intake was computed from the disappearance curve of D2O in blood plasma for each calf. Accumulated milk intake estimated by D2O dilution was highly correlated (y = 0.9x + 0.6; R2 = 0.99; P < 0.001) with actual milk intake. The objectives of Exp. 2 were to determine whether 1) D2O dilution was comparable to a standard measure of milk production in beef heifers and 2) growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) in heifers at weaning is predictive of subsequent milk production. Deuterium oxide dilution and WSW were compared using 14 first-calf Angus heifers and their calves. Deuterium oxide dilution was used to estimate milk production of 40 first-calf Angus heifers that had been challenged with GHRH at weaning. Results indicate that the D2O dilution method is correlated (R2 = 0.89; P = 0.04) to the WSW estimation of milk production. Growth hormone response to GHRH in weanling heifers is positively related (R2 = 0.22; P = 0.03) to their subsequent milk production. Deuterium oxide dilution in calves offers an additional approach to the estimation of milk production of the dam in typical beef cattle production settings.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyse the heritabilitiy of the lactational incidence of displaced abomasum (DA) and the relationships of DA with milk production traits in German Holstein cows. Data were recorded between February 1999 and January 2000 in cooperation with five veterinary practitioners. Their veterinary practices were located in the northern part of Lower Saxony. The investigation included 160 dairy farms under the official milk-recording scheme with 9,315 cows. The lactational incidence of the left abomasal displacement amounted to 1.21%, and of the right abomasal displacement to 0.41%, respectively. The linear heritability estimates for the lactational incidences of left and right DA were h(2) = 0.05 +/- 0.012 and h(2) = 0.004 +/- 0.005, respectively. Using the Dempster-Lerner-transformation the corresponding heritabilities were h(2) = 0.53 and 0.09, respectively. Milk losses for the lactation when DA was diagnosed were significant and reached 1016 kg milk, 41 kg fat, 36 kg protein and 0.07% protein. Fat content significantly increased by 0.18%. The analysis could not show significant differences between cows diagnosed with DA and cows not diagnosed with DA in the 305-day milk production traits of the lactation preceding the diagnosis of DA. There was also no indication for an unequal distribution of breeding values for milk performance traits between cows with and without DA. The additive genetic correlations between 305-day milk performance and left DA were low. The results indicated that cows with a high milk production and superior breeding values for milk performance were not exposed to an increased risk for DA.  相似文献   

The milk protein genetic structure of the Reggiana dairy local cattle with remarkable milk quality properties was analysed and compared with the structure of Italian Friesian and Italian Brown cattle. A total of 1138 individual milk samples from the three breeds were typed by isoelectrofocusing. Polymorphism was found at the αs1‐casein (CSN1S1), β‐casein (CSN2), κ‐casein (CSN3), and β‐lactoglobulin (LGB) loci. High frequencies were observed for some casein alleles in Reggiana (CSN1S1*C, 25%; CSN2*B: 28%) with considerable differences to those observed in a survey carried out 30 years before. A great variation among breeds was observed for casein haplotype frequencies and high linkage disequilibrium was detected at the three polymorphic casein loci CSN1S1‐CSN2‐CSN3. The prevalent haplotypes were CA2B (23%; Reggiana), BA2A (48%; Italian Friesian) and BA2B (51%; Italian Brown). Higher GST values between breeds were observed when haplotype frequencies were considered instead of gene frequencies. In the Reggiana cattle, the occurrence of two casein alleles at a rather high frequency (CSN1S1*C, CSN2*B) allowed to estimate the effects of rare casein haplotypes on milk traits. The CA2B haplotype was associated with a significantly higher milk protein and fat content and a significantly higher protein per cent was found also for the BA1B haplotype.  相似文献   

为了研究弗莱维赫牛和蒙贝利亚牛POU1F1-exon6多态性与体重、体尺等生长性状指标的相关性,试验采用PCR-RFLP技术分析其多态性,并采用最小二乘法拟合线性模型,对各标记基因型与部分生长性状指标差异显著性进行检验。结果表明:2个群体POU1F1-exon6基因存在2个等位基因A/G,基因频率分别为0.175 9/0.824 1,0.096 8/0.903 2;在该位点上,弗莱维赫牛处于Hardy-weinberg平衡状态(P0.05),而蒙贝利亚牛处于不平衡状态(P0.05);2个群体中AA基因型体重均值高于AG、GG基因型均值(P0.05),GG和AG基因型个体腹围均值高于AA基因型个体均值(P0.05),但在体高、体长、胸围和管围4个性状上无显著性差异(P0.05)。说明POU1F1基因的A15636G位点可以作为牛的体重和腹围指标的候选遗传标记之一。  相似文献   

Fifty Holstein cattle, either second to fourth generation daughters of cows randomly bred to non-commercial sires originating in the Virginia Tech dairy herd (estimated mean PDM84 = -455 kg, control animals), or daughters of cows bred to commercially available sires (mean PDM84 = +368 kg, selection animals), were randomly assigned to be milked twice or thrice daily starting at parturition. Serial blood samples were collected via jugular cannulae at 30, 90 and 200 d post-partum (DPP) during both the first and second lactations. Blood samples were collected for 3 h prior to and 4 h following thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) administration, and were analyzed for growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) concentrations. Dry matter intake, body weight and milk yield and fat content were used to calculate net energy balance (NEB) of animals at each DPP sampling period. Mean plasma GH concentrations were greater (P less than .01) in selection vs control animals both before and after TRH administration, and decreased (P less than .01) with advancing lactation (30 greater than 90 greater than 200 DPP). However, NEB was not influenced by genetic merit, implying that observed differences in GH concentrations were not due to that trait. Plasma PRL concentrations were not affected by genetic merit or DPP, but were greater (P less than .01) in the second vs first lactation. Neither PRL or GH concentrations were affected by frequency of milking. The results support the contention that increased plasma GH concentrations are associated with selection for increased milk yield.  相似文献   

Performance records on Hereford cattle raised in two herds were used to evaluate cytoplasmic genetic effects on preweaning growth and milk production. Animals were traced through maternal lineage to foundation females to form cytoplasmic lines. Growth records were available on 1,189 calves at Raleigh and 1,599 at Plymouth representing 27 and 15 cytoplasmic lines, respectively. Milk records were available on 418 cows at Raleigh and 522 cows at Plymouth, representing 20 and 13 cytoplasmic lines. After adjustment for sire, cytoplasmic effects were significant for birth weight (BWT), average daily gain (ADG) and 205-d weight (WT205) in both herds. Cytoplasm accounted for 2, 5 and 5% of the variance for BWT, ADG and WT205 at Raleigh; and 1, 2 and 2% of the variance at Plymouth. After addition of maternal grandsire to the model, cytoplasm was still significant; however, variances were reduced at Plymouth. Cytoplasmic effects for milk yield were important at Raleigh (P less than .01) but marginal at Plymouth (P = .10). Variance components for cytoplasm accounted for 4 and 1% of the variance for milk yield at Raleigh and Plymouth, respectively. Ranges for least-squares constants for cytoplasmic lines corresponded to one of two standard deviations. Correlations among least-squares constants for ADG, WT205 and milk yield were high, suggesting that cytoplasmic effects were mediated through milk production. More research is needed to confirm these results before cytoplasmic inheritance is considered in breeding programs for beef cattle.  相似文献   

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