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Genetic parameters for table grape quality characteristics, including ripening date, berry size (weight, width and length) and uniformity, seediness, °Brix, acidity and the ratio of °Brix and acidity, were estimated based on two seasons' evaluations. Data were collected from a total of 5039 vines in 1999 and 1848 vines in 2000 and individual vine mixed models using the restricted maximum likelihood approach were used to account for all pedigree information. The results showed that quality characteristics were generally under strong additive genetic control; narrow-sense heritability estimates were 0.35 for ripening date, 0.63 for berry weight, 0.69 for berry width, 0.68 for berry length, 0.58 for seediness, 0.48 for °Brix, 0.36 for acidity and 0.10 for the ratio of °Brix and acidity. Berry size components (berry weight, width and length) were correlated strongly and positively with each other (r g = 0.88 ∼ 0.96), and correlated negatively with °Brix and acidity (–0.19 ∼ –0.62), but positively with the ratio of °Brix: acidity (0.05 ∼ 0.33). °Brix was also favourably associated with acidity (0.41). Vine vigour was associated with °Brix (–0.05) and acidity (0.30) without an unfavourable impact on berry size. Thus, low vigour vines may potentially produce high quality table grapes. Ripening date was generally independent of most quality characteristics. Heritability estimates derived from seedless and seeded populations were similar to each other and mirrored the estimates for the combined population. The implications of these estimates for table grape breeding are discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) is one of the most widely grown fruit trees in Japan, and it has been used throughout Japan’s history. The commercial production of pears increased rapidly with the successive discoveries of the chance seedling cultivars ‘Chojuro’ and ‘Nijisseiki’ around 1890, and the development of new cultivars has continued since 1915. The late-maturing, leading cultivars ‘Niitaka’ and ‘Shinko’ were released during the initial breeding stage. Furthermore, systematic breeding by the Horticultural Research Station (currently, NARO Institute of Fruit Tree Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NIFTS)) began in 1935, which mainly aimed to improve fruit quality by focusing on flesh texture and black spot disease resistance. To date, 22 cultivars have been released, including ‘Kosui’, ‘Hosui’, and ‘Akizuki’, which are current leading cultivars from the breeding program. Four induced mutant cultivars induced by gamma irradiation, which exhibit some resistance to black spot disease, were released from the Institute of Radiation Breeding. Among these cultivars, ‘Gold Nijisseiki’ has become a leading cultivar. Moreover, ‘Nansui’ from the Nagano prefectural institute breeding program was released, and it has also become a leading cultivar. Current breeding objectives at NIFTS mainly combine superior fruit quality with traits related to labor and cost reduction, multiple disease resistance, or self-compatibility. Regarding future breeding, marker-assisted selection for each trait, QTL analyses, genome-wide association studies, and genomic selection analyses are currently in progress.  相似文献   

Table grapes need of substantial water supply for achieving commercial requirements. Viticulture practices such as girdling (G) and gibberellic acid (GA) application, as well as water supply, can improve table grape quality. The study, which was conducted in two consecutive seasons (2010–2011), aimed to assess the counterbalance effect of these viticulture practices on yield and quality parameters and flavonoids composition in case of a significant and unusual irrigation water reduction (40%) applied to a table grape variety. The data from the two-way ANOVA and PCA analyses indicated that viticulture practices were clearly related to anthocyanins and flavonols variations whereas water management appeared mainly involved in the yield parameters variability. Specifically, the reduced water supply (RWS) decreased the grape yield (−20%) with respect to full water supply (FWS); by contrast GA, G, and G × GA treatments determined an increment of grape production ranging from 10 to 23%, independently from irrigation strategy. Moreover, G, in particular applied to RWS grapes, was able to improve the total soluble solids over titrable acidity (TSS/TA), a ratio strictly related to the quality perception by the consumer. Total anthocyanins were found positively linked to FWS whereas flavanols content was indifferent to water management. Instead viticulture practices seemed to have a greater impact on anthocyanin composition, considering that in RWS grapes under GA condition, higher contents of malvidin and peonidin (mainly responsible for the color stability of the skins) were revealed. Furtheremore, catechins and rutin appeared significantly enhanced by G and G × GA, and GA, respectively. From gathered findings, it can be concluded that suitable viticulture practices can allow a sensible reduction of water supply during table grape growth cycle without detrimental effects on yield and quality.  相似文献   

摘要: 本文对国内外水稻耐寒育种的进展进行了回顾,同时探讨了水稻耐寒育种的研究方法、策略和目前存在的问题,最后提出了今后在耐寒育种领域的发展趋势  相似文献   

Firmness is an essential quality parameter of table grapes (Vitis vinifera) for consumers, with grape bunches that contains soft berries less preferred, resulting in a reduction in the market price. The softening of grape berries has been commonly associated with cell walls, especially the disassembly of pectic polysaccharides. However, the process of berry softening is not completely understood. To investigate the softening process of grape berries, we compared the Thompson Seedless variety, which suffers significant economic losses due to fruit softening, and NN107, a new variety with a significantly higher level of berry firmness. The composition of the cell wall during the berry development of these two grape varieties was compared. NN107 berries had a greater amount of calcium and uronic acids in the cell wall material than Thompson Seedless grapes, suggesting a special role for calcium bridge formation in NN107. Additionally, polyacrylamide carbohydrate electrophoresis (PACE) analysis suggested differences between these varieties in pectin structure. Thompson Seedless grapes showed increased pectolyase hydrolysable site dynamics in the cell wall material and higher polygalacturonase activity than NN107. Immunohistochemistry focusing on the pectin structure confirmed the roles of both calcium bridge formation and cell wall integrity as they relate to a firmer grape berry phenotype.  相似文献   

Apple is a fruit crop of significant economic importance, and breeders world wide continue to develop novel cultivars with improved characteristics. The lengthy juvenile period and the large field space required to grow apple populations have imposed major limitations on breeding. Various molecular biological techniques have been employed to make apple breeding easier. Transgenic technology has facilitated the development of apples with resistance to fungal or bacterial diseases, improved fruit quality, or root stocks with better rooting or dwarfing ability. DNA markers for disease resistance (scab, powdery mildew, fire-blight, Alternaria blotch) and fruit skin color have also been developed, and marker-assisted selection (MAS) has been employed in breeding programs. In the last decade, genomic sequences and chromosome maps of various cultivars have become available, allowing the development of large SNP arrays, enabling efficient QTL mapping and genomic selection (GS). In recent years, new technologies for genetic improvement, such as trans-grafting, virus vectors, and genome-editing, have emerged. Using these techniques, no foreign genes are present in the final product, and some of them show considerable promise for application to apple breeding.  相似文献   

Citrus is one of the most cultivated fruits in the world, and satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) is a major cultivated citrus in Japan. Many excellent cultivars derived from satsuma mandarin have been released through the improvement of mandarins using a conventional breeding method. The citrus breeding program is a lengthy process owing to the long juvenility, and it is predicted that marker-assisted selection (MAS) will overcome the obstacle and improve the efficiency of conventional breeding methods. To promote citrus molecular breeding in Japan, a genetic mapping was initiated in 1987, and the experimental tools and resources necessary for citrus functional genomics have been developed in relation to the physiological analysis of satsuma mandarin. In this paper, we review the progress of citrus breeding and genome researches in Japan and report the studies on genetic mapping, expression sequence tag cataloguing, and molecular characterization of breeding characteristics, mainly in terms of the metabolism of bio-functional substances as well as factors relating to, for example, fruit quality, disease resistance, polyembryony, and flowering.  相似文献   

T. Hoshino  H. Seko 《Euphytica》1996,89(2):215-221
Summary Wheat breeding efforts for a half century in Japan were investigated by using of 129 varieties registered in MAFF from 1929 to 1984 in the view point of case history for three years. Varieties released in each breeding station are classified apparently by growth habit associated closely with duration of the cold requirement. Heading date is earlier in varieties released in southwest breeding stations (southern varieties) than in varieties released in northern breeding stations (northern varieties). Culm length is higher and the pre-harvest sprouting is more sensitive in northern varieties. In quality characters, northern varieties has the higher milling rate, lower apparent amylose content and larger particle size of flour. In varieties released in the Tohoku district, trend of breeding direction with time is smaller ear numbers and larger 1,000-grain weight and greater resistance to powdery mildew. In varieties released in the Kyushu district, a significant correlation with released year was clearly observed with regard to early maturity, short culm length, less grain crude protein content, less apparent amylose content and higher milling rate on breeding advancement.  相似文献   

A combination of near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) instrumental measurements and sensory analysis was investigated to predict solids soluble content (SSC, assessed as Brix) and to classify preference in table grape cv Italia. SSC was monitored in each berry of whole bunches in order to evaluate intra-bunch distribution and variability. NIR spectra were recorded in the spectral region 12,000–4000 cm−1 (833–2500 nm) using a set of 682 berries. The Partial Least Square (PLS) model based on cross-validation provided acceptable value for the main statistical parameters (coefficient of determination of cross-validation, r2: 0.85; standard error of cross-validation, SECV: 1.08; residual predictive deviation, RPD: 2.6) and was confirmed by external validation performed with 115 independent berries (coefficient of determination of prediction, rp2: 0.82; standard error of prediction, SEP: 0.83). For consumer testing, the selected PLS model was used to predict the Brix value in 400 berries and Discriminant Analysis (DA) was then carried out to classify berries in terms of preference by relating NIR data to consumer judgment. The three defined preference clusters of berries were fully classified obtaining 100% membership. In cross-validation the value decreased especially for class 1 (78.5%) and 3 (75%) whereas class 2 obtained comparable values (98.7%). According to our results, NIR technology appears to be a promising technique for predicting SSC and obtaining information with regard to consumer preference in ‘Italia’ table grape for application of efficient and low cost on-line instruments in the fruit industry.  相似文献   

果树辐射诱变育种研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
继实生选种和杂交育种后,辐射诱变育种也成为创造果树新种质的一个有效途径。通过辐射诱变,大大提高了果树基因突变频率,而且可以产生小量突变,获得常规育种难以获得的新种质。开展果树辐射诱变育种几十年来,国内外已经创造出许多的具有优良生物学性状和经济性状的果树新种质,辐射材料、诱变剂和诱变方法不断得到补充和改良,短枝型变异、早熟变异、抗性变异、无籽变异等辐射效应的研究也在逐渐深入地开展起来。同时,笔者认为果树辐射诱变育种与常规杂交育种、果树离体培养相结合是其今后发展的方向,辐射诱变育种和单倍体育种相结合在农作物育种上有诸多成功的例子,为其在果树育种上的应用也提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Wheat breeding for end-product use   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
W. Bushuk 《Euphytica》1998,100(1-3):137-145
High grain yield is the primary objective of most wheat breeding programs around the world. In some countries, for example Australia and Canada, a new wheat cultivar must meet a prescribed level of quality before it can be registered for commercial production. For most traditional uses, wheat quality derives mainly from two interrelated characteristics: grain hardness and protein content. Grain hardness is a heritable trait but it can be strongly affected by abnormal weather conditions such as excessive rainfall during the harvest period. Protein content is weakly heritable and strongly dependent on environmental factors such as available soil nitrogen and moisture during the growing season. In addition, each end-use requires a specific 'quality' in the protein. Quality is determined by the molecular structure of the major proteins of flour which, in turn, controls the interactions of the proteins during the breadmaking process. Durum wheats have the hardest grain texture and are usually high in protein content. They are especially suited to the production of pasta because of their highly vitreous grain (high milling yield of semolina), unique combination of storage proteins for good cooking quality of pasta, and high yellow pigment content required for attractive appearance of cooked product. All three characteristics are highly heritable and can be readily improved by conventional breeding. Recent research has shown that the presence of γ-gliadin 45 is a reliable marker of good cooking quality. This marker is now used for screening early generation material in many durum wheat breeding programs. Common (hexaploid) wheats cover a wide range of grain hardness and protein content. The hardest wheats of this class, generally highest in protein, are used for pan bread. Considerable progress has been achieved in research of the molecular properties of flour proteins that are required for highest bread quality. The key protein component in this regard is glutenin. Segregating breeding populations can be screened by electrophoresis or high performance liquid chromatography for the presence of desirable glutenin subunits. Common wheats of medium hardness and lower protein content are used for other types of bread and noodles. Wheats with softest texture and lowest protein are used for cakes and cookies. In some end-uses, e.g., Chinese-type noodles, starch quality is important together with protein quality; this feature should be taken into consideration in developing a screening strategy for wheats for this application. Screening tests that reflect end-use requirements for most of the known products are available, and should be applied in testing wheats according to intended use. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

K. Yonezawa  H. Yamagata 《Euphytica》1978,27(1):113-116
Summary The number and size of crosses in a breeding programme were discussed to the conclusion that the number of crosses rather than the size of a cross should be increased with a given total population size. The advantage due to this manipulation, however, is relatively small when such genotypes as improved for many (twenty-five or more) loci are to be obtained, or when a high proportion (around 0.1 or more) of available combinations have the potentiality of releasing the objective genotypes. In such a case, the ease with which crossing and cultivation can be carried out becomes the decisive factor.  相似文献   

The effects of random and directional selection on estimates of heritability and estimated breeding values were investigated using data collected for grape berry weight during seasons 1999 and 2000 from the CSIRO table grape breeding population. In 1999, all berry‐bearing vines available (4834) were assessed, while in 2000 a randomly selected sample of 1344 vines was evaluated. In addition, a simulated directional selection was imposed such that the berry weights for half of the vines with lighter berries sampled in 2000 were discarded to produce a biased data set. The results showed that heritability of berry weight in 2000 was biased downward and estimated breeding values were over‐ or under‐estimated if analyses were based on directionally selected data sets alone. By incorporating data from 1999 into bivariate analyses, bias in heritability and EBV could be eliminated to a large extent. The implications for grapevine breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

J. Brown  M.F.B. Dale 《Euphytica》1998,104(3):143-149
Cross prediction techniques were applied to data collected from over 600 hybrid combinations of potato (Solanum tuberosum) and analyzed to determine the potential of using early generation cross prediction techniques to identify superior parental clones. Performance of parental lines based on parameters collected in early generations were compared with the observed frequencies of desirable recombinants with a common parent in the latter stages of a breeding program. Results showed that value of parents, in their ability to produce desirable recombinants in breeding programs, can be predicted using univariate cross prediction techniques. This type of information can be available from early generation progeny trials and could easily be incorporated into a practical potato breeding scheme. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

AFLP markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 77 breeding lines from three of the world's major canola qualityBrassica juncea breeding programs from Canada (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Saskatchewan Wheat Pool) and Australia (Agriculture Victoria). The objectives of the paper were to assess the genetic diversity within and between these three breeding programs and to assess genetic diversity of the canola quality germplasm as compared to mustard quality B. juncea. Fifteen lines of mustard quality B. juncea from India, China, Russia and Australia were also included in the investigation. Ten EcoR1/Mse1 based primer pairs generated 751 scorable fragments with an average of 26 polymorphic bands per primer pair (35%). Similarity coefficients were calculated using the Simple Matching coefficient and adendrogram was developed using the UPGMA procedure, resulting in germplasm being partitioned into five main groups. Line specific markers were discovered that have potential in enhancing the efficiency of individual breeding programs using breeding techniques like accelerated backcrossing. Further understanding the genetic diversity within and between programs has implications for future breeding and collaboration within and between the three programs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Two selection procedures in wheat breeding were compared on the basis of their ability to supply high yielding inbred lines. The first procedure consists of an early selection between crosses in the F3 generation, based on predictions of the cross mean and the between line variance. In the second procedure selection is postponed until the F6, which is derived by single seed descent. The two procedures are evaluated in a two year test, using pseudo-lines of spring wheat. These pseudo-lines consist of mixtures of varieties and enable an estimation of the exact genetic parameters. In this way the accuracy of the predictions can be examined.In case of early selection, it appears that the predictions of the cross mean and especially the between line variance are very inaccurate. This is caused by the effects of plot size, intergenotypic competition and, to a lesser extent, dominance and/or epistasis. It results in an erroneous ranking of the crosses and the discarding of the potentially best cross. The F6-SSD line estimates are much more accurate and thus the better lines are indeed selected. A first comparison between the two selection procedures therefore indicates a preference to the SSD method.  相似文献   

Summary Two selection procedures in wheat breeding were compared on the basis of their ability to supply high yielding inbred lines. The first procedure consists of an early selection between crosses in the F3 generation, based on cross performance. In the second procedure selection is postponed until the F6, which is derived by single seed descent. The two procedures are evaluated in a two year test, using pseudo-lines of spring wheat. These pseudo-lines consist of mixtures of varieties and enable an estimation of the true genetic parameters. In this way the accuracy of the predictions can be examined.The first year of this comparison comprised the actual selection process and in the second year an F6 and F7 generation were mimicked, based on the selected lines of the F3 and F6 respectively, and evaluated in a large yield test. This paper gives the final results after the second year. From the first year it was found that the F3 cross predictions were very inaccurate, whereas selection in the SSD-F6 appeared to perform well. This resulted in a higher yielding set of lines evolving from the SSD-F6. Despite a pronounced genotype-year interaction this difference in yield level was also found between the F7 and the F6 lines, derived from the selected crosses in the F3. We conclude that the early selection procedure is not advantageous compared to the fast SSD procedure.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the genetic yield and quality potential of South African winter wheat cultivars since 1930 were investigated by means of canonical variate analysis. Yield potential improved by 87%, while test weight and protein percentage changed marginally. Flour colour improved mostly since 1965, but advancement of flour yield declined after 1984. Dough strength increased since 1930, yet current levels of dough strength should not be exceeded. When compared to farinograph assessment of dough strength, mixograph dough development time appears to be a less sensitive indicator of variation in dough strength. Selection on the basis of mixograph dough development time only, could influence a breeder's perception of the dough quality profile of his breeding programme. Protein efficiency was maintained despite improvement in yield potential. Baking quality improved by 20%. The genetic winter wheat potential advanced significantly since 1930 in meeting the increased nutritional demands of the South African population.Abbreviations BSI Baking strength index - CBP Chorleywood Breadmaking Process - CVA Canonical variate analysis - CV1 First canonical variate - CV2 Second canonical variate - FCL Flour colour - FDT Farinograph dough development time - FLY Flour yield - FPC Flour protein content - FST Farinograph stability - FWS Farinograph water absorption - GPR Grain protein content - GPY Grain protein yield - LFV Loaf volume - MDT Mixograph dough development time - SDS SDS sedimentation volume - STY Starch yield - TSW Test weight - WBS Water absorption - YLD Yield  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was used to study the polymorphism of esterases in Allium cepa L. and A. fistulosum L. Two varieties of each species, an A. fistulosum × A. cepa interspecific F1 hybrid, and (A. fistulosum × A. cepa) hybrid derivatives were analyzed for determination of banding patterns upon staining with α- and β-napthyl acetate substrates of esterase. Complex band patterns were observed. In total, 10 bands were detected between A. cepa and A. fistulosum — five inA. cepa, six in A. fistulosum with only one band common to both species. With the exception of one band unique to A. fistulosum which appeared only when stained with α-substrate, extracts of both A. cepa and A. fistulosum leaf tissue exhibited the same bands when stained with both α- and β-substrates. Bands stained with the different systems are distinguished by color: α-substrate always appeared black, while bands stained to β-substrate are always red. Esterase bands were assigned into 5 presumptive loci of four zones of activity with according to the migration distance of the bands from the front, color of each band upon staining with α- and β-substrates, and segregation observed in crosses and hybrid derivatives. Esterase enzymes detected in this study appear to be monomeric. Polymorphisms were identified between A. cepa and A. fistulosum by esterase banding patterns. Esterase enzymes provide an additional marker in monitoring introgression of foreign germplasm in interspecific onion breeding. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

根据辽宁省鲜食葡萄市场流向,将鲜食葡萄销售大致划分为3个区域。并针对鲜食葡萄如何走向国际市场提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

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