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黄颡鱼人工繁殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用市场收购、池塘越冬养殖、药物催产的方法,进行黄颡鱼人工繁殖技术研究.结果表明,亲鱼经过强化培育以后,可明显增强体质,利用混合药物催产,能使亲鱼生长同步,鱼卵受精率提高,采用静水充气方法,可使孵化率高达95%以上.  相似文献   

本文根据生物学和生态学原理,进行65hm^2稻田生态养殖黄颡鱼技术推广研究,结果,667m^2稻田产水稻540kg,黄颡鱼22kg,稻鱼收入1102元,取得稻鱼双赢。  相似文献   

介绍了盘锦地区利用稻田的浅水环境养殖黄颡鱼技术,并重点介绍了鱼种放养、鱼病防治、日常管理、水稻栽培等技术措施。  相似文献   

本文根据生物学和生态学原理,进行65hm2稻田生态养殖黄颡鱼技术推广研究,结果,667m2稻田产水稻540kg,黄颡鱼22kg,稻鱼收入1102元,取得稻鱼双赢。  相似文献   

介绍了盘锦地区利用稻田的浅水环境养殖黄颡鱼技术,并重点介绍了鱼种放养、鱼病防治、日常管理、水稻栽培等技术措施。  相似文献   

介绍河蟹与黄颡鱼混养的稻田选择、田间工程和水稻作业,并重点阐述了苗种放养、驯化和饲养、日常管理、病害防治等技术要点。  相似文献   

介绍河蟹与黄颡鱼混养的稻田选择、田间工程和水稻作业,并重点阐述了苗种放养、驯化和饲养、日常管理、病害防治等技术要点。  相似文献   

【目的】明确饲料蛋白含量对稻-黄颡鱼共作模式下N2O和NH3挥发特征及黄颡鱼生长的影响,有利于稻-黄颡鱼综合种养的高效、绿色发展。【方法】采用盆栽模拟试验,以常规单养黄颡鱼模式为对照,系统研究了不同饲料蛋白含量对稻-黄颡鱼共作模式下N2O和NH3的排放特征、水体和底泥的氮含量以及黄颡鱼生长的影响。【结果】在相同蛋白含量下,稻-黄颡鱼共作模式的N2O和NH3挥发分别比单养黄颡鱼模式降低18.3%和76.20%,水体总氮和无机氮含量降低41.30%和48.85%,黄颡鱼蛋白累积量增加20.00%,氮利用率增加171.50%。在稻-黄颡鱼共作模式下,提高饲料蛋白含量会显著增加N2O排放量和水体残留氮含量,但对NH3挥发无显著影响;黄颡鱼特定生长率和蛋白累积量与饲料蛋白含量呈二次曲线关系。饲料氮利用效率随饲料蛋白含量增加呈线性降低趋势。【结论】综合考虑黄颡鱼生长和N2O排放以及养殖水体氮残留等因素,确定稻-黄颡鱼共作模式饲料蛋白含量不宜超过43.04%。  相似文献   

马拉瓜丽体鱼(Cichlasoma managuense)水泥池人工繁殖与育苗技术试验结果表明:在网箱内培育的2龄亲鱼可在水泥池中自行配对产卵。雌鱼绝对产卵量为1 500~2 500粒/尾,相对产卵量500~800 ind /kg。受精卵为椭圆形,暗黄色,不透明,粘性,卵分散排列在巢穴中。试验期间,70对亲鱼中有52对自行配对产卵,产卵率为74.2%,受精率为92.6%。在水温27~30 ℃时,从受精卵到破膜时间为48 h±41min,出膜仔鱼全长(0.65±0.35)cm,孵化率为84.8%,共获初孵仔  相似文献   

绿黄隆每公顷15克,即可有效防除亚麻田绝大多数阔叶杂草。土壤pH对其活性影响明显,随pH升高,活性增强;但喷雾载液pH对活性影响不显著。绿黄隆对亚麻生长初期有抑制作用,进入快速生长期基本无影响。绿黄隆可与防禾本科草除草剂混用。  相似文献   

【目的】探索盘锦地区甜罗勒的最佳采摘模式。【方法】采用水蒸汽蒸馏法测量精油含量,研究2008—2011年盘锦地区甜罗勒精油含量的日变化及年变化规律。【结果】甜罗勒的精油含量在17:00之前逐渐增加,17:00之后精油含量开始下降。一天之中甜罗勒精油含量最高时间点在17:00,可达1.1mL/kg(Fw)。2008-2011年甜罗勒精油含量年平均值为0.85mL/kg(FW)。【结论】盘锦地区甜罗勒的最佳采摘时间为17:00左右。  相似文献   

Lodging yield penalties as affected by breeding in Mediterranean wheats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Stem lodging, a permanent displacement of cereal stems which may reduce wheat yields significantly, affects wheat crops in both developed and developing countries, mainly under high-yielding conditions. Although breeding has decreased these losses by reducing the likelihood of the plant lodging through reduced height (mainly by the introgression of dwarfing genes), lodging continues to affect wheat yields. We aimed to quantify how wheat breeding has modified the sensitivity of yield to lodging, identifying physiological causes for yield reductions. Two field experiments were carried out in Mediterranean Spain during the 2006/07 and 2007/08 growing seasons. The first season two genotypes (Aragon 03 and ID-2151) and two lodging treatments (control and lodged near anthesis) were analysed. The second season four genotypes (Aragon 03, Estrella, Anza and ID-2151) and three lodging treatments (control, lodged from either jointing to maturity or anthesis to maturity) were imposed. In addition, in the 2007/08 experiment the source-sink ratios of five representative spikes of each plot were modified through hand trimming all spikelets from one side of each spike soon after anthesis. Yield losses due to early lodging were reduced by wheat breeding: yield penalties in the oldest and newest genotypes were 61% and 43% (mean values of both lodging treatments), respectively while it was 57% in intermediate cultivars (mean value of both lodging treatments and cultivars). Lodging decreased both the number of grains per m2 and the average grain weight (AGW). The decrease of the number of grains per m2 was associated with reductions in the crop growth, while the AGW loss seemed related to both a reduction of the availability of assimilates to fill grains and a direct effect on grain size potential. Lodged plants exhibited stronger source-limitation during grain filling than those un-lodged, while the response of the grain weight to sink-strength reductions in lodged plants was very similar to that in the un-trimmed controls, indicating that grain filling in un-lodged and in strongly lodged canopies was similarly balanced in terms of source-sink ratios.  相似文献   

Past breeding achievements in grain yield were mainly related to increases in harvest index (HI) without major changes in biomass production. As modern cultivars have already high HI, future breeding to improve grain yield will necessarily focus on increased biomass. Improved biomass would depend on our capacity to improve the amount of photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by the crop (IPAR%) or the efficiency with which the canopy converts that radiation into new biomass (radiation use efficiency, RUE). Four field experiments with a set of wheat cultivars selected, bred and introduced in the Mediterranean area of Spain and that represent important steps in wheat breeding in Spain were conducted in order to identify whether and how wheat breeding in this area affected the amount of IPAR% and RUE both before and after anthesis. Although there was genotypic variability, cultivars did not show any consistent trend with the year of release of the cultivars for their biomass, pre and post-anthesis IPAR%, Crop growth rate (CGR) or RUE but, the post-anthesis CGR and RUE of the two oldest genotypes were lower than that of the other cultivars. As the oldest genotypes have lower number of grains per m2 than their modern counterparts, it is suggested that post-anthesis RUE in these cultivars was reduced by lack of sinks and therefore further increases in grains per unit area in modern cultivars could permit to improve biomass via increases in post-anthesis RUE.  相似文献   

为生产绿色优质稻谷,从筛选优质高产品种、改用肥料种类和高效低毒农药或生物农药方面进行技术探讨。通过1a的实践表明,在选择优质品种的基础上配备有机肥、生物肥、生物菌肥和生物农药,可生产出绿色优质稻谷。  相似文献   

在云南温暖粳稻区的牟定县和温凉粳稻区的大理市,通过对优质抗病滇型杂交粳稻滇杂32不同栽插密度进行试验,试验结果分析表明:滇杂32在温暖粳稻区的栽插密度以30.0万丛(穴)/hm2、2苗/丛产量最高,不同栽插密度之间产量差异达极显著水平;在温凉粳稻区的栽插密度以45.0万丛/hm2、2苗/丛产量最高,不同栽插密度之间产量差异达极显著水平。  相似文献   

利用高油大豆和高产大豆进行杂交,专门配制高油组合,同时大量分析了亲本、杂交后代、辐射后代和品系的含油量,早代测产并在高肥水条件下进行多点鉴定。与此同时,在海南岛进行繁育,加快了育种进程。分析了1168份材料的含油量,表明含油量呈常态分布,离中越远样本越少,含油量在18.50%~19.00%的材料最多,占13.20%。育成的新品种中黄20(中作983)含油量3年平均达23.50%,2002年辽宁、北京和天津品种审定委员会已审定推广,2003年2月经全国品种审定委员会审定推广。此外,我们还育成一大批高油大豆品系,正在参加各地的试验。  相似文献   

为了解海南省红树林区的大型底栖动物群落结构及多样性现状,2009年6月对海南省7个主要红树林区进行大型底栖动物调查,采用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、Pielous种类均匀度(J′)、 Berger-Parker优势度指数(Y)、多样性阈值(Dv)等进行种类多样性评价。结果表明,调查所采获的大型底栖动物共56种,以软体动物和甲壳类动物为主。红树林区大型底栖动物平均生物量137.67 g/m2,平均栖息密度为307.64个/m2。H′甚高,在1.94~3.41,J′在0.52~0.90,Dv达到1.01~3.07,种类多样性基本处于非常丰富和较好的水平。  相似文献   

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