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Ash decline induced by Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus is an emerging disease that severely affects Fraxinus excelsior stands in Europe. There has been an invasive spread of the disease from east to west in Europe over the last decade. Wood discoloration on infected trunks has been reported, but few data are available on the involvement of H. pseudoalbidus in such symptoms. Transport and trade of ash logs could introduce the pathogen into disease‐free areas and therefore accelerate its dissemination. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and severity of H. pseudoalbidus in ash logs in infested areas located in the northeast of France and to clarify the role of secondary pathogens in ash decline. The results showed that prevalence of H. pseudoalbidus on collar lesions was high in the study area. The pathogen was able to produce conidia from infected wood. Thus, export of ash logs could represent a potential risk for spreading the disease. Involvement of Armillaria spp. in the decline process was confirmed, while no Phytophthora‐induced collar lesions were found. Studying both disease prevalence and the age of callus tissues surrounding collar lesions in 60 ash stands enabled the origin of the disease in the study area to be determined.  相似文献   

Dieback of European ash was first observed in Europe in the early 1990s. The disease is caused by the invasive ascomycete Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, proposed to originate from Far East Asia, where it has been considered a harmless saprotroph. This study investigates the occurrence of H. fraxineus in tissues of local ash species in the Russian Far East, and assesses its population‐specific genetic variation by ITS sequencing. Shoot dieback symptoms, characteristic of H. fraxineus infection on European ash, were common, but not abundant, on Fraxinus mandshurica and Fraxinus rhynchophylla trees in Far East Russia. High levels of pathogen DNA were associated with necrotic leaf tissues of these ash species, indicating that the local H. fraxineus population is pathogenic to their leaves. However, the low levels of H. fraxineus DNA detected in shoots with symptoms, the failure to isolate this fungus from such tissues, and the presence of other fungi with pathogenic potential in shoots with symptoms indicate that local H. fraxineus strains may not be responsible (or their role is negligible) for the observed ash shoot dieback symptoms in the region. Conspicuous differences in ITS rDNA sequences detected between H. fraxineus isolates from Russian Far East and European populations suggest that the current ash dieback epidemic in Europe might not directly originate from the Russian Far East. Revision of the herbarium material shows that the earliest specimen of H. fraxineus was collected in 1962 from the Russian Far East and the oldest H. fraxineus specimen of China was collected in 2004.  相似文献   

This study aimed to demonstrate the association of the ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus with leaf symptoms on Fraxinus excelsior and to test its pathogenicity towards leaves of three European ash species, F. excelsior, F. angustifolia and F. ornus, in wound inoculation experiments. On F. excelsior, H. fraxineus was isolated from 94% of leaf rachises with necrotic lesions and from 74% of necrotic leaflet midribs. Following wound inoculation of leaf rachises, in two separate experiments performed in 2010 and 2011, the ash dieback pathogen caused symptoms (necrotic rachis lesions, leaf wilting and premature leaf shedding) on all three ash species, while control leaves remained symptomless. Hymenoscyphus fraxineus was consistently reisolated from fungus‐inoculated rachises. All 10 isolates tested were pathogenic to the three ash species and varied in virulence. Koch's postulates for H. fraxineus as causal agent of leaf symptoms on F. excelsior were fulfilled in this study. Complemented with the isolation of the fungus from naturally infected, symptomatic leaf rachises of F. angustifolia and F. ornus in previous investigations, H. fraxineus was confirmed to be a leaf pathogen of these ash species as well. The leaf inoculation experiments showed that F. excelsior was highly susceptible to H. fraxineus, F. angustifolia was equally or slightly less susceptible, whereas F. ornus was the least affected species; however, F. ornus should also be regarded as a host tree for the ash dieback pathogen. This susceptibility ranking corresponds well with field observations and previous stem inoculation experiments.  相似文献   

The future existence of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), an important tree species throughout temperate Europe, is threatened. An invasive fungal disease (ash dieback) has spread through much of the distribution area of common ash. The causal agent of the disease is Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, a necrotrophic ascomycete, most probably introduced from Asia in the early 1990s. Hymenoscyphus fraxineus infects ash trees and saplings through their leaves, from which it grows into the stem. The fungus was studied intensively in recent years but there is still a need to address the topic from an evolutionary perspective. In this overview, some key evolutionary aspects of ash dieback are discussed, from the Red Queen dynamics of host–pathogen interactions to the probable consequences for virulence evolution of multiple infections. The progression of ash dieback in Europe does not show spatial differences, but studies show variation in susceptibility within host populations, a probable consequence of genetic differences, thus providing material for evolution of disease resistance or tolerance. Breeding programmes need to maintain the genetic diversity of Fraxinus, to enable it to withstand further threats such as climate change and the emerald ash borer. Because H. fraxineus reproduces exclusively sexually, the pathogen is likely to overcome a narrow genetic resistance. The introduction of further strains of H. fraxineus to Europe and the movement of infected plant material should be avoided. This case study shows that the integration of evolutionary ecology considerations would benefit plant disease management and biosecurity in general.  相似文献   

Ash dieback is caused by Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, a cryptic species of the putatively harmless Hymenoscyphus albidus. Recently, H. fraxineus was found to be native to East Asia. However, the virulence of Asian H. fraxineus strains on Fraxinus excelsior and the virulence of European H. albidus on hosts other than F. excelsior and Fraxinus mandshurica have not yet been assessed. In a wound inoculation study, the virulence of four H. albidus and four European and Japanese H. fraxineus strains was assessed on F. excelsior and Fraxinus pennsylvanica in a climate chamber. Lesion lengths were measured after approximately three and a half months. No lesions were observed on the negative control or on trees inoculated with H. albidus. In contrast, inoculation with H. fraxineus induced typical symptoms of ash dieback on both tree species. Japanese H. fraxineus strains induced significantly longer lesions compared to European strains. Fraxinus excelsior was highly susceptible and developed lesions averaging lengths of 1·7 and 8·4 cm for European and Japanese strains, respectively. Fraxinus pennsylvanica was less susceptible and developed average lesion lengths of 1·6 and 4·8 cm for European and Japanese strains, respectively. Most strains were successfully reisolated from necrotic lesions or inocula, fulfilling Koch's postulates. The data show that additional introductions of H. fraxineus strains from the native range to Europe could pose a threat to the conservation of F. excelsior. In addition, introduction of H. fraxineus to North America could potentially have a negative effect on the indigenous F. pennsylvanica.  相似文献   

A large part of the area in Europe in which Fraxinus excelsior is native is currently affected by ash dieback, a threatening disease caused by the ascomycetous fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. Fungi other than H. fraxineus also occur in large numbers on stems of the dying ash trees. To clarify their possible role in the dieback process, six fungal species common on dying stems and twigs of ash in Poland, i.e. Cytospora pruinosa, Diaporthe eres, Diplodia mutila, Fusarium avenaceum, F. lateritium and F. solani, were tested for pathogenicity using a test based on artificial wound inoculations of 6‐year‐old F. excelsior plants under field conditions, with H. fraxineus included for comparison. There were significant differences in index of pathogenicity among the fungi tested. Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (mean index 5.78) was the most pathogenic. Diplodia mutila (4.23) and C. pruinosa (4.02) were significantly less pathogenic than H. fraxineus, but significantly more than the other fungi. Diaporthe eres (2.43), F. avenaceum (1.92), F. solani (1.86) and F. lateritium (1.08) were the least pathogenic (< 0.0001). The extent of disease symptoms caused by F. solani and F. lateritium was statistically similar to the control (= 0.05). All tested fungi were successfully reisolated from inoculated stems. The contribution of the results to understanding the possible role of these fungi in the ash dieback process in F. excelsior, particularly in trees weakened after primary infection by H. fraxineus, is discussed.  相似文献   

Following its introduction from Asia in the 1990s, the ascomycete Hymenoscyphus fraxineus has caused a severe dieback of Fraxinus excelsior in Europe. In this study, the virulence of 200 H. fraxineus isolates were assessed and compared. These isolates equally represented (i) two geographically distant populations with a different disease history (Switzerland, recently established populations at the epidemic front versus Lithuania, old established populations), and (ii) isolates from two different types of host tissue (necrotic bark lesions as dead‐end tissue versus fallen leaf petioles as primary host tissue). Inoculations conducted on 3‐year‐old F. excelsior seedlings showed that the vast majority of the isolates (98%) were able to induce necrotic bark lesions after 10 months. Although a high variation in virulence was observed among isolates, no significant differences were detected between the older and the epidemic‐front populations. Decline in virulence of populations of invasive organisms is generally assumed with increasing age of epidemics. However, this does not appear to hold true for H. fraxineus. Either the Lithuanian population is still too young (15 to 20 years old) to show a decline in virulence, or the size of the host population may still not be critical for pathogen survival. Given that bark lesions represent an epidemiological dead end and do not benefit the survival of H. fraxineus, a trend towards reduced ‘bark virulence’ of isolates originating from leaf petioles compared to isolates from the bark lesions was expected. However, such a trend was observed neither in old, nor in recently established populations.  相似文献   

The ash dieback fungus, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, a destructive, alien pathogen of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), has spread across Europe over the past 25 years and was first observed in the UK in 2012. To investigate the relationship of the pathogen's population structure to its mode of arrival, isolates were obtained from locations in England and Wales, either where established natural populations of ash had been infected by wind‐dispersed ascospores or where the fungus had been introduced on imported planting stock. Population structure was determined by tests for vegetative compatibility (VC), mating type and single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). VC heterogeneity was high at all locations, with 96% of isolate pairings being incompatible. Frequencies of the MAT1‐1‐1 and MAT1‐2‐1 idiomorphs were approximately equal, consistent with H. fraxineus being an obligate outbreeder. Most SNP variation occurred within study location and there was little genetic differentiation between the two types of location in the UK, or between pathogen populations in the UK and continental Europe. There was modest differentiation between UK subpopulations, consistent with genetic variation between source populations in continental Europe. However, there was no evidence of strong founder effects, indicating that numerous individuals of H. fraxineus initiated infection at each location, regardless of the route of pathogen transmission. The ssRNA virus HfMV1 was present at moderate to high frequencies in all UK subpopulations. The results imply that management of an introduced plant pathogen requires action against its spread at the continental level involving coordinated efforts by European countries.  相似文献   

The ascomycete Hymenoscyphus fraxineus causes devastating damage to the European common ash (Fraxinus excelsior). The fungus originates from Asia, where it coexists with native ash species and completes its life cycle by sporulating on degrading ash leaf litter on the forest floor. Given this life cycle of the fungus, genotypes of Hfraxineus with varying degrees of aggressiveness may coexist in infected European ash forests. To test this hypothesis, we cultured 19 single-spore isolates from apothecia collected in a trial of heavily infected ash in Denmark and carried out stem inoculations on young ash seedlings. Microsatellite markers revealed that the 19 isolates were all genetically unique and did not show any genetic structure. High variation was observed among the 19 isolates in pathogenicity on young seedlings. The variation (assessed as necrosis development) was highly significant, but not correlated with the vigour of the fungal isolates when grown on culture media. The results support the hypothesis that aggressiveness of Hfraxineus may not be crucial for its fitness. In this sense, ash dieback disease may differ from other recent emerging infectious diseases on trees. We discuss the variation in aggressiveness of Hfraxineus in relation to durability of resistance and future management of the ash dieback epidemic. The findings of this study call for more research into natural variation in endophytic versus pathogenic behaviour of Hfraxineus on European ash.  相似文献   

Digital image analysis was used to quantify size, shape and relative positions of individual plant disease lesions to determine their spatial distribution pattern at the leaf scale. Rice brown spot was used as a necrotrophic pathogen causing numerous discrete lesions. A 50‐leaf subsample was selected from an existing data set of 350 images of leaves taken from the field, and analysed for disease severity using image analysis. Further measurements included size, shape and the relative positions of lesions for all leaves with severity > 8% (n = 25) and an additional 25‐leaf sample with severity <8%. A total of 3964 necrotic and/or halo areas were selected using a manually defined threshold in the computer program Assess . There were significant and positive associations (Pearson's > 0.81; < 0.001) between the size‐related measurements (lesion area, longest and shortest axis). Coalesced areas, formed by interconnection of lesions and associated haloes, and a high number of small lesions were found with an increase in severity, suggesting a secondary cycle and autoinfection process. Results from quadrat‐based (Poisson distribution and Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs) and distance‐based (point‐process Poisson) spatial methods were in good agreement and, together with a Taylor power law model, suggested a shift from random to predominantly aggregated patterns of lesions at severities approaching 10%. This framework, which is applicable to other foliar diseases, proved useful in providing quantitative knowledge of epidemic processes at the leaf scale. Finally, these results may be useful in improving simulation models and disease assessment methods.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, ash dieback has become a major problem in Europe, where the causative fungus has invaded the continent rapidly. The disease is caused by the invasive pathogenic fungus Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus (anamorph Chalara fraxinea), which causes severe symptoms and dieback in common ash, Fraxinus excelsior. It is becoming a significant threat to biodiversity in forest ecosystems and the economic and aesthetic impacts are immense. Despite the presence of the disease for at least 10 years in Scandinavia, a small fraction of F. excelsior trees have remained vigorous, and these trees exhibit no or low levels of symptoms even where neighbouring trees are very sick. This gives hope that a fraction of the ash trees will retain a sufficiently viable growth to survive. Following a period of high mortality in natural populations, selection and breeding of remaining viable ash trees could therefore provide a route for restoring the role of ash in the landscape. This paper reviews the available data on disease dissemination, and the consequences thereof in terms of symptom severity and mortality, and appraises studies that have tested the hypothesis that less‐affected trees have genetically based resistance. The implications of the results for the adaptive potential of common ash to respond to the disease through natural or assisted selection are discussed. The risks of adverse fitness effects of population fragmentation due to high mortality are considered. Finally, it is recommended that resistant trees (genotypes) should be selected to facilitate conservation of the species.  相似文献   

The ontogeny and morphology of infection structures associated with the early stages of infection of Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus on common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) leaves and leaf petioles were investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Ascospores were produced in mature ascocarps and infections on ash leaves were first observed 2 weeks later. Ascospores developed germ tubes, followed by appressorium formation and penetration of epidermal cells on ash leaves and petioles. Chalara fraxinea spores, the anamorph of H. pseudoalbidus, appeared and were arranged in chains, surrounded by a membranous sheath, and varied considerably in size and shape. Host invasion and colonization of all cell types of leaves and petioles were observed using light microscopy. The role of leaves and petioles as sites of infection in the life cycle of H. pseudoalbidus and the disease cycle of ash dieback is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize a Fusarium population obtained from yellow passion fruit (YPF) with collar rot using pathogenicity, morphocultural characteristics and molecular tests. Pathogenicity and disease severity were assessed in six plant species: YPF, zucchini, tomato, bean, soya bean and cucumber. Potato dextrose agar medium (PDA) was used to determine mycelial growth at five temperatures (15–35°C). The colour produced by isolates was also determined on PDA at 25°C. Synthetic nutrient agar medium was used to evaluate: (i) type of mycelium and phialides; (ii) size, shape and number of septa from conidia; and (iii) production of chlamydospores and perithecia. Molecular tests consisted of sequencing the ITS–5·8S rDNA region and elongation factor 1α (EF‐1α) gene. The isolates caused large lesions on YPF, zucchini and tomato, with YPF having the highest mean disease severity and being the only one that showed wilt symptoms and death of the plant. Thus the isolates showed host specificity. Maximum mycelial growth occurred at 25°C and the predominant colour was bluish‐white. The isolates produced long phialides, dense aerial mycelium, oval microconidia with a mean size of 9·5 × 2·6 μm, macroconidia of 32·7 × 3·4 μm with 3·3 septa, and chlamydospores; only one isolate lacked perithecia. Phylogenetic trees of the ITS region and EF‐1α gene showed that isolates from YPF formed a distinct group within the F. solani group and the formae speciales of F. solani. It is proposed to name all isolates from YPF as F. solani f. sp. passiflorae.  相似文献   

Sugarcane breeding programmes rank the resistance of genotypes to Puccinia kuehnii, causal agent of orange rust, according to levels of disease severity. However, during the screening stages, this method of assessment can lead to precipitous elimination of genotypes with promising agronomic traits but showing mild symptoms of rust such as flecks or lesions that do not produce spores. This study aimed to propose a new method to classify the resistance of sugarcane genotypes to orange rust by counting sporulating lesions. Five sugarcane varieties with different levels of resistance to P. kuehnii were inoculated with two pathogen populations under controlled conditions. The disease severity (SEV), total number of lesions (TNL), and total number of sporulating lesions (TNSL) were evaluated in a 20 cm leaf fragment from the most diseased leaf. The TNL and TNSL evaluations were performed at 11, 16 and 21 days after inoculation (DAI) and SEV at 21 DAI. The thresholds of 80% and 8% of sporulating lesions (SL) separated susceptible from the intermediate varieties and intermediate from the resistant ones, respectively. It is proposed that the method of counting sporulating lesions be used in screening genotypes for resistance to P. kuehnii in sugarcane breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Potato early dying (PED) is a disease complex primarily caused by the fungus Verticillium dahliae. Pectolytic bacteria in the genus Pectobacterium can also cause PED symptoms as well as aerial stem rot (ASR) of potato. Both pathogens can be present in potato production settings, but it is not entirely clear if additive or synergistic interactions occur during co‐infection of potato. The objective of this study was to determine if co‐infection by V. dahliae and Pectobacterium results in greater PED or ASR severity using a greenhouse assay and quantitative real‐time PCR to quantify pathogen levels in planta. PED symptoms caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum isolate Ec101 or V. dahliae isolate 653 alone included wilt, chlorosis and senescence and were nearly indistinguishable. Pectobacterium wasabiae isolate PwO405 caused ASR symptoms including water‐soaked lesions and necrosis. Greater Pectobacterium levels were detected in plants inoculated with PwO405 compared to Ec101, suggesting that ASR can result in high Pectobacterium populations in potato stems. Significant additive or synergistic effects were not observed following co‐inoculation with these strains of Vdahliae and Pectobacterium. However, infection coefficients of V. dahliae and Ec101 were higher and premature senescence was greater in plants co‐inoculated with both pathogens compared to either pathogen alone in both trials, and Vdahliae levels were greater in basal stems of plants co‐inoculated with either Pectobacterium isolate. Overall, these results indicate that although co‐infection by Pectobacterium and V. dahliae does not always result in significant additive or synergistic interactions in potato, co‐infection can increase PED severity.  相似文献   

Sugarcane orange rust, a disease caused by Puccinia kuehnii, was first reported in Brazil in 2009. There are no studies comparing the Brazilian P. kuehnii collections and the reaction of important sugarcane varieties under controlled conditions. This work compared the reaction of seven sugarcane varieties inoculated with six different P. kuehnii isolates from Brazilian sugarcane areas and verified the pathogenic and genetic variability of these isolates. The incubation (I) and latency (L) disease periods, disease severity (SEV), total number of lesions (TNL), total number of sporulating lesions (TNSL), and percentage of sporulating lesions (%SL) were evaluated. Furthermore, ITS1 and IGS ribosomal sequences of all P. kuehnii isolates used in this study were compared with pathogen sequences from 13 different countries. The disease incubation ranged from 7 to 10 days and the latency ranged from 10 to 21 days. SEV and TNL showed large variations and few significant differences between the reaction of the varieties to P. kuehnii, in contrast with the variables TNSL and %SL. The P. kuehnii isolates did not compose different virulent races, but the isolate from one site (Araras) was a more aggressive race. The ITS1 and IGS ribosomal sequences of six P. kuehnii isolates were identical with each other and to most P. kuehnii American sequences deposited at GenBank. The studied sequences of P. kuehnii isolates differed from the sequences from Asia, Tahiti and Oceania.  相似文献   

Rhizopus rot, caused by Rhizopus stolonifer, is one of the main postharvest diseases in stone fruits, but there is little known about the processes of disease development during transport and postharvest storage. The objective of this study was to characterize temporal progress and spatial distribution of the disease in peach fruit. Rhizopus rot development was evaluated using two different fruit arrangements. Only one fruit of each arrangement was inoculated with a R. stolonifer spore suspension. Disease incidence and severity were assessed daily for all the fruit. Nonlinear models were fitted to the quantity of fruit and to the area of fruit that became infected over time and distance in relation to the source of inoculum. Disease‐free fruit placed next to the artificially inoculated peaches showed disease symptoms due to pathogen dissemination by mycelial stolons. The disease incidence and severity progress rates varied from 0.33 to 0.53 day?1 and from 0.30 to 0.49 day?1, respectively. The spatial spread of the disease followed a dispersive wave pattern with increasing speed over time, but decreasing speed with disease severity. For disease severity = 0.5, the velocity at day 3 varied from 0.14 to 0.32 fruit diameter day?1, while it ranged from 0.38 to 1.46 fruit diameter day?1 at day 12.  相似文献   

Wheat blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae Triticum causes significant losses on wheat during outbreak years in several South American countries. Despite reports of wheat blast leaf lesions on some wheat cultivars, the importance of inoculum originating from leaves in severely affected commercial fields is disputed. It is generally considered that leaf lesions and/or sporulation on leaves do not usually appear before the occurrence of spike blast in wheat. The purpose of this study was to (i) determine the occurrence of wheat blast on basal leaves, (ii) estimate the number of conidia produced on these leaves, and (iii) determine the impact of current fungicide application practices on inoculum produced from sporulating lesions on basal wheat leaves. Inoculations at the three‐leaf stage showed that certain cultivar and isolate combinations caused more disease on old wheat leaves than young expanding leaves. Under optimum conditions, M. oryzae had the potential to produce tens to hundreds of thousands of conidia on small amounts of wheat basal leaves. A mean of 1 669 000 conidia were produced on 1 g dry basal leaves of a highly susceptible cultivar under optimum conditions for sporulation. Conidia production on leaves coincided with spike emergence under both greenhouse and field conditions. When field studies were conducted under natural epidemic conditions, foliar fungicide applications reduced the amount of M. oryzae conidia on basal leaves by 62–77% compared to non‐sprayed controls. An earlier application of foliar fungicides might reduce inoculum if conidia from basal leaves contribute to wheat spike blast development.  相似文献   

Mycosphaerella species that cause the ‘Sigatoka disease complex’ account for significant yield losses in banana and plantain worldwide. Disease surveys were conducted in the humid forest (HF) and derived savanna (DS) agroecological zones from 2004 to 2006 to determine the distribution of the disease and variation among Mycosphaerella species in Nigeria. Disease prevalence and severity were higher in the HF than in the DS zone, but significant (P < 0·001) differences between agroecological zones were only observed for disease severity. A total of 85 isolates of M. fijiensis and 11 isolates of M. eumusae were collected during the survey and used to characterize the pathogenic structure of Mycosphaerella spp. using a putative host differential cultivar set consisting of Calcutta‐4 (resistant), Valery (intermediate) and Agbagba (highly susceptible). Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was higher on all cultivars when inoculated with M. eumusae than with M. fijiensis, but significant (P < 0·05) differences between the two species were only observed on Valery. Based on the rank‐sum method, 8·3% of the isolates were classified as highly aggressive and 46·9% were classified as aggressive. About 11·5% of all the isolates were classified as least aggressive, and all of these were M. fijiensis. The majority of M. eumusae isolates (seven out of 11; 64%) were classified as aggressive. A total of nine pathotype clusters were identified using cluster analysis of AUDPC. At least one M. fijiensis isolate was present in all the nine pathotype clusters, while isolates of M. eumusae were present in six of the nine clusters. Isolates in pathotype clusters III and V were the most aggressive, while those in cluster VIII were the least aggressive. Shannon’s index (H) revealed a more diverse Mycosphaerella collection in the DS zone (H = 1·81) than in the HF (H = 1·50) zone, with M. fijiensis being more diverse than M. eumusae. These results describe the current pathotype structure of Mycosphaerella in Nigeria and provide a useful resource that will facilitate screening of newly developed Musa genotypes for resistance against two important leaf spot diseases of banana and plantain.  相似文献   

Decline of newly planted, grafted grapevines is a serious viticultural problem worldwide. In the Riverina (New South Wales, Australia), characteristic symptoms include low fruit yields, very short shoots and severely stunted roots with black, sunken, necrotic lesions. To determine the cause, roots and wood tissue from affected plants in 20 vineyards (Vitis vinifera cv. Chardonnay grafted to V. champini cv. Ramsey rootstock) were assayed for microbial pathogens. Ilyonectria spp. (I. macrodidyma or I. liriodendra, producers of phytotoxin brefeldin A, BFA, and cause of black foot disease of grapevines) and Botryosphaeriaceae spp. (predominantly Diplodia seriata) were isolated from rootstocks of 100 and 95% of the plants, respectively. Togninia minima and Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (cause of grapevine Petri disease) were isolated from 13 and 7% of affected plants, respectively. All Ramsey rootstock stems of grafted plants sampled from a supplier nursery were infected with Ilyonectria spp. and D. seriata. Diplodia seriata, but not Ilyonectria spp., was also isolated from 25% of canes sampled from the rootstock source block. Root inoculation of potted, disease‐free Chardonnay plants with Ilyonectria isolates from diseased vineyards caused typical disease symptoms, while co‐inoculation with Botryosphaeriaceae spp. increased disease severity. This is the first study to show that a major cause of young grapevine decline can be sequential infection by Botryosphaeriaceae from rootstock cuttings and Ilyonectria spp. from nursery soil. Although the Petri disease fungi were less common in young declining grafted grapevines in the Riverina, they are likely to contribute to the decline of surviving plants as they mature.  相似文献   

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