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商品马铃薯的贮藏技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯是世界各国的主贮蔬菜之一,其鲜薯含水分达80%左右,比一般作物种子难以贮藏。马铃薯的贮藏受到条件以及管理技术的局限,贮藏效果也不尽相同。本文简单介绍了马铃薯对贮藏条件的要求、贮藏方法和贮藏期间应注意的问题,以期为获得更好的贮藏效果提供参考。  相似文献   

宁南山区马铃薯贮藏中存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>马铃薯是宁南山区最具特色的区域优势作物,近年来在政府部门的大力支持下,种植规模逐渐扩大,总产量也大幅上升,与此同时马铃薯的冬贮问题也日趋突出。由于宁南山区受经济条件的制约,使得山区农户贮藏设施、贮藏方法、管理技术等方面存在着许多缺点和问题。因此,我们要大力提倡  相似文献   

我们研究利用化学发光方法来检验谷类作物、豆类作物和水稻种子的品质,以及确定马铃薯是否感染病毒。还曾用此法来测定贮藏条件下存在植物病理性危害时,马铃薯块茎中发生的化学变化。  相似文献   

马铃薯是第四大粮食作物,是农民增收的主要作物。为了推动枣庄市马铃薯产业发展,特制定发展规划。首先,分析了马铃薯产业区域优势明显,投入产出比大,经济效益好,脱毒种薯应用成效显著,贮藏加工业初见成效的马铃薯产业发展现状;其次,分析了种子市场繁杂,不规范,露地栽培面积过大,病虫危害严重,机械播种较少,贮藏与加工不足的马铃薯产业主要问题;再次,总结了引进高产优质新品种,大量繁育马铃薯原原种,大面积推广高效栽培新模式,推广马铃薯种植全程机械化,建立试验、示范基地,联系新型经营主体的“十三五”期间取得的成效;最后,提出了加快新品种筛选,病虫害合理防治,发展马铃薯全程机械化,栽培技术推广,加大政策扶持的马铃薯产业发展规划。该发展规划的制定,为枣庄市马铃薯产业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

雁北地区无公害马铃薯生产主要技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雁北地区是山西省马铃薯的主要生产区之一,约占全省马铃薯种植面积的30%。马铃薯是该地区农民种植的主要作物,也是农民的主要经济收入来源之一。雁北地区发展无公害马铃薯所具有的地理优势、气候优势、生态优势、交通优势,从产地选择、品种选择、种薯处理、整地施肥、播种、田间管理、病虫害防治、收获贮藏8个方面,提出了无公害马铃薯生产的主要技术,以期为本地区的生产实际提供指导,帮助种植户提高经济效益,促进环境、资源、经济、社会的良性循环。  相似文献   

李延生  顾小燕 《作物研究》2009,23(4):281-282
马铃薯是溆浦县仅次于油菜的第二大冬种作物。2007-2008年进行了稻田春马铃薯高产栽培示范,平均鲜薯产量分别达22.76t/hm2和24.64t/hm2,取得了较好的示范效果。并从稻田选择、种薯处理、精细整地、适时播种、配方施肥、化学调控、病虫防治、收获贮藏等方面总结出了舂马铃薯的高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

马铃薯是目前世界上的主要粮食作物之一 ,具有生育期短、产量高、适宜性强和营养丰富的特点 ,黑龙江省又是我国马铃薯脱毒种薯的重要生产基地之一 ,每年仅向南方省份输出的种薯约2 0万t。在北方地区如何有效地贮藏好马铃薯种薯 ,使种薯保持优良健康的种用品质 ,是马铃薯生产中的重要环节。马铃薯的贮藏与禾谷类作物的贮藏相比 ,具有较大的不同和特殊性。由于收获的块茎一般含有75%左右的水分 ,在贮藏过程中极易遭受伤热发芽 ,温度低了容易冻窖 ,因此马铃薯的安全贮藏环节比较复杂和困难。马铃薯块茎是活体多汁器官 ,在贮藏期间它要求有一定…  相似文献   

组织培养冷藏这种保存种质的新方法,特别适用于目前尚无有效方法进行长期贮藏的无性繁殖作物。以往,为了保存马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)种质,采用的是贮藏愈伤组织和分生组织培养的方法。但愈伤组织培养会遭受初生性腐烂,而分生组织培养涉及额外的场地、人力,以及转移中污染的危险。本篇报道了从经冷冻(-196℃)贮藏24个月的分生组织中完全  相似文献   

<正>第九届世界马铃薯大会将于2015年7月28~30日在北京延庆举行,本届世界马铃薯大会由北京市人民政府和中国农业部主办,农业部农业贸易促进中心、北京市农村工作委员会、延庆县人民政府承办,中国作物学会马铃薯专业委员会、北京市农业局协办,会议主题是"面向未来,共同发展",旨在世界范围内为马铃薯产业内人士提供一个学习交流的平台。为了便于交流,大会筹委会诚邀世界马铃薯产业界的同仁积极投稿,内容包括但不限于以下领域:(1)马铃薯生产中水资源挑战和机遇;(2)马铃薯消费与市场;(3)马铃薯主要病害;(4)马铃薯品种选育;(5)提高公众对马铃薯认识;(6)马铃薯贮藏加工;(7)生物技术在马铃薯育种中的应用;(8)马铃薯机械化;(9)马铃薯作  相似文献   

马铃薯贮藏造成的经济损失数额巨大,如何控制贮藏损失已成为马铃薯产业亟待解决的问题。为探明田间养分管理与马铃薯安全贮藏的关系,试验设置不同氮、磷、钾施肥梯度,研究其对马铃薯块茎养分含量的影响,以及不同处理块茎养分含量与马铃薯贮藏期干腐病的发病情况的关系。研究结果显示,在一定范围内,块茎氮、钾营养状况对马铃薯贮藏安全存在影响;从马铃薯贮藏安全的角度给出临界块茎氮含量应小于12.66 g/kg,临界块茎钾含量应大于20.43 g/kg。  相似文献   

In sprinkler irrigated fields, irrigation water is intercepted by crop leaves. This water can be separated into several categories depending on its movement. In this study, the categories are defined as crop stem flow water, leaf storage water, and drop water to the soil. Crop stem flow water is especially effective for crop growth because it reaches the soil surface near the root zone. The objective of this study is to develop a method for quantifying crop stem flow water. Field observation is conducted to observe the movement of irrigation water droplets and to quantify the varying amounts of crop stem flow water, leaf storage water, and drop water to the soil. The measurement of the amount of leaf storage water indicates that droplet movement on the leaf changes constantly. To quantify three components of irrigated water, considering the continuous change of droplet movement on the leaf surface, a simulation model is developed. The simulated amounts of crop stem flow water, leaf storage water, drop water to the soil successfully reproduce the observed result, and model accuracy can be verified.  相似文献   

Steuben is a golden nematode resistant variety with wide adaptation and high yield potential. It has a mid to late season vine maturity but starts to size its crop of tubers as early as Superior. It has potential for tablestock as well as for chipping from the field and from 10°C storage. It is resistant to pitted scab but susceptible to superficial scab which can be severe enough to reduce its value for tablestock under some conditions. The maturity of the crop entering storage appears to be an important determinant for chip color out of storage.  相似文献   

A farmers' knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) survey was conducted in the highlands of Tigray, northern Ethiopia, to better understand rodent damage and rodent management from the farmers' perspective. Farmers (n = 191) from Dogu'a Temben district, were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The large majority of the farmers stated that rodents are the main pests in crop fields (92.1%) and storage (88.5%). The farmers (64.2%) reported they experienced 100–500 kg ha−1 damage in crop fields, which is equivalent to 8.9–44.7% loss in annual production. There was some overlap between the most common crops grown in the highlands and the most common crops susceptible to rodent attack. Farmers identified barley as the crop most susceptible to rodent attack (76.4%) and the booting stage as the crop developmental stage with the highest rodent abundance and damage. Rodenticide application was the most commonly practiced management strategy in crop fields (51.8%); in storage, farmers mainly keep domestic cats around granaries (80.6%). We recommend a reduction in reliance on chemical rodenticide in crop fields and a shift to a more sustainable rodent management approach to reduce rodent numbers and damage.  相似文献   

中国热带作物种质资源是生物多样性的重要组成部分,是我国热带作物产业持续发展的物质基础,其保护状况对热带作物产业的发展非常重要.从1978年以来,相关研究单位开展了多次考察收集,收集的种质资源材料以种质圃、离体库、种子库的形式保存,共有4.7万份;对热带作物种质资源的鉴定评价主要集中在品质性状、抗逆性状、抗病虫性状和细胞...  相似文献   

Potato storage in Great Britain is focused on delivery of high quality crops for premium markets. For the fresh sector, crops from storage need to have clean skins free from blemish. Control of black dot, silver scurf and skin spot is, therefore, paramount to secure the best returns. Cold storage is used as a primary means of suppressing disease development and sprout growth. Recent work on black dot has also illustrated the importance of the time the crop spends in the ground (measured as crop duration from 50% emergence to harvest) in relation to the level of disease at harvest, with rapid reduction in storage temperature providing best control of the disease once in store. Storage for processing is carried out at higher temperature with the use of CIPC for sprout suppression. Optimisation of the application process has been a primary objective to maintain frying quality and ensure compliance with new legislation on residue levels. The addition of a catalytic converter to a CIPC fogger minimised any detrimental effect of the fogging process on fry colour. The use of CIPC, where the application of fog has been assisted by slow speed ventilation, has proved to be very successful in trials carried out over 3 years in bulk stores. This has resulted in more uniform sprout control across the store and the need for less CIPC per season. Computerised control systems offer close regulation of storage temperature which reduces the likelihood of condensation that can otherwise compromise crop quality. AssiStore?—a new risk-driven decision support system developed at Sutton Bridge for store managers—is now being evaluated in commercial storage. Whilst development of enhanced management and control remains a key element of storage improvement strategies, it must be remembered that the important aspect of any control system is to ensure the interface with the operator is sound to ensure that any system is meaningful and easy to use. PCR diagnostics also offer great potential for identifying likely storage risks at harvest more accurately; a new test for skin spot has just been successfully developed. As storage becomes more sophisticated, costs inevitably increase. These have been recouped in recent years through improved quality delivered from store. But now there is a need to apply new, more sustainable approaches in order to lower inputs and reduce losses. Developments include the use of inverter drives to match ventilation (and hence energy needs) to demand, and humidification which offers scope for lowering weight loss and providing adiabatic cooling. Reduced reliance on chemicals is also needed and, whilst the adoption of ethylene for fresh market storage has been a significant step forward in recent years, it remains likely that the plant breeders will offer the most sustainable and cost-efficient route to effective storage in the longer term.  相似文献   

As in other crops, yield and quality in the potato is determined by the genotype × environment interaction; limited by seed, crop, and storage management; and reduced by weeds, pests, and diseases. Within the limiting factors, seed tuber quality is crucial, both in low- and high-input crops. If poor seed tubers are used in low-input crops, only low yields can be expected. If poor seed tubers are used in high-input crops, the crops will not take proper advantage of other inputs, such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides applied. At present, physical aspects, such as shape and presence of wounds, seed tuber size, health, and physiological age, are the main components of seed quality, impacting seed vigour. Physiological age is defined as the physiological status of a seed tuber at any time, determined by genotype, chronological age, and environmental conditions from tuber initiation until new plant emergence. This minireview summarizes the physiological age assessment methods and the effects of crop and storage environment and management on physiological age and future crop performance. Possible tactics to reverse physiological age effects are also discussed. More research is still needed to develop a reliable and predictable indicator or index which can relate physiological age to yielding potential.  相似文献   

‘Beacon Chipper’ is a high-yielding, round white potato for the chip-processing market. This variety has an attractive round appearance with shallow eyes and high percentage of oversize tubers. Specific gravity in Michigan ranges from 1.077 to 1.083. Beacon Chipper may fit a window in raw product requirements between out-of-the-field ‘Atlantic’ crop and a late storage crop. This variety has some tolerance to common scab (Steptomyces scabies Thaxter) in comparison to Atlantic and ‘Snowden’. Beacon Chipper also has good chip-processing storage characteristics (light color and low amount of defects) and better tolerance to pressure bruise than Snowden. Based upon nitrogen and spacing management studies, we recommend that Beacon Chipper be planted at 20-cm within-row spacing with 180 lbs N/acre to maximize U.S. No. 1 yield and quality. The origin and pedigree of Beacon Chipper is currently unknown, despite extensive fingerprint analyses. The name Beacon Chipper was chosen to reflect the common nautical theme of Michigan and Maine.  相似文献   

This survey attempts to define the range of U.S. potato losses and their causes during the first three months of storage. The sampling of three respondent groups included a local storage region, the processing industry, and the federal inspection service (USDA). Questionnaires indicated 64 to 150 thousand metric tons were annually lost during early storage from the total crop stored for processing. This constitutes a range of 5.6–13.2 million dollars lost in production costs. Mechanical damage, inclement weather, and disease were assigned similar causative rankings for persistent loss in early storage by all three groups; however, synergistic combinations of losscausing factors and geographic differences were also noted.  相似文献   

The current study proposes a novel method using Excel Solver to estimate,from limited data,crop coefficient(Kc) in paddy fields under intermittent irrigation(II).The proposed method was examined in a field experiment conducted at Karang Sari Village,Bekasi,West Java,Indonesia during the first rice season of 2007/2008(December 2007 to April 2008) in the rainy season.As the control,continuous flooding irrigation(CF) was applied to the conventional rice cultivation fields.Based on the observed water storage,Excel Solver was used to estimate crop evapotranspiration.Estimated crop evapotranspiration was used to compute Kc value,then the average Kc values at each growth stage were compared with that for the CF treatment.The estimation method was evaluated by comparing estimated crop evapotranspiration and the crop evapotranspiration derived by the well established FAO procedure.Excel Solver estimated crop evapotranspiration accurately with R2 values higher than 0.81.Accordingly,more than 81% of the FAO crop evapotranspiration was described by the proposed method.Thus,Kc value could be well determined from those estimated crop evapotranspiration.Under the II treatment,the average Kc values were 0.70,1.06,1.24 and 1.22 for the initial,crop development,reproductive and late stages,respectively.These values were lower than those under the CF treatment for initial and crop development stages because of a minimal soil evaporation and intense dryness during these stages.However,average Kc values under the II treatment were higher than those under the CF treatment at the reproductive and late stages,indicating that the II treatment promoted more plant activity particularly for dry biomass production as indicated by a greater number of tillers per hill.  相似文献   

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