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根据中共中央中发[1996]13号文件、省委省政府湘发[1997]1号文件精神和王茂林书记的批示,我们于今年2月28日至3月16日组织4个组,分别由刘永寿、葛汉栋等6位厅领导带队,赴怀化、自治州、张家界、邵阳、益阳、郴州、水州等7个地市州的16个县市,就林农负担和脱贫致富情况进行了调查。调查期间,除听取L述地市州县领导和有关部门负责同志的情况汇报及意见要求外.还与乡村组干部和木材经营单位进行了广泛的交谈,并走访了部分农户。现将有关情况报告如下:一、山区林农生活现状党的十一届三中全会以来,特别是改革开放以来,在省委、省…  相似文献   

<正>进入5月份,江西省崇义县铅厂镇长河坝村村民袁文富就开始忙碌起来,前往竹山察看毛竹生长情况,通知村民准备喷洒农药防治竹蝗。一天下来,袁文富要跑几座山  相似文献   

<正>近日,湖北省谷城县冷集镇政府广场人头攒动,全县送科技下乡促春耕活动在这里举行。打着"推进造林绿化发展林业产业"标语的林业咨询台,吸引了众多群众争  相似文献   

2015年1月,国务院办公厅下发了《关于加快木本油料产业发展的意见》(国办发〔2014〕68号),对如何进一步加快木本油料产业发展,大力增加健康优质食用植物油供给提出要求。国务院如此重视木本油料产业发展,专门下发文件予以部署,对于林业和林农都是一件振奋人心的好事,对于维护国家粮油安全、促进林农增收致富意义深远。  相似文献   

<正>季春,万木吐绿。皖东滁州市南谯区近郊的一片麻栎林地,翻挖出来的石块整齐地码放在林边,今年新栽的麻栎苗已发芽展叶。不远处,去年栽植的麻栎苗长到1米多高。  相似文献   

韩城市林业科技中心1997年5月成立以来,始终以面向林业、服务林农为宗旨,以推广先进实用技术、提高林农科技素质为己任,通过送科技、抓培训、办网刊、建基地、搞示范,深入开展科技兴林、科技支农活动,用科技为广  相似文献   

<正>家里分了山生活有靠山开门就是山,陕西省安康市宁陕县在莽莽秦岭的怀抱中。早上6点,筒车湾镇许家城村村民张礼友一家就起来忙碌。他的家在山脚下,山上300多亩板栗园  相似文献   

集"全国造林绿化百佳县"、"全国绿化先进集体"、"中国优质柚生产基地"等各项殊荣于一身的重庆市梁平县,全县共有的130万亩林地中,有成片竹林20多万亩,成片寿竹近2万亩  相似文献   

<正>昔日植树今朝致富今年5月6日,记者见到了刚刚造林归来的内蒙古自治区赤峰市敖汉旗林业局的同志们,一张张脸因烈日的暴晒而变得黝黑。他们带来了好消息——敖汉旗今年又顺利完成了植树造林任务。  相似文献   

林权抵押贷款为林农增收注入活力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>"这个小本本能耐可大了。2008年,我用它作抵押,在信用社贷了50万块,投到山上发展核桃,搞深加工。2009年核桃收入达130万元,今年会突破200万。10年、20年后钱会多得越来越难数。"林  相似文献   

从森林生态的角度论述沙棘的发展史和生态功能.对沙棘林能够有效地保持水土、减少地表径流,解决薪柴问题等方面进行了量化分析,为营造以沙棘为主的乔灌混交生态公益林提供了思路和方法.  相似文献   

生态公益林的可持续经营是科学合理经营和管理生态公益林资源的惟一选择。文章就如何开展生态公益林的可持续经营进行了阐述。并从系统经营和分类经营2方面指出了生态公益林可持续经营的途径。  相似文献   

高明市三洲区生态公益林林分改造探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了高明市三洲区生态公益林现状及存在问题,对三洲区生态公益林林分改造进行了探讨。  相似文献   

陈禹 《防护林科技》2009,(3):113-115
文章通过对退耕农户实施生态移民工程的必要性和可行性的思考,认为辽宁省要慎重实施生态移民,并对实施退耕农户生态移民工程提出了建议,即应制定完善的退耕农户生态移民政策,建立退耕农户生态移民组织领导体系,搞好退耕农户生态移民规划,相关部门加强联系,统筹使用资金。得出多方面条件成熟时方可进行大范围生态移民的结论。  相似文献   

在公益林区布设固定样地,定期、定点对公益林林木材积生长率进行调查,结果表明,2010年与2007年相比较,样地1、样地2、样地3、样地4、样地5的活立木材积净生长量分别为0.642 8 m3、0.641 9 m3、0.952 6 m3、1.179 4 m3、0.237 4 m3、3.627 1 m3,生长率分别为12.80%、4.73%、8.12%、3.87%、1.52%。对公益林进行有效管护,可以使林分蓄积稳步增长,森林生态功能和经济效益逐年增强。  相似文献   

生态公益林建设与可持续发展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
韦如萍  薛立 《湖南林业科技》2003,30(3):60-62,64
根据主要功能和培育目的划分生态公益林类型,综述了生态公益林的重要性,生态公益林建设中存在的问题及可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文总结了磐石市近年来公益林管理技术方面的一些经验,从林地与林木资源保护、护林员管理、档案管理3个方面进行阐述;对护林员工资过低、积极性不高等问题提出建议。  相似文献   

The implementation of carbon-storage efforts in countries experiencing armed conflicts or confronting illegal activities (such as illicit crop cultivation) will permit additional tropical forests to be protected for climate change mitigation. Yet, despite these potential gains, the appropriate design and application of forest conservation and climate change mitigation approaches such as the mechanism for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD +) in such contexts remain little studied. Unanswered questions relate to the propensity of farmers in conflict affected areas to conserve forests for climate change mitigation. Such questions include, for what reasons and under what circumstances would such farmer participate in climate change mitigation activities? In this paper we address these questions by developing an econometric Logit model to understand factors influencing the propensity to conserve forest of farmers from 14 villages in Colombia. These villages are located in a region recognized as a stronghold of guerrilla insurgencies and as the center for illegal crop cultivation. The region was selected as it is also the proposed target area for piloting Colombian government REDD + activities. A household survey (n = 90) showed that four explanatory variables are significantly related to the ‘propensity to conserve forest’. ‘Harvest of non-timber forest products’ (specifically bush meat) positively influences a farmer's propensity to conserve forest. In contrast, higher ‘percentage of forest area’, ‘deforestation for (the production of) subsistence crops’ and ‘harvest of wood product’, each have a negative influence. Overall, results show an already high propensity to conserve forest among farmers (70% of respondents) and indicate their growing propensity toward the conservation of primary forest and management of degraded lands and secondary forest. These results might be attributable to efforts undertaken to reduce the causes of armed-conflicts and ecosystem deterioration, such as enhancement of land tenure security and farmer associations' rules to reduce deforestation. They might also be linked to communities' positive attitudes toward water resources conservation. We conclude that most farmers will not oppose forest conservation as long as it is compatible with their respective livelihood priorities.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of forest biomass is closely related with carbon cycle, climate change, forest productivity, and biodiversity. Efficient quantification of biomass provides important information about forest quality and health. With the rising awareness of sustainable development, the ecological benefits of forest biomass attract more attention compared to traditional wood supply function. In this study, two nonparametric modeling approaches, random forest (RF) and support vector machine were adopted to estimate above ground biomass (AGB) using widely used Landsat imagery in the region, especially within the ecological forest of Fuyang District in Zhejiang Province, China. Correlation analysis was accomplished and model parameters were optimized during the modeling process. As a result, the best performance modeling method RF was implemented to produce an AGB estimation map. The predicted map of AGB in the study area showed obvious spatial variability and demonstrated that within the current ecological forest zone, as well as the protected areas, the average of AGB were higher than the ordinary forest. The quantification of AGB was proven to have a close relationship with the local forest policy and management pattern, which indicated that combining remote-sensing imagery and forest biophysical property would provide considerable guidance for making beneficial decisions.  相似文献   

Systematic comparisons of human dependence on forests and environmental resources have been challenging, as a result of heterogeneous methodologies. Specialized Forestry Modules have been developed, with the goal of filling current information gaps concerning the economic importance of forest and wild products in household welfare and rural livelihoods. Results from a pilot assessment of the Forestry Modules in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, are presented, showing that the Forestry Modules perform well in extracting the expected information: mean per capita forest and wild product income shifts according to the geographical “forest gradient”. Significantly, in the forest-rich upstream village, mean forest and wild product income and mean forest-related wage and business incomes exceeds current mean agricultural income statistics for West Kalimantan and mean non-agricultural rural household incomes in the lowest bracket. Consumption of forest products and importance as a coping strategy was higher in the most upstream village, where sale of forest products in times of shock was more marked in the most downstream village (where forest coping strategies were also least important). The Forestry Modules' detailed and systematic approach can help ensure that contributions of forest and wild products are not underestimated in national figures.  相似文献   

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