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薄木装饰板就是把珍贵木材刨切成厚度为0.2~0.3mm 的薄木,采用先进的胶贴工艺,胶贴于人造板的表面加工而成的装饰板,是新型的高级装饰材料。我厂薄木装饰板生产以来,主要是拼缝不严,有龟裂现象。为此,我们对现行生产工艺做了多方面的改进,找出了最佳工艺参数和条件,提高了产品质量。  相似文献   

水曲柳薄木厚度与胶粘剂的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水曲柳薄木厚度与胶粘剂的关系刘光宇,杨国卿(黑龙江东京城林业局人造板厂东京城157421)薄木贴面,是将纹理美观大方的天然木质薄木胶贴在人造板板面上的一种饰面方法。人造板经薄木贴面后,表面变得木纹逼真新颖,色泽自然清晰,具有天然木质感,而且强度明显增...  相似文献   

目前薄木拼花主要利用不同树种、颜色、纹理等的薄木,采用拼接或镶嵌工艺,按设计图形要求,拼接成一定图案并使之粘贴于基材之上[1~3].采用拼接或镶嵌工艺生产复杂图案时,对加工精度要求极高,如操作不当,易造成叠层或离缝现象,对制品质量造成影响.在采用拼花或镶嵌工艺完成设计图案后,需对其进行涂饰加工.笔者所述三聚氰胺甲醛树脂浸渍薄木叠层拼花工艺,采用经三聚氰胺甲醛树脂浸渍处理的各种颜色、纹理的浸渍薄木按照设计要求,加工成相应图形,直接按设计图案要求贴附到三聚氰胺浸渍薄木贴附层上后,与基材组合,按一定的工艺要求一次热压成型,制成叠层拼花制品或片材.所压制出的制品或片材表面无需再进行涂饰处理,制品薄木图案清晰,立体感强.利用薄木替代装饰纸,薄木通过浸渍三聚氰胺甲醛树脂,制备成三聚氰胺浸渍薄木.三聚氰胺浸渍薄木直接粘贴于基材上,在体现薄木的天然质感的同时,又保留了三聚氰胺浸渍纸的耐磨、耐热等优点.薄木与装饰纸的主要区别在于其具有不均匀性,薄木的横纹抗拉强度低,在浸渍和贴面操作时易损坏,贴面后表面易产生龟裂,特别是贴面温度高时,所产生的缺陷越明显等缺点.因此,采用常规浸渍纸用三聚氰胺甲醛树脂不能满足浸渍薄木的要求,浸渍薄木用三聚氰胺甲醛树脂应具有一定的韧性,低温、低压条件下具有良好的流动性,固化速度适中等特点.采用改性三聚氰胺甲醛树脂浸渍薄木,能够满足薄木浸渍要求;浸渍薄木适应叠花制品对低温、低压贴面工艺要求[4,5].三聚氰胺甲醛树脂浸渍薄木叠层拼花工艺可用于地板、人造板、工艺品、家具等的表面装饰."三聚氰胺甲醛树脂浸渍薄木激光切割叠层拼花制品工艺"已于2011年11月11日获得国家知识产权局发明专利受理,发明专利申请号:201110354826.4,公开(公告)日:2012.06.20.  相似文献   

永雅芬  初费臣 《林业科技》1994,19(3):43-44,22
刨切薄木(以下简称薄木)贴面质量和成本与薄木干燥有很大关系。薄木(常规)干燥容易产生碎裂、皱缩、不平整等缺陷,即使采用湿贴法也会产生二次加工中的贴面开裂、鼓泡等缺陷。而且湿薄木(含水率一般在100%以上)在存放和运输过程中很容易发霉、变色,从而降低薄木的利用率,影响薄木贴面质量和产品成本。为此本文介绍一种新  相似文献   

随着各种人造板的大量应用和板式家具的生产,以及室内装饰业的迅猛发展,刨切簿木也得到了广泛的应用。当刨切装饰簿木时,由于其厚度很簿(一般在0.1-0.3mm左右),如果刨切时设备调整或加工工艺不当,则不但会影响薄木的质量,而且还会降低木材的出材率。1 刨切簿木常见缺陷及产生原因1.1 薄木厚度偏差大 当刨切薄木厚度偏差较大时,会出现厚度不均现象,致使薄木胶贴于人造板表面时,产品表面不平整。该现象产生的原因有以下几个方面: ①刨切机支撑卡木工作台螺母、螺丝松动;卡木装置有故障,不能卡紧毛方,使毛方固定不…  相似文献   

对人造板采用表面装饰的方法,是提高人造板使用价值的主要途径。主要做法有油漆、贴纸、贴塑、木纹印刷和贴薄木等。其中,珍贵木材刨切薄木贴面产品的木材真实感最强,贴面成本较低,颇受用户欢迎。但珍贵树种木材资源短缺,如何合理利用薄木,降低薄木厚度,是当前的重要课题之一。我们使用厚度0.3mm的薄木(目前多为  相似文献   

介绍片状合成薄木贴面工艺,探讨片状合成薄木胶贴板的质量缺陷及其产生原因,并提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

采用改性低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)薄膜作为增强和胶粘材料制备柔性装饰薄木,探讨热压压力、温度、时间和LDPE膜厚等因素对薄木柔韧性、剥离强度等性能的影响。结果表明:塑膜增强柔性装饰薄木的较优工艺参数为:热压压力1.0 MPa、温度150℃、时间120 s,LDPE膜厚0.03 mm;在此工艺条件制备的装饰红栎薄木的柔韧性优良,柔韧性卷曲试验的钢棒直径可小至4 mm,浸渍剥离强度达到Ⅰ类胶试验要求,总体性能优于无纺布增强薄木。  相似文献   

三聚氰胺浸渍薄木在多层实木复合地板中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用薄木替代装饰纸装饰板材,使板材表面具有了木材的天然美感,能够最大限度地满足人们对自然美感的追求.通过浸渍三聚氰胺甲醛树脂,将薄木制成三聚氰胺浸渍薄木,然后将其直接粘贴于多层实木复合地板基材上,既能体现薄木的天然质感,同时具有了三聚氰胺浸渍纸的耐磨、耐热等优点.通过实验室探索,并在吉林森工金桥地板集团有限公司新合木业、临江禄林木业有限责任公司等企业进行生产性试验表明,采用改性三聚氰胺甲醛树脂浸渍薄木,能够满足薄木浸渍要求;浸渍的薄木能适应多层实木复合地板对低温、低压贴面工艺的要求.  相似文献   

杉木积成材薄木贴面工艺初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杜春贵  林秀珍  施友云 《林业科技》2004,29(1):43-44,62
采用正交试验法,探讨了杉木积成材薄木贴面的工艺过程。试验结果表明:利用杉木积成材进行薄木贴面.工艺切实可行,奥古曼薄木贴面的较佳工艺参数为:热压温度100℃,热压压力1.0MPa,热压时间4min,涂胶量120g/m^2。  相似文献   

介绍了薄木贴面干法、湿法、冷压法和热压法工艺,探讨了薄木贴面中常见的质量缺陷及预防措施。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a cost-effective method to manufacture high-performance laminated veneer lumber (LVL) from mountain pine beetle (MPB)-affected veneers through partial resin impregnation and optimum board layup. Dry MPB-affected veneer sheets were segregated into two stress grades based on dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOE). A new phenol formaldehyde resin with a 30% solids content was formulated for resin impregnation. To reduce resin consumption, only veneer sheets used as outer layers were dipped in the resin for 5?min and then dried to manufacture 13-ply LVL. The bending properties, shear strength and dimensional stability of these LVL billets were examined and compared to those from the controls made from entirely untreated veneers. The results demonstrated that high-grade (E1) MPB-affected veneers had lower resin solids uptake than low-grade (E2) counterparts based on a 5?min dipping. Compared with the controls, the LVL billets made from resin-impregnated veneers for outer layers yielded increased surface hardness, significantly improved dimensional stability, shear strength and modulus of rupture on both edgewise and flatwise as well as better appearance with no cosmetic concerns. However, the improvement in LVL bending MOE was dependent on initial veneer stress grade. For high-grade (or density) E1 veneers, the use of impregnated veneers resulted in insignificant improvement in bending MOE. The optimum product layup was to place one ply of impregnated E1 grade veneer each for product face and back. By contrast, for low-grade (or density) E2 veneers, the use of impregnated veneers yielded a significantly higher flatwise bending MOE compared to the controls. The recommended product layup was the placement of two plies of impregnated E2 grade veneer sheets each for product face and back.  相似文献   

针对山毛榉实木地板生产中因表面材质缺陷导致地板优等品率及出材率低的问题,采用山毛榉刨切单板对山毛榉实木地板进行贴面,并对改善实木地板表面质量的工艺技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在胶合板和单板层积材的生产过程中,单板干燥是一个重要的步骤。为了系统理解和改进单板的干燥工艺,文中从单板干燥机在干燥过程中的能量分析以及单板在干燥过程中所发生的传热传质现象2个方面对单板干燥过程中的热力学现象进行了综述,明确这2方面的热力学分析可以优化单板干燥机能量的利用、提高单板的干燥质量,并对单板干燥过程的热力学分析领域今后的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

选择压力(P)、热压板温度(T)、单板张数(N)三个因子各3个水平,进行完全随机试验,测定每张单板的温度变化,以靠近热压板处单板与中间单板的温差△T为指标,分析双因子交互作用对预干单板温度分布的影响。结果表明:在热压干燥初始、中间、最终三个阶段,各因子以及二因子、三因子之间的交互作用均对单板的温度分布有显著影响。①初始阶段,不同热压板温度下压力越大△T越小,不同压力下单板张数越少△T越小,不同热压板温度下单板张数越少△T越小。②中间阶段,对于不同压力,热压板温度为120℃下的△T最小;不同压力下,单板张数为5时的△T最小;不同单板张数下,120℃时的△T最小;③最终阶段,不同压力下热压板温度越低△T越小;不同压力下单板张数越少△T越小;对于不同单板张数,120℃时△T最小。  相似文献   

刨切薄竹贴面中密度纤维板工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对刨切薄竹贴面中密度纤维板(MDF)的工艺进行了研究,结果表明:在MDF的上下表面直接粘贴刨切薄竹的工艺可行,并根据试验结果确定了较优的贴面工艺参数.测试结果还显示,刨切薄竹背衬无纺布后再与MDF胶合,其表面胶合强度比刨切薄竹直接贴面MDF时低.  相似文献   

笔者采用低温等离子片材表面处理机处理气干、绝干、过干三种含水率条件下的杨木单板,测量其处理前后表面润湿性和胶合性能,结果表明:冷等离子体改性后,气干、绝干、过干三种含水率下的杨木单板表面接触角分别降低13.3%、22.8%、39.3%(甘油),16.2%、35.2%、64.3%(脲醛树脂胶),且降低幅度随含水率降低呈递增趋势;冷等离子体改性能有效提高杨木单板的胶合性能,其变化规律与润湿性基本一致。  相似文献   

In this study, birch (Betula pendula L.) veneers were simultaneously densified and dried using a contact drying method at pressures of 1.5 and 3 MPa at 130 °C and compared with veneer dried in a laboratory-scale convective type dryer. Compression rate, thickness swelling, and the density profiles of the veneers were investigated. Furthermore, the microstructure of densified veneers was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A maximum veneer compression rate of 9 % was achieved at a pressure of 3 MPa. Under these conditions, the veneers were, on average, densified from 504 to 574 kg m?3 (approximately 14 %). After water soaking, full set-recovery—recovery to the initial thickness—occurred. However, the swelling rate was lower for the densified veneer. Density profiles measurements showed that densification occurs throughout the veneers. The SEM images showed that the surface of the densified veneers were smoother, whilst no cracks were detected due to densification. Densification seemed to occur in vessels. Typically, rays were bent when there was a vessel nearby.  相似文献   

One of the most important quality aspects of a laminated veneer product is its shape stability under changing relative humidity (RH). This study aimed to establish an understanding of how the orientation of individual veneers in the laminate, i.e., orientation according to fibre orientation and orientation of the loose (the side with ‘lathe checks’) or tight side of the veneer, affects the shape stability. Three-ply laminates from peeled veneers of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were studied. The four types of laminate were the following: loose sides of all veneers in the same direction (cross and parallel centre ply) and loose sides of the outer veneers facing inward (cross and parallel centre ply). Four replicates of each type yielded 16 samples. The samples were exposed to RH cycling at 20% and 85% RH at 20°C, and the shapes of the samples were determined. The shape stability was influenced by the veneer orientation. Laminations with the middle veneer perpendicular to the top and bottom veneer (cross-laminated) showed the best shape stability, especially when the loose sides of the veneers were oriented the same direction. In parallel-laminated veneers, the laminates with opposite directions of the loose sides in the two outermost veneers showed the best shape stability. The major explanation of the behaviour of the laminates is that the loose side expanded more than the tight side from the dry to the humid climate, which was shown by optical 3D deformation analysis (ARAMISTM). After RH cycling, the laminates with cross plies showed visible surface checks only when the tight side was facing outwards.  相似文献   

介绍了强化木地板贴面工序使用的设备类型和特点,以及二次贴面设备选择的依据等。  相似文献   

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